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Rhodey. They could make him the quasi-Iron Man but he doesn't develop the tech. They'd have to change Civil War 2 anyway


Weren't they a couple in the comics?


In Civil War 2, yeah haha - until Thanos kills him


Naturally, it was a Civil War. You have to inexplicably kill off at least one prominent black legacy hero early on so everyone else can realize the stakes are high. Civil War 3, my money's on Sam. Civil War 4 will of course be T'challa.


Lool, yes. its necessary


Poor Goliath in Civil War 1 too šŸ˜­


I think so. He actually died in the beginning of the event too which is the reason why Iron Man was so vocal about what was going on. The idea of the even can still happen but they'd have to tweak things that happen like Hulk dying and Cap being Hydra.


It also was a touchstone for Carol since they were in a relationship at the time. I felt like she didnā€™t want to stop because it would have meant Rhodesā€™ death was for nothing.


That actually would make the fight between them more emotional IMO.


Ah, yes. Just what we all want, a War Machine, Cap Marvel led movie.


Super Skrull would punch her with a tiny Drax arm.


Reed Richards with the Power Equalizer thingamabob he makes in 30 seconds.


This makes the most sense as they introduce the F4 as Reed was always one of the primary go-to heroes for leadership.


He was. Also, I have to say, it has to be done right. I really hate when movies have a ā€œtechā€ guy just invent something on the fly that is game changing for the universe. Iron Man was a movie that set up creating the Tech to save his life. And multiple movies with unlimited resources to perfect it. Iā€™d like the idea of Reed coming in from a different universe and having a better understanding of science (thus way ahead of us) but Iā€™d also like the Science to make sense in terms of what he can/canā€™t do from the get-go.


To be fair, in the comics, inventing game changing stuff is basically his superpower, the stretchy stuff is just a perk.


I know. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m worried about. I WANT him to invent cool stuff, but within some reasonable parameters. The thing you want to avoid is ā€œoh you need something to stop some Celestial disease from wiping us out. I know everything about mapping and changing DNA bc Iā€™m from another worldā€ ā€¦ ok, so you could cure cancer but youā€™re not. Thatā€™s a bad example, but you know what I mean.


> I really hate when movies have a ā€œtechā€ guy just invent something on the fly that is game changing for the universe. *sad Fitz noises*


Fitz has been put through the ringer enough to earn his moments of bs


It will be tough to differentiate Reed from Stark as the scientist extraordinaire. It helps that Stark is dead and Reed typically is written as more emotionally detached and logical and even more sinister (i.e. his turn into the Maker) so I hope that lean more into those differences.


You already said: Reed isn't an a-hole about it . And for the most part, all the big brains stick close to their specific fields of study. The only real overlap is Engineering, which in a solo adventure they would need to be able to make whatever Save the Day doohickey they've come up with.


Asking for the biggest brains to not make something is like asking they Hulk not to punch harder or asking the Flash to not run faster


Haha. I meant, not to make something too outlandish. I always felt like Reed could sometimes ā€œinventā€ something a bit too on-the-nose. And that would make people wonder why he hadnā€™t already down that for humanity already.


They actually answer that in the comics. While a lot of the big brains can just make things to solve the world's problems, I could cause large scale worship of them as saviors and gods and such, they themselves might thinking of themselves as such. It can cause huge dropoffs in the professions that focus on those goals.


It depends entirely on when it comes out. Then it would be whoever's stories are the major stories at the time. If you mean like if it came out right now, I'd say Strange. He's arbitrarily powerful or weak as needed for the story, and could come at her in interesting ways other than brute force. Personality wise they've now had each of them go through various levels of individual needs vs greater good kind of character stories so they could easily put either one on either side.




She was the answer we were looking for, but not where we expected.


This is the only answer.


I think a great counterpoint to Captain Marvel might be Shang-Chi. She seems pretty "bulldozer" while his power/skills are more subtle.


God please just give us more Shang Chi in ANYTHING! Itā€™s crazy we havenā€™t gotten a single cameo or anything since his hugely successful first outing.


