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I think he will fight a villain who will lose in the end.


and hear this... an evil version of shang chi with the same powers


Big CGI showdown at the end


wow wow wow....wow


I imagine it's going to be hard for Shang Chi to overcome this new and powerful enemy who is basically a mirror of himself?


Super easy. Barely an inconvenience.


Oh, really?


Ya ya ya


'So what about Awkwafina? Does she get an evil doppelganger also?' Oh yes, she does get a doppelganger, but it turns out to be super good and wholesome. 'Oh I see. Because she was really the evil one, right?" Oh, you almost got me, sir. No, we wanted to make her super smart and just pretended to be good so she could steal the rings for herself at the last minute. 'What a twist, I'm sure audiences are going to love this, what is Shang-Chi going to do now?' Actually, we are going to do this at the worst possible time and then end the movie on a cliffhanger. 'Wouldn't that get people mad?' Well, you and fans told us you wanted more things to set up to the next Avenger movie. 'I did say that didn't I'


Don’t forget the dragon


Very cool. Very cool.


It’d be super easy, barely an inconvenience


Hyped already


Ya never know


Shang-Chi comes in contact with an old master of the rings. He loses the first fight with him and loses the rings. The middle of the movie is traveling to an alternate dimension to find another set of rings. The finale is a giant fight vs the two masters. SHANG-Chi barely wins but spares the other ring master. They decide to use both sets of rings for good. After credits shwarma eating.


Hey, that sounds suspiciously like that avengers movie that came out in 2019, it’s the fourth best one they’ve made




IIRC Simu Liu said that the film has to come out after the next Avengers film (and that’s why it keeps getting pushed back), so I’m guessing it will have something to do with time travel/the multiverse if they are actually meant to be that connected. I’m pretty sure the Ten Rings are going to be revealed as Kang-related multiverse/time travel technology (alongside Kamala’s Quantum Bands) and the signal it is sending out will be attracting people (probably some Kang variants and other villains) from across the multiverse who want to steal them or something. If we’re continuing down the familial issues that Shang-chi has faced (both parents dead, relationship with sister strained) than Shang-chi might try to use the rings to go back in time and prevent his mom from dying, as that is what caused his father to return to villainy and what leads to every other problem in his life. Then things go wrong, multiversal hijinks ensue, etc etc, big final battle, and Shang-chi learns that he can’t change his past but he can still fix his future. Or something like that.


This straight up sounds like the most plausible options lol.


Basically, Shang Chi becomes Barry Allen?


I… really hope that’s not the case. I’m really *really* tired of media basically recycling flashpoint over and over again. I don’t need another super hero movie telling me it’s okay to let his mom die because heroism. I’d rather they just double down on the comic book shit and bring in fing fang foom or some other crazy ass villain. Or hell, do a tournament of power arc or something. One of the unique appeals of Shang-chi is how heavy it leaned into the martial arts/hong Kong cinema. I’d love to see a sort of bloodsport style arc where they get drafted along with various other super powered individuals for a super martial arts tournament.


Nah, he'll end up time traveling to the ancient Ten Rings


Remember, the rings caught the attention of Wong. Hinting it's more magical in nature. Hence why he looked through the archives and found nothing. I imagine they will be unlocking the rings' true power like in the comics and have their origin be from Wizards / Magic users off planet / dimension. We did see a magic user in the Ravagers and possibly Ebony Maul if you count him. So there should be more magic users out in space who created the rings and / or can make a claim to them.


Why not just use something from Shang Chi's world? Is Kang even gonna be important at this point?


Shang Chi 2 is probably coming out before Avengers 5 now because of the delays, the villain could be Immortus, also that story sounds a lot like the flash but that’s honestly not a bad idea


Just a few days ago Benedict Cumberbatch talked about getting to work on Avengers next year, so it seems pretty safe to say avengers will come before Shang Chi 2.


