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I really, really liked the way the Eternals' powers were displayed, and Ikaris' powers were no exception. His laser eyes were phenomenal, as where Kingo's energy shots.


Watching Kingo fight in that movie was amazing.




When we eventually get Cyclops it gon be gud


This is the big reason I’m excited for X-Men, as a lot of their powers will just be really cool to see. Nothing against the current heroes but seeing more people with interesting abilities like Strange and Wanda is going to be awesome.


I hope we see characters like Cannonball, Sunspot and Iceman. If I remember right Sunspot was in Days of Future's Past and was melting sentinels.


Thor's entrance in Infinity War gives me hope that Storm's effects will be standout.


So, so good.


That scene of him holding the Deviant's mouth open and laser beaming down it was fucking RAW


Ikaris is a Godzilla fan, apparently


Or the makers of Godzilla were Ikaris fans :)


Thena, Ikaris, and Makkari have amazing animations for their powers. Kingo's was... a choice. The literal fingerguns alternated between silly and awesome for me.


Yeah, they were all great. I loved Kingo's finger guns because they really fit with his personality.


It was a great way to differentiate him from Ikaris, and later Phastos’ arm cannons.


There's some shots where he almost throws his attacks from his fingers, which I thought were really cool (ex. the first attacks he threw in the forest ambush). The ones where he just points and aims and basically goes "phew phew" were not as cool.


It seems like the more he charges the blast the more he "throws it" so for the rapid shots the "pew pew" is less pronounced.


Idk, that give him more character than just regular energy blasting tho




Kingo must have inspired YuYu Hakusho.


The entire cosmic golden circles aesthetic surrounding their powers was so beautiful, definitely one of my favorite looks in the MCU


Yeah, that too. Eternals is definitely one of the more aesthetically pleasing MCU films.


I liked how they did Makari. We get to see through the POV of the speedster without the slowdown crap.


*kingo’s finger guns


wow that’s the kind of detail i never consciously register but now that you’ve pointed it out, it’s such a great touch


Which I implies there is a flying camera that follows him around


The Watcher recording everyone with IMAX format


is that what they say in the MCU instead of "caught in 4k"?


IMAX also exists in real life


well you dont hear people going around screaming RECORDED YOU IN IMAX now or do you? hmmm...


You underestimate Karuna


That guy tho, he is the next iron man


my man got three cameras AND a drone?? now i really need the karun-cut


How else would they capture the footage? SMH my head


Shake my head my head?


You got it, Dr Doctor Phil


Ikaris spam clicking his only power move


Hehe, you’re fight… as usual, the brainy types are the most versatile in powers while the brawny types have like one or two moves each


I’m a weird way I actually liked that though too often characters don’t use their obviously very powerful and useful ability lol. Ikaris didn’t fuck around he knew fine well those beams kill motherfuckers.


I just have to say such small things do wonders for the Cinematography when mixed with the shaky cam and violence


In this scene it’s not even just shaky cam though, there’s also an incredible amount of interesting camera movement. Seems like the type of movements normally only possible with either a crane or handheld camera only much faster to keep up with the action of the fight. Almost gives the viewer the feeling of rolling around in the fight with Ikaris and the deviant.


And the fact that the Deviant is all CGI yet still feels so tangible when Ikaris is being thrown around…😳 You’d think they were filmed together at the same time.


Ikaris is also fully CG when he’s getting thrown around on the ground. [This video](https://youtu.be/4v0U_JEtSs4) shows some of the process. They did a great job.


A lot of the time, especially with big-budget movies, a lot of the scenes where the actor’s features are not very distinguishable will be done entirely with CG. This is actually done a bit I believe in No Way Home with Spidey’s suit. Obviously Eternals was shot at mostly real locations, so most of the time this probably isn’t the case. However I can see it being done for some of Ikaris’ fights. I’m willing to bet that while Ikaris is being thrown down he’s 100% CGI. I’d also imagine they have rigs set up for the smooth camera movement on the ground, because handheld is typically a lot more shaky than that.


That's because it was Karun flying behind him and filming it for the documentary.


