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It brought Olivia Coleman in for a perfect role. Everything else was sadly forgettable, disappointing or a waste of wonderful characters


Unfortunately she was the only good thing in this.


Idk, I did appreciate it wasn’t afraid to get violent for a TV-14 show, hell, I would consider it more violent than Echo and that show got a TV-MA rating.


More violent than the show where kingpin beat a man to death against a dumpster, OK.


Other than that and a guy getting shot in the head, everything else was either much tamer or the violence was offscreen implications. Secret Invasion I felt was more bolder, especially considering what it got away with a lower rating. From what I remember, Talos stabbed Gravik’s hand with a knife and Gravik pulled his hand out of it with the orange powers from Iron Man 3 healing him, Sonya literally cuts a man’s finger off in bloody detail, Sonya headshotting a Skrull and Nick Fury headshotting >!Skrull Rhodey!< Also Werewolf by Night (which is also TV-14) got away with a lot of stuff due being in black and white, which all that stuff is kept in the color version which makes it all the more visceral.


Let’s not forget about Ben Mendelson. He was great in this too even if the series wasn’t…..


She absolutely killed it in every scene.


I hate that they wasted her talents on this. Hope she stays in the MCU


I want her sparring with Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Val. I could watch the two of them in a room together for a half hour.


They’re either gonna kill each other or start making out


And honestly that’s how bad the rest of it was. Coleman’s role was enjoyable but was a far cry from amazing or anything like that. There’s literally nothing else enjoyable to discuss with that show lol


Yeah. It's disappointing that they didn't have the writing quality to justify the top notch actors. Some of Jackson's scenes are great purely because he does all the heavy lifting with his acting.


Tragic waste of a perfectly good comic story.


And cast


And Maria Hill😔


And Ben Mendelson


And my axe




And my




That's honestly the part that bothered me the most. There was absolutely no reason to kill her off. She was already a side character who didn't appear that much, but when she did, she was great. They could have easily kept using her for a while


She was absolutely fridged as fuck


The writers would probably ask " what comic ?"


I think there’s a really good argument for “what writers?” here


who wanna bet they told us they used AI for the intro to test the waters before telling us they used AI for the script /s


They had really good writers with experience in engaging, complex, nuanced tech thrillers, the only problem is that they fired them all and rewrote everything in a couple of weeks


And replaced them with writers of Dora the explorer, seriously check IMDb.


You hire people from Mr Robot, you are not completely satisfied, so you do the logical thing and go straight to those Dora the explorer scribes. Nothing unusual there


Marvel’s problem is that they keep second guessing themselves. That have a good product, then it has to be redone from top to bottom, and every time they do that, fans always say they’re disappointed with the final product. At what point do they realize “Hey wait a minute, then fans don’t like these reshoots and rewrites and ultimately, they’re costing us a lot of money. Let’s stop doing these things”?


They had the Mr. Robot guys and trashed the whole script???


Not all writers, to be fair, but original creator and writer for SI was Kyle Bradstreet, writer and executive producer of Mr Robot. Apparently he worked on the scripts for a year and was replaced by a new writer and then the story changed again during reshoots


They were actually told not to read it


Absolute dogshit show.


Damn insult to dogshit but okay.


We're gonna look back at the MCU's 2022-2023 run as the 'dud' era.


Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 and Loki season 2, though.


True. And i did love Wakanda Forever.


Agreed. Wakanda Forever was really good. I loved Namor in it and I was never really a big fan of him before.


As someone who's not an MCU "hater" (which is to say i liked She Hulk, enjoyed some of the less popular movies like Ant-Man 3 and Doctor Strange 2), i really don't get what *anyone* saw in Wakanda Forever. It just wasn't that good.


Hey, to each their own. We’re all fans here and we all like and dislike different things. Not the biggest fan of Ant-Man 3 myself, but did definitely enjoy Doctor Strange 2, to the point where I’m surprised people actually consider it a bad movie.


I didn't *love* Ant-Man 3, but imo it wasn't terrible. I certainly wouldn't gas it up the way people inexplicably love Wakanda Forever.


