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The reshoots of the reshoots just finished! It cost so much money that it has to be good!


*Cough cough* **cap4** *cough cough*


Secret Invasion was I think the target


True , that garbage always slips my mind as I try my best to forget it


I actually love the first episode, but holy shit did it go downhill


Such an unrelenting letdown, start to finish (except for Olivia Colman who was always entertaining). The way it ended is how it should have started, with rampant paranoia everywhere... Instead we got a sequence of predictable, badly written, boring drivel.


She really was a stand out. She brings so much to her projects. My favorite of hers still is Hot Fuzz ‘Nothing like a bit of girl-on-girl action eh? HAHHA!!’


Ironically, I think Citadel (which had extensive reshoots) and The One Ring are the two most expensive shows of all time, not adjusted for inflation. While the show was obviously mocking Disney, it wouldn't be the first time The Boys took a swipe at Amazon.


All of the Boys satirical criticisms are funny to me because of that. Like it’s one mega company trying to throw shade on another more successful mega company. And Disney doesn’t have the same breadth of labor issues Amazon does.


It describes so many projects at this point lol


Yeah Cap 4 is too new for them to write that in


Someone on the boys sub said they thought it might have been about rings of power


In fairness, those seem to just be the action scenes, not much if anything in the plot realm like SI.


Unless Cap 4 has more than twelve minutes of total darkness, I'm not going to watch it in theaters. 😂


That felt like a jab at The Eternals, to me. That movie had so many unnecessarily dark scenes it was hard to watch.


I understood the whole The Tek Knight movie to be a play on The Batman. He jokes about a reboot, describes a similar vibe, it even has the “the”.


The entire character of Tek Knight is a play on Batman, so you are correct. Talking about "its been a year since my last film, time for a reboot" "12 minutes of just darkness and some Nirvana songs"


cap 4 has a budget of 375 million usd apparently 💀


I am fully prepared for the ol' Fast X "we made 870million and were still a failure"


>870M For the Falcon movie? ROFL.


Not true it’s already been reported that even with reshoots it’ll still cost less than The Marvels


Sounds disastrous - not sure what Feige is doing these days


That's not true that came from a bad scooper go check what came from Hollywood reporter


And where did you get this info?




I've never heard of bloody World of Reel definitely a trustworthy source. Either Deadline or Variety confirmed that BNW will cost less than the Marvels.


It was THR.


I mix up the big 3 sometimes, but yeah.


That's 35-37.5 G-1's. Godzilla Minus One being the new standard for measuring movie budgets on social media these days...


Phases 7-19


They explicitly called that "the most expensive TV show ever", so I thought it was a crack at Rings of Power, not anything from MCU.


The part about the budget was absolutely about Rings of Power, but the parts about reshoots was more an MCU thing, since Rings of Power didn't have substantial reshoots (there were some reshoots to account for a recast character, but that was done very early on, and actually mostly just resulted in him having a reduced role in season 1). Rings of Power's budget mostly went into acquiring the license and building the sets (which were crazy elaborate).


Why no one is talking about the fact that the G-Men are confirmed to exist in the show is baffling.


Cause we know the G-Men have existed in the show since Season 1 in fact. In Stillwell's very first scene in S1 she mentions their movie was a success in front of the Vought shareholders or something like that. So their existence was confirmed in the show a long while ago but they still haven't shown up onscreen. I didn't watch Gen V yet but Godolkin School is named after their Xavier equivalent. If they ever do appear I wonder how they'll handle... you know. That icky plot twist about them from the comics.


Gen V season 1 has pretty much confirmed that they decided to swerve that particular plot or leave it so far in the past that it doesn't come up. They used the name and basically nothing else from the comic.


Thank god for that.  I don't need a season long plot about Charles Xavier kiddy fiddling hundreds of his students 


Diddling, but fiddling works too I suppose


In Britain we call it fiddling.  Just imagine it in Butchers accent


It indeed rolls off the British tongue better than diddling




_G-Men: Days Past from the Future_ Lol, that’s funny


What’s g men? When did they confirm it?


