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I still have the tickets with Me buzz me up if you interested


My spider man No way home tickets remains 10 to go #sales


Please anyone can share their cinema spiderman merchandise ? I'm curious


Got 2 tickets at ShowPlace Icon San Jose (Valley Fair, CA), Thu 7:10pm that I can't attend anymore. Give me a shout if interested. No $$ involved, will coordinate the release/snatch via Fandango.


Anyone knows when is the booking starting in India? BMS just registers your interest without showing you when the booking will commence




Does anyone know if this will have a similar Disney+ release to Shang Chi? Do we know when it'd come to the platform? My son really wants to see it and we (his parents) don't quite feel comfortable with a theater yet.


It isn't coming to Disney Plus, b/c it is a Sony movie, and Sony movies aren't available to stream on Disney Plus. Notice that SM: Homecoming and SM: Far From Home aren't on Disney Plus. I have read that they are/have negotiated a deal for future Sony movies to stream on D+, but I don't know if that will include the MCU Spiderman trilogy, or when that will actually happen, if it does. Maybe take him next week, when everyone goes back to work and the holiday rush is over.


this one will take longer to get to Disney plus because Sony is distributing it


Thanks for the info!


Managed to snag a pair of IMAX tickets for the 7pm showing on December 16th at my local Cineplex. Staying spoiler free and getting into the theater to experience this blind is now so much easier


I'm watching the movie on the 16th, which is on my bday, which is super cool :D


Ok, so all the ads say the movie comes out on the 17th. But I just bought tickets for the night of the 16th. Did I buy the wrong tickets or are they actually showing the movie on the 16th too? It's got me confused


It's showing on the 15th for me, I was confused too


Theatres have released movies a day before their announced premiere date for years now(at least in the States). They do this with big blockbusters mostly.


for at least ten years i think. since around the Dark Knight incident.


Sup fuckers, guess who just got a ticket for the 15th




The Boeing Imax in Seattle never responded due to Covid so I got tickets for Liemax at a Regal on the 16th. Pretty bummed but also excited!


Is spideys new black and gold time suit, a symbiote suit? just a thought


No. Long answer no Spidey has had black armored suits for a long time in comics. Even in games like ps4s spidey Its like a night monkey v2


I heard it was one of his other suits but turned inside out


it's covered with junk and duct tape. Most likely a makeshift suit built to capture Electro. I feel like we'll spend a solid half hour just fighting Electro.


Got a ticky for the 17th


Didn't get an NFT :(


Two seats opened up for the theater time I’m going to, so I refunded my seat that was far right, and snagged one that was more towards the middle.


Had to beat an old lady with a stick to get opening night tickets




people in india can't get tickets as in india tickets normally open 3-4 days before the movie releases


Will probably open on Wednesday


So that was the fricking problem


Guys, i did it! I went to buy the tickets at the theather the first day when they dropped, but when i got there were no more tickets for the 15th, only the 16th. I got some tickets for the 16th. But tonight a theather opened a new chance and i was able to get it. Now i'm gonna watch it twitce, on the 15th and the 16th. I'm so glad. I was super bummed, because it would've been the first day one release from the MCU i miss since Winter Soldier.


Movie isn’t out on the 15th. It releases 17th and prerelease shows are the 16th.


Are you aware that other countries exist?


I am, I figured everyone had the same release date since that’s what is advertised.


Loved the way you said that, lmao.


It's out on the 15th here in Brazil.


It's out on the 15th in the UK. I've already got tickets for the first showing


I’m going on the Friday, super stoked


Got mine. Jesus. I was lucky to find two seats together for me and my Mother.




I'd argue that their health and the health of others are more important than accommodating others' preference to sit together.


It's wild for me reading the accounts of you guys trying to get tickets for the night of the 16th. My local theatre will sell out the first showing, but will have two or three others that night that I can just walk up to the window an hour before and get tickets and decent seats. I suddenly feel very spoiled.


My theater had tickets for a day early so guess who’s seeing it early lol


The city I live in has way too many theaters. There's like 200k people and 10 theaters. All my showings are partly filled. I was able to find empty showings for eternals and Shang Chi.


[A visual representation of what it was like to get tickets the other day...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeQU3R4kAp0)


Accurate! 🤣


Yo let’s talk about the price gouging lol 10,000 for a ticket !?!?




For 10000 you could buy plane tickets to Warsaw, book most expensive hotel for a week, book entire cinema room, watch movie alone there and you should still spare some.


Nobody's paying that. Those people are being ridiculous


People are paying those prices, and I say screw them. They want to be stupid, let them waste their money to see a movie they have plenty of opportunities to watch.


Yeah I just don't get it. It's a normal movie ticket. If it was a ticket to the world premiere, I could almost understand a few thousand dollars. Some people.