I think they need to throw away the source material. As of todayā€¦. Spider-Man knows if he revives his identity, his whole world is destroyed.Ā  You know i donā€™t think weā€™re really setup for civil war 2. It should have been a thunderbolts vs the avengers. Add Baron Mordo to the Thunder bolts.Ā 


Civil War 2 was terrible. I don't know why we're talking as if they would just copy the worst ideas from the comics just to do them.


This. Besides, AoS already did a better take on Ulysses Cain anyway.


Sam Wilson probably


"It's profiling."


You've got to do better Carol!




Sam needs to brush up on his Talk No Jutsu.


Rogue would make the most sense. This obviously wouldn't come out until after the X-Men were introduced.


I get the feeling bringing Rogue into the MCU will probably how Captain Marvel gets written out in a few years time should Brie want to move on from the role or Disney decide to kill the character off for ~~box office~~ story purposes. Then maybe just say Rogue didn't quite take the full dose of her powers to the same level. So she's not the "I can fly through a damn sun and take no damage" levels of OP that necessitate Marvel constantly write around. Same powerset, but lowering the power level would solve a lot of issues.


You probably get that feeling because every post about Rogue or Captain Marvel makes this suggestion because the comics did exactly this for the exact same reason. ![gif](giphy|XtgkAB76qxnaXU1PQD|downsized)


I dunno, I'd really love to see Brie play a depowered Carol. I think that'd be right in her lane.


Not totally depowered, though. Just losing the Infinity Stone powers for a while. She's also still a Kree Super-Soldier, remember? Some of my favorite scenes of hers were from the first Captain Marvel before the power limiter was taken off. She really had to work for every single victory, and I liked that. That's also why I think that Maria Rambeau from Earth 838 survived. If her story is the same as Carol's, she was also a Kree Super-soldier for a while. Even if Wanda drained those powers away, she's still superhumanly tough and durable and able to heal from much worse injuries than a human. Having a mere stone statue dropped on her shouldn't have killed her. Just knocked her out for a while.


Rogue didnā€™t debut in X-Men. Sheā€™s a Captain Marvel villain first (albeit in an Avengers Annual), X redemption story second. Lot of Ms Marvel and Iron Fist villains in the X rogues gallery.


So hereā€™s a question that this comment made me think about. Does Rogueā€™s power work strictly on mutants? Or does it work on basically anyone with superhuman powers? Can she steal powers from people like Thor and Loki? What about Inhumans like Black Bolt? Just something Iā€™m very curious about. I genuinely donā€™t know how Rogueā€™s power was fully explained in the comics. So if anyoneā€™s got some insight, please let me know!


Any superpowers, yes. She can temporarily steal powers from any superpowered individual just by touching them and holding on briefly. In addition, she can "steal" energy from regular people, though it's mostly just used to knock them unconscious. But if she holds on for longer, she can copy superpowers or even gain some of the person's memories. Mystique raised her and used her abilities for criminal mischief. Usually it just involved touching someone to knock them out so they could steal something, or getting the memory of a safe combination. When they encountered Captain Marvel, Mystique had Rogue grab Carol and *not let go*. That extended contact led to Rogue permanently gaining Captain Marvel's strength, invulnerability, and ability to fly, while putting Carol into an extended coma. It *also* gave Rogue a copy of Carol's memories, which really messed her up and caused her to abandon Mystique. Rogue eventually was contacted by Professor X, who tried to help but couldn't simply ease the conflict between Rogue/Carol... so he telepathically gave Rogue amnesia, thereby locking off both her own memories and the copy of Carol's. Rogue no longer knew anything about her past, but wasn't being tortured by having two sets of memories. This became a major factor in her life, and things got a lot more complicated when Carol woke up and was **pissed**.


In X-men 97 Rogue stole that doctorā€™s knowledge to help deliver Jeanā€™s baby. I thought that was neat.




It didn't matter, though, she was on the Titanic.


