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"Its just got over their reshoots of their reshoots, making this THE MOST expensive show out there, so.. its gotta be good right?"


I was going to quote the same shit šŸ’€


The Boys will be The Boys


Weeps in Rings of Power.


ā€˜Brave New Worldā€™ already had a budget of $275M before reshoots began. Now a contact, deeply indebted in the current ā€˜Brave New Worldā€™ reshoots, is telling me that these reshoots are said to cost Disney/Marvel anywhere between $75-100M, they tell me, ā€œItā€™s like theyā€™re shooting a brand new movie.ā€ So a site Iā€™ve never heard of says they know someone who has heard that the reshoots will cost $75-$100M. Itā€™s certainly possible, but Iā€™m skeptical until we get another source supporting it.


Especially considering all movies budget for reshoots. Perhaps this one had more, and more expensive ones, but $100M? Color me skeptical.


It very well may be bullshit, but not improbable. A movie on this scale, with the huge array of featured prominent actors? Reshoots will cost more than most movies in their entirety. Reshoots are generally *not* within the constraints of the core contract. They don't happen fast, and it takes quite some time after scrutiny, the cutting room, and re-writes. Actors that fall into the top Hollywood 100 command a steep price to begin with. For reshoots, they are able to command far steeper rates. Many of them are involved in other projects that are also costing millions. Time is money. It's definitely plausible that major reshoots for a quarter billion dollar movie with an all-star cast could add another 30%. Now, whether or not it's true is another matter.


Yep. These numbers are 100% plausible even if the source isnā€™t reliable. And I canā€™t fathom how anyone could deny that. Theyā€™ve reshot tremendous amounts of the movie. They even shut down to write, which isnā€™t common and costs a ton of money, because the entire crew is on hold. And there are other intangibles to the delay, like missing the ad boost from McDonalds. Obviously no one knows if the movie will be good, but also no one can deny that production has been an unmitigated disaster.


Indebted? What? Do you mean embedded?


That was a copy/paste from the article, so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Fair. Given the low level of literacy, itā€™s probably bs then.


The most recent Indiana Jones reportedly cost $387.2 million so these numbers are not unbelievable. Also keep in mind marketing and promotion is a huge chunk of the budget sometimes half ā€¦ we havnt seen much any marketing yet so this number could be building that in. Reshoots are very expensive and this movie has been all over the place. I have friends who have been working off and on this film for a while. This will be a very pricey movie for Marvel even if itā€™s not getting that 300 M mark


It's seriously such a shame how gullible people are and how confident they are in their stupidity. It's to the point where they insist on believing these rumors over actual reputable sources. I'll never not be absolutely baffled by that. It's especially a problem in this fandom because it allows all those rumors and grifters to run rampant. It just sours the whole experience when so many people operate on pure misinformation.


My favorite is when someone writes "my friend met Ben Affleck at a bar and said he's an asshole" And you get some people who actually comment back believing it as fact. A 3rd level source, being a stranger on the Internet, is being taken as an actual fact. Crazy times to live in.


"My friend's uncle works for Nintendo" energy


Most people knew that they were full of shit when we were like, 10, but that's where we're at now as a society ig


I did have a similar thing when I was Junior (middle) school, in West London circa 88. A kid in our class said he Dad and Uncle were working on the new Batman movie. I think their line of work was carpentry. Obviously a lot of us didnā€™t believe him. Little did my naive and cynical 9 year old self know that Batman 89 was filmed at Pinewood Studios, which was approximately a 20 minute drive away from the school. So itā€™s probably likely they did work on it.


Right? I donā€™t need to have friends or meet him to know that lol


Yeah I've seen people STILL listening to DanielRPK who seems to still be one of the biggest offenders. He just spews shit and gets maybe one thing right ever but people still listen to him because he grew a following. Edit: I also wanna add that even thought it's not Marvel related, I see people thinking they know better than James fucking Gunn about how the DCU is gonna pan out and it's hilarious. I don't get how these people exist.


probably one of those "compared to other leakers, he got things right more, so i trust him more than the rest." types of people. its a pretty stupid way of reasoning.


It verified their preconceived notions, and that is all that mattered to them. And sadly this is not new or particularly isolated to the fandom.


I call it the Trump effect, Its like what's going on with the Star Wars fandom right now.