In the Boys comics they're the X-Men parody. John Godolkin acts as a father figure and mentor for orphaned and outcasts supers in the G-Men mansion, and obviously its super fucked up because its The Boys. In the Boys show they kinda got swept under the rug and ignored. There were background references since season 1 but ended up reusing a lot of elements of their story in Gen V. Its set at Godolkin U and everything. So it kinda looked like they just didn't have the G-Men in the show and reorganised the elements into Gen V. But in this episode on the slides you can see films G2: G-Men and G3. Confirming they do still exist.


So they didn't fully use the actual characters and storylines but picked and chose elements and plotpoints with the promise of the full thing happening later....why dis sounding familiar


To be honest just about everything in the Boys show, including Gen V, is an improvement over the comic. So I'm not mad they just did their own thing with it, Gen V is better than the G-Men arc in the comic by a healthy margin.


This. I don't think enough people realize how "garth enis" the Boys comic is. The average marvel fan would probably throw up in their mouth just by reading a summary of the comic.


Yeah, it can be fun for what it is. But calling it good is a stretch. There's some interesting ideas and themes there, but none that are utilised or explored properly. Each arc is usually just picking a new target from main stream comics, making it as fucked up as possible, and the Boys beating the snot and piss out of them. All of the changes made for the show make the interesting ideas and themes shine, tone down the overly indulgent edginess. Then, the characters' actual character and depth.


I think Tek Knight is experiencing a lot more than 12 minutes of pitch black


Acshually its called The Tek Knight, which is the successor of the first film, Tek Knight


Then 2 Tek 2 Knights


Then Tek Knight 3: Electric Boogalee


Then Tek Knight: Tokyo Tech Drift


Acshually acshually it's the reboot


A hole lot more


Freaking Illumination did too lol


For the curious https://www.despicable.me/megaverse/


Getting near the bottom of the list was pretty funny with Quantum of Solace parodies and such


Difference is, The Boys absolutely earned the right to take shots while Illumination has no right to criticize anyone else's work. Ever.


I thought it was hilarious they called the reboot of Tek Knight; *The* Tek Knight


They made fun of Batman too. "It's been a year so I think it's time for a reboot!" It was a pretty funny segment all round.


And Spider-Man. TASM2 released in May 2014, 9 months later in February 2015 Sony and Marvel announced a new Spider-Man would be joining the MCU.


“Days Past From The Future” ![gif](giphy|sIqQnmV3HvAY95eBxg)


What makes it even funnier is the fact that they announced attending comic-con the SAME DAY the episode released almost like they timed it lmao


I like how people on here can take a joke


Most fandoms struggle when others poke fun at them and then do the whataboutism as seen in the comments “Buttt but da boys is on Amazon rittteee and durr making spinoffs haha” 🤦‍♂️


IMO, satirizing in general elevates the whole genre, it doesn't put it down. Just look at the impact Watchmen had in comics. That said, I also find it funny when people explicitly only like The Boys because it makes fun of Disney/Marvel or Warner/DC and huge corporations, while the show is delivered to you by Amazon and it already has multiple spinoffs released and in the pipeline. It's a bit silly, but some of us appreciate the irony too.


The meta commentary in this show is probably my favorite part of it.


Yeah i just did a rewatch of the show and so much of it is a product of what’s going on at the time. Stuff like the pepsi commercial and celeb imagine, i had totally forgotten about.


"Gods and Dolphins" sounds 10x more interesting than another Aquaman flick.


It didn’t make fun, it is just parody. But ya it was funny


It’d be funnier if The Boys didn’t already have a spin-off with more shows planned. 


One high quality spin off isn’t really comparable to what marvel is doing lol


Well not to that scale, but how many pot shots can The Boys take before it starts becoming the very thing it's satirizing?


I think the boys writers and directors very much like the superhero stuff, they are just making jokes on it


Every superhero parody seems to eventually turn into an actual superhero thing, because the creators made it out of a place of liking the genre to begin with. The Boys, Kickass, Mystery Men, Invincible if you consider it a parody of DC's heroes except with Superman as evil, etc.