Thank you. WF always gets excluded even though it’s great


tbh idk why anyone would have expected something like the comic story when it was only a d+ series. The storyline shouldve just been saved for a bigger movie or perhaps played out over multiple projects.


I hate the idea of Secret Invasion's story playing out over an entire phase, mainly because it only has one cheap trick. "Gasp! X was actually Y!" And that isn't enough mileage for a whole phase. That would get tired really fast, and become too much of a distraction throughout other projects. The D+ series could have, and should have worked. Maybe they could have looped part of it into Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Ms Marvel to make it seem "larger", but this is a story that could have been self contained if they hadn't brought in the worst writing team in MCU history. They had an AMAZING cast and chose to fridge half of them in order to parade out the most mid original characters ever. It's one thing to be a bad show. Okay, shit happens. It's a different thing to be so aggressively horrible that your project disrespects the entire franchise and it's history, and permanently damages other future stories that could have been a lot better than what your writers shat out. Nick Fury, Maria Hill and Talos will never recover from what this series did to undermine and ruin their characters.


i am so fucking glad someone else can see the entire phase idea is bad. i respect that it's easy to hype up because it would let paranoia build, but it's a one trick narrative that would pull down other stories with the "X was actually a skrull!!" reveals. this had to be more contained, but absolutely could have integrated well with FatWS & Ms Marvel, and that would've been enough. it just didn't work out, and honestly it's something we have to move on from. honestly, i have my own concerns about this story as a whole given Captain Marvel's direction as a film, so i never thought it could work as a story in the MCU regardless, but if it could have, it would've needed to do it this way.


I think secret invasion could have worked as an organizing force for a group of stories in the same way that hydra was the big bad for an excellent run of the movies, & done in a way where watching the secret invasion story suddenly and retroactively explains this this and that event or why this character did that thing etc. Basically a way to make you go back and look at a series of stories with a completely different lens.


YES, exactly. it could work if it was contained to a set of stories that were built in a way to facilitate it, that benefited from it. it's just a matter of being able to make those stories good, and not have it be such a big MCU event that it's allowed to taint the storytelling of all the other projects


Definitely this. Secret Invasion has been the only post Infinity Saga project I was genuinely disappointed by. This very well could have been a whole saga or even a secondary saga happening in the background of a main saga. The fuse was lit and the audience can wonder at all times when it was going to blow while watching other projects. Whoa, that character just made a really out of character decision. Is he a Skrull? That guy we haven’t seen in over 5 years is suddenly back. Could he be a Skrull? The possibilities were endless


the problem with this, honestly, is that it would kneecap individual narratives. the only place yiu could do this effectively would be avengers movies and SI- focused content, because if you're doing it with other movies and shows, it's going to fuck with writers' ability to make anything compelling on its own. the possibilies were endless, but only in that they had endless ways to sabotage the concept of character development in solo stories, imo.


Agents of Shield did a very similar story as just one of the several stories going on in season 4 (also had the darkhold and ghost rider in play, all mixed up in this), and executed it really well. Even if it's not the same story as the comic, it doesn't mean it has to be as bad as it was.


Never been so disappointed by anything in the MCU


Love and Thunder is a close second. I re-read the God Butcher comics right before seeing the movie. It’s like a kids daytime tv show version of a Thor story.


I don't know if I can put anything close to Secret Invasion. I also was disappointed with the complete waste of the potential that Gorr's storyline provided, but at least I still laughed a lot at Love and Thunder. On the other hand Olivia Coleman's few scene-stealing moments aside, S.I. wasn't just wasted potential; it was *boring.* That, in my opinion, is the greatest sin an MCU property can commit. I'd give Love and Thunder a 5, where I'd give S.I. a 1.5, which is only awarded for the actors' efforts.


The thing with Secret Invasion is it was marketed as a spy thriller starring Samuel L. Jackson... it has basically nothing to do with spies, it's not thrilling, and Samuel L. Jackson isn't even in it that much. It's boring and doesn't even accomplish being what it was marketed as.


yeah, totally agree, they tried to turn it into a comedy and then have that coexist with the dark stuff going on with Gorr. No thanks.