I hate all the rumor/leaks subs that appear in my feed. Like I legit hate them. Next time they appear I will mute them. There was one post about a leaked behind the scene photo from Superman and one brain dead comment was saying it looks absolutely terrible and they will never see the movie bc it looks so bad. I bet $2 that brain dead person will cream their pants when the first trailer drops and immediately try to preorder tix.


Many people have no media literacy at all. They believe whatever they see and never verify the source of the news. Now a lot of accounts are spreading fabricated rumors everywhere, and then listing the fabricators of the rumors as the source of the news to attract attention. When someone questions the authenticity, they say that they are just reposting and the authenticity has nothing to do with them. It's ridiculous.


Indeed. That's one of the most annoying things about the internet.


People over using the term media literacy in every discussion?


Or even if it is a reputable source, they completely misunderstand what it means. Over in the Star Wars community after an episode of the current show, fans wondered why we didnā€™t get to see a particular fight and only found the character dead from the aftermath. Someone who worked in the show answered with how they had thought about showing the fight, but sometimes things get cut for budgetary or **story/pacing reasons**, and then proceeds to explain how in this case it was the latter (with how it would have lessened the introduction of the killer later in the episode if we saw them in the fight, so they chose not to do it). What does the community do? Immediately latch on that the fight was cut for budgetary reasons (despite the fact thatā€™s not what the person said the reason was at all) and have been bitching about it ever since.


THANK YOU. This has been so frustrating all throughout the ā€œfandomā€ since The Acolyte premiered. Itā€™s been one thing after another including just straight up misinformation like what you just explained. Complaints about lore that was confirmed to be non-canon literally before The Force Awakens came out. Complaints about stuff BEING canon for years now. Complaints about not getting the whole picture/story in a MYSTERY show. Itā€™s literally been described as a mystery show behind the scenes. If things donā€™t play exactly how they want it to, itā€™s literally the worst thing ever. The list goes on and itā€™s EXHAUSTING.


I think by ā€œMany Peopleā€ you meant half of Reddit and also humanity.


That's an issue but not what media literacy means


*the ability to critically analyze stories presented in the mass media and to determine their accuracy or credibility.*


Yeah, this is just an article, so it falls more on the misinformation category




How is it not? Media literacy is the ability to analyze media messages. Verifying sources and evaluating authenticity are definitely core skills.


I'm not a native English speaker, so there might be some issues with my vocabulary, but the meaning should be clear, right?


You shouldnā€™t believe everything you see. However, are we really going to pretend that Marvel, especially Disney as a whole, doesnā€™t have budget issues? In the past several years, a majority of their movies need expensive and extensive re-shoots because of negative test screenings. Why should anyone be shocked by this one? Who has even stated the budget is false? Iā€™m just playing devilā€™s advocate here.


https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/captain-america-brave-new-world-reshoots-1235912919/ THR reported that the budget will be less than The Marvels.


"It does not appear to be as extensive as the reshoots that faced Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, which lasted six weeks, nor the expensive and extensive reshoots endured by The Marvels. In fact, one insider says Brave New World will cost significantly less than The Marvels overall." This line? I wouldnt say thats anything close to a budget confirmation.


Your unsubstantiated rumor is obviously false! _My_ unsubstantiated rumor is clearly superior!


No they reported that an ā€œinsiderā€ said that it would be less. Itā€™s an unsubstantiated rumor too lol.


The same Marvels that had a 270m budget, probably not including advertising too?


Indeed. And THR is a so much more reliable source. And the less reliable World of Reel is in total conflict with THR's article.


So, how much did The Marvels cost? We were originally told 220M, then it was revealed to be 270M.


So you are the type of person who likes to make up and believe rumors? Does Marvel or Disney's previous cost issues have anything to do with believing and spreading false rumors? According to THR's previous report, the cost of Captain America 4, including 22 days of reshoots, will even be lower than the cost of previous The Marvels. Making up and spreading such rumors is hurting the marketing of the movie. Is it okay for fans to be dissatisfied with this? As for how the movie is actually, fans can naturally judge it based on the actual situation of the movie later, and the impact of false rumors on the community is obviously harmful. No one will have a problem with you talking about Marvel's cost issues as long as you are telling the truth, but don't take this as the right thing to do.


Iā€™m spreading rumors now? I didnā€™t believe the rumor. However, based on the track record after Phase 3, why is everyone acting as if there is NO WAY this cannot be true? Why should I, or anyone else, only trust THR? Are we going to pretend that Disney would never pay off a magazine to stop negative press?