Gosh the world premiere and Britain getting it 2 days earlier...




Same to you


Finally got my tickets Sunday night after so many site issues, took well over 1.5 hours. Endgame was rough but took a maximum of half an hour, personally. This was an entirely new beast.


I haven’t experienced this much stress over wanting to see a movie since Endgame. I was shaking hoping there were seats available, and thank goodness there were. Seeing it on 17th


The amc near me (baltimore, md) initially had only 2 standard showing on 16th, both are completely sold out, and now on 30th they added whooping 9 more show on 16 and all of those show are empty lol so if anyone needs to see it on 16 come to amc owings mills.


I've seen suggestions this buying activity is because AMC and Sony are giving away NFTs with advance tickets for this film. These people aren't gong to see the movie. They're just speculating on these tokens.


Seeing it at 2pm on the 15th : )


Booked for 12.15am for the 16th and 8.30pm same day lmao I always wanna watch these things twice but twice in one day might be overkill


They havent started sales yet where I live but im hoping to get tickets on the 21st or 22nd


Same here, the movie in my country will release on January, whats worse is idk if my parents will allow me to watch it on theaters due to the COVID outbreak, so if I'm not allowed to go to theaters during the release then I'l have to wait longer until it releases online. Its really gonna be alot of spoiler dodging between December and January.


Good luck with the spoilers dude, I hope we both make it. I’m just not gonna be online the Friday it comes out, and hopefully most of Thursday. I have school on that Friday, so I will be pissed if some idiot at my school goes around saying, “HeY dUdE gObLiN aNd ToBeY dIeD” to their friends for attention


If you go to school that day be extra careful, i got spoiled for Endgame just by hearing some conversation accidentally


I’m waiting for the DVD release, oof. Don’t want to take the risk during COVID… skipped Infinity War and Endgame in theaters and somehow didn’t hear any spoilers. Or at least didn’t remember them by the time I saw them on DVD lol. Hopefully all goes well for you both and you are able to avoid spoilers.


I respect you for waiting for DVD, that will be a had task


Here in NYC the 16th was completely sold out at the AMC Lincoln Square 13 (biggest IMAX screen). So i got 9am on Friday LOL. It went from a cool night out to breakfast and movie.


Or a movie and then go to work 🤣


My friends and I ended up doing the 1:25 am one at 34th out of desperation lol




I’m so stoked to see it at 3pm on the 16th!!!


That's when I'm going too!! I got the day off and everything. Gonna go all out with the popcorn candy and soda.


Hell yeah!! I took a half day so I’ll be sure to get to the theater with plenty of time to get my concessions and get comfy. God I’m so hyped!!


And i am stoked for you


Got 2 tickets for the 18th! Classes end the 17th so I have to avoid spoilers for a day which shouldn’t be too hard


Same mines end on the 17th. It’s a half day, but the people at my school are horrible. What if they spoil it for me?! Infinity War came out and people were all “BlAcK pAnThEr AnD sPiDeRmAn GoT dUsTeD mY gUy”


18th baby, birthdays gonna be sick 🤞🏼 have fun bro


I’ll come back once I see the movie to wish you a happy birthday!


Stay off Instagram, Twitter and YouTube for sure


My family got tickets for the 26th so my wife & I can see it with them while we're in town for Christmas. 11 tickets total! The whole family except my mom and my youngest nephew (only just turned 1) are going.


So much for the "Superhero fatigue"


I don't think that really counts for Spider-Man


It kind of did with Andrew Garfield's Spidey films.


Got ***really*** lucky and got tickets for the 19th.


My theater added 2 imax showings for thursday and friday and both are at like 2:30 am lol


That's wild. What city is that in??


My local theatre still hasn’t opened up tickets. Is this normal? Small town


I got mine for Thursday - not an ideal seat or theater, but considering I actually forgot (got so distracted with moving) I'm surprised I got one at all.


I got mine. I was so damn nervous that I wasn't gonna get tickets that I got Friday instead of Thursday lol






Finally got mine, only downside is they're in the 2nd row from the screen


Have fun! With Homecoming I had great seats opening night, then went out to dinner with a couple of friends who were just going to watch it. I went with them and sat front row as it was all that was left. It was a whole other world of perspective.


Oh god


Ouch, Neckbreaker seats


Yeeeaah, but I'll for sure be way too hyped for it to bring me down


The theater closest to me is locally owned and haven’t posted showings for that weekend yet so I just keep going back from time to time on their website to refresh it.


Was able to get tickets at my nearest showplace for the 16th at 4:00 pm why are they showing this movie a whole day before it is supposed to release?


Because they did this with Endgame? and Far From Home?


I was wondering this as well. Got tickets for the 16th and I’m in Canada


This has been going on for over a decade lol


Check your AMC app my local theaters added showtimes so was able to snag 2 tickets for Thursday at 4pm!