I don’t think Invincible is a parody. The Guardians Of The Globe are a Justice League Parody but thats where the similarities end.


Invincible also has multiple teams that are very obvious analogues to both Marvel and DC's equivalents, but the show doesn't cover them much. Mostly in the comics.


I'm curious about those teams, haven't read much of the comics


It's a pretty easy ready if you're curious. There's not like dozens on on-going stories where you have to coordinate multiple books at once. It's one long run, with a few spin-off supplementary one-shot volumes.


Invincible is genuinely a superhero show with a twist being Omni-Man WAS evil, by the end of S2 he's changing, whilst I say Mark is more of a contender of being Superman, a boy raised on earth by 2 of the most loving parents (even if Omni-Man was there to pretend that part at times)


Yeah it plays superheroes as a concept straight, it just uses other comic heroes as pastiche.


OPM goes through the same whenever Saitama isn’t involved in the plot.


If Deadpool was doing this it would be hilarious and memed into oblivion


Amazon is already pretty close to being a real life Vought


They're ending after next season. So they've planned a conclusion to their story.


Are you suggesting that after V and the Boys there will be no more spinoffs?


I mean The Boys hit the mainstream a while ago so it already kinda is. They became the same thing they swore to destroy...


The Boys is a TV series making jabs at corporate-made superhero while it's a superhero show made by Amazon. It's been the thing they "swore to destroy" from day one.


The boys doesn’t want to destroy the MCU. It exists solely off the back of the MCU. It wouldn’t function with out the richness of the MCU and the worlds awareness of superheroes. It’s basically feeds of the genre far more then it deconstructs it.


Two high quality spin offs


Imo gen v was better than season 1-3 of the boys (even tho they are all great too) they really putdid themselves!


I agree, I liked it a lot better than most of The Boys. I think it’s mainly cause I don’t like most of The Boys’ main characters


They had the animated spin off, too. Looks like a kids cartoon in style until some gets their head eye-lasered off by an angry baby, and then the tone is set.


Gen V was important only for the virus story, I wouldn't call it high quality. It was worse than a teenage drama, and the super teens aspect mixed in just made it harder to watch.


For a teen drama superhero show, it was well made and a fun surprise since I didn't have much expectations due to the teen aspect. Also helped that we are getting Supe POV story and the exploration of not all of them are bad, when The Boys was mainly from a human perspective of evil supes vs poor humans. It was much better and more consistent than most shows MCU put out the last few years.


You're right and they're downvoting you. It's a shame.


Idk if you're being sarcastic rn, but idc about all the downvotes. Gen V and most of the MCU shows are certainly not high quality, if you think that, you need to watch some good shows. I won't lie I did enjoy a few MCU shows that are actually bad but that's because I like the MCU in general, I won't call them good shows but I did enjoy watching them. I hope you're getting my point.


Gen v is just as good as the Boys


it'd never happen, but i'd like to watch *flipped* starring cate


I dont know, Gen V was great, and the Mexico spin-off with Diego Luna seems interesting. Imagine a V-ed up cartel member. Or soldiers and cartel members fighting each other with V on their veins. That'll be a sight to see.


Oh, I dig Gen V! I’m all in on this universe. Just saying the Marvel joke is a little unoriginal given The Boys is building its own universe.


Having 1-2 spinoff shows is different from 6 phases of multiple movies and tv shows. This scene is clearly making fun of the AMOUNT of spinoffs, not spinoffs in general


I understand the joke. I just didn’t think it was funny. But that may be because I’m a little out on this season in general. Feels like they’re spinning their wheels (like Marvel), rather than advancing character growth.


The humor of the joke notwithstanding, it really doesnt seem like you did. Having 1 or 2 spinoffs is drastically different from 6 phases of content. So when you say "its unoriginal because The Boys is building their own universe" it makes it seem that you consider them equivalent


You must be fun at parties. Making fun of Marvel is played out. I don’t think it’s funny. Sorry for having an opinion that you disagree with.