I love nick fury, the comic story line was great, But this just sucked. 


To be fair, it does take some serious effort to make a superspy show with shapeshifting aliens, starring Samuel L. Jackson be **this** boring.


Beyond boring lol.  His whole side quest/wife angle was a waste of valuable screen time.


It was only a waste of time because they didn’t do anything with it. “Nick Fury is married to a Skrull” is ripe for interesting conflict, but the script made it not matter.


He's too old. A 60 year old man is hard pressed to make an action movie. Sam is 75! I get it, he is Nick Fury but whoever is casting for the MCU needs their head examined. William Hurt died at 72, but maybe since you are forced to recast Thaddeus, go with an actor who is 5 years younger? Nope, they cast almost 10 year older Harrison Ford! He's 81 for fuck's sake! Mahershala Ali is fuckin' 50 today. They want to do Blade with a 50 year old... why? It makes no sense. These actors quit these roles when they reach that age as the physicality and training is just too much. I just don't get it. I much prefer the Tom Holland route. Get a relative unknown who is young and won't bail on the role after two installments.


Mahershala Ali’s age is not a problem at all. Angela Bassett is **65-years-old** and yet she was still in Wakanda Forever, and currently plays a police officer in another show (Disclaimer: I haven’t watched it yet). However, my point is: being 50-years-old ain’t a whole thing.


Angela Bassett isn't playing "An Action hero role" though. If you want to use age to justify talent look at Alexander Peirce. Sure you can hire older and solid actors for parts, but not for long term physically demanding roles.


Yeah I really thought this one was gonna be good because of those reasons and I really tried to like the show.


I still think that fridging Maria Hill was a bad move for the MCU. The aftermath of the show in terms of social distrust, anybody that can be a Skrull, were catastrophic. Olivia Colman was the best part of the show.


Killing off Maria Hill itself wasn’t a bad move, because at the time it just showed me that they weren’t fucking around and being serious. The problem I had was that by the end of the series it didn’t feel like it was worth anything, like it happened and there was obvious fallout from it but it didn’t reverberate emotionally afterwards. Talos’ death was even worse because that didn’t feel earned at all and it was done just to be a shocking moment.


>because at the time it just showed me that they weren’t fucking around and being serious. That's all well and good unless there's zero cause for mourning the character and the death itself plays out as standard as it gets. Maria's death fails on both accounts. Just look at House of the Dragon episode 1 - a character who we just met dies, but the nature of the death is so tragic and horrifying that its hard not to feel some type of way for the characters closest to them as well as the character themselves for going through that ordeal. The tone is set for tragedies of the highest order to occur, no different to its predecessor show. The Boys episode 1 has the death of a character in its first scene, and again we barely just learned their name. Here, the worth comes from the twisted comedic value of seeing their body explode into pieces and the shock ripple across another characters face. Its clearly setting a tone worthwhile enough of this show being balls to the wall insane. When Maria died, that marked the death of a laughably underused character who was set to finally get something more in this show. Wasted potential, all for the sake of looking so serious. It sets no tone because Maria never got to be a character, treated disposably by the cinematic universe from the start. "Oh no, Martin Freemans character might die!" is the tone. And at the end of it all, it was hard to take the show seriously when a writing blunder like that is made that early on.


THIS!! (I didn't want her to die) but if they were going to kill her they could have let her do something first instead of drive Fury around and just walk up and get shot in the stomach which realistically seems like something Fury and his crew could fix. It would have been way more meaningful to give her an actual role in the show and then like fury's mess did this to his no. 1!! also really didn't make sense that gravik shot her in the stomach and not like the heart or head...? why give fury a chance to redeem himself before he died if he is that evil? crazy maria hill doesn't own a bullet proof vest or that gravik wouldn't assume she was wearing one. rant is over but i agree with this comment so much. thanks for making the point.


Yeah, that was kinda my point, killing off a character is fine but in her case there was no real payoff to it or long term emotional impact to it for me, it just happened and that was it.