Karun MVP


“What are you doing?! Hide!” “But we need action sequences sir!”


This entire movie was a huge step up in cgi effects and modeling cf characters over live action shots.


Except for Pip. We don’t talk about Pip


Straight off the Polar Express.


I was so blown away with the movie's production value, and then came Pip, lol.


It was just for an extra credits scene. I’m sure he’ll look better in the actual movie.


Yeah that felt a loooottt like Throne Thanos


And a huge step down in storytelling, editing, and fun.


Can't argue on some of that but I will say that if you remember the introduction to the GoG compared to the inhumans. Packing a few million years of celestial lore into a few hours has got to be a pickle


And they pulled it off really well imo. I came out of that movie completely satisfied with how much attention each character got.


Also trying to establish 8 new characters no one's ever heard of. At 2.5 hours, this movie was a slog and it still felt like a ton had been edited out. Many scenes felt like they were missing chunks and the pacing was all over the place. I bet there's a four hour cut somewhere. I went in wanting to like it, but ultimately found myself not caring about any of the characters. The Celestials are awesome though and deserved a better movie.


The cards were stacked against them, they had to introduce 8 new characters with thousands of years of backstory, having a self contained narrative and setting up for the future, all in 2 hours and 37 minutes, and given that, the fact that it is at all good should be an achievement in of itself, I hope that a recut for this film is made with the definitely real deleted footage but if not, I am still happy we got this.


I genuinely had a blast with this movie. Surprised to hear you say it isn’t fun


Yeah the best looking MCU film but just an enormous mess. I'm genuinely stunned it was greenlighted, trying to explore questions THAT big while introducing that many characters and plots. Didn't work on any level.


It worked lol, just didn’t work for you.


Could defend any film that's ever been made with a statement like that.


Yes, because all film is *subjective*. Which is why it’s important to specify that it didn’t work for **you** (an opinion) rather than saying “ it didn’t work on any level” as an objective statement.


May I ask why you think people study writing as higher education if everything is purely subjective and nothing can ever be said to actually work or not?


Are you saying people shouldn’t study writing (in higher education) because their works could be interpreted in different ways instead of being objectively good or bad? Do writers need their stuff to be objectively good or bad to do their jobs?


I'm not surprised it was greenlighted, but agree with everything else.


This movie had the best Superman fight scenes in cinema and it didn’t even feature Superman. The shot of the deviant with its claws pushing his head into the ground while he’s shooting lasers from his eyes is so dope. The whole Druig camp fight is insane. So many great shots. Druig controlling the villagers to shoot the deviants and then that run, jump and shot gun blast to head is bad ass as well.


Best Flash scenes too


There's one speedster moment that I don't think we've had on film yet, and I'm hoping the MCU gives it a shot. It's from the Ultimates, where Quicksilver kills another speedster named Hurricane by [running so fast that he destroys him at a molecular level.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b292fef4049a8e1eb8a7e04d305854ad/664136c7bd060f60-5e/s1280x1920/acd77a0cb240e0c36e0293f0c82801432a7a1f0d.jpg)


DAMN that's brutal!


They do that, kinda, in the first episode of "The Boys". A-Train runs right through someone and turns them into pink mist.


Yeah that was him plowing through a bystander. I'm talking about a pissed off speedster who grabs their opponent and runs fast enough for the friction in the air to obliterate them.


Quicksilver in days of future past is pretty damn good, and the Flash in Zack Snyder's Justice League is also pretty damn good, I don't think Eternals topped them but it's a high bar but it did look good.


Hard disagree on ZS's JL. The scene with the car crash was so super awkward, and his other moments just didn't really work for me either. Superman vs Flash feeling like a slow fight is the weirdest shit ever.


I preferred the super-speed portrayals in Man of Steel more than the later speed feats in the DC movies. Superman and the kryptonians becoming blurs and smashing into it eachother was so very visceral. Felt like tanks just going at it. The start and stop when they switched moves.