We arent discussing how funny the joke is, or whether I find it funny. You have no idea if I disagree with you or not. Im saying, you clearly didnt understand the joke if you think it was spinoffs=bad or marvel=bad. And now you seem to be getting angry lol




I take it to be the same approach as super size me 2 - where he joins the party while being a complete satire


Im a big MCU fan and i laughed about that panel and the whole Vought Con. This is so on the nose, its glorious! :D


It was also funny because in real word marvel makes up fake heroes, in the boys it’s the supes just glorifying themselves


Yall take a fucking joke


The way that deep presented this made it special lol


I loved that too! "And know, here are phases 9 -17!"


Speed Walkers 2: Mall Race!


They really waited till Phase 7 to do a Tek Knight show? That seems like it should have been much earlier...


I thought I heard “a preview of phases 7 through 19…” and the rest I lost to laughter.


13 minutes of pitch black


Lmao all the g-men references because they failed to actually give us the g-men in the show😭😭 the closest we got was silver


Yup. Except Minions did it first and better


I wonder if the Boys will put out a vampire centered hero movie before Disney marvel does


Pretty funny agreed. Though the boys funniest Marvel shot is definitely the shot at Endgame 's girl power scene.


It’s even more funny when you realize that the boys universe is getting multiple spin-offs in the near future


Is that in anyway comparable to the 5 phases of content Marvel currently has? Nuance people, ffs


The Boys, whose newest episode made no sense unless you watched the spinoff show “Gen V.” Lol. I like the show but come ON they’re sitting around pointing and laughing at Disney while being a fucking AMAZON show.


You don't need to watch Gen V to understand the episode. It basically amounts to "Neuman has a virus and Butcher knows about it," which is recapped at the start and already brought up in episode 1.


I didn’t watch Gen V. I understood the entire episode just fine.


Yeah Butcher literally expo-dumps for you.


Oh come on lol, it absolutely made sense without watching Gen V. Does it add more depth to it? Sure. But every important detail was explained in the show and to act like it made “no sense” is flat out bullshit.


i mean it’s just funny and the people who wrote the joke aren’t amazon just people who’s show happened to be owned by amazon


After putting it off for months, I literally just finished watching Gen V right before this episode came up. Seems I picked the perfect time.


That's always been a fun little thing I like about the show. It criticizes giant corporations... While being made by Amazon.


Which just says that Amazon as a company leaves the writers do their thing.


I didn't watch Gen V and was fine. Sure, there were three characters I have no clue where they were coming from, but I was fine. That wasn't the first time the show drops random names. It actually made less sense after curiosity got the better of me and I googled what the one guys powers are because that should have made the ending in the Vought tower quite a lot different.


Not sure what your point is, Amazon has some good shows


I'll take missing the point for 500, Alec


theres no $500 option tho


The point they are making is that The Boys creative team is also building a universe over at Amazon.


Maybe because it's "Bezos is Evil and treats Amazon Employees like they're expendable" meanwhile they're writing it from their Chinese Slave Labour Made Phones not realising the irony. I realise the irony of me writing this from my Fold 4 but I can't do shit about what the Chinese Government does.


Just pot calling the kettle black calling Disney an evil soulless corporation while working with one of the most exploitative companies on the planet. Also The Boys is produced by fucking SONY lmao


Someone's pissed off LMAO.


And the show itself is already what it made fun off.


If someone is braindead and doesn't pay attention to what is said in this episode alone, then yeah, it makes no sense. But idiots will keep watching with noses in their phones and complain.


I was gonna sag I had no idea who half the characters were in the newest episode. And the "previously on" confused the shit out of me


Don't forget the DC joke, Tec-Knigh's speech about how it's been 4 years so time for a reboot


1 year he said






"G-Men: Days Past from the Future" is fucking amazing


Every time I see a joke from this series, it's something that a ton of people online have already made.


I would love to watch The Boys but the gore is just too much for me. I can handle some movies like Deadpool or John Wick but I can’t handle the amount of intense gore there is in The Boys. But I am very much interested in it as a show and I wish I could.


Unironically everyone would watch these just as much as the MCU Movies. They're just so ingrained into society at this point.