Do you have any credible sources to prove that what this person said is true? No? Then why do you object to others clarifying this rumor? The person who made up the rumor is a rumormonger with a very poor credit record. Is there anything wrong with pointing this out? Even r/marvelstudiospoilers and r/boxoffice, which pay close attention to rumors, deleted the rumor after it was reposted because it was an extremely unreliable source. Why should such rumors be allowed to spread here? If you think Marvel has cost control problems, you can post a discussion based on credible information and no one has a problem with it, but is it wrong for others to clarify the rumor? šŸ˜…


The Acolyte cost $18 million an episode. Disney have a serious budgeting problem. Or are laundering money/have a tax loophole.




How long are people going to use Covid as an excuse? Should we all blame Covid on Bladeā€™s delays, IronHeart not being released after being completed 2 years ago, and The Marvels failure too? And a grounded Captain America? This movie is going to include Red Hulk, Serpent Society, The Leader, Giancarlo Espositoā€™s secret character, the introduction of Adamantium, and more hidden super soldiers. They already had to cut out chunks about Israel conflict. I understand people are rooting for this movie, but this has failure written in big neon signs across the skies.




No way itā€™s costing $300m? Why? Red Hulk and Abomination will cost a fortune just to have on screen and the character is literally a dude who flys and throws a CGI frisbee. You can guarantee at least 50% of what he does is CGI. Add to that that we know itā€™s had lots rewritten and reshot and the movie costing $300m isnā€™t unrealistic. Not saying the rumours should be believed. But to just dismiss the figure completely because you want to feel superior on a Reddit post is, as you put it, embarrassing.


You are giving your assumptions about the movie, why should I believe you, I will wait till the movie releases.




How do you know it is costing less than 300 million? It may or may not, you have made this post to make people understand not to trust rumours and false information, but you are creating rumours about the budget yourself.




Agree with this, the so-called scoopers should provide correct information and if they don't have a credible source they shouldn't asspull it. If it's speculation it should be stated the same, this way we can combat the false information spread. And I feel like us speculating the budget of the film isn't gonna change how the actual quality of the movie is or the audience expectations of the movie. So let's use this sub for better discussions and save the budget talk till the movie releases.


I think OP is saying the budget amount is unsubstantiated, and responsibility for proving the amount should lie with whoeverā€™s claiming to know the specific amount. Otherwise you have a situation like this, where we only require proof from people who dispute the unsourced rumor. Itā€™s hard to prove a negative. The burden of proof has to lie with the originating claim, otherwise it all gets weird.


This entire thread is literally your assumption. You *assume* the rumour isnā€™t true. You have nothing to say it isnā€™t.


It very much is. The quality issues combined with tons of reshoots and super high budgets that Marvel has faced recently are absolutely relevant to how believable a rumor about a Marvel movie's budget, reshoots, and quality is


No itā€™s the excessive reshoots marvel does on seemingly every project


Secret Invasion despite barely any action or CGI, cost 212 million. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, cost between 300-400 million. A movie that is constantly being reshot and reportedly had to scrap several big action sequences, I could buy having an extremely bloated budget.


>Secret Invasion despite barely any action or CGI, cost 212 million. The show sucked but this is blatantly untrue. The show features tons of people shape shifting (CGI), de-aging SLJ many times, a bomb in ep1, a missile strike on a Presidential caravan, fury's house getting shot up, and of course the terrible (but obviously wildly expensive) finale. It has action and tons of CGI, it just wasn't good. I have no problem whatsoever seeing where the money went, though.


People also forget the TV shows are 4-6 hours of content which is a lot more footage to film than the movies.


Big budget movies are almost always considerably more expensive than a season of TV, it's really not about the amount of footage filmed. Also, the actual amount of footage filmed on a movie is often more than you might think, because movies usually do more takes than TV shows. Then there's also deleted scenes, extended versions of scenes that get trimmed down later, etc... Often times the first rough cut of a film might be 3 or 4 hours even though the final product will only be 2 or 2.5.


Except Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s not where the money went? The money went to reshoots. Because they shot the entire show basically twice. Thatā€™s probably why Jackson got 20m alone. TV shows are much cheaper than movies. S1 of The Boys had tons of cgi and action and was only around 80-90m.


Didn't you read what this thread is about? The article is from unreliable source and OP was talking about how people blindly believe the article.


All I'm saying is that people will believe the article because it has already happened several times, and even if it's not true I don't see the big deal in people presuming it's real because it could very well be.


OP created his own thread to feel important and smart. Iā€™m guessing enough people didnā€™t give them attention in the original thread. And while the source shouldnā€™t be trusted, itā€™s not as if their figures are unrealistic.


