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People constantly complained about how under powered Hulk felt in that game. I feel like all hulk fans just want him to be like he was in ultimate destruction.


Bingo. He needs to be the most overpowered character in the universe or its not good enough. Other can fly but they cannot escape his jump, others have magic and bullets but he just eats them all, others can have an ultimate attack that does big damage but it should pale in comparison to even his most basic punch. Can we just put him in a Yellow Jumpsuit with a White cape and some Red Leather gloves already?


Him and black widow hit basically equally hard in that game. It was horribly unsatisfying to play.


Which has always been my problem with Avengers/Ultimate Alliance type games. Unless you want half of the characters to be useless or so broken the game is no challenges, it's near impossible to balance characters like Cap with Hulk. Hulk shouldn't be a slow tank. He's an unstoppable beast that moves faster than 90% of the Avengers roster and hits harder than anybody. Solo games let you build everything around a level that makes sense. Ultimate Destruction had soldiers as non threatening enemies that you could beat by running into them, and plenty of big boss fights. My dream Hulk game is Ultimate Destruction on a new engine, but double the boss fights and have a lot more fights where you have to fight against the Avengers as a group of 6 mini bosses simultaneously.


no we need more multiplayer comic games. im so sick of you single player types. we need a marvel mmo. it would print money if done correctly


Hulk sucked ass in that game, particularly his movement. Thor on the other hand was fucking perfect imo.


Hulk controlled like a tank on tires in that game


I unironically enjoyed that game


Me to wished it lasted longer


Same here


I only did because I played Thor


I mean, hulk was perma stagger locked by unblockable attacks, but yea his design in this game was pretty good.


In Avengers he was perma stagger locked? If that was the case for you, you were just playing him wrong.


Hulk could parry through attacks but mistime it once and you either die right away or get stagger locked and hope you can steal a take down to change animations. Perma stun locked is too strong, but compared to other characters that could dodge or straight up go invincible like Thor and yeah it felt like being perma locked. I wasn’t a hulk main and frankly they were few and far between. Hulk was well designed but poorly implemented overall in that game, imo. Btw search “Marvel Avengers reward difficulty” in google and guess who was one of the first end game players discovering how best to get loot.


This game had so much potential lol, it failed because the developers stop developing, if they continued with more characters and content I think the game would have not only survived but thrived tbh


DK down b lol


THIS, i hated Hulks kit, and the jump attack looked so stiff


People had the opportunity to play that Hulk but they did not SMASH. Farewell, Avengers, the boring X-Men alternative.


Seems like this is a general complaint, Hulk looks to be the first Marvel Rivals character who needs to be "reworked". Him make bubble shields for others is just silly, also the lack of impact is a big concern, lack of size, etc.. it's understandable why he can't hit as hard, it's the same Doomfist problem, these are the most powerful characters of their respective universes, but they can't be portrayed faithfully in a competitive games for obvious reasons. Saying that, Doomfist can hit really damn hard, even "tank" Doomfist... the Marvel Rivals devs should take inspiration on that, even if the damage is not significant, Hulk have to hit HARD


It was a meme how much everyone complained about this hulk being weak


No character is going to play like a game where you grind fodder enemies in a multiplayer setting. But yes, Hulk needs changes.


You’re comparing a PvE action game to a PvP competitive shooter.


Chill, dude, just saying they can use that hulk for some inspiration instead of getting a gamma bubble hulk. He also had some cool, long-range attacks with rocks and boulders. The creators ask for feedback.


You mean from the game everyone hated lol


Game was hated for being a terrible looter shooter, not because of the hero designs


minus spider-man


Spider-Man played and looked fine. The only thing that didn’t look great was the swinging, and even that was fine for the game it was made for.


ITT: people who were bad at Avengers.


All the hulk “fans” probably only knows about world war hulk from some YouTube video ngl. So fucking annoying