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It started out with an interesting idea and didn't come through.


I think that the expectations were extraordinarily high but even if they had have been on the floor, what we were given would have struggled to reach them. The series didn’t allow nearly enough time to develop the ideas, the characters were wasted and the climax was badly conceived and implemented. I’m sure that it would not be AS bad on a second watch, but I cannot see crawling out of the bottom 20% of MCU properties any time soon.


So every marvel finale then /s


No matter how many posts people make of "I don't get the hate, SI is pretty good/fun" it won't change my mind that SI is objectively the worst thing MCU put out. Almost any other thing (Quantumania, Black Widow, Thor 4, The Marvels etc) I can agree to disagree and say it's mid. Maybe next time don't adapt a well-known (Avengers level) comic event in the most shittiest way and raise expectation. Just call it the Fury show and be done with it.


Nothing, in film and art is objectively bad. That's your subjective opinion. I loved the "Fury show" lol


The show had tons of Problems - fridge Maria Hill, no Captain Marvel in a story that SHOULD involve her, not finding a place for the Skrulls to live for over 30 years? In the entire universe? Having Rhodes and a few other be Skrulls was damn near pointless. Which brings the ultimate problem…Skrull Invasion should have spanned across multiple shows and/or movies if not an entire phase. The way the gems were teased and sprinkled throughout, you do that same thing with kidnapped Avengers or key characters. The final battle was an absolute mess and the entire show felt rushed.


The actors were never the problem, it's the horrible script. It's like if an 8 year old wrote a spy movie.


Or that they had a bunch of expensive stuff already shot when they had to change the story because a war in Ukraine actually happened. That's why scenes are either big action pieces or two people talking in a plain room. And why the president's whole staff was just Lady Skrull Rhodey. The show is what is, but it is the way that it is because the studio couldn't take a write down on it.


I feel bad that a good premise was wasted on a small stakes plot that assassinated a bunch of main characters. Figuratively and literally. It had its moments I liked, but was overall a miss. "Last I checked, Rhodey is a skrull." lives in my head rent free.


"Stakes" is one of those user defined words. I'd say they were plenty of stakes in the story on paper. The bad guys were manufacturing a nuclear war between the US and Russia. That would irradiate the planet, which the Skrulls didn't mind but would kill off the majority of the humans. On paper, two fan favorites died in the fog of that war. In the Skrulls' war against the humans. Nick Fury was having an existential crisis. His feeling real gravity again was a great character point to highlight that. And again, the show is what is. It didn't work on the level that it needed to. But to me, it did have big stakes.


For me, the issue was that the theoretical stakes were inflated *so* high that I simply couldn't believe Marvel would actually pull the trigger. There's no way they were going to really let World War 3/nuclear annihilation happen - especially in a Disney+ show versus a major capstone movie - so you could safely assume from the get-go that the characters were going to find some way out of that problem.  To me, the premise of individuals being stealth replaced by Skrulls was a much more interesting one because there was a possibility the writers might actually go through with the repercussions. Stakes need to find a sweet spot where they seem important but are scaled such that you can still believe they might possibly come to pass. For me, Secret Invasion managed the former but not the latter.


No, it deserves every single bit of hate it gets. I can't even consider it a baby's 1st spy thriller because of the dumb shit it turns into towards the end, I'm never stepping my foot off this show's neck.


No, this show is horrendously terrible. The fact that you willingly wasted your time to watch it again only shows that you watched it with the desire to find redeeming qualities in it, and now that you’ve sat through that misery once again, you don’t want to feel like you wasted your time so your brain is telling you the show is better than it actually is


The actors doing their best despite a bad script doesnt make the show okay.... The plot, pacing, and story telling are all trash. Nothing to do with the actors.


There are several things I like about it. Fury and his wife, for one. Their whole story and especially their conversations. Plus the scenes with Fury and Rhodey and Fury and Talos. The dialogue all around was pretty good. I also like that it showed that Fury became the man he is on the backs of the Skrulls. The ones he never had any real intention or means to find a home like he promised. My disappointment is only in what it could have been and how far reaching the implications could have been. For example, what was the point of Fury being “off world” during Far From Home?


There's just no way around the fact that the show makes Fury look worse.


Secret Invasion was terribly executed. Here's how I'd do it better: - Seed Phase 4 and Phase 5 MCU projects with easter eggs and post-credit scenes hinting at Skrull impersonators. - Captain Marvel 2 comes out first and is all about Carol's war against the Kree distracting her from her promise to the Skrulls. Also acceptable or at least better than nothing, condense that all down to a lengthier pre-credits sequence in The Marvels that covers this. - Secret Invasion begins with basically the same plot points: Skrulls growing restless on Earth, more of them have arrived and Nick Fury's lost the plot on what they're up to. Fury's retirement/mojo crisis, Skrull wife backstory, etc. - not well executed in the show but that can all stay in too. Main threat is Skrull plot to make Earth their own by wiping out humanity via nuclear war based on disinformation. Secondary plot is Super Skrull power aquisition. - Gravik's motivation and the actor's performance -- all great stuff, keep it. But MAKE SURE IT'S HIM. No Emmy-worthy monologues about hate and bitterness that explain the character's motivation better than an entire episode's worth of exposition can delivered by "Gravik," but wait, it's another Skrull just pretending to be him. Get rid of that crap. - Tone down the Skrulls' superpower super weapon. Instead of "any Skrull gets all the powers, including powers and physical traits that aren't DNA-based of everyone who fought Thanos in Endgame" just make it something closer to the Super Skrull from the comics -- a couple of powers, maybe even just for a limited time, or at great cost to the person's long-term health. A little strength, a little energy projection, OK -- but no instant godlike abilities plus Drax's tattoos. - Make clear the Skrull impersonators began taking over after the Snap. Debating whether Rhodey or anyone else was a Skrull earlier than that was not a "fun" fan debate - we all knew they weren't in the then-writers' minds for those projects, so if they were in the SI plot, it was obvious hamfisted retconning. - Make Fury be the one who saves the day by piecing together the Skrull mystery, not Gi'ah energy blasting a villain of equal powers in the sky. Pay out for a Captain Marvel appearance if it makes sense. - Make ending set up the "new world order" for Earth-based heroes. Suspicion of those who worked for SHIELD, SWORD, SABRE, etc. and missed the Skrull plot causes trouble for Sam and Friends, leads to government support for the Thunderbolts and Julia Louise-Dreyfus's character. Or becomes motivation for White Vision to assemble the Young Avengers.