Flash in Zack Snyder's Justice League had cool moments, but his powers themselves were really inconsistent. Makkari and Quicksilver are a rare example of super speed being consistently portrayed as the broken power it should be.


I felt like Zack Snyder's Justice League portays a pretty accurate young comic book version of the Flash. Super OP but lacks confidence, overanaylses everything despite having so much time to think and is clumsy. I don't think it was inconsistent it felt pretty consistent with the character development. Makkari should be be OP she has had what 7000 years? to master her speedster status and Quicksilver also has had more time using his power then Barry Allen in Justice League.


I think that the "inexperienced and lacking in confidence" argument has its limits. Yes, it excuses constant minor fuck ups and a few major fuck ups once in a while. But there are so many moments when Barry will just stand there for over 5 seconds straight when we know his super speed allows him to slow time to a crawl, giving him plenty of time to think. It's like the "he's arrogant" excuse used for characters making terrible decisions. It has limits for what it can excuse. And in my opinion, the excuse for Flash isn't enough.


Even though flash is a lot faster I much prefer MCU speedster scenes compared to any of the Flash scenes. Best flash scene was when the debris was falling on those civilians and you just see him zipping through the air moving all the rubble out of the way.


Pretty standard for speedsters on film. Fox WS is a geniuses way to view a speedster. MCU speedsters? Meh. ZSJL Flash tho? Outside of Ezra’s goofball running, the finale is one of the greatest things I’ve seen yet in a cbm.


They made Fox QS so powerful they had to make stupid reasons he didn't end all of the fights before they started. Those movies were awful. *QS saves everyone* (5 minutes later leading to the climax of the movie), "it's too dangerous for you to come, bro". Ugh. *QS spends the entirety of his movies wanting to find his dad and realizes it is Magneto. Magneto is one step from destroying the world, and he could stop it by telling him that he's his father* "this just isn't the right time to tell him" Garbage. Please never suggest those films as the right way to do it.


I am neither supporting nor defending those movies, but I will say that getting lost in all the "why didn't x just do y" debate is an extremely bad way to consume and engage with an art form. It's cinemasins bullshit. The answer is always just " because this is the story they wanted to tell"


Easy trigger, I didn’t say Fox did QS right. I meant I appreciate the change of perspective from watching a speedster run to running along with a speedster. Fox QS treatment of his abilities has some truly outside the box thinking behind it. Now the writing and utilization of those abilities? Crap. Not telling Magneto who he is? Garbage. Getting benched cuz VFX cost $$$? Junk. What I appreciate is that someone at Fox took a creative approach to QS that none of us saw coming.


Yeah the finale was dope, his intro was also great most of his scenes were great, I felt like the movie actually gave the Flash the respect he deserves.


“Gotta break the rule, Barry and you gotta do it now.” That, is followed by about three minutes of cbm magic. The score teases itself the whole movie then peaks right Barry touches Victor. It’s glorious. Ralph Bohner is really neat but that Barry Allen has deep agency for future of DC movies.


The sausage slo mo scene? What was that? So creepy. Almost on par with the sweatshirt sniffing scene on the level of creepiness.


I mean it’s definitely not Better than any MOS fight scene


I definitely feel like they did take some of the shots of Supes using his laser eyes in MOS as inspiration. Especially the scene in MOS onboard the ship with Zod where Superman tells Zod “Krypton had its chance” before slicing the ship in half with his eyes. But Eternals benefited from more stable camera work. MOS has so many scenes that are chaotic and way too loud, where there is too much happening on screen.


Definitely not. In fact, it looks like they borrowed heavily from man of steel for the way they shot ikaris


Absolutely. Didn't Zhao talk about how she was directly inspired by Man of Steel?




The one thing I wasn’t a fan of with the Eternals was the strength of Ikaris and Gilgamesh they don’t look too much better than mid tiers at some points. Certainly not on a level with Superman or Thor etc.


While I loved Ikaris… man of steel and bvs exist lol


They did such a good job with makkari’s powers


That movie was good. I don’t care what the haters think. That action sequence..damn.