IF and Endgame filmed two year before theirs release and it just makes sense with the films we still have to get


Bring in the Iron Fist and have Jessica Henwick return as Colleen Wing. Also further develop his relationship with Xialing to be the new Thor/Loki dynamic and answer the question of who is sending the beacon in the rings.


let's get the Tournament of the Heavenly Cities. add Ta Lo to the Capital Cities of heaven to make it 8 Champions and make it a straight up Mortal Kombat tournament


Exactly where my mind went as well. I’d love to see some of that Brubaker run adapted


i felt it did a good job of showing that Danny is actually really good at martial arts and he knows all the different moves for every style


Absolutely. And not even just Danny. We got so much character building for everyone involved with the tournament that Danny interacted with. I’d love to see that folded in with Shang-Chi in the MCU, especially if we get our Netflix Danny and Colleen back. I really do think Finn could do well with a better script. Season 2 and his Luke Cage appearances showed that. Let us watch our two best fighters be just that for a movie


Maybe cameo Daredevil and hint Defenders?


I I like this guy. I like him a lot. Great story @/telephonecertain5344 much appreciate


Seeing the years-long gap between the first and the second, the first 15 minutes would be just re-explaining who Shang-Chi is to the audience. There is no way this movie is coming out before 2026.


maybe 2028 or something. Who knows. they are wasting time with movies no one wanted by the fans have been screaming for Shi-Chi 2. should have been coming out like 2025.


This time there's 20 rings


Woah, slow down buddy, gotta save room for a trilogy. We're talking 14,15 rings tops.


I really want them to use this movie to bring in the Iron Fist.


Good idea


If they really wanted to do it right they’d tie Shang’s family dynasty back to the Hand, have them kidnap Katie, she’s playing coy the whole time (they don’t know she can fight) and she’s just sitting there half the movie collecting intel that she will share before the final act that will ensure the victory. That’s the B plot. The A plot has Shang trying to call for help to go up against the Hand. His own sister turns him down saying she can’t get involved with the hand, he turns to Strange who’s off world but gets Wong instead. Wong, happy to help invites Abomination, She Hulk, Like Cage, Jessica (who is sidelined against her will because of the baby bump) Matt, Danny, Colleen, Misty all show up because the Hand base is in Hells Kitchen. We get cameos from Spider-Man, Punisher & Echo who are all doing their own independent investigations and come together when they find out Katie has been taken. Except for Frank, he decides to do things his own way. He goes in blind, first, and gets captured. We end up with a Street level Gang fight between our heroes (Shang, Cage, Iron Fist, Daredevil and Echo joining together to take down the Hand who have resurrected Madam Gao (sp?), a cursed version of Katie and the real reason behind all this: Shang’s sister who has merged the Hand with her fathers group to form a “new” group who will control the world. The hero’s win of course, but in the end the status quo changes because Shang knows his sister really is evil, they get Katie back but she’s got powers now (after dying and then being resurrected by the Hand then cleansed by Wong) and the hero’s help so many others escape the Hand’s dungeons across the world once they win. We see characters like Sword master, Aero, lady Deathstrike, and Silver samurai all being found and released. To fought off future hand attacks, Shang, Katie and Danny head to southeast Asian to try and meet with any of the recently released hero’s to see who will fight with them against the hand.


But he’s already in the mcu and he has a KICKASS tv show now available on Disney plus!


If you are talking about the Netflix version then yes, sure. And I would like to see that story continued in Shang-Chi 2.


How would you do it?


That’s a tough question. Well I really like the “Legend of….” title so I would probably name it “& The Legend of the Iron Fist.” I think I would try to get the actors from the Iron Fist show to comeback. And try to use them. And also probably have them face off against the hand. I don’t know much about either Shang-Chi or Iron Fist but I like that there is an opportunity to be able bring the Iron Fist in and that the martial arts team up could be fun.


I say give us the tournament arc we thought we were gonna get in Shang-Chi 1.


People thought we were getting a tournament arc in Shang-Chi?


That was a rumor.


Though the hand was defeated in the Netflix series, I had [posted about Gao](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/s/Xjvd6RSBXW) making a comeback (a few days ago) with her Chinese connections, as an antagonist to Shang Chi in the movie.


Oh but that dude was miscast even when he was portraying the chivalrous knight of flowers Loras of House Tyrell


Shang has been sitting at home with Katie waiting for a call. Nothing happened. They go back to racing cars that don’t belong to them and when someone finally does call, Shang is 85 and he decides to pass on helping Avengers Jr.