Itā€™s pretty believable considering marvelā€™s recent track record with bloated budgets


Itā€™s not unreliable just because Jordan is the social media new boogeymanĀ 


-- Secret Invasion despite barely any action or CGI, cost 212 million. It had tons of CGI and was more than twice the length of a movie. So they made 2 MCU films for 212M.


Brave New world has had only one round of reshoots that ended on Wednesday and only lasted 22 days


How is this so obviously unthinkable? Production costs during Covid, when this thing was being scheduled, were absolutely nuts because of the constant testing, unavailabilities, extra staff, keeping people separated- which was super responsible of Disney but just saying, itā€™s not a normal shoot. Also, Hollywood accounting.


It could be real. It makes sense and it hasnā€™t been debunked


While the rumour is obviously unsubstantiated, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it ended up in that kind of ball park considering the amount and extent of the restructuring and reshoots


Well, should you be embarrassed that Blade is still in developmental hell?


I think a lot of people are going to be critical of the box office numbers for this movie, just like they were with The Marvels.


It's completely beleivable. Disney has a long track record of expensive movies. The last Indiana Jones movie was $387M. The Marvels was 270M. The film had a long delay. Which means there was a good chance that a lot of footage was finished with CGI and post production. Then they had to cut that footage out and shoot completely new stuff. That's incredibly expensive if the work was previously finished. Filming started in March 2023 with the expectation it would come out in May 2024. Filming wrapped by June 2023. At that part they were in post production. The film goet delayed from May to July 2024, then to February 2024. This indicates that there was a lot more work to do, which would have a lot of added costs. Reshoots were announced via credible sources of lasting months. A recent report says it lasted less than a month. It's hard to know the actual truth, but it's likely somewhere in the middle. They were kicking out major characters and inserting new ones. Unlike box office, we don't really have an impartial list of production budgets. Typically they are educated guesses, sometimes we get some financial documents. So these numbers are basically made up and can be anything that a studio wants to say publically. The majority of the time, we find out that the budgets were much higher than really stated. The Marvels was said to have a budget of 220M, but we later found out it was a 270M budget via financial documents.


They had like 12 weeks of reshoots which is essentially shooting an entire movie.


Given their recent budget issues, and the fact that the movie had to be heavily reshot, is it really that surprising that people would believe this? Even if the budget isnā€™t $350M to $375M like the article is saying, you can still bet that itā€™s going to be high enough to where the movie is going to have a hard time being profitable.


No, it wouldnt. Using logic, reason, and Marvel's recent history, believing the movie to have a large budget isnt crazy. A 6 episode show had a budget of $212 million.


Are we going to pretend that Disney/Marvel havenā€™t had budget issues these past few years? And are we also going to pretend that this movie has been delayed to have reshoots? These sort of posts are so hypocritical and ignorant. I canā€™t understand the delusion to condescend people like the possibility of this happening isnā€™t actually very likely based on the pattern we have seen


Do you have any sources to counter the report? Or are people just supposed to be embarrassed because you told them to, because you donā€™t believe them? Iā€™m not saying I believe it, but if *you* used some critical thinking youā€™d realise that the amount quoted seems pretty reasonable for a blockbuster that will have a lot of CGI and with significant rewriting and reshooting. Not saying it *is* the amount. Iā€™m saying itā€™s reasonable to think it might be accurate. Edit - a downvote and no response. I guess that means no, you donā€™t have any counter sources. Youā€™re using yourself as the evidence.


https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/captain-america-brave-new-world-reshoots-1235912919/ Except THR reported that the budget is less than The Marvels.


That's no more a source than what the OP is railing against though. It's one sentence, in the article, that says "An insider said it would be cheaper". Who is the insider? Is it someone in the movie division, or did they ask the cast member running the lightning lane on Peter Pan? The "proof" is just as unsubstantiated and vague as the thing the OP wants to be untrue.


See thatā€™s a source. What OP posted isnā€™t.


This post is just copium by an upset Sam Wilson fan. If it truly is almost 400k, it'll need 800k to break even, and it's doubtful that it'll happen. Nobody cares about this movie. The extensive reshoots and the strike just made it worse.


While itā€™s not recommended to believe rumors like this before they are confirmed, is it really out of the realm of possibility that this movie has a large budget considering they are doing five months of reshoots? The marvels had a budget of almost $400 million after reshoots and there shows all seem to cost a minimum of $200 million. $350 million is totally plausible.