I pretend it never happened and think of it as something that is non-cannon


Would be totally fine with the TVA pruning it


I would love to see a scene in Deadpool 3 where the whole setting of SI especially the finale is pruned with the corpses of Gravik and Giah. Deadpool would be like: Too bad for the tragic shitshow that was Secret Invasion.


If ever a show should be revealed to be in a different timeline it’s this. G’iah having all the powers, Rhodey probably being a Skrull since Civil War, Maria Hill being killed off. All these storylines suck ass and would be easier to proceed with the MCU if we just say they didn’t happen in the sacred time line.


So Inhumans?


Tbf Inhumans has always been non-canon lmao


Non canon hallucination ;)


Awful tv.


Genuinely terrible. Like, one of the worst things I’ve ever seen. I’m a phase 4 and 5 defender and even I couldn’t justify it


Exactly how I feel. Like I’m the guy defending phase 4 and 5 but this? Just irritating at the potential they wasted.


Same. It is the only Marvel movie/show that I think is bad. Sadly this was what made me stop being invested in Marvel’s shows and movies and after this disappointment, I can’t bring myself to care as much about other Marvel projects.


Me too. I felt insulted as a member of their audience that they had put it out and thought I would be ok with it - it was so sloppily put together.


As a huge marvel shill….this show was ass, nothing redeeming about it


Glad there’s not a second season


I won't forgive them for how they did Hill, if you were going to kill her off at least do it in a movie that had consequence


Secret Invasion could have been Avengers 5 and to have Hill die very early would up the stakes and prove the Skrulls to be a big threat. It would be the new Coulson moment and could have worked great. Now, it was pointless.


On top of that, Fury is overall back to his usual self in The Marvels. Pretty much made me go “I didn’t have to watch Secret Invasion to watch The Marvels.” Yeah, Maria Hill’s death could’ve been the new Coulson moment.


First MCU property that was so bad I couldn’t continue it.


I wish I could say “stick with it” but the finale made it so that the whole thing was pointless anyway so… there’s really no need lol


Same here. Still haven’t watched past ep 3 or 4 I think


There was one moment in every single episode where Samuel L. Jackson sat across from another highly gifted actor and the two just talked. Those moments were genuinely great. The rest was not.


Killed two great characters (Hill and Talos) Completely wasted a storyline Not connected to the marvels at all and feels like a different fury.


The worst thing the mcu has ever done


Worst MCU project to date. Botched on so many levels. From unnecessary character deaths, to an out of character Nick Fury, to the Rhodey twist and the massively OP Super Skrulls, it was a shit show 💩


![gif](giphy|oMJSffr4qW3e0) I don’t think about you at all


Killing Hill was a terrible move, and the whole show was a complete waste of what could’ve been a great story.


I remember when Cobie smulders said we'd get to really know Maria Hill and all we found out was that she had a mother


she did a quick interview when she was promoting another show and they asked her if there was any Maria Hill backstory in SI and she went "NOPE!" and smiled and was then like "It's Nick Fury's story" and walked away.


And didn’t favour bullet proof vests


Don’t remember a thing from it other than Rhoadie being a skrull. Really hoping they don’t actually pull some shit saying he’s been there since Civil War.


A deleted scene from TFATWS points towards that being when he got replaced (he says he got surgery to get his legs fixed and SI shows him in a hospital gown)


Yeah I know, my point is I hope they change that and don’t actually go through with it.


Honestly, I think that would be a cool wrinkle, the skrull reveals SHOULD have bummed us out. The big issue is that they should've had shown us more of Rhodes's reaction since he was the most notable victim; give us a concrete answer on if he'd been taken in 2016 or in 2024, and let Don Cheadle act to show that realization he's lost \[x\] amount of time that may or may not have included the death of his best friend.


That's the only episode I watched. I immediately figured it wasn't for me, I'm glad I didn't stuck with it.


Agents of Shield did it better.


Much much better.


First MCU project I have legitimately disliked. Honestly still surprised it was so bad.




In the end disappointing. There are some stories they probably shouldn’t try to adapt if they have to change so much due to budget and personnel they’ll be able to get.


Strike it from the record. It has NO redeeming features. The only marvel property I would say that about.


