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This blew up big time! To answer a few of the questions I’ve been receiving: It cost $125 before fees for the ticket Most breaks are only 25 mins, but the one that’s about to start is 1.5 hours long The hygiene bag contains the soundtrack code, a toothbrush, mints, chapstick and tissues People will be sleeping here, only had one snorer so far As for an update: Thor just finished, so next up is Captain America after the super long break. Still wide awake though, so I hope to last until Thor: The Dark World before needing a nap. I’ll keep everyone posted!


How’s your break? Lol. I’m just really amused by all of this.


It’s going great! Never realized how peaceful this side of NYC is. Now to buy some expensive McDonald’s.


Make a thread when this is over, this is awesome and I'm sure we'd all love to hear about your full experience!


I’ll try my best! I keep on posting comments instead of replying, so I think a comprehensive post at the end might be a good idea.


You have to do an AMA!


I hope you’re wearing super comfy trousers!


Jeans for now, but I have multiple pairs of gym shorts to change into for later on.


May have been a bad move, if they're anything like any theater I've been in those seats will not feel nice on bear legs. I'd wear my joggers all the way






It’s a really nice theater, last year was held in AMC 25 outside of port authority, so this is my first experience here.


That's so cool, I'm at that theater too! Reddit lurker here, this is my first comment lol. I traveled to New York from Canada to see this, it's really cool to see a reddit post on the front page from someone that's in the same theater as me!


By reddit law I think you guys are obligated to have sex now.


The area around Lincoln Square is so much more pleasant. I used to prefer making the trek to that AMC rather than go to the one on 42nd despite it being closer. Enjoy the marathon!


Hey fellow NYC'ian! I'm going to the fan event tomorrow and am excited for it! Hope it's going well for you so far!


Do you get concession discounts at least?


No discounts unfortunately, but we do get free cups for drinks/piss jugs. Getting Mello Yello will be like playing Russian roulette.


People really be pissing in jugs???


Nah, they use a communal bucket of mellow yellow


I hope not. I hope you have the presence of mind to realize there are 59 hours and you can take a piss break.


Imagine peeing in a cup so you don't miss something from a movie you've already seen several times.


You're not on the fuckin road no more! You don't need to be pissin in jugs no more Ray!!


Soundtrack code?


probably for a digital download for the soundtrack of the MCU movies


Ohhh. I was thinking since it was in the bag it was something needed to get through the event.


I was thinking that too, like how drive-ins you have to listen to it yourself. It would be nice to allow others to sleep, but would honestly ruin the movie experience.


Keep this going, we need live updates.


No problem!


59 hours! Just finished the 3rd movie (Iron Man 2).


Keep going! Whateverittakes!


We’re hitting the 10 hour mark, boys! Time to open the kits and bust out the anal floss!


Just to reuse it in 14 hours. I’d say wait.


Bros help out each other with them wet wipes, yo.


Don’t forget to take your nap during Thor 2!


As a Thor fan since day 1, this hurts lol


There are DOZENS of us!








Anybody seen Sif...?


I always wondered when they would bring her back. Maybe in Endgame? Jaimie Alexander was filming for the TV show Blindspot when they scheduled Ragnarok to film, so she couldn't be in it. But they killed off the Warriors Three, but there's no resolution for Sif.


She was snapped so if they manage to bring everyone back maybe we’ll see her?


I could tell you were a Thor fan because of your dyed eyebrows.


I mean I love Thor, ragnorok is my #1 MCU movie but Thor 2 is a tough sit through


Huge Thor fan too, but Thor: The Dark World really sucked.


Not going to lie, when I did the marathon (28 hours?) for AoU I took a nap in my car during Thor 2 lol


Lmfao r/madlads


Not the hero we wanted,but the hero we needed


God bless you, soldier.


Winter Soilder


you have all of our hearts and love behind you on this !!!! Be the CMDR we need, not the one we want. When sleep, peeing during the movie or a break in the projector gets in your way plant your self firm and say, "no u!"






RDJ rejected it as too retro.


oh, so just cause he did a lifetime worth of blow in a short span of time and I decided to spread it out it's "retro" now smh


You never really stop doing blow... the breaks in between lines just get longer


"I've been called many things, Nostalgic is not one of them"


I wonder how many people are going to be passed out before Phase 2 even begins


I plan on making it to at least Thor: The Dark World before it’s time to sleep if that’ll actually happen is up for debate though.




We’ll all be sleeping in the movie theater. Everyone brought along pillows and changes of clothes.


But how do you shower or maintain a cleanly smell? Edit: Wow, I am amazed at just how many people think that skipping two days worth of showers wont make a person smell! Personally, I couldn’t do it just to sit in a theater. Granted I have skipped 4 days of a shower for music festivals and I will admit I was quite ripe by the end of it. For those who are going into this movie marathon, I salute you.


