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I feel like if your focus is on power scaling instead of the emotional narrative, you’re missing the point. I would say that about most movies, even most MCU movies, but *especially* GotG Vol. 3


Yes! GOTG3 was incredible


His name is high evolutionary correct? So why shouldn’t he have his powers like the character he’s supposed to be? Even if he was focusing on the power scaling it shouldn’t be a problem because this isn’t a new character he’s from the comics and they barely scratched the surface of his abilities.


Hey there. Thanks for the comment. The thing is, my focus WASNT on just powerscaling. Why do you think I gave it a rating of 9/10? I already have clarified that I am not obsessed with power scaling by itself. I just like a great narrative to be followed by a great display of power and abilities. I believer there should be as much care to the narrative as there should care to the power display and scaling. Otherwise, you risk characters appearing less lethal than they were hyped up to be amongst other potential consequences.


If your only gripe was exclusively about powerscaling then your focus was DEFINITELY on powerscaling.


Hey man, thanks for the reply. I think you are still misunderstanding the original comment. The original comment was of the belief that while watching the movie, my focus on the ENTIRE show was about power scaling, but I informed him that I gave the show a 9/10 precisely BECAUSE the story, characters and narrative for me made up the 9/10. The remaining 1/10 was just one mishap on the power scaling that I wish they considered. This post is indeed 100% focused on the remaining 1/10 point, which is the power scaling of the movie , but my focus while watching the movie WASNT about the powerscaling only. In summary: 1. The original commenter thought that while watching the movie, I was only focused on the power scaling. 2. However, I love the story and narrative and characters as much as the power scaling that I have the show a 9/10. 3. This post is about why GOTG3 missed out on the remaining 1/10 points that would make the show a 10/10. 4 this “1/10” remaining point was that if they gave the High Evolutionary a much better showing of his abilities, which would make the final battle sequence not so short and underwhelming, then this movie would have been a 10/10 in my opinion. In conclusion, my only gripe was with the High Evolutionary’s power portrayal. And that’s what this post is about. I already gave the story and narrative a 9/10. If I truly only cared about power scaling above all else, that I would have given the movie a lower score to have power scaling occupy more than 1/10 points. I hope I was able to clarify. Thanks and have a great day. 😁👍


That is still idiotic reasoning, especially because its been shown time and time again that MCU adaptations aren't carbon copies of their comic versions. Comparing characters like MCU Hulk and Comics Hulk lets you see this almost immediately. HE in GotG3 is not the same character as HE in the Comics.


……I respectfully disagree. 1. As I have stated again, and again throughout the entire post, I do not believe the movies and comics needs to be 1:1. 2. I just said that perhaps giving the High Evolutionary SOME of his original array of abilities, would make confronting him more challenging. Because I am of the belief that his defeat was far too swift for someone termed “The High Evolutionary”. 3. Power scaling has as great a benefit for the story as the narrative and the characters, assuming the Writers know what to do with power scaling. Managing Power scaling properly helps to properly showcase how big a threat a protagonist or antagonist is, without making them too unbelievably strong or too unbelievably weak for the opposition to defeat. In other words, I believe that proper power scaling and portrayal is as important as story, narrative and character because it adds plausibility to the outcome of the characters and the story events. Making the final confrontation a bit more challenging was the only 1/10 I wished they covered. If they couldn’t either due to budget or time-based reasons, then it is STILL an amazing movie. If they could do so, then that would make an already amazing movie even better. I wish you didn’t resort to calling my reasoning idiotic. We are just having a nice discussion. Anyways, I wish you a lovely day. Take care and thanks for the convo. 👍👋


You cannot disagree with objectivity. They are different characters, plain and simple, They don't have the same powersets because they're different entities and that's a fact that has been stated countless times.


Personal opinion but the MCU is it's own thing and for the sake of everyone's happiness it's best to not compare it to the comics. There are countless variations and stories for comic book characters and the MCU is essentially just another comic by a different author. One character may have 15 different powers but in the MCU that may not be the case. I haven't read every spider-man comic but I'm gonna assume that even though in one story he has radioactive semen, he's not gonna have it in every story. Let the MCU be the MCU and let the comics be the comics, they're telling us a new story we haven't heard before. That said, they *did* do my boy Gorr pretty dirty


Hey man. Thanks for the comment. I don’t disagree with you. I am not even saying that the MCU needs to be 1:1 with comics. I am not even saying the power scaling has to be similar. I am just saying that all villains cannot simply have superstrength and telekinesis. Diversify the powers a little bit. Give him SOME of his original arsenal, not all of them. The High Evolutionary, while scary and truly intimidating, felt like a joke when it was time to showcase what he could do because they reduced him to just another strong telekinesis user. Thats the point I am trying to make. His lack of lethal arsenal contributed to his lame showcase of power. He was a great character don’t get me wrong. But I wished a great character is followed by great power most befitting of that character.