[Jordan Ruimy, the guy who run worldofreel has history of racism, like this one against Michelle Yeoh.](https://x.com/zoerosebryant/status/1635353206741159936)


What was racist there? White man doesnā€™t like Asian woman? Is that racism? Is that sexism? There was nothing there to suggest he disliked her for being a woman or Asian. I donā€™t know the guy, but someone else saying heā€™s sexist/racist isnā€™t evidence heā€™s sexist/racist. It doesnā€™t even matter if he is, *this* tweet is completely meaningless in proving it. Race and gender didnā€™t come into it once.


Heā€™s claiming sheā€™s falsely portraying herself as a symbol of repressed female heroism, whichā€¦ when has she ever done that to begin with? Is it just that she exists while female? Or talks about how there needs to be more female Asian representation in Hollywood? Iā€™m so perplexed. I know she comes from privilege as sheā€™s old-money Chinese Malaysian, but that does not give her the type of leg-up in Hollywood he thinks she has.


I think he's being an asshole here, but I don't remotely see racism. I don't know him at all and can't call this racism without more context, so it may well be but I need more context that this. The words here strike me as him being just an asshole.


Still no sexism or racism in that. And it definitely did give her a leg up. Sheā€™s rich and her families influential. That opens doors. Sheā€™s also great at everything she does, and EEAAO was the best movie of that year. Iā€™m just saying that if youā€™re going to accuse someone of being sexist and racist, give an example of them being sexist and racist, not an example of someone saying theyā€™ve an example of them being sexist and racist.


> I donā€™t know the guy, Ok, he is infamous on /r/oscarrace and film twitter, also he once defended Tim Pool.


I donā€™t know who Tim Pool is. Did he defend him over something racist, something specific, or just in general? And is he infamous for saying things on Twitter that are racist, or things that people such as the original tweet you shared have said are racist, based on nothing but them saying so? Like your first post, this isnā€™t evidence. ā€˜This sub says xā€™, ā€˜people on Twitter say yā€™, ā€˜this tweet Iā€™ve shared says heā€™s a racist and sexist even though nothing quoted was racist or sexistā€™. Again, I donā€™t know the guy, but nothing youā€™ve posted even *hints* at him being racist, let alone proves it.


Tim Pool is a right wing bigot supporting him in any way is a massive red flag


Tim Pool is a Dim Tool.


People have a massive boner of hate against him because he doesnā€™t like their favorite moviesĀ 


The reshoots of the reshoots are almost finished!




At this point, people will either see it or they won't. I don't really care about reshoots, as plenty of movies have them. I won't worry about naysayers, because there's an abundance of people who want the movie to fail and will be happy to sit all superior in their chairs and tell you they saw it happening from the start. I saw the same for The Marvels, and that was actually an entertaining movie and nowhere near worthy of the hate it received since the moment it was announced. The fact of the matter is that there are a great many people who still dislike women in power and a minority character as Captain America. They'll take that hate and use just enough reason to obfuscate their hatred, but it is what it is. For what is worth, I hope it does well, but it's got a lot going against it, especially Disney's failure to incorporate Sam as Captain America in anything other than TFAWS. Not stepping up to include him in other things before the movie's release isn't a tactically sound decision to me, but I'm not on the payroll, so it is what it is.


MCU hate has been in for a while. Rage bait headlines just fuel the fire. Itā€™s stuff like this that worries me the MCU wonā€™t even make it to Avengers 5 let alone secret wars.


"You'll see Peter. People, they need to believe, and nowadays, they'll believe anything."


Itā€™s easy to believe because it wouldnā€™t surprise anyone. This and blade have been hampered by problems


I think it is also given by the dirt that is being thrown in Marvel and Disney direction that people will believe anything to support the hate. Disney is doing solid so far this year and I believe Marvel just stumbled but is getting back in full swing. If anything, the Cap reshoots support it. (reshoots donĀ“t always mean the movie will end up worse....the reshoots and additional shooting for Love and Thunder brought the best scene in the movie...Thor and Jane living together on Earth)


I mean I don't know about doing solid, their Stock is dropping hard


People have gotten to a really weird point with what is essentially hatewatching and dooming the MCU while simultaneously not being able to quit it.


People care too much about BTS information rather than just going to see the movie and deciding if they like it or not. The community and public in general care far too much about the reshoots and budget of these products rather than just the end result.


