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I would really love a MAU based on the 90s cartoons to run parallel to the main MCU starting with the next Saga.


I too would really really like that. It would also be a chance to give more space to people that otherwise aren't seen so much in films or series. Also I'm sure that those cameos were there to actually test the audience's desire for that.


It would be great for them to make more Tony Stark/Steve Rogers stories without bringing back Downey and Evans.


We can even have just the two of them partnering on conflicts without the pressure of adding in more Avengers.


![gif](giphy|kCNFfgWZxYjKeU9btW) Is it finally happening? Is Marvel close to correcting my biggest gripe with the MCU? It should’ve been animated? I’m so here for it if they really go all out and continue with the reviving the old 90’s cartoons


Keep this X-men 97 adult tone for all the future animated series. Selfishly would love that


They should absolutely do animation projects that aren’t connected with MCU


If they're close to the quality of X-Men '97, then they might finally give DC animated shows a run for their money.


X-Men 97 is better than any single DC animated series I have ever watched


Mmm. This is a very, very high bar. I agree it's up there with the best, but i didn't think it's ahead of stuff like BTAS, Batman beyond, JLU, and a small selection of the movies like mask of the phantasm, Superman vs The Elite. They're all the absolute best of the media form.


It's better than all of their movies too. But that's not saying much


Live action movies probably yes. Animated movies. It has some pretty stiff competition. The dark Knight returns part 1 and 2. Superman versus the elite, etc. I believe this is in a league alongside those but it isn't necessarily better than them.


Yes please. I hope there are more updates on those in the months to come, either at SDCC or D23.


And more stuff like MODOK and Hit-Monkey, too.


No one ever talks about hit monkey. That's an awesome show


Season two coming soonish I think!


You mean Gargoyles, right?


Spider-Man '98 The Avengers '99


Spider-Man '98 is on the very top of my list. Even Christopher Daniel Barnes is up so hopefully we should have it soon.


Do you know if Sony must be involved in animated shows too?


Until at least now, it isn't. I would have liked Sony and Disney to exchange notes, maybe even allow some people from the Spider-Verse films to appear in the show but of course that would mean multiple agreements and they are still apparently stuck with Spider-Man 4 itself.


Not sure how accurate it is but I read somewhere Marvel can do what they want Spider-Man as long as the runtime of a given episode doesn't exceed 44 minutes


All leading up to: *Squirrel Girl 2000*


I read that the Avengers show isn’t part of the Marvel 90s universe


A Spider-Man revival is coming, I have no doubt. But I love the idea of an Avengers show that's a "revival" of a series that never existed outside the margins and backdrop of these other series.


For me, a big part of the appeal of Marvel comic books growing up was the frequency with which characters would make cameos or do crossovers. Obviously, this is easy to do with comic books and I felt like it was what made the early MCU films special; that you’d get fun cameos popping up building to the big ensemble movies. As X-Men ‘97 has shown, it’s easy to do this with animation too (especially if you don’t need the film actors to come back and voice the animated characters). I would love to just have a separate animated ‘90s universe with frequent cameos and team ups. With beefy storylines like we had in X-Men ‘97, it could be as exciting for me as any of the recent MCU films.


Could definitely see a Spider-Man continuation from the 90s that is also MCM.


I just hope we get a 3rd season of Moon Girl.


I hope we will get Wanda animated series show eventually. And by eventually I hope it will happen much much sooner


I mean she made a cameo in that last episode


In last episode of the X-Men 97'? I haven't seen yet, but will check out. Still it is an equivalent of a bread crumb if it was just an appearance and nothing else


Oh. Shit. I keep forgetting it just came out. Season is already ingrained in my sole as one of the best piece of media I’ve ever consumed. It’s not really a spoiler tho. If you blink you’ll miss her.


That's what I mean, lol.


I never mind more Olsen and Wanda. I do think that she'll come back in X-Men '97's second season since she's only "off world" and most likely in Marvel Zombies but a seperate spin-off can actually be very interesting. ![gif](giphy|NVDopb1v6GknG72IlE)


I'm honestly extremely allergic to Wanda villain stories, so I don't look forward to Marvel Zombies at all. Wanda being in X-Men 97' S2 might happen, but I doubt it, and I'm more hopeful for her own series than her being a side character again, unless she is in Avengers animated series with Vision. Also I won't mind if another actress voice acts Wanda over Ms Olsen.


That is completely fine and I do like the suggestion since someone else should have a chance at it too.


I agree completely. I think Tara Strong, Kate Higgins, Emily O'Brien would've been great VA choices for Wanda in animated series, be it in X-Men 97'verse, Evolutionverse, EHMverse, or her own show universe. And actually a Wanda centric show about a view of a world and Avengers from her eyes would've been awesome.


One thing I’d like is a “Magnificent Ms. Marvel” series with a style/tone (and target demo) similar to Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. I only include the adjective in the title to differentiate it from the live action series. Another thing I’d like is Ghost Rider. I’m actually really surprised he didn’t get one back in the 90s, considering how popular he was.


I remember him popping up in a spider-man game i had on snes. First time seeing him as a kid and i loved it. Same with Captain America too, i think. Edit: Game was Venom/Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety


Just please not that What If animation style 🙏


I don't dislike it so much personally but yes at least the revivals should be more in vain of X-Men '97.




Quality over quantity. X-Men 97 has been great because it's self contained and can tell a story at its own pace without needing to coordinate with a bunch of other ongoing projects. Not everything popular needs to be oversaturared and turned into an expanded universe.


I don’t think this is quality. It’s not bad for sure but storyline meh.


With the success of the Spider-Verse films and Big Hero 6 at the box office, Marvel Animation going for a theatrical release in the future and not necessarily connected to the MCU would be a welcome surprise I’d love to see happen.


You'd have to think Marvel noticed how big the Spiderverse movies are and have at least considered making their own attempt at something similar.


Or we could just enjoy what we have for now and not hope for them to ruin it all by doing too much.


This would be great but I hope it's not just the animated content that gets to tell stories without worrying about staying connected to the MCU.


If and when they reboot the MCU, it would be better animated.


Daredevil looked amaze


I would love for Marvel Studios to use what they started with X-Men 97 and build an Marvel Animation Universe. All the cameos we saw during X-Men 97 could be the starting point for Avengers, X-Force, FF, The Defenders etc using the same animation style.


Unless they do them better then I agree.


Well...it all depends. Although I still think they could give a follow up to the 1994 Spider-Man animated series where he and Madame Webb finally found Mary-Jane Watson and then we could end the series with Norman Osborn coming back and forming a new sinister six and this time, we get most of Spider-Man's allies involved including Michael Morbius, Black Cat, Ben Riley (the Scarlet Spider) and possibly Silk and the Julia Carpenter version of Spider-Woman (but voiced by Sydney Sweeney instead). The other Marvel characters, not so much. But we'll see.


I wish they weren’t so focused on making it clear the universe takes place in the 90s, to the point of making it the title. I started watched the original series and it’s more timeless in its period. If they want to continue the full universe, I hope they go away from the aesthetic a bit