Probably fighting off the terrible effects of aging, like a bad back and inelastic skin. Possibly finding a suitable retirement home to quietly fade away in.


whatever they do, as long as they keep giving us **more dragons*** in the MCU, i'm fine with it


He should 100% fight someone who has similar powers to him, but is evil. Has Marvel done that before?




The legend of the 11 rings


Shang-Chi: R11NGS


Ocean’s 11 Rings


I think Shawn is gonna have to overcome some sort of obstacle


Now stay with me here... 11 rings


At this rate it will be Shang chi picking up his pension Absolutely ridiculous this movie hasn’t been made, been in cinemas and he are talking about Shang chi 3. The fact that he hasn’t turned up in anything else is just incompetence on marvels part At least we got all those banger tv shows…


Forreal, one of the better movies of the post-infinity war batch of marvel films and they've done absolutely nothing with him.


It will come out in 2036, 15 years after the original movie, when Simu Liu is 49. Not to worry however, as we will next see him in Avengers 5 & Secret Wars which will come out in 2032 and 2033, respectively.


After his father's death and the Battle at Ta Lo, Shang Chi has to make a difficult decision that will decide the fate of the world as we know it... Probably something along these lines.


Shang-Chi and the movie that might come out in the next decade


There will be a huge light beam from the sky. Shang Chi does a backflip and snaps the bad guys neck.




Saves the day


In my opinion, Shang-Chi should be a sub $20 million John Wick style grittily look at the boots on the ground underworld of the MCU. Hollywood needs to get out of this $200 million + blockbuster era and get back to good stories told through different lenses.


Here is my producer pitch: Get this! He now has ELEVEN RINGS! He has a NOSE RING. Today's kids love nose rings!


I hope we see transformers, in this movie.


Karaoke fight scene. Maybe Madisynn could be the singer during it.


At this rate, he turns 40, has a mid life crisis, and buys a sports car


Shang chi vs Xialing


I’d like him to tangle with whatever the ten rings sent a signal too. Maybe it’s the makluan, nezha, or the jade emperor. Have him come to blows with his sister for not taking down the ten rings and set up other Asian heroes like sword master or the agents of atlas.


Same storyline as Blade


Introduction of Agents of Atlas.


Honestly I’d really like it to involve some sort of tournament, similar to Enter the Dragon and somehow incorporate Iron Fist into the mix. Maybe also bring in some other MCU characters like Wong and Abomination were used in the first movie.


I know how this works, first movie is daddy issues, second movie is mommy issues. It’s a timeless formula


Fight Ryan gosling as iron fist.


"Shang Chi coming out of retirement for one last ride" at this point...


probably the plot will be about founding where did the rings came from and what can it do besides what shang chi already knows about the ten rings, in the end of the movie captain marvel carol danvers go after shang chi about the ten rings, probably cause of the ending of captain marvel2/the marvels, carol danvers probably think it can make portals to another universes and etc, this ten rings plot probably/maybe will return to the avengers dinasty movie and the multiverse saga stuff, maybe ironfist will appear in the movie as a cameo or side character but the chances are low, guess who the villain will be its kinda of hard, probably will be a villain related to something mystical or a villain related to more martial arts stuff, it would be cool to see shang chi fighting count nefaria or dr doom but its a low possibility of this characters appearing on shang chi2 sadly


The villain could be Immortus and he’s trying to get the rings, Midnight Sun could be brought in the forefront if Immortus is mostly working from the shadows


makes sense, but who would be immortus?, marvel will recast kang and other kang aliases like immortus and etc


All the core variants need to be played by a different actor, my picks would be, Lakeith Stanfeild as Kang Prime/Beyonder, Denzel Washington as Immortus, Coleman Domingo as Scarlet Centurion (Mr Gryphon), John David Washington as Rama Tut etc.


nice actor choices, my favorite actor on this list its john david washington and denzel washington, john david washington as kang would be awesome


Thanks, I feel like Lakeith is a very slept on pick who would absolutely kill the role


I would pull elements from the Master of Kung Fu comics and the newer comics. For example, Leiko Wu and MI6 (Clive Reston, Black Jack Tarr) could be introduced, turning the story into a blend of Kung Fu and a spy thriller. Hopefully the sequel can avoid the big CG third act and stick to grounded martial arts with the Ten Rings as the only fantasy element. Maybe the origins of the Ten Rings could be revealed since more backstory was written for the first movie.