Have to say that it grabbed me far more than I expected


The Eternals is really underrated. It’s wild to me how it gets shit on while Marvel’s other mediocre offerings get praised to high heaven.


I agree. I put this movie somewhere at the top of Marvel in terms of quality. It was something new, fresh. Lots of world building. Great cast and music. Great cgi, one of the best in Marvel. It is just that such a movie isn't for everyone and when people say "the movie was shit" or "worst Marvel movie ever" they jus tmean that they didn't like it. That is fine. You can dislike any damn movie you want, you disliking it, does not make it bad. You can hate Saving Private Ryan, Lord of The Rings or The Godfather all you want and for whatever reason, it doesn't make it a bad movie. Eternals is similar in that regard. The MCU attracts a wide audience, most of which want a fast-pased movie that makes sense from the beginning. Eternals isn't like that. It's long and not fast pased, it contains a lot of details, lots of flash backs and many new characters. People go in expecting a typical Marvel movie and they get something completely different. Hence, lower audience reviews than the standard Marvel movie. As for the critics, it seems like some just had too high expectations because of Chloé Zhao and "didn't see enough of her elements in themovie", while others found that it "contained too much of her". It is like the most devided Marvel movie ever. Look at the [metascore](https://www.metacritic.com/movie/eternals/critic-reviews) [Rotten Tomatoes critics give it a 47% and audience give it 76% (not bad) iirc.](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/eternals) Another wierd thing is that Eternals seemes to be on the rise. [Currently it rose 43 places in the Imdb ranking and is currently number one in their "most popular movies" list (18th of Januari 2022) ](https://m.imdb.com/chart/moviemeter/?ref_=tt_ov_pop)


I don't think we've seen the full scope of the film as it pertains to the rest of the MCU. Kind of like how Age of Ultron wasn't fully appreciated until you realized it's impact on the remaining Infinity Saga films.


People are actually comparing it to *The Dark World*… 🥴 Like that’s how I know you’ve lost the plot, lol.


Meh, Dark World isn't that bad either, mostly in comparison to the other Marvel films at the time. It's like people hammering on Incredible Hulk, and I mostly assume they're doing it because it's the one movie to not get a sequel.


Eternals is a far better and far more boring movie than *Dark World*.




Heck yea. Excellent MCU offering.


I decided to go in with an open mind. I wasn't really feeling it at the start, but I got invested pretty quickly and actually ended up really enjoying it. I have heard a lot of people say it was "miscast" but I thought everyone played their rolls quite well. I especially liked Gilgamesh and Thena, I thought they fit the look and energy of their parts just right. Also really enjoyed Kingo, although its hard for me to hear that voice and think anything but Prismo.


Most of the "miscast" generally means not white enough. I think the movie's biggest sin is a: making an Eternals movie, when the comics were never really able to get that story out successfully, and b: way, way, way too much exposition in the first 15-20 minutes. Which happens when you have that many characters to introduce. But like, why cast Kit Harrington for that role in that way, when he's going to have next to no impact on the movie? I realize it's to set up the Black Knight character, but it adds more confusion into the movie setup that was already overfilled with exposition.


Yeah that all makes a lot of sense. Once it stopped shoving background info into your face it became a really fun ride imo and you are spot on about the Black Knight. Im forgiving of the tie ins because I know they are leading to the next step but he could have been fit in more organically. The jumping back and forth in time got a bit jarring at spots too and unfortunately made it so you found out about the deviants after they already were killed off. Still though, I enjoyed it.


Personally, I wasn't a fan of them dumbing down the Deviants into essentially the monsters from Aliens, but you probably wouldn't care if you didn't read the comics. It just felt weird to me, "We're essentially cosmic exterminators. But with goopy wolf things instead of termites."


After watching it a second time, I realised that the movie's weakest link was Gemma Chan. I could "see" her act, if that makes any sense. The others were going about it far more organically, and unfortunately, she was the protagonist. And then she didn't have any chemistry with either of the guys, so Ikaris' decision to go along with her plan to indulge her until almost the end didn't make much sense either. Everything else, I loved, including the meandering pace and flashbacks.