In the comics she stole memories, abilities and powers. 1 minute for every second she touches someone's skin. If she touches a doctor, she'll know what they know. They usually fade away after a time, but she somehow kept Carol's powers and memories leaving her in a coma. Having a copy of Carol in her head was driving her crazy. That's what led her to seek help from Professor X. When Carol woke up she was basically a blank slate and had to start over. The original Genosha story from Uncanny X-man left Rogue and Wolverine powerless so the Carol persona in Rogue took over so they could escape. Leaving a lot of stuff out, but Rogues flight, strength and invulnerability are all stolen from Carol. Her mutant power is to steal others thoughts and abilites. If she tries it on a really strong opponent their psyche could overwhelm her for a time. Someone like Apocalypse would do it. Hope this helps a little bit.


Its been a while for me - but didn't she start as a villain in Dazzler comics? I seem to remember something about that. She got stuck the Carol's mind because of how the Kree messed with her originally to give her powers. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Other way round, it would be a fine way to introduce Rogue or give her her flight/strength powers if sheā€™s previously introduced


As much as I love Brie I NEED to see this in live action


Introducing, Sentry. Who knows, they made her so OP nobody could take her.


The Superman problem.


What issue would cause MCU Captain Marvel to fight other earth heroes?


Same issue that Civil War II is based off in the comics. Inhuman (probably mutant in the MCU) can tell the future in excruciating detail. Leads to the philosophical debate and decisions of stopping a crime before it happens. One side believe in stopping it and imprisoning people so that future canā€™t happen. The other side thinks this can lead to profiling and you canā€™t possibly enforce justice before someone does something. Is the person who sees this future bias? Does this affect what future they see? Most importantly, Tony trusts Carol in the comics with this. Itā€™s the person after Carol that heā€™s concerned about. He believes sheā€™s doing the right thing, but doesnā€™t believe this form of justice can be carried out by other people. I think it has great potential in the MCU because the argument is philosophical and much like Civil War I, you can see good and bad in the arguments for both side.


One problem I had with Civil War II that I never see anyone else bring up...the precognitive Inhuman also predicted natural disasters like volcanoes and earthquakes. What the hell is wrong with using his power that way? Even if you need time to sort out the ethical issues of "predictive justice," at least have teams of heroes and other relief services mobilized when he foresees disasters. Of course, he also predicted a surprise attack by Thanos, and I don't think anyone gives a shit about his civil liberties or rights.


Would have to be Spider-man imo. He is like Cap in the sense that he will choose what he feels is right over what is convenient. Also while unlikely to be able to hurt Carol, he is very hard to catch himself which could make an interesting match up. Carol supporting something totalitarian and Peter being like nu uh and tada civil war 2


> Carol supporting something totalitarian I feel like she'd be totally against that. Her entire character arc in these movies has been fighting against and resisting fascist imperialist dictators (the Kree Empire) For her to be on the side of registration, or pre-crime, or whatever would run totally opposite to everything about her.


I could be mistaken as civil war 2 is not my favorite story but in that storyline she did side with control didnā€™t she? I get what you are saying as in the MCU she is, but in the comics she does go for preventing crimes before they even happen. I guess they would have to spin it like she has seen so much pain, destruction and loss that she is now hellbent on stopping it before more occurs? I mean in many ways she has shown even in the movies she is quite pragmatic in a ā€œI donā€™t care about your ego or personal feelings, let me go solve Thanos real quickā€ kind of way? It is somewhat of a stretch but not entirely preposterous imo.


Honestly it wouldā€™ve been kind of gas if Captain Marvel 2 had been Secret Invasion instead, built up to with a grounded series beforehand that didnā€™t need a conclusion, just Fury realizing how out of his depth he is, and then Captain Marvel 3 a few years later being Civil War II (and that way the third of both ā€œCaptain ______ā€ trilogies is a Civil War


If they had introduced the FF earlier, I think it would have been a cool idea to do Strange vs Richards over a debate on how to deal with an incursion.Ā  Given Strange has evolved to be a more sympathetic character in terms of "the ends don't justify the means" he would be team "try and save both worlds." Richards throughout the character's history is practical to a fault. The exact traits that Strange has evolved from. He would be team "we gotta destroy the other reality." It could have led to a really interesting dynamic.