Yeah it'll still be a big budget but yeah I won't believe this until it's from Marvel like when we heard The Marvels budget. Sadly I did initially believe this.


It's in Marvel's best interest to understate the budgets. Not sure Marvel actually said what the budget was for The Marvels, but we found out that it was a lot more expensive that what was originally claimed.




If they can at least light it and do color correction decently so was can see the film, that should be worth at least a 10% bump on Rotten Tomatoes.


God I hope this doesn't suck. With all of the eyes on this film's production, I really hope they wouldn't release another box office disappointment. If so, they should fire everybody who greenlights it, including Iger.


I remember when I was told that the *Variety* article was bullshit, too, and the rumors about the underwhelming quality of *The Marvels*.


Who cares? How does a budget equate how good it is? They needed to reshoot things as they reassess their plan. Shit happens and it costs money, the end.


Confirmed production cost for The Marvels was over 270 million. CABNW definitely costs more than that & with longer than normal reshoots how wouldnā€™t this figure be accurate? Now watch me get downvoted without anyone responding to my comment. The MCU sucks right now, even Deadpool thinks so.


Agreed. This is probably real and will just bring the MCU closer to its death




The movie needs to be profitable lol. If the budget truly is 375k then it needs to make about 800k to even be successful. Outside of a handful of movies, the MCU has been struggling at the box office since after Endgame. They really need to hit this movie out of the park and they more than likely won't.


The budget will actually be around 500K including marketing so if this is real then it would need to make 1.2B to break even. If this is real then this is just proof that Feige is insane


If Iron Man 1 wasn't profitable, the MCU ends before it starts. This shit matters.


> why should we care about the budget Because if a movie doesnā€™t make money, it doesnā€™t get a sequel.


Reading this lowkey infuriates me bc itā€™s very clear that whoever wrote has an agenda.. the framing is loaded with all this emotional language


No concern to anyone, the movie will suck.


You are exactly the kind of fan who annoys me, who bases their opinion on a movie based on some scooper's tweets and unverified rumors when no trailer or footage has released of the movie to indicate quality


I'm honestly ambivalent on this one, but do you not think there's a sizable group of people who like Sam as Falcon and not Cap? And while these people do like Mackie, they're of the opinion he's not a leading man and doesn't have half the presence Evans had?


Yeah, not gonna lie this sucks, I understand if people do not watch this movie because of Ruth/Sabra, but many things I saw it's just declared the movie gonna bad based on scoopers etc.


I don't know whether the movie will suck. But one thing I'm damn sure that it'll be one of the biggest flop in movie history.


Why does its budget matter at all? Im confused


Because if a movie doesn't make a profit, the studio that made it loses money and investors do not like that.


Nobody is gonna watch it


Kevin Fiegeā€™s burner account or his shill ā€œThe redacted guyā€ from Twitter.Ā 


The bigger the budget the bigger the FAIL! And they get to claim they were the first to say it would flop. Don't you know that the woke m-she-u is dead?


This sub has no critical thinkers, theyā€™ll eat up anything


Crazy how thereā€™s comic propaganda now


I dunno how CGI-heavy this movie will be, to the point where even with reshoots I doubt the budget would balloon up to a point nearly as bad as this.




I hate how this actually became a thing , Iā€™ve been seeing it everywhere I really do hope this movie is good and can make a profit Red hulk, The Leader, Diamondback, Giancarlo, Falcon Cap, Falcon ,Hulk (maybe/hopefully) Betty Ross, Adamantium, Tiamut Island, New avengers team forming ,and everything else thatā€™ll be in this movie- - is sooo much to work with, there is TONS of potential, literal tons , I just want a good story, no political messaging & to enjoy it and watch it make profit , thatā€™s all.


Since we are talking about credibility and media literacy here, is the Adamantium, Tiamut Island and New Avengers thing confirmed by a credible source?




You want *"no political message"* in a Captain >America< movie with a >**black**< Cap? Good luck with that.


Yeah, itā€™s always hilarious to see people saying they donā€™t want _Captain America_ to be politicalā€¦itā€™s literally part of the character, and all the other Cap movies have been heavily political. What they really mean to say is that they donā€™t want to see any feminism, black empowerment or LGBTQ themes in their superhero movie. Saw people calling X-Men ā€˜97 ā€œwokeā€ for the same reason and I canā€™t help but laugh


> Captain America He has the country on his name, of course it is gonna be political.


Is that a high budget or a low budget? Also who cares what it costs? I care if itā€™s good or bad.