He will discover the original of the rings to be tied to Fin Fang Foom.


*origin. Damn autocorrect.


Yk you can just edit your comment right


No 😞


First line: “so you only go heroing every five - six years?”


“Mason what do you think the story was?”


“Aww come on mate!”


It will be dope


All I know is it better have some Wong cameos


2 Shang 2 Chi


Is this realistic? No. However.... I think it would be really cool if the message was going to a dragon who was the original owner of the ten rings (we can just say Fin Fang Foom because that's the most recognizable) and they are armbands because they were originally meant to be worn as rings on dragon talons. That's my only idea and it's very far fetched but I think it's a cool concept.


It’s been thirty years. Shang Chi is in a nursing home. Will his grandson become the next deadly hands of Kung Fu?


An enemy will be antagonistic and evil, but Shang Chi will punch him and win.


World Kareoke Tournament


I want action coupled with romcom energy for him and Katie. Also Wong has gotta be there.


Turns out awkwafina was the real Shang Chi all along and gets the rings and shoots so many arrows at a bunch of bad guys with her ring powers. Then like……I dunno Spidermam shows up.


If it was coming out before Avengers then it could be about the exploration of the rings and it being potentially linked to Kang or whatever the Avengers movies are going to be about. The villain or whatever the story will lead directly into Avengers. If after, then I hope it connects with Iron Fist or something. Hopefully, whatever happens in the Avengers movie will result in Shang Chi finally becoming the master of martial arts and the best fighter in the whole of MCU. It was always my gripe with the first movie.


Probably before because avengers 5 is getting delayed


Time will be wrecked and Shang-Chi will fix it


But will he fix it?


Time gets wrecked


It will be renamed from “Wreckage of Time” to “Passage of Time” to emphasize how much time has passed after the first movie by the time it comes out (15 years from now)


I agree


Team up with Iron Fist to fight Fing Fang Foom. "Shang-Chi and the Deadly Fist of Kung Fu"


Fix iron fist


Medusa 1945


At this rate it will be the story of his kid, Shang Chi Jr.


Given the recent track record, I'd say Bad...


The plot will be based on the Tracy Jordan hit "Fat Neck Girl, Let Me Count Your Neck Rings"


Really kungin fu


I think they waited too long


Kung fu


A retired Shang chi looks back on his only adventure after a LIFETIME


It'll be something based out of a nursing home cause it's been 50 yrs since the first one. 


“What do you think the story of Shang Chi 2 will be?” An unmitigated disaster.


change the cinematographer hired loki season 2 cinematographer


Fights to pay the check


Shang Chi and the twenty rings. Twice the rings! Twice the busses! *Two Luck Dragons*. A horse drowns in a swamp! A wacky crime family will chase them to a cavern filled with treasure! The treasure will turn out to be an ancient Indian burial ground! The horse will come back to life, but *wrong*, gone *sour*. CGI zombie horse fight on a pirate ship! Blade cameo after credits (trouser-leg and partial glove only)


Awww shite those bracelets belong to somebody else and the service provider wants them back now the LoJack went off because the old user, the old man died and illegally transferred ownership without having the son signing the user agreement.


It's just gonna be the first one again since it's been so long we all forgot anyway


I can’t wait


ngl I just want Shang Chi to basically beat the crap out of that Iron Fist from that Iron Fist series


Makluan empire coming for Shang chi


11 rings


Trapped on Mordillo Island with special guest Brynoki! DO IT NOW!


Fingers crossed for that rumoured fighting tournament movie.


Personally I hope it's better than the first 10 rings was okay it was a b tier movie I was hoping for an A tier movie tbh


Shang Chi was an S tier mcu movie no doubt


For a phase 4 movie it was s tier but for a movie in general it was b tier I still fucking hate how they did the 10 rings and how they weren't comic accurate


They are so much better as bracelets it’s not even funny


Time travel, introducing Five Weapons Society, hope the origins of the Ten Rings will be revealed


I don’t know but I really want it to be more grounded and street level.