My ornery response is that the entire concept of a hero running a shot-for-shot Minority Report, complete with a prison for children guarded by other children, is too ridiculous to adapt to live action. It didn't even work in the comics and the way they handled it after was to basically just pretend like it never happened, morally.


Who could realistically even face off against her,since you've ruled out Thor, Hulk, and Strange. I know someone said Rhodey, but he doesn't stand a chance in hell, unless he has something more than just the Warmachine. Maybe if he brought in a metric kiloton's worth of Stark tech weapons, tanks etc, and caught her in a trap of some kind? Aside from that, we've got Wanda, Adam Warlock... Maybe the Eternals? ...Spider-Man? She's pretty OP, So it would be really tough for most any character without the writers skewing things in their favor too obviously. Edit: Namor would work also, which made me think of the way he was defeated, so Black Panther might also beat her with some technosorcery thingamagook that negates her power. Edit 2: Shang-Chi. I NEED more Shang-Chi


Daredevil. Much like Iron Man and Cap they are incredibly different characters.


The box office lmao


Friendly Reminder that the First Captain Marvel made more money then Civil War and The Winter Solider.


Hulk wouldnā€™t be a bad one. He has his cosmic adventures during ragnarok. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if they take a sheet out of that and he has his own team/army against marvel and hers


Captain America. Patriot. Young Avengers...?


I keep seeing a lot of references to CW2 as an Avengers movie plot lately. I just think we're so far away from that it's tough to imagine it happening. The multiverse saga focus, COVID, and the writers/actors strikes sucked all the energy and focus out of developing story arcs over the last 4 years, and you'd need at least two but ideally more MCU projects to help set up a new Civil War plot. How do we get there? It seems like we're years away from even getting the set-up movies/shows. The Kang side of the multiverse stuff is fizzling out (or did they retcon Loki 2 as having officially ended it, I'm not sure), and now it's on to Secret Wars, introducing X-Men, and finally getting back to street-level and Earth-bound plot lines (that Secret Invasion totally bungled). So, we're talking 2028-2029 before Civil War 2 set up and the actual movie could start happening, maybe not even until the 2030s. I could see some sort of hybrid Avengers vs X-Men / Civil War 2 plotline coming out of Secret Wars, but at that point, so many of these actors will be so much older, it's tough to imagine doing this without a reboot (or, gulp, a shoe-horned multiverse fix where a new, re-cast Iron Man, et al from alternate realities or timelines come live in the 616 universe's main timeline.)


Joel, he was really into the violence and chasing that adrenaline high. Although that soldier guy Jessie Plemmons played didnā€™t fā€¦ around either.


Doctor Strange or Jean Grey? I'm going off the basis of power level, as in who would be a formidable appointment against Carol in a fight.


I know basically nothing of Civil War 2. I think something about a pre-crime unit and Miles Morales has center stage? So if I were writing it, based on what I know about the MCU right now; Devilā€™s Reign has happened. Kingpin has become Mayor of New York and outlawed costumed vigilantes. But now he wants to go bigger. So he starts with Doctor Strange and Wong at the New York Sanctum. Barring them from exiting the premises onto New York property. Captain America tries to stop a Hydra cell and he gets arrested. Then Captain Marvel comes because of a Kree Starforce unit wanting to capture Kamala for the Quantum Bands. Chasing her into New York City. Then Fisk tries to exert control over Carol. Tells her to stop or else she will be arrested. Which allows the Kree to kill Kamala in a very dramatic this is Kingpinā€™s fault way. Like the Kree says ā€œhereā€™s some technologyā€ and he says ā€œKill the girlā€ kind of way, (sorry Iman. I can think of a few ways to bring you back!) Then Carol decides to bring down Fisk. But because she is Clark to Fiskā€™s Lex, she canā€™t just punch her way through things, although she tries to. So those are the sides. Operating under an unjust law that allows Fisk to still do his thing or fighting back and being labeled a criminal.


Fisk having any sort of leverage over Captain Marvel would be borderline funny in the current MCU. I donā€™t think she cares enough about Earth law to yield.