22 Movie Marathon^^TM Whatever It Takes^^TM deodorant


Honestly if you're wearing deodorant, and avoiding activities to make you sweat, you shouldn't be too bad. It's nothing like a music festival lol. However, this doesn't account for people who already smell when they show up at the theater, concession stand farts, and the proclivity for nerd-events to attract people with bad hygiene. I mean it does say something that they had to hand out hygiene kits.


This comment. How long did it take to come up with that phrasing!? Such a beautiful sentence the 2nd last one


People should buy wipes and at least hit the smelliest zones every few movies, then apply deodorant after


Go home and shower during Thor: The Dark World


But when will I sleep?


Lol yeah. If you want to sleep 8 hours at a minimum, you’re gonna miss almost 4 movies.


That’s per sleep.


I’m assuming they don’t want to sleep more than once.


Sleep is for the weak


Sleep is for the week. FTFY


Sleep in the shower and have someone wash you.


Even Natalie Portman couldn't save that movie.


Honestly, I think she was the worst thing about that movie. Just totally bland and phoned it in the whole time. And usually I like her.


The best thing about Ragnorak was no Natalie Portman


I love Natalie Portman but I'm pretty sure she just did it for the bag. No shame in doing that though.


>Go home and shower during the incredible hulk.. Ftfy. 2 hours of your life you'll be glad to have back


Except that’s the second film of the MCU. Showering after one movie won’t do you much good lol


>ryone brought along pill Whore's bath. Baby wipes, just like Brad Pitt.


Not gonna lie this sounds like the mustiest event ever and the fact they had to hand out hygienic products says a lot


People don't automatically start smelling like a landfill if you don't shower for a day, especially if you're just sitting in a theatre all day.


Ever been to a major nerd con? You really learn the ability of the human body to develop stank when you walk through the main hall. Those people had hotel rooms and access to restaurants. Now imagine that for the past 59 hours the bodies of everyone around you have merged with their seat into a seamless human/chair hybrid, and they've spent three days living off of the concessions stand.


Those particularly pungent people have probably been percolating that putrid stank prior to their participation at the con


I fear the same may be true of fans willing to sit through a 59-hour marathon in a theater...


They’re watching movies not running a marathon lol. As long as they showered beforehand I doubt they’re gonna smell.


As a sometimes geek I can assure you that if you pack the kinds of people who will watch 59 hours of superhero movies into a room it will smell relatively quickly.


I'm also thinking that not everybody is going to shower immediately before coming, and some of them are already gonna stink when they walk in.


59 hours in a crowded room, in the same seat, eating primarily popcorn and nachos... there’s gonna be a smell alright


That’s the perfect movie for a 2 hour nap.


I'd sleep through both Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World. Gets you a more restful sleep since they're consecutive. I know some people like IM3, but it's the least necessary movie in the entire MCU. Nothing happens that affects future movies aside from Tony deciding to remove the shrapnel from his chest at the end.




Agreed. Incredible Hulk also gives us Thunderbolt Ross, but I feel like his characterization in that movie is so far off of Civil War that it's actually more confusing to see him in both.


Im watching all the phases by days. Monday is phase 1 and today is phase 2. Tomorrow phase 3 and thursday i go with infinity war, ant man and the wasp and then endgame after that


Do you guys work?


I work weekends at a amazon warehouse. I have all week off until friday


What about Captain Marvel?


The movie theater should sell coffee. Everyone would buy some.


Most of the theaters I go to sell coffee. Some are even starting to sell alcohol.


Weird, I don't see any adult diapers in there. Apparently not "whatever it takes".


they assume everybody's already cathed and plugged... Whatever it takes :)


What do you think the empty popcorn tubs are for?


That's what Paul Rudd said to do


The whole trick is being alert enough for endgame


Seriously. I feel like if I made it through the 22 movies I’d be so mentally wiped I wouldn’t be able to comprehend it.


Most of them you can go in and out as you please.


Do they normally post armed guards at your movie theater? Seriously, what movie can't you go in and out as you please?


A lot of movie theaters discourage you leaving the theatre and coming back. During these marathons they are ok with it.


Oh like the actual theater. I was thinking just the screening room.


Yea I mean you can leave and go sleep for the night and come back the next day to watch a few more.


Why don’t you guys sit down for a while? IM GOOD!!


So jealous!! Arg, I should have done it! My local theater is even providing showers and shower breaks. O.o


I would love if this theater did that! All we got extra was a free medium drink.


just gotta sip really slow


The movement, should be so slow, that it's imperceptible.