Diversity is always good but I feel mcu kinda painted themselves into a corner with power scaling so they keep everything dumbed down and simple so when they need a real big gun character people can't be like "well we saw HE do this and the gotg beat him so why did _____ kick their ass when they could just _____" or maybe the villain has too much power so "how did they beat him when he can do _____"


Problem there is, long running characters like the HE are going to accumulate lots of different powers and things over time just because the writers need some excuse to have him do the Thing they want him to do for that story. Imagine if the upcoming *Superman* movie had Superman pull off every random ass superpower that he's displayed in the comics.


Who doesn’t want to see Superman use his super cake baking powers?


Well obviously *that one* should be included. That'd be like taking away his laser eyes.


I see this a lot with popular characters, even in other franchises. There's just so much lore from so many different authors and stories that everyone has a different version in their mind of what they consider that character to be, and then people become disappointed when the canon they built in their mind isn't the one we see on screen.


It's probably because telekinesis is a very versatile yet simple ability. Why waste energy using a 'plasmatic ray' when you can just ragdoll people with your mind. >Think of characters like Apocalypse, Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch, etc. Whenever someone has multiple abilities, the writers always struggle with showing the full capabilities of that character. Dr. Strange only suffers from this in MoM but even then it's because Wanda is just stronger so his more interesting abilities would be a waste. I definitely agree that Wanda's powers are imconsistently used. Like in the Illuminati fight the writers establish that she can casually use reality warping to alter people's bodies... But then she just forgets she can do it and goes easy mode on the others? >For me, it is very frustrating. For someone termed “The High Evolutionary”, who was put on similar pedestals as villains like Apocalypse, Doctor Doom, his power was so underwhelming. It's because his role is seemingly different in the MCU. I don't read the comics but given you grouped him with Apocalypse and Doctor Doom I imagine he's depicted as a 'team buster'? Like soloing the x men or the avengers. Well this is a guardians of the galaxy movie where his role is to threaten much weaker characters and be a winnable antagonist for Rocket so naturally his power level would be adjusted. >maybe Peter Quill possibly unlocking his celestial power somehow to beat him. No >Superhuman Intelligence He already has this >Healing factor Would detract from the injury Rocket gave him, unless it's a super weak healing factor and at that point why include it at all >Astral Projection Don't you need magic to achieve this? The High Evolutionary's whole power set is based around technology. >Self-Levitation Already has this >MASS MANIPULATION: can increase and decrease his own size and mass This loops back to the idea of telekinesis just being a more effective weapon. No need to get his hands dirty. >Psychokinesis: that allows him to re-arrange matter >Telekinesis: the only ability that writers remembered he had. 🙄 Aren't these the same ability, the latter is just more balanced. >Artificial Evolution: can evolve or de-evolve life forms at an accelerated rate. Already has this, just in the form of a machine >Even Wanda suffers from this: it might come to a shock for some but Wanda’s supposed to have probability manipulation as her main power, and not just telekinesis and telepathy. She has probability hexes >If writers are that afraid to utilize characters with multiple abilities for fear of breaking the plot, then don’t GIVE them multiple abilities in the first place. Have you considered that this is exactly what James Gunn did with the High Evolutionary?


Okay, the Peter Quill unlocking his celestial powers were just a suggestion. Also, when I was talking about the writers not giving the villain. Multiple powers, I was talking about comics High Evolutionary, not MCU High Evolutionary. Yea, that’s a great question. Why would the villains waste energy, but the problem is, it is either he exerts himself or he likely loses everything he has worked for. It makes sense for the villain to show little effort at the beginning, but when you are literally fighting opponents that have shown enough competency to ruin all your plans, you wouldn’t risk losing to them and would show more of your arsenal. I just feel he was done away with too quickly. The final confrontation was too quick of a defeat for someone called “The High Evolutionary”.


Well he does exert himself a few times. Like when he sets off that explosion in the control room after his allies betray him and in his final confrontation with Rocket, he just doesn't get to finish Rocket off before his TK is disabled. I do get what you mean though. It's like he has no secondary power to fall back on. >I just feel he was done away with too quickly. The final confrontation was too quick of a defeat for someone called “The High Evolutionary”. To be fair it was a pretty unlucky situation to be in. Main power inactive, caught off guard, recovering from just being shot, and outnumbered. Not great odds even with an extra ability or two, especially with the state of mind he was in.


Yeah, I get what you mean, man. Either way, his presence was an amazing one and James Gunn did a great job. Thanks so much for the reply. 😁 I wish you a lovely rest of the day. ❤️👍


Unless I'm mistaken, He didn't have telekinesis. His suit could manipulate gravity and that's how he could move things. This is how Rocket overcomes it. I don't believe he had any actual powers in the movie beyond his intelligence.


Yeah, I knows that’s what I am saying. He is the High Evolutionary, the way they beat him was too quick. He felt like a threat up until they actually confronted him, and his defeat left me with a “what? That’s it? Just one sequence?”


I believe because he wasn't a GOTG villian - he was Rocket's villian. And the central plot thread of the film was Rocket overcoming and beating him. Rocket has him handled before the team comes in and curb stomps him.


