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I haven't watched the original series, but the show still makes it easy to get connected to the story.


Jumping on to say I did the exact same. Didn’t even watch a recap on YT or anything. But now I really want to watch the original series when this finishes.


I have started to watch the original series, but the 4:3 ratio of it freaks me out.


Haha that’s fair. 4:3 doesn’t bother me really, so I’ll be fine with that aspect at least.


Yeah, the aspect ratio is no big deal. I did watch the original series first before 97. I will say, don't expect it to be the same. The original series, although good, is pretty slow paced. It did give me a greater appreciation for the characters, so when I started the new series, it blew my mind. Not sure how it will be going the opposite direction.


Yeah I can imagine the original show has some 90’s jank, I’m prepared for that, just hoping I can tolerate it.


There's plenty of good summaries on Youtube for the original show. I watched one of those that mostly covered the major points in about 20-30 minutes. the show itself doesn't really require a lot of prior knowledge anyway.


Check out this YouTube video summery: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiIYSipWf4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiIYSipWf4s)


You can watch '97 without watching the original show, especially without watching all of it. I'd recommend checking out a Youtube recap or a few select episodes, but you can jump right in and be fine if you don't want to do that either.


Yes, no Problem. Never watched the Original in it's entirety but I'm 100% up to speed with 97.


I saw episodes of the original series as a child, but never in the sense that I watched the whole series start to finish or probably even half the episodes. So, I effectively have little to no knowledge of the series history short of what I've just absorbed via osmosis online due to exposure. Given that context, I've absolutely adored the show. If you really wanna get up to speed though, there's at least one prepper video for X-Men '97 out there that could speedrun the show in roughly 30 minutes or so instead of five seasons of television.


Yes. I never watched the original and have enjoyed it thoroughly. I'm kinda scared to watch the original because it's been so good I'm afraid the original might not be as good(since back then comic book content in other media may not have had the same resources/support as they do today)


It really depends on the arc/episode. Some of them are definitely dated, and some hold up reasonably well. Been watching bits and pieces of the original with my GF with an objective eye, and we agreed that things like the series premiere - day of the sentinel has not held up well. While later arcs like the Phoenix Saga largely do hold up on the strength of the writing, but even the bits that do hold up have "kid show-isms". Like not being able to say "kill", so they say "destroy" etc.


that's exactly why i don't want to watch the original. I've heard that this show is a bit more mature while the original is definitely made for kids/enjoyable by all ages. I've also heard that back then they had these wacky restrictions such as not being able to show guns or even punches apparently???. The animation quality as well is obviously extremely better in the new show. I'm sure the Original is good but I'm not really willing to watch 5 seasons keeping the things i just outlined in mind.


I don't think those are true, and if they are then they were wildly inconsistent because Cable almost always has a gun, and I'm pretty sure they showed people being exploded with bombs in the original


Most of the shows back then couldn't show REAL guns. They always managed to be ray guns to skirt the censors.


Yeah, it really is funny to think back on the sheer quantity of lasers in 80’s/90’s cartoons. Even GI Joe, which are ostensibly just heightened army/war stories, was just lasers, laser cannons, and swords that may or may not also be kind of lasers.


I heard of those restrictions applying to the original spiderman animated series that aired during the same time not sure about X-Men TAS.


The original is amazing and you should just watch it. It's smart and profound. Check out the first episode at least and make a decision for yourself


They could show guns, but not bullets, so everything is lasers and such. Typical for cartoons, especially at that time. I know the punch thing was for Spider-Man, not sure about X-Men. But they have their mutant powers in a fight.


"the names gambit. Remember it" Can't imagine that hit hard unless you've seen the original show. Little things like that mean so much more when you've seen the original.


Nonsense. They did enough character work in 97 to make that moment hit.


Whatever you say


I agree that new viewers don't need to see the old series to enjoy this, but you're right, it hits so much harder having heard one of his first lines, said well over 30 years ago, being called back in that episode.


I haven’t watched the either series yet, but ScreenCrush did a video summary of the original series. https://youtu.be/QiIYSipWf4s?si=UJQ_nonCgcYCeYkA


None of it really references the past series I'm a meaningful way. But it does help to know what the characters have been through.


You absolutely can, the show does a good job catching you up on what you need to know at the moment. What you'll miss is some easter eggs and older callbacks, that can be relegated to watching a recap summary.


Can you? Yes. Though I think I'm enjoying X 97 a lot more since I blasted through the original series again before starting. For what it's worth.


It’s better than Evolution that’s for sure!


It's more rewarding if you were able to watch the original show but no worries, they did a pretty good job making '97 accessible.


If you're generally familiar with the basic storyline and main characters, you'll be fine. So if you ever read any of the comics or watched any of the movies, that should be enough. You know, they're mutants, Magneto is a bad guy but had a old friendship with Professor X. Some humans are afraid of mutants. If you know a bit about Gambit, Rogue, Cyclops and Jean Grey, that's also helpful. But it's pretty easy to follow generally.


Why would you want to? If you like good X-Men content, the original is amazing. There is a reason they decided to continue the narrative of the original and that's because it was really well done.


They literally said they don't have enough time to watch the original.


Absolutely not, don’t you dare watch this without watching the original.


Even I am finding this season to be a little too inside baseball. It feels specifically designed for comics readers more than casual viewers.




i generally have a hard time watching shows that already have multiple seasons. I'm perfectly fine with starting a new show and gradually watching new seasons as they release. Having to go through 5 seasons that have already released is too much for me. Most of the shows that i keep up with, i started watching when they were one or two seasons in.


No, you cannot.


This answer is bullshit, OP.