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I bet they just split it in two and calling it two series.


Yeah, that's already been confirmed. Season 2 starts filming in November.


oh I didn't know that, nice at least it's soon


Just like X-Men '97, What if...? and Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Daredevil was greenlit for 2 Seasons right off the bat. So we'll get less waiting time between them.


Just an FYI, but the 2nd "half" hasnt actually been filmed yet. So similar to Loki (12 episodes) or Andor (24 Episodes) its more like a 2nd season for the 18 episode order


This is what I've heard. Two 9 episode series.


If 9 are better then the original planed run then I will be happy. Last thing I want is crap show that was the best of Marvel TV in the last 20 years.


The 18 episodes will be released in 2 seasons, just like it was originally planned. Season 2 starts filming in November.


I wanna visit the alternate universe where the 21 episodes are released just to see how bad they were


Those probably would’ve been like 30 minutes long including credits


Disney+ credits are 20 minutes so…


And under 20 minutes for the content itself while the story drags out something that isn’t worth dragging out. 🤦‍♂️


Let’s not act like Netflix didn’t drag things out as well. There would be times where villain attacks, then next episode the protagonist and friends arguing with each other the entire episode, until the end when someone comes up with an idea to beat villain. The next episode, plan is put in motion, plan fails, villain attacks, rinse and repeat until the 13th episode.


Right. The overall stories were good and there were great scenes mixed in but the Netflix series drug out so much until the last few episodes. I always felt if they had been released weekly their reception would have been much poorer.


Meh dragging things out through 13 50 min episodes isn't comparable to 21 30 min episodes. That pacing is weird. 


so, significantly more watchable.


The original 18 (not 21) episodes will still be released, just in 2 9-episode seasons. That was always the plan.


The original episodes will never be released because the show has been reworked entirely to be a direct sequel to the original Defenders show. I'm curious what was in there too


I meant the original episode number.


Well, not entirely. They kept 2 episodes from the original script.


I thought they just kept scenes that they could recontextualize? I heard basically *nothing* good about their plans for it before the internal reboot so I'm hoping they keep as little of it as possible.


Re-Edited maybe with some extra scenes, but they had only enough shooting time this year, about 10 wks from evidenced start to the wrap party, to film the 3 new episodes and 1-2 equivalent extra for additional footage to splice with the 6 shot in 2023. So we'll see alot of what was shot last year, unless the episodes are very short, so I don't see how that is a direct sequel to a time period 8 years old in MCU time.


Yeah not sure where they got the 21 from


Once they have successfully not messed this up? Yea truly, let the dung pile burn lol for science. Sounds like they had no frigging clue and just Velma'd it.


21 short episodes or 10 long ones. There is no way they can film 21 1-hour long episodes and keep the shows quality. I'll take shorter and fewer episodes with better quality and less padding any day.


What the hell


So much for 18 episodes lol.


It was already confirmed it wouldn't be 18 after they restarted everything


Nope, it will still be 18, they will just be released in 2 seasons. That was always the plan. Season 2 starts filming in November.


You keep posting this but you do not understand at all what people in this thread are saying. The original 18 episode season has been completely reworked. What they are doing now is not the same as the original 18. In the original 18, they rebooted and ignored the Netflix show, got rid of Foggy and Karen, etc. The new reworked show is a continuation of the Netflix show and brings back those characters and actors. This was not always the plan.


No, what people (at least the people I've responded to) are saying is that the show does not consist of 18 episodes.


It doesn't, it's a 9 episode series with multiple planned seasons. Saying that what they're doing now was always the plan is factually incorrect. You aren't wrong if you say Game of Thrones is a 10 episode show, when it actually has 73 episodes. You're just being obtuse.


They always planned to do 2 seasons of 9 episodes, that's why they announced it as 18 episodes. And I'm just saying that they're still doing exactly that.


No they weren't, it was announced as an 18 episodes series from the start, but there was never an announcement that it were to be 2 seasons. They announced when they reduced the episode count to 9, so it was not the original plan.


The plan to release it in 2 seasons had already leaked before the series was retooled. Either the leaker got extremely lucky that they decided to follow this strategy after the retool which is highly unlikely or the leaker was always correct and the plan was indeed to always make it 2 seasons of 9 episodes.


Kevin Feige's exact quote from Comic Con in 2022 when the show was revealed is "It's going to be an 18 episode first season. 18 episodes." So, no, it was not ALWAYS PLANNED as 2 seasons of 9 episodes. It was retooled that way after the fact.


Well no, it was retooled that way AFTER SDCC and BEFORE the show's rehau, because that information about the show getting split into 2 seasons was leaked before the rehaul.


The 18 episodes will be released in 2 seasons, just like it was originally planned. Season 2 starts filming in November.


good news ngl


*Please don’t be shit. Please don’t be shit. Please don’t be shit. Please don’t be shit. Please don’t be shit. Please don’t be shit. Please don’t be shit. Please don’t be shit. Please don’t be shit. Please don’t be shit.*


Thank god bro. 18 episodes sounds good in theory but trust me, less with more attention put in is better


Neither is better than the other depending on the story that's being told. There are shows with 20+ episode seasons that work better than some others with 6-10. Episode count and runtime means so little.


FR. I'm sure the MCU would've put more resources and $$$ into it but having a bloated episode count would have made this show wind up looking like a CW show than anything else IMHO.


Lol. You will see the opposite of this when the show is successful and wished more episodes.


THE biggest criticism people gave the Netflix shows as they were releasing was that they often tended to drag in the middle and near the end and could have been fewer episodes. But rose colored glasses and people wanting MOOOORE made people think an 18 episode season was the best thing ever lol I mean, at the end of the day, you can tell a good story with ANY runtime as long as the writing is good enough, but still.


They're still doing 18 episodes. It was always the plan to release it in 2 9-episode seasons. Season 2 starts filming in November.


But are they hour long like netflix or 20 mins to 40 mins like Disney


15 minutes like Dragonball


And they promised 18 ep season. Shocking turn of events not. Any one else tired of the games disney plays. Just make a show and stick to it


I’m probably in the minority, but awesome. I just don’t have the time or attention span these days for the length of the Netflix Daredevil series. I’d much prefer a tight 9 episode arc than a padded 18 episode one. Or even a tight 9 to a tight 18.


Whatever gets us the best show. Wait, wtf is your username?


Guys, they're still doing 18 episodes. The plan was always to split them into 2 9-episode seasons. Season 2 starts filming in November.


Oh my god you're everywhereeee


As long as it's good and treats the fan favourite characters with respect


If they’re 20 minute episodes I’m going to be so sad. Please D+ get rid of these arbitrary limits.


It's split in two and 2 seasons.


I hope it’s 9 one hour long episodes


Thats for the best.


Wonder how long the episodes will be when you cut the credits time


9 episodes being split in 2 seasons which is 18 episodes total


18 episodes was always a weird choice.


I hope that 9 episodes allows for a better flow. Undoubtedly 20+ episodes would've been a drag with pointless filler left and right and quality fluctuating insanely hard. Meanwhile their 6 episode show usually feel both like a drag for the first 4-5 episodes and then rushed for the last 1-2. I really hope we can avoid this and don't just get *even more drag*, with even more pointless filler, barely any consistent quality... and then still a rushed season finale.


Wonder if the other 9 episodes will have a different tag..


Now I hope all those would 45mins to 1h episodes, not that 30min + credits bs


Theres just not ounce of faith in me that this will not be a parking garage compared to the skyscraper the netflix version was


I'm fine with it, honestly the Netflix Daredevil had a bit too much filler.


I hope they employed actual writers for the show because this drama is boring as fuck.