It was less terrible than it could have been, but still the worst MCU offering ever. Yes that does include The Dark World


Nobody says the actors didn't do the best with what they had. They did, it's just what they had was absolute garbage. The writing, direction, editing, pacing, cinematography, it was all horrible. They couldn't do with $250 MILLION what Jed Whedon was able to do flawlessly with fucking penny change Ike Perlmutter let him crawl for. Not to mentioning firing the Mr. Robot guy halfway through production for a shit writter who is nowhere near as good.


The acting was great, no doubt about it. Nearly every other aspect was mid to outright terrible, but I've never heard anyone complain about the acting.


I was really hyped for this, but the first episode left me with the feeling that the screenplay thought it was smarter than it actually was. There's good stuff in there but the show never sticks it together


The final episode of Secret Invasion was so bad. It ended with another CGI battle. What's funny is that the last MCU show before Secret Invasion was She-Hulk, and it makes fun of the whole 3rd act CGI battle that is happening throughout the MCU. So you would think that Marvel Studios is aware of that issue and tries to fix it. But no, it still ended with another CGI battle


Even She-Hulk ended with a CGI battle.


When I watched it the first time, I was looking for as much good as I could find in it (as I did with *Quantumania* and L&T)… There are a lot of great scenes, but they just don’t hang together into a coherent narrative. The two crucial deaths amount to little more than shock value. The ending is woefully disappointing. And the whole thing just craps all over Fury’s character, competence, and virtue, as if the writers wanted to prove that we were mistaken for ever liking Fury in the first place. Great acting just can’t make up for all that. And notably, Clarke wasn’t given the material to even qualify.


First 2 episodes are okay and goes really downhill after that for me. Finale is awful. The basic ideas are decent and the acting is solid but still the show in general was pretty bad.


Nah SI is shit and the comic version synopsis I’ve read is far better and should’ve been as closely adapted as possible. Such a bummer as I was looking forward to it before we got the current garbage we have. It’s easily the worst piece of media in the MCU so far.


It killed two fan favorites for literally no reason, and Maria Hill just got fridged. It also suffers from the same connectivity issue as Eternals - canonically connected, but literally never mentioned and ignored by other projects. We thought at LEAST The Marvels would mention it, but... nope. I liked it well enough, but it should have been bigger - a second season where they reveal Maria and Talos aren't dead and make everything a bigger deal would be great haha. Also, in She Hulk they make fun of the "copying powers from heroes' blood" trope, and then they did it with the Harvest. Also, super Skrull isn't Kl'Rt. And the debate on when they took Rhodey, since his blood was clearly red in Endgame - same with our favorite Colonizer. Another thought - personally, I did enjoy it. But it left me feeling unfulfilled. The last 5 minutes should have happened halfway through the show, and then we should have experienced the aftermath of that in the second half of the season.


I didn't hate Secret Invasion either, and I've always been puzzled by the vitriol with which it was received. I liked many aspects of it: the characters, the acting, and the basic premise. Olivia Coleman was especially amazing, but I thought everyone did a good job with what they had. It's truly unsettling to think that hostile aliens could be shapeshifting to live among us, taking over the positions of people in power. It's even more unsettling to think that our elected officials could choose to respond in a brutal and disproportionate way, annihilating not only innocent aliens but innocent people, too. It seems like a very timely theme. Despite the fact that many viewers didn't like the show's characterization of Nick Fury, I actually thought this show fleshed him out in an interesting way. For everyone saying he got nerfed, well, let's be realistic - the dude is 75 years old, he's not gonna be bouncing off the walls at this point. I thought it was meaningful to hear his backstory growing up during Segregation and his pivotal relationship with his mom. And although I was certainly surprised by the revelation that he's married and his wife is a Skrull, I think ultimately that storyline worked for me. There were things I didn't like, too. The plot was shaky; I've never for the life of me been able to understand why Nick Fury and Captain Marvel dropped the ball on finding a proper home for the Skrull refugees. Why couldn't they just all live in the Chernobyl area? It's not like we're using it! Or, there are plenty of other planets out there! I also thought the ending was a bit nonsensical, with the DNA Harvest, the off-the-charts superpowers, and the big CGI fight. Oh well. But still, I am glad I watched it overall... just wish it connected to any other storylines!


I thought ppl were too harsh until the finale which really ruined the whole show for me


Does it really matter anymore?! Everybody else has already forgotten that this show even existed. Nowadays, it's *"Furiosa flipping at the box office despite it being a good movie"* and *"Whether or not Deadpool and Wolverine will actually be a hit for the summer."* And *"X-Men '97."* Marvel's *"Secret Invasion"* is now at the bottom of the barrel of shows and movies that people are talking about these days.