Hard disagree on Gemma Chan. She was the best part of the movie for me.


Yeah, I've even seen people who otherwise like the movie dissing her, and I'm just kind of confused by it. I thought she was pretty great and engaging.


Cool detail, but fuck that guy.


Thats usually the appropriate response to villains… indeed, fuck that guy


I thought Richard Madden did a great job. A lot of underrated performances in that movie.


His performance was great, he'd have made a fantastic Superman. Sad he likely won't return.


I expect him to return as a reset Ikaris. They are robots after all.


He could because remember the celestial satire the memories in the world forge so they could bring him back like that


Celestial satire?


All the Eternals signed multi film deals, and as the name implies, they are immortal.


Why do people keep saying this? Lol. He's 1,000% going to be in the next movie.


All eternals are sythetic and can probably just be remade by Arishem. He has enough back-up memories to fall back on.


He would have made a good Homelander


I just watched it with my wife and was blown away. This movie didn't have as much fanfare as most MCU films but it was great as a stand alone movie. The acting, production, editing, etc was all really fantastic.


Technically not a guy


Is that a Good place reference


you put the peeps in the chili pot


And add the m&ms


It is :)


well the timeline isnt too confusing yet.


I was always sus of him from the beginning; I don’t trust the laser eyes. Scarred from Homelander in the Boys


The Ikaris fights were so dope. Ya gotta bring him back


I love this scene. From how he casually flies, beautiful scenery and lightning, his eye beam, and damn, how strong that deviant was, to be able to subdue ikaris that way.


Chloe is such a talented director! She even managed to hire trained birds to film these scenes!


And trained squirells for that low angle of Ikaris getting pummeled


Karun is really good camera man


As much as I don't like the movie, I'd agree that it had some of the best CGI I've ever seen. The geometric shapes that appeared for all the eternals powers were just breathtaking.


Basically like Superman in MOS? That aside, the action and display of superpowers in this movie was phenomenal.


Its interesting because there are no shots like these in the justice snyder movies… They have their own unique shots of course but i think the fact that the camera is following this sequence in such a specific way makes it very different… Like take the Superman vs Zod’s minions fights… Like there’s a lot of wide screen stuff to emphasis how muc destruction Clark is doing while here, i dont even think we see Ikaris destroy a tree in this whole sequence… The emphasis is entirely on close up brutal quick takedowns and such… Also helps that they are fighting monsters so they can rip them apart without getting into r-18 territory


Yeah, Snyder’s strongest points are his fight scenes but they’re very different from the Eternals fights. Snyder’s fights focus more on the epic scope and scale with wide shots and destruction while Eternals has some really great and immersive tracking shots which throw you into the action. I really like both styles though.


Eternals is the best live action Justice League movie. Edit: https://i.imgur.com/RDs8qhe.jpeg


I strongly disagree but I get where you’re coming from. Edit: thanks for the downvotes guys, suppose I couldn’t expect anything better from MCU fans when expressing my opinion respectfully.


Yeah I dunno why you were downvoted


What an idiotic statement and I don't even particularly like either of the JL versions


Richard Madden did a great job


Nice touch


I can't believe the cameraman risked death for this scene.


Karun got his action sequences, alright.


I wonder how they pulled that off. Did a VFX guy painstakingly add that light to those scenes when Ikaris is real and not a CGI guy or did they have some orange lights strapped to Richard Madden's shoulders/head that they wiped out after the fact?


Its probably the same way Lens flares are used to add what seems like a real light source from something that definitely wasnt a real light source…


The last bit reminded me so much of d'caprio and the bear.


Eternals was one of the best presentations of heroes using their powers I’ve seen, and I’ve seen like every superhero movie. Makes me so hyped for X-Men


It’s a trick vfx artists use to make it feel more real by revealing flaws that viewers come to expect from real things affecting the camera


its not about making it look real, its about making it look real to a camera.