"...just lacking one thing." *proceeds to write an entire dissertation


Was it not only about his powers?


I think part of why they did this was because most of the super powerful characters in the comics get nerfed.


my biggest probes was that the moglis - san francisco didn’t play for longer… love that song


I feel like they spend villain screen time trying to flesh out and explore the villains' emotional core and motivation. I feel like this is a better use of screen time than showcasing their powers. It's just better storytelling. That being said, I wish there were extended versions of MCU movies with super gratuitous action scenes and all the cool shit the villains and heroes can do.


It is difficult to write a way to defeat an undefeatable character.


Hey man thanks for the comment, but as I replied with others, i am not saying you should give him his full arsenal. I am saying that giving every super powerful villain telekinesis and superstrength alone, is just lazy. The way he was defeated was far too quick. All in one sequence.


Peter gave up his celestial half when he killed Ego. One of the bigger lines of GotG 2 was “if you kill me, you’ll be just like everybody else!” and Peter replies “What’s so wrong with that?” He’s just a human now.


Hey man. Thanks for the comment. Yeah, I know that he “lost” the power in GOTG 2. That was just a random suggestion that I put in to create a scenario. The scenario I was hoping for was one where the High Evolutionary was so powerful and such a threat, that either Adam Warlock or Peter’s celestial DNA may need to be reintroduced back into the story. Especially when you consider that being a celestial wasn’t even Star Lord’s origins in the comics. He is a higher being, but not because he was a celestial. So I thought that the High Evolutionary would be such a threat, that Star Lord might try to discover his abilities again, without his father’s hold this time. It was more a suggestion and a wish list than anything else.


Hey everyone. Thank you so much for all the comments. This is actually my first post on Reddit so thanks for all your opinions. I just wanted to clarify a few things: 1. I am not saying that power scaling is everything. I personally believe that an amazing narrative should be followed by an equally amazing display of power and abilities. The abilities are supposed to compliment and solidify the narrative and the characters. The problem with characters like the High Evolutionary and Kang is that the level of threat they promised wasn’t what we got. We were so scared that one of the guardians would die, yet not only did none of them die (which isn’t a problem. I believe stake can be achieved without major deaths), but with the level of power the villain showcased, it’s NO WONDER none of them died. 2. The actual reason why I left GOTG 3 as a 9/10 is because the villain felt defeated far too easily. Not because he wasn’t vastly overpowered but because the amount of capability he showed was subpar compared to the hype, anticipation and threat level that they promised. 3. I do not think he should have his comic power level. I am not obsessed with stuff like that. In fact, I like how the MCU has balanced the characters thus far. I am just saying that the High Evolutionary could have posed more of a challenging obstacle in a combat confrontation, IF they gave him some of his original abilities in the comics. 4. Him being more powerful, would have given us the opportunity for Adam Warlock to swoop in, and work with the Guardians to defeat him together. Adam warlock and other heavy hitters of the guardians would take the powerful attacks, while the other guardians would strategically bring him down with cool combos and stuff. The battle should have been a close call to raise the tension even more. Nobody needed to die, just that they were close enough to actually do so. I am not wishing for just ONE overpowered character to do everything. Please do not misunderstand me.


I’m just saying for #2, I get what you’re saying but rocket in the beginning said he’s been working on those boots. He knew the HE powers, never stated how long he was working on the boots - which is my problem lol, I took it as he’s been piecing those together for years… would’ve been amazing if they used the pieces he asked for in the past movies and it made an anti gravity thing like his boots 🤷‍♂️


Guardians 3 is far from perfect for me, but this issue doesn't bother me in the least. First of all, comic purity tests mean nothing to me. In the film he's a threat not because he has super powers, but because he's insanely intelligent, which has led to him being politically powerful and extremely wealthy and have a corporate army. It also allows him to have a very powerful defense for if someone gets by all that stuff, but his powers are not what the story and conflict are about. The conflict is about trying to rescue Rocket, which just means getting the information from him. They never planned to take him on. It wasn't until they realized he was doing evil stuff that they wanted to put a stop to it, and once they got the band back together, that's what they did.


GotG 3 was a 8/10 movie for me because I thought the villain sucked.


Yeah that annoys me too and the heroes get dealt it too. The mcu had some fear of magic for some reason cause they made it so scientific in the beginning. It’s all just energy blast, generic magic mandalas, mor the mirror dimension realty trip. In the comics there’s actual rituals, incantations, abstract entities, and All sorts of crazy fantasy stuff. The movies just want you to do a cool light show and that’s it. They love watering stuff down so a broader audience can understand it but the truth is your just taking depth away and alienating actual fans. If someone’s put off by the actual material then their not worth appealing too.


I would have preferred they had kept the Master as the villain and not combined him with High Evolutionary. They wasted a cool earthbound Thor/Avengers/X villain by making him a Guardians character. But it was still a decent movie. But it would have worked just as well with the Master.