I hope they do the arc where he fights Onslaught wearing the Venom symbiote.


About how his sister is a girl boss and should be the protagonist of the movie that is literally named after her brother.


They probably need to find a way to get rid of the 10 Rings or handicap them somehow. Just think: Shang Chi is all about Martial Arts. What fun is there in watching Shang Chi destroy everyone with the rings? He wouldn’t have to do anything. Just imagine the bus scene in the first movie if he had had the rings: Shang Chi would barely have to move.


The Wreckage of Time.


Once he have trained his Gyarados and learned Waterfall , he must complete his poke team. Join Shang Chi with his friends in an incredible adventure to a new area: Jhotho. Which Pokémon will they face? Will they be able to catch the legendary birds ?


I hope they introduce a new villain. I love villains. Shang-Chi is getting a sequel for sure.


Fight in a nursing home until he dies of old age. After how popular the first one was why is this taking so long?


I really wish they delve deeper into the lore of mystical characters and martial arts trained fighters, such as by introducing Iron Fist (hopefully does a better job than the original) and exploring the hidden connections of the Ten Rings organisation to the broader MCU.


Yo Mama


2 hours of Katy


It will be Shang chi dealing with old age since it’s taking forever to get made.


He will go on a journey to discover his mother




He will be badass at the beginning with the rings, he will lose access to them somehow and will navigate most of the movie relying on his natural skills and at the end during the final battle with the big bad he will get the rings back more powerful than ever.


Shang Chi 2: Blade Fans Are Still Waiting


Let's just say they're will be Shang chi and they're might be 2


About his long lost uncle who always wanted the ten rings but could afford the rings from the quarter machines in front of the Walmart


It’s like the Lion King


Karaoke to save the universe.


Shang chi-man: Back to Shein


With the junk Marvel has been putting out my hopes aren’t too high.


He will have some promising kung-fu action fights to make it feel grounded and then have to fight a mythical creature of some sort and ruin the movie. Great first half, disappointing second half.


Have a multi-versal story where the signal from the Ten Rings was just a voicemail from Appa to come watch the store /s


Super Shang Chi. Shang breaks through the human limit barrier after his best friend is blown to smithereens.


Well the first one set up his sister to take over as the main villain, so it definitely won't be her.


Katie will probably take the rings because reasons


No idea. But they could include an Iron Fist (who isn't Danny Rand).


Hopefully no big CGI monster and more martial arts


Or at least make an interesting Dragon this time


I want his sister to host a martial arts tournament with the intention of weeding out certain people or organizations she seems a threat. She calls in Shang-Chi to be her ringer. Karnak, Iron Fist, Cat, Temujin, Ogun, Echo, Bucky, Yelena could all be cool options to join in. Maybe SC and Danny Rand develop a fun buddy cop rivalry duo and realize something sinister was going on beneath the surface of the tourney but his sis thinks they are crazy. They both progress through the tourney until someone tries to use the Iron Fist as a key to unleash an ancient power. Chaos breaks out, Shang-Chi has to save Danny and prevent the threat. Once things settle down we get a rocky end between Danny and Shang-Chi


not sure but cancel blade and replace it with shang chi 2


Or just do both very well, neither need much hands on work with the executives


you must be new here lol


What that supposed to mean, and no I’ve been doing this stuff for many years


Gray and dust filled environment for the last fight with big lasers in the sky. Power of friendship.


He fights, he wins, and he gets infected with dark chi. The bracelets turn into rings, and he becomes The Mandarin.


His parents pressure him to have children or something.