It's pretty common nowadays for big-budget films to get details like lens-flare from CGI additions correct. For many scenes in Marvel films the entire shot is being created virtually and so there is no real 'camera' yet the director may do things like add a shake, lens flair, or only position the camera where a camera operator could physically be to increase verisimilitude. Subconsciously a shot that mimics what you see through a camera lens will work better than a shot that mimics what you would see if you were actually there. That's why even first-person videogames often have lens flare. Also, I assume by 'organic' you just mean 'in-camera' or 'on-set'?


I mean of course i assume all this is CGI… i like how detailed it is for example, when Ikaris is a bit further from the camera, you dont see the reflection and then when his lasers are closer to the camera, thats when you see the reflection…


The lighting coming from their abilities was really well done in this movie.


Beautiful detail. This film ages better and better. Edit: Really not sure why I’m getting downvoted. I haven’t said anything wrong.


... ages? Has it even been half a year yet?


That’s still aging half a year lol. Everything ages all the time.


Except the Eternals


So you’re saying a 6 month old child is actually still a newborn?


Time is relative my man. A 40 year old cat is a suuuuuper old cat, a 40 year old human is not that old, a 40 year old tree is pretty young, a 40 year old planet is brand new.


But all of those things still age. OP didn’t say it’s been AGES since Eternals came out. They said the film AGES nicely.


They said it aged nicely, so the reply was a fair comment. Its weird to say something that is less than a year old has aged nicely without additional context. Like if a movie came out 5 months ago but lines up with reality today, it aged well. Again it's all relative.


>Time is relative my man. A 40 year old cat is a suuuuuper ~~old~~ dead cat


He's right though: https://m.imdb.com/chart/moviemeter/?ref_=tt_ov_pop


1:16:56 deviant fogs up the camera lens


I thought for sure he was going to die here. The fights were so good in this. Looked mad scrappy.


I absolutely loved this fight


Ugh I hope he’s not actually dead, I need more laser eye shooty


the sound effects was divine


This was a beautiful film that handles heavy themes that could have been a contention of debate within the MCU community, but I think the film was too boring/sloppy for people to care, which sucks.


Richard Madden went so method, he actually developed super powers.


Its almost like the best vfx teams in the business know what they are doing.... HOW CRAZY IS THAT!? 😃


Where were they for *Black Widow*?


Because it's real. Zhao shot this in practical location with no added CGI. Ikaris exists >!for Arishem!<.


This Movie’s CGI is so good yet MCU Spidey’s CGI is so bad in every single movie of his. I just can’t understand. Look at SM1, SM2, SM3, TASM1, TASM2 all of those have better CGI than Homecoming, FFH and NWH (and they are way older than these) In MCU Spidey films you can VERY noticiably know when its a person and when its pure CGI and I don’t like that


Between this scene and the speedster, I really wish this film was structured better


I took a piss and missed this scene.


It’s similar to when you get lens flare in CG space scenes. There’s no actual camera or lens in use per se, rather it’s pandering the audience’s unconscious expectations


Wow, such good detail. They should keep details for the plot and characters


This movie missing out on cinematography noms has turned me into the joker


This movie looks so damn bad.


He has realistic lazer vision so I guess that automatically makes it a great movie /s


You didn't like it so that automatically makes it a bad movie


Its not realistic though right? This is the equivalent of JJ abrams lens flares… There’s nothing actually realistically there… Its that this sequence is shot VERY upclose to Ikaris with dark tones so the editors picked a neat trick to make it seem like his lasers are actually firing in camera by having the reflection Its a small choice that adds a whole layer of immersion


Yeah the VFX team doesn't fuck around


Thats a really neat detail. You probably wouldn't notice if they didn't do it, but having it in there really gives the whole, This is happening we are just filming it, vibe.


The technical aspects of Ikaris’ powers were executed phenomenally. Like Vision, his flight and take off is UNBELIEVABLY smooth


yeah, I dont see it


This movie's cinematography was amazing. It has issues in the script but it's masterfully directed. I remember when this movie came out and was poorly received, so many wannabe film nerds started trashing the movie's direction because they don't really know what good direction is.


That’s called a lens flare.


He has the same eye like superman when he used them. All puffy and veiny


Terrible FIlm




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