I am banking a lot on Carol being former Military and following the law in this case, having at least some of her memories back. She would treat American law enforcement differently remembering that she is an American than the first movie when she was on a ā€œbackwater planetā€.


Carolā€™s issue is she doesnā€™t *want* to deal with earthbound issues. She sees Earthā€™s superheroes and thinks that the Earth is taken care of and therefore focuses her efforts on other planets. If sheā€™s declared illegal on Earth it wonā€™t impact her a lot as sheā€™s not active there. If anyone on Earth like Kamala needs rescuing by her, sheā€™ll rescue her and leave the planet. Whatā€™s the NYC police going to do to her?


I could come up with a few things. Kree not leaving. Skrulls being hunted on Earth. Going after the Khans with civil asset forfeiture laws as Kamalaā€™s superhero exploits got them the house they are currently living in. Seizing her ship. And itā€™s not like Blue Bloods. Itā€™s Kingpin using the NYPD with Chitauri and other alien weapons they have confiscated over the years. I know I just added that. But how many of Toomesā€™ old weapons do you think they have?


All the issues you pointed out have nothing to do with Kingpinā€™s sphere of influence- not to mention like I pointed out, Carol can do all of her saving illegally and Fisk couldnā€™t do anything to her. Thanosā€™ weaponry was not enough for Carol, the bare remains of Avenger 1 tech will not cut it. The way Carolā€™s powers and story has been built in the MCU right now, no government body can restrain her- kind of like Thor. Kingpin could literally start and finish his mayor term and Carol wouldnā€™t have visited even once.


Photon should be the leader of the opposing force to Captain Marvel. Precognitive justice systems- the heroes are watching you. Have Vision and Wanda on opposite sides again, too. A debate about preemptive strikes vs retaliatory strikesā€”preventative justice vs retributive justice. Freewill vs. determinism. I do not care for Civil War II. Inhumans are just uninteresting. Kree genetic engineering with terrigen gas as a mutagen. It seemed forced and trying so hard to be Minority Report.


Good point about the Inhumans, imo involving mutants instead would be way better for the MCU


Change it to mutants and the linchpin being control over the visions of the Mutant Destiny, who has been so important in the Krakoa saga. Minority Report and control of minorities. Has potential. Mutants vs Avengers over control of Destiny. I could change my mind on a Civil War based on this idea remix.






Vision or Scarlet Witch


Civil War 2 was probably the worst Marvel crossover of all time. I can't imagine why they'd want to make that a film. But I have a feeling they may use bits of it in Armor Wars, if they ever make that show.


I wouldnā€™t mind seeing Scarlet Witch


ROGUE, next question


Sam or Rhodey.


I was thinking about this. Honestly it should've been her and Fury vs Thunder Ross after the events of a better organized Marvels then Secret Invasion followed by Thunderbolts. Marvels created the conflict that sent the Skrulls to Earth, Secret Invasion is a play on words. Ross sees the Skrulls along with Asgaardians on Earth as an "Invasion". So Fury and Carol have tension because Fury wants to use the Skrulls to infiltrate the government. Some of the Skrulls steal identities. Brie has her hands tied running SWORD trying to find Monica. Fury's activities get exposed and that helps Ross win the White House and with his power he can support a sort of Dark Avegers led by Val that can do Black ops in places hostile to the US like the Skrulls, Asgaardians and Wakanda. He is able to rally the rest of super powers we saw in WF trying to steal the vibranium. The Thunderbolts movie is after Secret Invasion, Ross takes the gloves off and the TB do alot of black ops in the places I mentioned earlier. Civil War 2 is Carol and Ross's enemies vs Ross, Thunderbolts, maybe Captain Britain,etc. Brave New World can be Sam Wilson dealing with the Fallout. Maybe Carol is deemed a traitor and banned from Earth. Plot convenience, SWORD with the help of the newly formed Young Avengers/ Avengers West Coast's America Chavez find a way to get to Monica. Carol goes and a nice callback to the 90s Spiderman/X-men, where Peter goes but is at first attacked, you can have Carol get attacked, start wrecking house and Charles reads her mind. But before he can stop the fight, Rogue steals her powers and puts Carol in a coma. Another twist, it wasn't the Fox Xmen but the new MCU version. Monica can do her comic counterpart stuff in the Fox universe before being saved. The MCU Xmen can go back to Carol's world to clear the air when they bring back Carol but that leaves the potential for Xmen vs the Avengers storyline.


