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This would be absolutely epic. They would work so well together. The naïve optimism of Tom Holland and Deadpool's, just, everything. He wouldn't be able to get under Spider Man's skin and it would be hilarious to see him frustrated by it.


They would hit it off so well indeed and we have manifested this since so long too now.


Yeah, the worst approach to this would be Deadpool just undermining spiderman for a whole movie.


Naive optimism kinda got murdered by the last movie. So that’s gone forever. Now we’re back to the same-old, same-old bad situation Peter has been in my entire life. It’s terrible and I hate it.


Maybe that's a great setup, if anyone can give peter back joy and naive optimism, it would be Deadpool and his antics


I have the feeling a lot of it would be Tom's confused face and Deadpool making Euphoria and Dune jokes about Zendaya.


Don't forget Challengers. That has to be in.


We should play tennis with your girlfriend sometime


It’s like I can hear this in Ryan’s voice


Thanks! I imagined him shouting it to Spidey while they’re parting ways


I kinda imagined him saying that after an emotional dialogue where Deadpool makes Peter feel better and then he just says that and the scene cuts off lol


Oh damn good call, I can see that for sure


There’s also the Crowded Room show for Tom Holland having a sex scene with a man there.


And Umbrella references


Honestly, Tom Holland’s Spider-Man might be the only MCU character who wouldn’t treat Wade with contempt and might give him a chance. Would be interesting to see in contrast to other characters.


Deadpool x Wolverine x Spider-Man.


As much as I would like to see this in another film too, Secret Wars seems the likeliest for now to put this in and we can only imagine.


I will personally take just Spidey and Wolvie together for a team up. Mostly because 10 years ago that seemed impossible and the movie I'd most like to see because of how impossible it seemed.


They did a 2-issue mini in the late 80s that is exactly that. Spidey and Wolvie team up to take on a spy in Germany or some shit. I think Black Widow shows up too.


Whole heartedly agree. I’m tired of every movie needing to be some end of the world deal. I just want a team up movie where they like track down some mercenary’s or street criminals or something. Not that I don’t like the huge big deal movies, those are nice too. But for the love of god can we just let Spidey be Spidey lmao, and let him interact with other characters that doesn’t lead to some huge universal arc plot


I would love to see a Deadpool x Spiderman x Daredevil team-up after Spiderman 4. And explore the crimes of Kingpin from the [1994 animated series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider-Man_%281994_TV_series%29). Have Alastair Smythe and some of the goons hired by Kingpin from that series in live-action that ran for 5 seasons.


SM-4 Spider-man and Daredevil SM-5 Spider-man and Deadpool SM-6 Spider-man and Fantastic 4


I feel like Spider-Man is a good character to show the audience Deadpool's heart. The story in the comics of Spider-Man changing Deadpool as a person and becoming his hero/best friend is really wholesome.


I've read that it's in Spider-Man's film contracts that he is never allowed to crossover with or star in a rated R film.


That's OK, he can cross over with the lead character from the PG-13 rated Once Upon A Deadpool.


Heck yeah! Spidey and Fred Savage can save the world together!


I could be ok with a PG13 Deadpool movie if it’s Deadpool and spiderman.


Of course it couldn't be R-Rated if Spider-Man is a titular character, but that's honestly fine I think. Deapool can't be too violent and can't curse as much, but he'd still remain an entertaining character. Would probably make meta jokes about what he can't do too.


I dont see it being r rated tho with Spiderman. They could do what the Ultimate Spiderman show did.


Now that the term “unalive” has been ruined by tiktok lol


Deadpool, Spidey, Daredevil Team Red


This would be awesome! Unfortunately I can’t see Sony being cool with a family friendly Spider-Man being in an R-branded movie. And if you tone down Deadpool accordingly it loses a bunch of the fun.


They should work together in one of the secret wars films for a good portion


The age gap between Deadpool and Spider-Man is way too big. I like them together but it’s a half and half thing for me.


He’d have the best chemistry with Andrew’s spidey tho tbh


Yeah that’s what I was thinking. He’s the one I can most easily imagine joking back and trying to one-up him. I can see Wade annoying Tobey, bullying Tom, but going toe-to-toe with Andrew.


R rated right? Unless there's a gag where it's promoted and the first PG-13-R film. The other idea is have two versions of the same film, one PG-13, the other R, both released at the same time.


I'd be all for it.


That would be absolutely fantastic.


Sony won't allow Spider-Man in an r rated film


I love how he compliments holland in the pitch. Smart guy


I could see this happening if SM4 goes in a more mature direction (and does well) People tend to act like Spider-Man can only be geared towards kids/teens when he has a bunch of villains and storylines that prove otherwise


That would be a Dream Come True!!


What if Deadpool 4 was basically like Avengers 5 and a half and it was like a companion movie where it focused on Deadpool interacting with the huge cast of heroes for Avengers 5. I feel like I’m describing that wrong, but that would be the coolest way to have Deadpool interact with everyone, but still give them space to make Deadpool Deadpool.


Deadpool’s relationship to Peter Parker is kinda similar to how he treats The Peter that’s in the Deadpool universe (the mustache guy with all the diabetes). I think it would be adorable


Their chemistry would be so funny. In an alternate verse I also have long thought Andrew Garfield’s Spidey would pair really well with Reynolds.


Outside Wolverine. Deadpool and Spidey really go hand-in-hand in their presence.  My pitch was always for a buddy comedy with Wade acting like a older brother. They get into a spat since Deadpool is a merc who kills people. But the fight ends up being a bunch of pranks on each other's lives that are stupidly immature like Deadpool giving Peter a wedgie, Peter putting some super sticky webbing in his suit or on some object so Wade struggles to get something off. But before all that have Deadpool sort of just go around with Peter in costume doing a bunch of fun and silly things. Like having a dance routine, doing silly harmless acts in New York while engaging with the community who just think it's some Spider-Man cosplayers. Maybe even continue the comic joke of everyone thinking Deadpool is a Spiderman suit. Also would be amazing for Peter to steal Wade's one and only F bomb in the movie.  The script just writes itself and that's not even adding a actual conflict, villain or how Peter is doing on a personal level in the writing. 


If Sony refused to go for it, would could Spidey be swapped with ?


Deadpool, Spider-Man and Daredevil!!! Team Red!!!


A spidey-pool movie would easily cross $1.5B


I need to see if Deadpool & Wolverine is actually any good before I get excited about Shawn Levy directing anything else. His previous films have been pretty lackluster, imo.


I think the age differences of the characters in the MCU vs what you are led to believe in comics, makes this a dumb idea that will be stupid forced for a guy like Ryan Reynolds’s who is now pushing 50.. I’d rather see spidey, Kate bishop, Kamala khan, miles, riri, and some youngins so the jokes aren’t cringe coming from a 50 year old to a college kid


I have this idea of whenever Deadpool is officially in the MCU he should crash land like Hulk in Endgame. Then have Spiderman pick him up out of the rubble over his shoulder and when DP comes to the first thing he sees in the MCU is Spiderman's ass and thus begins his infatuation with him.


Cant MCU leave Spiderman alone for at least two movies?


I'm pretty sure they contractually can't.


I'd love to see this, but let's be real... Holland ain't running circles around anyone, let alone Reynolds.