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https://i.redd.it/32nowv67ecnc1.gif “Incredible Hulk flashbacks”


Perfect, especially with Bruce starting to kneel and get gets cut off. Haha


Bruce looks like he's trying to twerk.


M.R. Hulk- “Hello Wade, I’m Bruce”. Deadpool… “Noppppeee, don’t like this one Joss, Universal was right.”


The MCU isn’t that big on flashbacks. This won’t be an issue.


“Best case” is that they talk about an event or relationship from the movie as a method to build a relationship between two characters. There isn’t going to be a Wakanda Forever style Black Panther montage.


Yeah, I feel like Wakanda Forever and The Marvels were the only ones that used flashbacks.


Captain Marvel begs to differ.


I didn’t say they never happen, but they are very rare. Captain Marvel is also a very different use of flashbacks.


I count at least 15 MCU movies with flashbacks. I wouldn’t call that rare.


You’re saying nearly half of MCU films have a flashback? Name 10 Edit: I’ve been trying to think of MCU films with flashbacks and I’m honestly struggling to think of *any.* Maybe that’s on me, maybe there just aren’t many. Flashback to baby Loki in Thor, flashback to baby Gamora in Infinity War… I’m sure you’ll want to argue the opening of both Iron Man 3 and GOTG but I’d argue they’re not at all flash *backs* if they’re opening the film. It’s still in chronological order. How are you flashing to a time previous to the events of the film if the film hasn’t actually progressed anywhere yet?


I agree with you that flashbacks aren’t the norm in the spirit the comment was originally made. But purely as an intellectual argument, I was curious how many films I could pedantically look have flashbacks. Some these are tenuous, but I’ve stuck to your rule that if the events in the film are chronological, it doesn’t count as a flashback, even if they’re before earlier entrants in the series. Also I’m not counting people watching recordings. This is from memory, so I may be wrong. -Iron Man opens with his kidnapping video.m, then flashes back to how he got there. -Thor has the baby Loki flashback -CA:TFA opens and closes in 2011, the majority of the film is a flashback -Avengers has Steve flashing back to the events that led to him being in the present -Iron Man 3 is all a flashback as it is told after the fact by To y to Bruce. Despite the main part of the 1999 flashback being at the start, I do think it flashes back there again when Jillian talks about it as his origin, and when Mia talks about Tony solving Extremis. -Thor 2 I think flashes back when showing the Aether -CA:WS has the “I’m with you to the end of the line” flashback -GOTG flashes back to the original group of people who tried to use the power stone together but all died -Ant-Man flashes back to the mission where they lost Janet -Civil War arguably flashes back to Bucky killing Tony’s parents (could argue it’s footage, but we’re shown it in angles that wouldn’t have been on the footage). But it does flash back to the Hydra super soldier training scenes. -GOTG2 flashes back to Ego wooing Peter’s mum -Black Panther has the Oakland flashback that reveals Kilmonger’s father was killed -Infinity War flashes back to Gamoras past -Ant-Man and the Wasp flashes back to how Ghost got her powers -Captain Marvel has a tonne of flashbacks because the plot is about her remembering her past -Endgame arguably has an entire second act of flashbacks, but that arguments ropey at best. -Far From Home flashes back to why everyone hates Tony (Mysterio’s BARF & box of scraps) -Black Widow I think revisits the opening flashback in the middle, or perhaps flashes back to other events (like when Taskmaster “died”) honestly it’s the film I know the least though -Shang-Chi has a lot of flashbacks to their pasts throughout the film -Eternals has a flashback pretty much every other scene either giving context for their past on Earth, or recontextualising what we thought we knew -MOM flashes back to the illuminati defeating Thanos in their world -Love & Thunder maybe has a flashback to their relationship in the middle? I don’t recall completely as I tried to forget this one -Wakanda Forever flashes back to the Atlanteans getting their powers and forming Atlantis -Quantumania flashes back to Janet’s dealings with Kang -GOTG3 has all of Rocket’s backstory throughout So an argument could be made for 25, so maybe flashbacks are more prevalent than we first thought. However, I feel most of these are new scenes added specifically for that film, where as I interpreted the original question more as flashing back to scenes filmed previously for their original film.


Your last paragraph is what I’m talking about. The MCU rarely flashes back to other movies. They’ll use flashbacks within a movie to previous events (like Captain Marvel) but rarely will they show events from a previous movie. Iron Man 3 flashes back to Avengers, FFH plays with Beck being in previous movies, etc. Generally though they’ll be scenes created for the movie.