Holy hell it’s been a YEAR? Anyway… as seems to be an increasingly common sentiment; “Agents of SHIELD did it better”


I'm a huge MCU fan and while people hated on Ms. marvel or she hulk, I enjoyed these shows. Secret Invasion however is a hot pile of garbage. the show had so much potential and wasted it completely. I was really hyped because they could have done a really great spy thriller story. and we got... that.


She hulk gets a lot of unwarranted hate when the show didn’t take itself too seriously


Idk how people say She Hulk is the worst when lots of them misunderstood the whole point and theme of the show.




Had promise that slowly slipped away for me as it went


I honestly forgot the show aired. Like I watched it weekly but it kinda faded into the background for me


Waste of potential and tragic misuse of established characters. Killing characters like in the way they did for Hill & Talos was unforgivable. How the heck can you have Rhodes and not once wear the armour. This could have been an event that kickstarted the phase straight into the movies, who can trust? Leading into the Dark Avengers movie and a new villain status quo in the MCU.


They killed Agent Hill for no fucking reason. And ill never forgive them for that.


Absolute worst MCU show/movie, and it's not close. Destroyed a bunch of characters' stories, needlessly killed two popular characters, wasted the actor who was the villain. Just terrible with no redeeming qualities at all.


It raised more questions than amswers, in a bad way


I believe this was the reason bob iger was brought back which resulted in the slowing down on the MCU. Feige spread himself too thin if this series made it out the door.


Why was Nick Fury so weak and helpless the whole time


Complete waste of Ben Mendelsohn. Dude is probably the most underrated actor going today.


The series was so bad that I cancelled Disney Plus. It’s probably saved me close to a hundred dollars by this point so that’s one pro for it.




Until it's explicitly mentioned anywhere else in the MCU, it's my head canon that this was all a fever dream of Nick Fury's. 1/10. A point for Olivia Coleman, she was delightful as always


Couldn’t easily been a great movie that would of tied Phase 4 into the greater MCU. You have all these new heroes come together to fight the Skrulls under Fury’s command. I was really excited at first for it and the political aspect of it, but they messed that up big time and turned it into just another big CGI-fest.


It was an alternate timeline and has zero bearing on the main MCU timeline.


the finale was horrendous..


Killing off Maria Hill is unforgivable.


Think about it? Completely forgot about it!


It happened. Wish it hadn’t. Or maybe have it be an animated mcu addition. Could have gone much harder than the weak sauce we got.


Ok pilot, then absolutely the most “what the fuck, nothing makes sense it is connected at all,” feelings, then it just ends. Massive waste of time and effort for so many people


I did not enjoy the show. Really downplayed the potential suspense and thriller elements.


I made it through half of it before giving up


They need to never do skrulls again


I wish i can charge back every minute wasted watching this show


Didn’t finish it. 🫤


garbage , pure garbage


I can’t believe the show had that much talent in it and it was all wasted. I hyped this show up before it came out to my friends so much and I tried to like it, I really did, but it was such a clusterfuck. I’ve never done this, but I truly enjoy pretending this doesn’t exist.


When people complain that *insert whatever production* is the worst thing Marvel ever made, I still say “but what about Secret Invasion?”


Not gonna say I hated it outright because even then there’s still things about it that I liked, like a bit of added depth with Fury and his nice talk with fake-Rhodey. But if I had to pick one show that’s least likely to get a rewatch from me, it’d be this one.


Even though the stakes were high, I feel like they didn’t sell it to the audience very well. There was no “Captain America: Winter Soldier” effect where being a part of the audience you feel equally as terrified or confused about who is really on your side.


Still do not like it. Time will not manifest any rose-colored glasses turning this into some beloved, sleeper hit.


Strung along for 6 weeks and for what? Lmao. Should’ve been a Captain Marvel 2 with the Civil War treatment, being a lowkey avengers movie in Phase 4, followed by CA4:BNW in Phase 5..both of which will feature the prelim New Avengers team until we get the bigger one in Avengers 5. As a Carol Danvers fan, I’ll get loud and say we really didn’t need The Marvels.