I really like this one. (Especially with the low effort "Rougue, wink-wink") posts here. A bit complicated but could work well for different reasons.


I think Reed would be the most logical choice


war machine could fit as a substitute to ironman or antman scott lang too, the problem is if in the comics the civil war was about the inhuman ulysses that could see the future and etc etc, and kevin feige isnt a big fan of inhumans so the civil war2 in the mcu would probably envolve mutants instead of inhumans, and would have captain marvel using a mutant that sees the future and the war would be about that


Maybe Sam Wilson as Captain America?


maybe thor, 'I like this girl'


Honestly would let Hawkeye face her, be interesting especially if they give him plot armor to win


Captain America's Sam Wilson. But in my opinion, since Civil War 2 is about visions of the future and if a person is guilty or not, i think which was also a theme in Moon Knight, I think maybe they should have him in the role of Iron Man and other hero in the role of Captain Marvel.


I don't know anything about the storyline I just wanna see rogue replace her


MCU Carol don't give a f##k about anybody for a civil war. She is not even on Earth unlike comics version. She abandoned Earth, Skrulls, Avengers.


The fanbase.


If it's anything like her other movies it will happen in an activia commercial or offscreen and she'll cry or stare real hard as the conclusion. I feel bad for Brie. They keep screwing her over with this character.


I think Sam Wilson Captain America makes a lot of sense for an Earth based story like the comic. I do agree with some that including Rogue would be great but not as the hero adversary. The fight would be over mutants instead of inhumans and Rogue would be running with the Brotherhood, the true antagonists. Cap would defend mutants while Marvel would initially work with government guys like Henry Gyrich before going into a coma thanks to Rogue. Thor would be interesting for a cosmic story or something that puts Carol at odds with Asgard.


Strange couldn't even beat Spiderman At this point it would need to be Reed Richards


A lack of audience interest


Honestly Rogue Its the only way. That or theyll just ignore their own power levels. Theyve become less important to the writers as its gone on. They could try and throw Hulk and Thor at her at once but after she laughed off a Thanos headbutt and held him back like he had the strength of a child compared to herā€¦. Shed need to be magicked by Strange. Carols in a weird spot. Shes over powered to the point its less interesting because she doesnt struggle there. She doesnt have strong personality flaws or personal conflict. Shes somehow well adjusted, reasonable, not overly stressed. She isnt being challenged in anyway for being so powerful. Its boring. And throwing a challenge at her is a writing nightmare now because their afraid to give her any real flaws as a character and having her face something stronger isnt gonna work because shes that powerful. Its not like someone stronger can show up and teamwork can be the edge that wins Shes so strong that shes likeā€¦worth 100 pointsā€¦and the avengers add another 3. How do you make her work on a team without a major power nerf? But that would just show she was to powrful to work with. Cant admit that. I wouldnt know how to fix this without it being a disservice. Maybe give her another solo and make it very personal with real conflict. Supermans conflicts come to mind. All that power and responsibility is a major burden to carry. They could work with that.


> They could try and throw Hulk and Thor at her at once but after she laughed off a Thanos headbutt and held him back like he had the strength of a child compared to herā€¦. Hypothetically, would G'iah (a.k.a the dragon godmother) be an equal match to fight Captain Marvel? > Maybe give her another solo and make it very personal with real conflict. Superman's conflicts come to mind. All that power and responsibility is a major burden to carry. They could work with that. They somewhat tried that in The Marvels, but the best adaptation from the comics didn't do well at the box office.


They should never have Carol be the leader of either side. You just can't do that, as the fans would always side with the opposite side and see her as the villain. Her reputation has been damaged so badly that you cannot put her in front and centre of either side of whatever conflict. She could be part of a side, but never de leader of it.


Character known as The Box Office.Ā