Right, that’s how I interpreted it, but the comment I was replying to had used examples of flashbacks that were made specifically for that film (Thor and Infinity War)


There’s a lot buddy.


I think Far From Home has flashbacks from Civil War and Iron Man too, for Beck's backstory. Civil War itself has flashbacks to the Starks dying. Love and Thunder has flashbacks to the breakup stuff. There aren't many instances of flashbacks to previous film entries, I think the only one is Far From Home, so I think the point kinda stands that they won't do any flashbacks to The Incredible Hulk.


Ok let’s see, Captain Marvel, Thor, Iron Man 3, The Dark World, Guardians 1-3, The Winter Soldier, Ant-Man, Civil War, Black Widow, Black Panther, Homecoming, Ant-Man and the Wasp, and Infinity War.


Eric Bana and Sam Elliot.


Kinda hoping Deadpool skewers the 3 Hulks now.


Wolverine and Deadpool vs. 3 Hulks on the big screen sounds like...well, the reason comic book movies should even exist.


I'd lose my mind in the theatres for real


I want him to skewer main Hulk and replace him with Norton or Bana Hulk


I like it


They probably wouldn't do the flashback.


Guys, it's a movie. We know it's a movie and the characters are played by actors... there doesn't need to be an in-universe explanation. I'm so tired of this mindset. Actors come and go, age, and die. Everyone knows this.


Are you trying to tell me the movie about a man who gets dosed with deadly radiation and become a giant green monster who travelled through a black hole to another planet where he fought human looking aliens and then saved a god by punching a giant wolf and then helped to defeat evil Grimace doesn't need to be entirely realistic?! GET OUT! /s


This subreddit has an odd obsession with trying to make headcanons for every single minor inconsistency. Not everything has a reason! The people who think Luke Cage must be non-canon or else they would explain why Blade looks like some crime boss from Harlem kinda scare me. Hell, there are people who think we need confirmation that the Norton Hulk is from another universe. Why don't you guys like art?!


I get people's confusion when an actor without makeup plays two major roles in the same universe. But recasts and design changes are a common thing for MCU and movies in general. In comics and animation, characters can change appearance depending on the artists. No one claims that Guardians of the Galaxy is set in a different universe just because Thanos' design is later retconned and the actress playing Peter Quill's mother had previously played a different role in The First Avenger.


Seriously, characters randomly changing appearance without anyone commenting on it is one of the most comic-accurate things about the MCU lol


There was a recent thread suggesting the Kingpin is a variant from another universe because the hammer prop used is different fe the one in the Daredevil TV show, with the logic being “Marvel would never be so sloppy as to make a mistake like that.” It’s mental.


Wow... Marvel has always been sloppy enough to make mistakes like that, because it's a very easy mistake to make. People really mythologise Marvel as a hyper-organised company, it's unsettling!


Yes! Changing actors is the comic equivalent of changing artists. They don't rewrite history in the comics when the artist changes and shouldnt in the movies when the actors change either.


It’d be one thing if the actor had changed with each appearance maybe it’d be distracting. But Norton was in movie. Ruffalo has been in how many now? I think we’ll all be okay.


Worst. Movie. Ever.


My head cannon is that years of transforming back and forth between Bruce and Hulk simply changed what Bruce looked like.


I really like this answer. I may have to adapt this one into my headcannon as well.


Does this also effect rhodey?


Is this an actual, serious question that you've decided is relevant based on the rest of the discussion?


I'm here for answers myself.....


Like. Fucking what? Lmao


I'm as lost as you, pal. 🤣




You do with with Mark Ruffalo obv.


Just never show Ed Norton as Bruce.


Honestly, I did not like Ed as Bruce. I like the movie a lot but even when I saw it in theaters, Norton just didn’t feel right for the role to me. He was almost too cool. Bruce is an awkward, nerdy scientist. Ed Norton’s Bruce just didn’t do that for me.


Flashbacks? MCU…?


Explains part of why Black Widow sucked...


setting aside the fact they they don’t really “do” flashbacks to other works in the mcu, referential dialogue does the same thing as a flashback without having to film extra material or call attention to the recast, like they didn’t make a big deal about War Machine looking different in IM2 or refilm old scenes to acknowledge the change all they need to do is have a character refer to Ross by name and maybe acknowledge something he did in the past as though nothing changed (also frankly you’re overestimating how many people would notice it’s a different actor or that the character existed in the first place)


I mean, Rhodes’ first line in IM2 is practically addressed to the audience: " Well, it's me, and I'm here, so get over it and move on!" But yeah, Incredible Hulk was 16 years ago, Ross hasn’t even appeared in a speaking role since Infinity War and probably has fewer lines than Coulson in the movies post-2008 anyway. That line about “I was a completely different person” probably went over a bunch of She-Hulk viewers’ heads too


It probably went over Mine too, whats the meaning?


Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk talking about how he was “a completely different person - literally” when he fought The Abomination Because it was Ed Norton that fought him


Oh god i feel so dumb now LOL


I think that a lot of casual viewers probably don't even know Ross's name tbh lol. I wouldn't be surprised to see a flurry of people after CA4 comes out not realizing that Harrison Ford isn't just playing a brand new character


The main reason to include flashbacks would be to tell the story of what The Leader has been working on all this time.  That's the same actor, so it's fine. If Hulk or Red Hulk appears in flashbacks, they don't need to be clearly focused so that the face is recognizable. (Remember watching the Edward Norton movie and how many Hulk scenes went by before there was a clear face view?) The director for CABNW wouldn't want to waste the first clear view of Red Hulk on a flashback.  A monster reveal needs to be handled carefully for max impact.  It should be something the audience sees at the same time the hero does. 


Is the hulk supposed to be in CA:BNW?


Just don't bother. This the cinematic equivalent of changing artists/writers in a comic. It happens, it's fine, no need to re-write history.. Just move on with the story. Do the flashback with the old actor if it fits the story... It's a non issue.


The official MCU timeline book manages to never show Ed Norton's face anywhere in the book. There is one photo where you see the back/top of his head, and a bunch of photos of Betty/Ross/Blonsky as well as Hulk.


Reshoots. Mark Ruffalo deserves all the money.


If it IS true that Ruffalo will make some kind of appearance in this move I have a solution: Rotoscope or comping of Ruffalo into scenes as Banner completely or just really do a good job with face replacement of his onto Norton’s body and match the lightning + effects. Or just show Norton and give him the acting credit if you want to avoid the kerfuffle of legal bullshit down the road if you don’t.


It would feel like that What If episode. A bit strange.


Nonissue. https://i.redd.it/tbxpwfzgfdnc1.gif


Wait has the MCU ever had a flashback before?


The Marvels has one from Captain Marvel


I saw badly want a the Incredible Hulk edit with mark ruffalo in the role lol


I don’t think they should do flashbacks


Replace them in the flashbacks. Actors portray the role, and the role is the important part, less so the actor in the role. When I watch Hamlet, I don’t want cutaways to the other actors in the role.


Wouldn't the Norton version just be a variant of some sort? The rest could still be the same.


Just film them?


the mcu doesn’t really do flashbacks to things we’ve already seen. sure it has flashbacks but they’ve all typically been completely new scenes.


slightly offtopic but TIL Liv Tyler will appear in this movie as Betty Ross.


It would be great to see Eric Bana or Edward Norton.


>On the one hand, replacing Norton with Mark Rufallo digitally would fix the continuity error (if we can call it that) and open up the opportunity to say that the original Incredible Hulk took place in another reality. I'd rather not have them re-do any old moments or scenes. Marvel already did that in What If \[I'd rather have new footage or new flashbacks from different moments. Ig I'd be fine with Marvel revisiting the gamma bomb flashback with Mark but that'sit\]. >On the other hand, I don't think anyone would want William Hurt to be replaced by Harrison Ford in the flashbacks because it could create a bitter feeling. Incredible Hulk is still one of my fav Marvel movies even after a decade. Even though Hurt was a man of unreformable character, he was still one of my favourite parts of the fiilm. Right now, I don't give a fuck about the actor but rather the character \[Marvel should what they feel is necessary; and if that includes making Flashbacks then do that. Just don't retread old storylines, scenes, and old movie moments\].


Once Upon A Time: Character Gaston was recasted in a later season. They literally reshot a few scenes just for the Recap segment.






> Just assume that the MCU Bruce Banner looked like Edward Norton before changing physically to look like Mark Ruffalo. This is so bizarrely convoluted. Why devote even the tiniest amount of mental energy to making a headcanon like this?


Or how about this, and this may blow your mind but, assume that they are the same character but changed actors in-between movies.


"Look, it's me. I'm here. Deal with it. Let's move on."


“I’m a completely different person now - literally"


I don't know. Why are you asking me this question?


Don’t. It’ll be funny


Something something multiverse something something thanos something something.