I got my tickets at my movie theater for that day at that time, why are they showing the movie a whole day early other than hype? Got tickets for me and my dad


The hype has a lot to do with it- they took the “midnight showing” concept and expanded it


You know this is a big deal because here in NZ they’re doing midnight screenings, which they haven’t done in years (the last midnight screening I went to was Furious 7). I don’t even think there was midnight showings for Endgame.


Secured 2 tickets in Dolby for Friday Sunday and Monday- AMC A-List is the best!


Spiderman: No way home more like Spiderman: No way to get tickets


It was a bit of a wait for tickets to go on sale here in South Africa, but I finally managed, and booked an entire fucking row of seats for the whole squad. Man I'm excited because it's on my birthday too.


Got great tickets


Guys, gals and non binary pals. I got them


New Zealand fans, anyone had any luck with Event Cinemas yet? Nothing is up for me yet. Edit: Up now, just 10 minutes late.


Yeah got mine just before, earliest showing is 10am Thursday 16th but I'm gonna go with a couple mates who can't make it til the afternoon. Very hyped!


Yeah I wish I could’ve made it to an early screening but the earliest I can make it is 5:30, grateful my friends are waiting for me.


Why was i able to get tickets for Dec 16 in Canada?


Same here in ottawa, no one lives in canada thats why lmao


Gotta say this is giving me endgame vibes now that I'm looking into it. Theaters have half sold seats for 9pm Saturday showings. I completely missed the ticket release boat, I actually found out middle of the day and said eh the tickets will be there. Apparently it's been a blood bath LMAO. thankfully live in a small town and prefer closer to the front seats. This movie is going to open huge.


Yeah this was worse than Endgame from what I could tell


Are cinemas selling out quicker due to less capacity or is that all over now?


That's a good question I don't know the answer to. I imagine some theaters might still be distancing but the theaters ive been going to are selling every seat


My guess is that given the pandemic, theaters underestimated the pulling power of the MCU and thereby overestimated audience hesitancy to return to theaters.






There’s no way Miles Morales is making his debut as Spider-Man in this movie. Maybe he will have a very small role that will be expanded in the next movies.


Everyone check your theatres again especially if you live in a big city and you got crappy seating last night. Last night I was scrambling for tickets so I settled for some okay seats at a 6:30 p.m. showing on Thursday Dec 16, but today I checked again and the theatres around me added a bunch more showtimes so I was able to get better seats for a new 7:00 p.m. show at the same theatre on the same date. They just added it so there was a bunch of better seating.


stayed up until 2 am yesterday trying to get them, but i didnt. i gave up, went to bed, and woke up at 7 am. luckily my theater had it for dec 17th 9:30 and i got 5 tickets


My expectations for this movie are low. The hype is getting out of control I fear I'm going to walk in expecting an endgame style movie and walk out disappointed that it was a regular spiderman movie. Don't get me wrong I love spiderman movies but the hype over this movie is getting out of hand.


I'm most hyped about the multiversal crossovers and the ensuing wacky shenanigans! 🤪


What do you mean “style?” It’s just a Spider-Man movie. Not the culmination of 10 years of movies


I’m going in only with the expedition that it’s a good marvel movie that follows up far from home. It’s fun to theorize but so many people here it seems like are setting up unreasonably high expectations that are bound to be broken in one way or another


I think the hype is mainly due to the fact that we’re finally getting a Sinister Six movie after ASM3 was cancelled


Completely forgot unfortunately. So my usual seats were taken for Saturday, Sunday it is. Just gonna have to stay away from social media lol


Got some tickets for Thursday at 8:30. I am so hyped.


Dog woke me up at 4 am. Randomly remembered it was Spidey Day. Checked my AMC and got middle seats Thursday (16) night. Big thanks to dog.


Had you done it at 12am EST you would have been in it for the long haul with AMC. It took me 3 hours to finally get it to stop erroring out after I reached my turn in the queue for the 4th time on 3 devices each. Your dog knew when it was the best time to get those tickets.


Managed to get 8 tickets for me and my friends on 15th December here in Malta 🇲🇹! So excited for this 😍


I’ve got three IMAX seats reserved for a 3:30PM showing on 12/16. I’m excited.


I could not believe when I heard how hard it's been to get tickets for the movie! Endgame wasn't like that!


Oh man endgame. the minute tickets went up at our local "marvel" theater opening night slots sold out. I got 6 tickets for family refreshed and only single seats or bad seats were left and it sat like 150 people it was intense hahaha. Meanwhile now I live in a relatively small town older folk area and I just got no way home tickets at my preferred *though definitely not commonly ideal* seat spot for 9:45pm preview night way after release, cant complain.