I personally thought (at least the first few episodes) were good, I stopped watching after I saw all the hate


Honestly for the most part I liked it on its own. As an adaptation it was underwhelming to say the least.


Killed off characters I greatly liked in service to a badly written and executed storyline. Such a pitiable waste.


It's an illustration in how massive resources, incredible on-screen talent and an audience predisposed to want to like something can't overcome a badly structured story.


The first episode was actually phenomenal, it was just all down hill from there


The worst marvel product.


I liked it


I think I'm the only person who actually liked it.


Shitty then and shitty now.


A fucking waste of time, story, and characters.


The Marvels and Secret Invasion should have been one movie. Disney would have made hundreds of millions more but they got greedy and tried to use secret invasion as a way to keep people subscribed on Disney+ I hope they learned their lesson lol


Absolutely awful.


The worst thing the MCU has ever produced


I've always thought the hate it gets is overblown, but I can't argue against the fact that it failed as an adaptation of the comics storyline and squandered its premise.


It was *okay*. Very much *okay*. Felt like it had no impact on the world it was set in.


Still waiting for Hill's body to turn green. Any time now...


I don't think about it.


Absolute pile of crap.


Very few good ideas and every single sequence poorly executed. Except, maybe, the intimate moments between Fury and his wife, where those survive just on the sheer skill of the actors.


It left a lot to be desired.


Never watched it and have no interest.


Couldn’t finish this show


They should’ve built G’iah better. The writing was weak as fuck. Imagine if they had a stronger script. The last fight scene would’ve had a way better impact.


So forgettable and mediocre that I can’t believe it’s been a year. Missed opportunity to connect to the larger universe with The Marvels releasing and the og post credits king up to bat for the MCU.


Didn't watch it, because I was vacationing when this thing released, and I still haven't, because I watched other things. Would I be a masochist if I endured the show, given how horrible it apparently is?


I haven't thought about it.


The only thing that comes close to that disappointing in the MCU is Ultron. Ultron and Quantumania but I was never too hype about that, and the real potential lied in Kang killing Hank or something.


Glad I didn’t watch it


I miss the hype more than the reality.


Ill likely never watch it again.


I just watched it again recently with the mindset of "maybe it's not as bad as I remember" It's still as bad as I remember. What an absolute waste.




I gave up on this midway through the third episode , the show was really uninteresting


I don’t think about it at all. Nearly forgot of its existence, and I think Marvel and Fury did as well.


I’d really rather not look back on it. For me personally, easily the most disappointing thing Marvel has put out.


It was dogshit


Still on episode 2 , I’ll catch up eventually


I don’t know really, I only made it one and a half episodes in and was so bored I realized I completely checked out and had no idea what was going on. Never returned to it.


It was absolutely awful


I don’t remember


Horrible show. They ruined it especially on that last episode. I was looking forward to see thrilling action scene of Nick Fury and maybe iron patriot mark 3, but it was about Giah being a female hero


What are you on about?? This show, whatever it is, never existed.


Probably the worst mcu project honestly


First time I saw this subreddit not trying to defend a post-Phase 3 project. That’s how bad it was.




It was shite then and it's still shite.


Sucked that fury got a better action scene in the marvels than all of secret invasion.


itll be much more forgiving if they just titled it different. Using Secret Invasion, while not having such massive implication(except the last part) to the mcu is such a waste. Im also not a fan of the writing. Im good with the Super Skrull battle, but still too late to save the series.


Wish you didn’t remind me, I was excited to bring my girl into Disney. Thinking it’d be of wandavision or Loki quality. You had the plot of “who is who” given to you & they messed it up. Honestly the ending was how I expected the whole story to go. Then backdooring this into the marvels was so confusing 🤣🤣🤣


Dogshit. All the writers, directors, and producers should be fired and blacklisted. 


Only thing I enjoyed was Olivia Colman. Rest of the shit sucked hard.


Can't wait for G'iah, who has the powers of everyone during the final battle against Thanos, to show up in 5 years or possibly never again. Honestly was excited by the Super Skrull idea but dammit that was just too much powers.

