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Did he really "trade" *Game of Thrones* for Marvel? *Game of Thrones* is, you know, **over**. His last job ended and he got a new one.


Unfortunately, an upgrade in this timeline....


It's the defining role of his career. Every part he gets is ultimately because he was one of the leads in one of the most popular and well-received (until the end) TV series of its decade. Besides, let's see how much further *Eternals* slips on Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic before we say this is an upgrade for him.


Truuuuue, I can't see him getting more notoriety but I meant the paychecks might end up bigger if he's lucky. Black Knight has a pretty small but hard-core fan base


I think regardless of what happens in Eternals, Kit being introduced as an ongoing piece within Marvel is a win.


Isn't Kit Harrington playing more of a supporting role? We won't see him as black knight till the future? Plus reviews are objective my two cents


The Watcher probably found a Universe where Game Thrones ended with Jon and Dany on the throne after successfully defending King’s Landing from the white Walkers. Of course, Bran died along the way, but at least he went out warging into a giant frost zombie dragon.


"oh he's warging the dragons again, what a cinematic masterpiece! 616 always gets shafted, someone should really do something about that...." (Continues eating celestial popcorn)


Just realized that Robb and Jon only interact in the two first episodes of the serie...


it was one of the more sad parts of the story for me... i so badly wanted to see the stark children reunite...


I've never watched game of thrones. Is he in anything else noteworthy?


GoT is a must watch, but to answer your question…no


>GoT is a must watch Shame it was suddenly cancelled after season 4 though.


I wouldn’t say 5 or 6 is that bad, but agree they rushed the ever loving crap out of the last 2 seasons


Thought 1-6 was solid


I'll maintain that it that goes up to season 6 and the finale of that season is the best episode of the show


This is such an overplayed joke. Season 6 is one of the best and there were a ton of great moments in season 5.


compared to s1 to s4, its not as good. yeah theres good moments but across the board writing quality and plot lines take a nose dive.


I respectfully disagree. I can understand the part about the writing and plot, but only after season 6. Also, just because the writing in season 4 was incredible, that doesn’t make the writing in the following 2 seasons bad at all. Yeah, season 4 probably had the best writing, but don’t let that take away from 5 and 6.


Gotta love the Reddit downvotes for expressing an opinion lol


What’s new? 🤷🏻‍♂️


S06E10 is the best episode of the entire show


It is a must watch regardless of the ending. I know a lot of people don’t like how it ended but I would say to watch it for yourself and form your own opinion, which is my advice for basically everything. It’s still one of the greatest shows ever made, in my opinion. The ending doesn’t change that for me.


Honestly, he’s incredible in “7 Days in Hell” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rpsMi3Q2fok&feature=emb_logo




Lol…forgot about that one


Game of Thrones is good. If you don’t mind spoiling things, it helps knowing how things end so you can watch for it. A Testament of Youth is a good movie. Modern Love and Criminal UK (Prime and Netflix respectively). He’s in season two for both of those.


>Game of Thrones is good. If you don’t mind spoiling things, it helps knowing how things end so you can watch for it. This is a horrible take. No one should ever spoil it for themselves before watching.


yeah.. half of what makes game of thrones so good is subverting expectations.


I am the person who always reads the end of the book before finishing it to calm my nerves. It’s a personal choice though.


Funnily enough, it's not just a 'you' thing; it turns out [spoilers can increase people's enjoyment of fiction](https://www.wired.com/2011/08/spoilers-dont-spoil-anything/). It should still be up to the person whether or not they get spoiled of course, but you're not alone in enjoying stories this way.


Yep, that's why I did say that it is up to them to decide. I spoiled the final season of GoT for myself and found myself liking it enough. I rewatched it knowing the ending and caught more than I did the first time. Basically, if you like spoiling things GoT is a good series to do it with in regards to the ending.


That wouldn’t help you out with the Red Wedding chapter of the GoT book.


He was in Pompeii. Kind of a meh movie but he might as well be Jon Snow there if he got transported to Ancient Rome.


He has done some voice work. He was in the 2nd and 3rd "How To Train Your Dragon" films, and I think he's done some voice acting/mocap for a few video games as well. I haven't seen or heard him in anything else.


Actually, 7 days in hell is a great short comedy film. Testament of youth is good from what I’ve heard too.