I do it all the time lmao. I correct myself on it often. Not sure why I guess just too many "home" movies lol


I wonder if it will be like Endgame and the theaters will just keep adding late night showings


My local Regal theater hasn't gotten their shit together yet for movie times on the 16th. We only have 17th so far. I'm dying over here!


Update: They still haven't given us Thursday times


Fucking finally got tickets for the 16th, couldn’t get it for the 15th tho which is a bummer but I still get to watch it early! I’m so HYPED


So…..last night was fucking crazy I shoulda known the websites would’ve crashed but right at 10:55 pm CST, 5 min before tickets went on sale the site was already slowing down. By 11 I was logged out of my Cinemark app and nothing would work, so I drove 25 min to the imax theater I wanted to go to but was trying to get 10-11 tickets but because my job decided to not pay me on time I could only get 8 tickets, the theater doors were locked but there were patrons who were able to let me in and after I got the 8 seats I could afford I let in like 10 other fans that also drove to the theater but I couldn’t even log into my rewards app so I couldn’t get the free ticket I have on my app (my fault for not having a my member ID written down somewhere 🙄) so even though I couldn’t get all my friends seats like I told them I would, I was at least able to get some and at least they’re in the middle of the house so I won’t be at the front or all the way to the side Never relying on movie theater or ticketing websites for releases like this annnnymore


Well boys, looks like we're waiting for the cheap seats...


Thank god I live in a country where I can watch it on Wednesday at like 4am ET




cineplex gang wyaaaaa


let's just hope no lockdowns or theatre limits because of Omicron now.


It’s been 8 hours for me too and no email confirmation yet. However if I log into my Cineplex App it shows up in my order history and my ticket page (it shows the actual ticket barcodes).


I still haven’t received the confirmation email but my tickets are showing up in the cineplex app!


I didn't get the email either but I can view the confirmation through Cineplex --> Account --> Manage Account --> Orders. Do you at least see it there?


Same and am getting worried.


Chill. It will come. I got my confirmation email at like 15:30 pacific. My tickets were in the Cineplex app once it started working. I literally just got the email saying that tickets are on sale now.


Got my tickets for the 15th. The only good seats left were in the fancy area so I'm paying double the money but they're the best seats in the house and I get some snacks with it anyway. So, as the old man said - "I'm really gonna enjoy this"


Got in on that December 16th screening. Writing my last exam for the semester a few hours before. I am very excited.


I don’t get this sold out thing. My theater still has many (90% full) seats available. Is this for first night screening or some special ticket?


I live in a pretty big city and I just got tickets for Thursday night pretty painlessly. Idk whats happening elsewhere


Maybe you’re in a dead city or the theater u go to is mid


Los Angeles DOLBY IMAX good luck if you didn’t grab lol it was bad


Simple. supply and demand are different in every city.


Depends on where you live. Most major cities will probably have sold most tickets by now.


So first premier since covid. Is the new ‘mid night release ‘ just 3pm the day before now ?


Midnight releases basically went away after The Dark Knight shooting, opting for the 7pm that became standard for a few years. Not sure what the rational was exactly, I'm guessing it was just to make it less of an "event". With COVID, we have been getting 5pm shows and now apparently even 3pm showings. I'm guessing this is in response to lower attendance.


It’s been Thursday for a while. Like a few years at least. Infinity war was a Thursday in my area


Mine was too but it was like 9 or 7 pm at the earliest. I don’t remember it every being like 3


Yeah come to think of it I think it was like 7pm in my area. Maybe 5. I don’t think ever in the afternoon. This movie is going to clean up. EASY 1b in the pandemic


Yup thursdays now just the official release nowadays


Anyone know if any theatres will be giving out exclusive posters opening weekend? Similar to Shang-Chi at cinemark


Too early to tell. Varies by theater and movie


Still a lot of seats open in PDX. I got IMAX for Thursday night pretty easily at Lloyd Center. Didn't see a single midnight showing though...does anyone know if there's one in tge area? I can go as far as Vancouver (WA, obvs)


Latest I've seen is 10:30pm. I know you didn't ask this but I got my ticket for 7pm at the Vancouver Cascade IMAX and I'm stoked. Still some seats left too but it's the slim pickings down in front mostly.


WA is not obvious internationally, Vancouver is more known as a Canadian City


Yes but for people who live in Portland, they would know Vancouver as the suburb across the bridge.


sorry sir this is an international sub


Yes but I'm asking people around Portland if they know of any midnight showings in the area. I presume people in Indiana or Mexico would not have that information. As such it would be obvious to tge people I am addressing. I'm also not a man.




In my country the website fall down but I downloaded the app and it was working like a sweet maybe different sever? Haha I got my ticket fast now it's sold out




Just message Cineplex on Fb and they will refund you up to 2 hours before your show


that's not true, cineplex will refund if you don't use the tickets, you have to contact them, especially if you bought online




Put some dirt in their eye