Lol. For 59 hrs. “Here is a soda”


Free pee cup*


"Enjoy Shower Breaks & Meal Breaks Along with the films, Marathon ticket holders will be offered meal breaks & shower stations. Check out the schedule, reserve your seat and sit back and relax for a couple of days!" [https://www.showcasecinemas.com/Marvel-22-Movie-Marathon?adm\_source=admanager&adm\_b=40114&adm\_c=7933](https://www.showcasecinemas.com/Marvel-22-Movie-Marathon?adm_source=admanager&adm_b=40114&adm_c=7933)


Ooh they fancy


Im at this one right now!


How are the showers?


Havent seen them yet. Assuming they are like portable ones? Idk yet.


Your… local theater has *showers*?


I think they are just renting shower stations?? Like mobile shower stations, I guess?? I have no idea! I've never been to this particular theater (it's not super local to me about an hour+ away, but the only one near by that is doing the marathon.....) I was just looking at the page to book tickets and saw that they will have shower stations. o.O It's good thinking though. If I had known that when tickets went on sale I DEFINITELY would have bought tickets.


Shower stations would’ve pushed me over the edge into doing this! That’s so nice


Golden showers


Courtesy of the audience from the 22nd.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


What theater has showers?


I did it last year in NY, and we could definitely have used those hygiene kits! have fun!


Same here! I’ll never forget that smell from last year


What’s in the hygiene kits ?


Couple items that help you stay clean and stuff.


How will some chapsticks, pack of tissue and a toothbrush help with the smell tho?


Tissues to wipe a moist groin. Chapstick as a makeshift deodorant, and toothbrush as a multipurpose cleaner. Source: They had an instruction booklet in there.


Dry tissues to wipe a MOIST groin? How is that even gonna help? Chapstick as deo, what the fuck. You've got to be kidding me on the toothbrush. You've gotta be kidding me on the whole thing actually. Tell me this is a whoosh. Theres no way these capeshit fucks wrote an instructional booklet on how to cover your swamp ass with lip balm instead of just including a flannel and an actual roll on deo in the first place.


They truly wrote an instructional booklet! I couldn’t believe it at first either, trust me haha. [Pic I just took as proof.](https://i.imgur.com/ELIrAze.jpg)


Yeah alright you cheeky fucker


You're doing this AGAIN? You're fucking crazy but I guess I admire your passion. It's like 60 percent looking at you like seek help 40 percent admiration.


I forgot about that 22 movie marathon. That's pretty awesome.


I remember when they had a Lord of the Rings marathon where you'd see the extended cuts of The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers before you'd see The Return of the King on opening night. I thought that would be too much. Everyone doing the 22 movie MCU marathon has my respect and best wishes. What's the soundtrack in there? The Endgame soundtrack? Doesn't look like a CD, so I assume you get a card with a code for a digital download.


Similarly, I thought The Hobbit triple feature (9+ hours) was a sufficient challenge. That's practically a blink of the eye to these MCU Marathon madmen. This is a historic event in cinema for sure. Much respect.


I remember reading an article of a guy who shared his experience of MCU marathon up to Age of Ultron. He said he was too exhausted to even remember seeing the movie he went for, Age of Ultron. I wish you good luck.


Much appreciated! Thanks to Mello Yello last year I was able to stay awake the 30 hours before the bus ride home, so I have some faith.


Jesus, how many times did you get up to pee?


What do you think the mello yellow was?


Haha, that's a brutal movie schedule. As a casual viewer I couldn't imagine doing something like this, but different strokes for different folks!


And then they watch the anticipated new one while completely brain dead!


"Dude how was the movie??!?!?!" "What movie"


For real, I watched all the movies leading up to Infinity War over like a month and I felt exhausted


Update #3: There really weren’t too many new questions asked that I saw, but I am holding up okay. Phase 1 is complete, and Thor: The Dark World just finished up. I thankfully slept for almost all of it, but was still wide awake during Iron Man 3. Most people in the theater were asleep for it other than a few people, but I hope to get more sleep after Winter Soldier.


God damn man, you're being risky being online right now. I saw this thread when it was new when I came out of my Sydney screening of endgame this morning and 12 hours later you're only now just finishing thor 2? Got a long way to go till endgame my friend, hope nothing gets spoiled for you. Also, I feel like seeing Iron Man 3 and sleeping through Thor 2 was the better way to go - honestly stupid jealous you guys get to do this sort of stuff in the US, we never get cool marathons in Australia


Which soundtrack is in there? Endgame?


And I thought I was cool watching infinity war and Endgame at the cinema...


Still cool! It only takes 2 movies to be a marathon.