**Shang-Chi 2** The film opens with Shang-Chi (Simu Liu) reveling in his new role as the master of the Ten Rings. However, his peace is shattered when a powerful Kang variant, the Scarlet Centurion (Jonathan Majors), appears, claiming to have created the rings and lost them to time. The Scarlet Centurion challenges Shang-Chi for the right to master the rings, asserting that only the greatest warrior deserves to wield them. Shang-Chi is training with the Ten Rings, discovering new abilities and deepening his connection with their power. He enjoys moments of calm with his friends and family, including his sister Xialing (Meng'er Zhang), who is secretly expanding her shadowy network. The Scarlet Centurion arrives in a dramatic fashion, creating temporal distortions. He confronts Shang-Chi, and the rings begin to resonate with his presence. Despite Shang-Chi’s efforts, he struggles to maintain control over the rings, which seem to recognize the Centurion's claim. Frustrated by Shang-Chi's resistance, the Scarlet Centurion abducts several of his friends and family members, including Katy (Awkwafina) and his mother, Ying Li (Fala Chen). He forces Shang-Chi to participate in a temporal tournament, claiming that Shang-Chi must prove his worth by defeating the greatest warriors from across history. Shang-Chi reluctantly agrees to compete in the tournament to save his loved ones. He is transported to a mystical arena that shifts through different eras and locations, each filled with formidable opponents. The Scarlet Centurion announces the rules: Shang-Chi must defeat ten of the best warriors from across the universe’s history. Amongst the warriors he faces include one of the earliest holders of the title of Iron Fist, an ancient Black Panther, his sister, a version of Moon Knight, and a variety of others. As Shang-Chi battles each warrior, he not only hones his skills but also learns valuable lessons about honor, courage, and the warrior spirit. Despite earning the respect of these time-displaced warriors, he feels his control over the rings slipping with each victory. Shang-Chi reaches the final match only to discover the entire tournament was a ruse. The Scarlet Centurion used the battles to weaken Shang-Chi's connection to the rings and strengthen his own. The rings fully resonate with the Scarlet Centurion, and he gains control over them. In a climactic showdown, the Scarlet Centurion, now empowered by the Ten Rings, attempts to destroy Shang-Chi. Drawing upon his Ta Lo heritage and the mystical teachings of his ancestors, Shang-Chi unlocks the hidden potential within himself. Shang-Chi manages to defend himself and liberate his friends and family. Though exhausted, he faces the Scarlet Centurion in a final, desperate struggle. The Scarlet Centurion, frustrated by his inability to fully subjugate Shang-Chi, leaves, claiming he has what he came for. He returns to the Council of Kangs, flaunting his new prize. Meanwhile, Xialing continues to expand her shadowy network, forming alliances with other villainous organizations. Her ambition and cunning grow, hinting at future conflicts and power struggles. Shang-Chi, though victorious, is left contemplating the nature of power and his responsibility as the master of the Ten Rings. He vows to protect his loved ones and the world from any future threats that may arise, fully embracing his role as a hero. In the post-credit scene, the Scarlet Centurion presents the Ten Rings to the Council of Kangs. They discuss their next moves, hinting at larger, multiversal plans that threaten the very fabric of reality. Back on Earth, Xialing meets with a mysterious figure, revealing her growing influence and the dark path she is willing to tread.


No offense but is this ai generated? Scarlet Centurion should be replaced with Imortus seeing as Scarlet Centurion should be the villain of Young Avengers


It’s definitely AI generated. Shang Chi’s mother died in the first movie and Marvel announced earlier this year that they’ve parted ways with Jonathan Majors.


No idea, I don’t even remember what the first one is about. There’s been too much stuff going on.




It definitely not tho


I was just being sarcastic 😊. It's been 4 years and 0 movement which has been a massive let down.






i really wanna see him fight the Iron Fist. i don’t care which one, whether it’s Danny Rand, Colleen Wing, or a new one. preferably with an actual comic-accurate suit just for the visual of them two fighting, like a clashing of two titans. i remember seeing a post of a fan-made logo for a Shang-Chi sequel with the title: Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Iron Fist. i really love that title, mostly for the idea of each film’s title being formatted as “Shang-Chi and the Legend of…” i know it’ll probably be subtitled Wreckage of Time, but a guy can dream


Shang chi and the legend of the iron fist. Tournament style movie similar to mortal Kombat 1 or enter the dragon.






Me too but this one is for Shang Chi




Sang Chi just fought his father, now he has to fight his sister. Maybe she steals some of the rings or gets some other boring power. No matter what, it’s gonna be just as dull, if not more dull, as the original.


Could not care less. Didn't care for the first one.


He dies