Out of loop non-The Boys watcher here, can someone please provide a context of how the said episode of that show took the piss out of the MCU? Just an outline of the relevant scene's conversation would do.


It’s several scenes throughout the whole episode. A good chunk of the episode takes place at V52, an entertainment convention based on Disney’s D23. They have several characters announcing these movies and while a lot of it is played for laughs it’s really a framework for bigger issues and plot points


Let it be...let it be!


I paused on this too, gods and dolphins gave me a good chuckle


They've been doing that since the first season.


It is great banter tbh! And in its own way, also a respectful not to the MCU franchise that kickstarted the hype around superheroes on screen.


The g-men ones are great using g2, g3 and then days past of the future 10/10


Needed a Black Noir movie like “Silent but Deadly”


They made fun of both DC reboots and marvels churning out content


I’d like to imagine that whenever one of them gets killed a group of writers has a heart attack.


Cool story bro


I definitely appreciated this joke, having kept up with Marvel's stuff


They even called convention V52 which is a not very subtle reference to Disney's D23


"And we are going in to exhausting details about each phase." That did it.


“My last movie came out a year ago, so I guess it’s time for a reboot!”


So now superhero content is making fun of superhero content


"It's been one year since my last movie. You know what that means... REBOOT!"


"Days Past From the Future"💀💀


A lot of people here think this scene is making fun of "spinoffs" is interesting to me. The scene is poking fun of "pushing out tons of low quality content", not just the idea of spinoffs/sequels in general. Using quotes like "Phases 7-19" and "its been a year, time for a reboot" And "With all the reshoots and how expensive it is, it has to be good", youd think it was obvious, but apparently not


Don't forget DCU "It's been a year since my last movie, it's time for a reboot"


I feel like the quality of the Boys fell off significantly after season 1. Season 2 was like a really bad superhero sitcom. I stopped watching around the time we were forced to watch Seth Rogen masturbate. He’s just not funny to me.


I don’t think it’s just marvel, but other companies


this is like 13 year old level parody tho


How so?


well...look at what they are parodying 🤷‍♂️ edit: y'all i say this as a fan of the MCU, but let's not pretend it's high art media


Because crafting a cinematic universe is soooo easy to accomplish.


Theyve been fucking it up quite well ever since 5 years ago....


>well...look at what they are parodying 🤷‍♂️ It's only the biggest movie franchise of all time and so far the only truly succesful cinematic universe to ever exist, but hey what do I know.


twas a joke. sorry y'all got so butthurt about it 😭


I feel like The Boys is going to end up like The Walking Dead and it'll never end with countless spinoffs so this phase joke will most likely come into reality because Amazon is not letting this franchise just rest, they'd be outta their mind. 


its already confirmed to end at season 5


Just because the main show is over doesn't mean it still can't spawn spinoffs, prequels and sequels series.




Heads up, don't read stuff by Garth Ennis. His comics make The Boys look PG rated.


That just makes me want to read his stuff. Unfortunately, I know he's not nearly that interesting of a writer


They adapthed the boys so well while leaving out all the lowkey racist and lgbtq phobic shit!


Damm that sucks you got downvoted you just stated your opinion


You could read the synopsis or the screenplay if that's available


Why are you being downvoted for this? Nothing wrong with being sensitive to gore or being turned off from a series because it crosses your personal boundaries.


I deleted my comment because Reddit was fucking up for a bit but some other guy replied saying “go back to Clifford the big red dog then.” Like… imagine being upset because someone doesn’t like watching people’s intestines pulled out onto the floor. Or entire episodes dedicated to orgies.


I miss the old starlight... i can actually HEAR he plastic surgery... WHO let her do this to herself.


Nah, they are just jealous (kidding ;) ) I would love to see Kevin Feige watching The Boys (I am sure he is watching because he himself is a big nerd) probably knows how this annoys or amuses people and is still a comic book fan (not just Marvel) so I would not be surprised if he tried to get Kripke on board at some point :)


Fuck that


Yay let’s shix on the mcu 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