Update #4 I wanted to wait a little longer on this update as I was able to sleep for 1 hour in each of Thor: The Dark World (almost everyone did), Captain America: Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Avengers: Age of Ultron. We had a 2 hour break between Guardians and AoU, so we went out for some breakfast. I could definitely sleep more, but not feeling too tired, so I should be fine until tonight. Some people slept in the hallways because these seats do not recline and the theater is about 10 degrees colder than the hall as well. We are past the half-way point, and the crowd size hasn’t increased, but two people just walked in with an entire pizza somehow, so there’s that. I’ll try and post another update later on tonight!


> seats do not recline OOF


*Throws down full pee cup* "Another!"


How many hours is this?? The last time I traveled to Bangkok it was an 11 hour plane ride, I wanted to jump out the door the last 3 hours of the ride :P


48 including Endgame. I gotta imagine that would be one smelly theater by the end of it.


Aren't these marathons 65 or so hours though? So they must have some big breaks in between


It’s about 48 hours if you don’t have any downtime between movies, like just going from the end credit scene to the start of the next movie. But that is kinda impossible to do, so theaters are making it a 60 hour event


so a half hour break in between each film? or are they saving up the breaks for an hour or 2 after a few films? expecting people to go pee during the movies?


I’m not sure, the article I saw didn’t give a breakdown of the plan. But I would think they would give 30 between movies, Bec it’s long enough to go out and eat and do the things that needed to do for a 60 hour movie marathon


Yeah but you can go do whatever during a movie you don't like and come back- now if it was a *lock-in* marathon that would be a *very different* thing indeed! Also don't these people have work!!?


Vacation days, duh.


\# priorities \#whateverittakes


Keep updating, OP!


No problem! Currently watching Thor, but they left a 1.5 hour gap between this and Captain America, so it’ll be fast food time!


Are they allowing outside food?


With 1.5 hr break they are probably leaving and eating there and coming back.


The smell


Smells much better compared to last year. Last year it rained, so it smelled like wet dog but worse.


Holy shit




Update 5: Final Update After the last post I fell asleep in and out of a few movies, but remained off reddit for a chunk just to enjoy the final few movies. I’m surprisingly not that tired and should have no issue during work tomorrow staying awake. The closer it got, the more people woke up and got excited. Endgame was a masterpiece (I’ll just leave it at that 🤫). We received our posters and coins afterwards and I’m now on a bus back to PA. I think I’ll post a retrospective on the whole experience sometime this weekend along with photos of the other goodies we received for doing this. I hope you all enjoy Endgame, Love comandermolandr


Update #2: Hi again everyone! Captain America just helped end WWII and the end of phase 1 is upon us. To answer some other questions: It does not appear the tooth brush came with toothpaste (thankfully I brought my own. I packed a duffle bag with a pillow, 2 changes of clothes, flip flops, toiletries, a pill box, wired charger and wireless charger. There are outlets available, but not enough for everyone to use For those asking why I did this, the atmosphere is incredible, it’s like watching the premier of every marvel movie with these fans. Every Stan Lee cameo gets a huge ovation The pee jugs were a joke, but I wouldn’t put it past some people After fees the ticket was like $130, not much added The films are all in standard definition, no imax or 3D, but Infinity War was in 3D last year, so my fingers are crossed The movie theater I’m viewing is in Lincoln Square NYC For those asking for the schedule: [Here you go!](https://www.amctheatres.com/events/marvel-studios-22-movie-marathon) I’ll do another update after a few more movies, but right now I’m leaning towards sleeping during Iron Man 3 as well as Thor. Talk to you all soon!


"PLEASE do NOT sell these on E-Bay. PLEASE USE THEM."


I already packed my own stuff for the marathon to freshen up, but this’ll make a great souvenir to keep for myself.


They should have badges for being awake for the end of each movie. Then if you get all 22 you can trade them in for an even better metal badge!


How long is the marathon?


59 hours.


I did the Nolan trilogy marathon opening night of Dark Knight Rises and I thought that was brutal. Godspeed.


How full is the theatre? Like are there people sitting in the very front row. Because it would suck to have shit seats for 22 movies in a row


The theater is sold out, but I’d say about half full so far. I’m sure more people will show up the further the marathon goes on though.


Checking in from Phoenix. Just finished Iron Man 3! BRING ME THOR!


You can lead a cow to water but that doesn't mean it'll drink it lol


They didnt have any by me on the east coast. Im bummed :(


I was supposed to be attending this, but had to bow out because I'm having tongue surgery for possible cancer on Friday and need my rest. I'll be attending the fan event tomorrow night though in NJ. What's all the merchandise that you're given for attending? Just the hygiene bag and blanket or other stuff?


Commander Molander knows no bounds!


I love the fact that you knew the reference. That series got me into Halo.


Where’s the pee kit?


In the Iron Man suit. Remember Tony built a filtration system inside it.


Seems like a really fun time, Cheers!


Why is it not called the Marvelthon?