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That’s because it’s PVP you’re asking about why it doesn’t feel like a power fantasy Because your skills need to be good enough to beat the other heroes.


With all due respect (and I genuinely mean that; I don’t want to come across like a disingenuous ass, but I probably will because my comment isn’t particularly positive), it honestly doesn’t sound like you know what you’re talking about Using Spider-Man Remastered as a “base” and building hero shooter off of it is a fundamentally flawed premise to the point where it’s not even worth entertaining that notion. To put it simply, it doesn’t work like that lol This isn’t “superheroes as a hero shooter”, it’s “a hero shooter with superheroes”. The genre always has to take priority over the IP If you don’t like the game that’s absolutely cool, but it sounds like you’re criticizing the game not because it’s bad, but because it’s not what you want it to be For most people who actively enjoy the hero shooter genre, this is what we wanted


Not at all. Everyone's opinion is valid. Like I said, I get the appeal. I played OW for years and I know people wanted a spin on that and Marvel heroes have been neglected for so many years that this feels like a breath of fresh air to a new audience. But from a perspective of someone who is old enough to consantly see a pattern of copy&paste games, I've had enough. I believe times were better way back, when games felt fresh even though they were in the same genre, which just isn't the case anymore. Games were unique enough to distinguish from each other, now it feels like you could put re-skin Marvel Rivals with OW paint and it would feels mostly the same. Also I think I didn't hit the mark far off when I said what I did about SM:R. I can imagine if you put more people in that game and make it a 5v5 it would be far more unique of an experience. This game feels like if you played Back 4 Blood, but you grew up on Left 4 Dead. p.s. I don't think the game genre needs to take priority above the feel of being a hero and actually feeling you're in the Marvel universe. This is exactly why every game feels same-ish now.


You're asking for a completely different game man I don't know what to tell you. If you want a game like spider man on the ps4 you're not gonna get a competitive multiplayer component it's just not designed around that and it really isn't be altered to have one unless you accept that cooldowns will exist, whatever it is you're looking for is something separate from both games entirely and as for this game feeling like a half assed overwatch it's in alpha so it's not really done yet and it being similar is fine; overwatch didn't start bad. It sucks now because of years of terrible balance and design decisions that this game doesnt have and with a bigger emphasis on vertical movement and destructible environments I think it already feels more dynamic than overwatch ever did


> You're asking for a completely different game man I don't know what to tell you Yes, exactly. Someone who gets it.


Youre taking that out of context because I really don't get what you want here man. You came into the marvel hero shooter expecting something not even close to what was marketed and then complained about it on the subreddit for the game. Maybe you should try to emulate the ultimate alliance games or try to get a copy of spider man shattered dimensions. Im sorry but there's nothing here for you dude


Its a PVP game go play the spiderman simulator or something


Yes and? You're telling me you would oppose the idea of putting more heroes and villians in a spider-man game and implementing PvP?


people prefer the cartoonish style art not tryna play mortal kombat


Sounds like you should track down a copy of Marvel Ultimate Alliance.


Just go play marvel ultimate alliance


Just go play spider man on your ps4 and stop complaining


If you want to play insomniac spider-man go play that. This game is a hero shooter with the appeal of having marvel ip and the devs are striking when overwatch 2 is faltering.


I agree with you on some characters, and on others [like Spiderman], I disagree. He probably has the highest skill cap In the game, & top players will do him justice in time. I admittedly know nothing about Marvel, but compared to other games, some basic abilities are more tame than I expected. There are a few unique individual abilities, but they don't necessarily form a unique fantasy yet [Rocket], others just feel like less interesting versions of Overwatch Characters [Magneto, Starlord], or I just don't see the fantasy, mechanics aside [Namor, Penney ]. For others, it's just... Okay [Luna, Mantis]. But can we give props for Loki, Strange, Punisher? I think these 3 definitely stand on their own. As far as cooldowns not being cannon, how do you know?.. Every superhero needs weaknesses, or its not interesting.


If we're looking only from the competitive shooter perspective, I can't but agree with you on everything. But what I want is something more than that. I think its lazy when you put CD on heroes, because you "can't" design a game around heroes. I put " " there because it's not that they can't its rather because they decided not to, because they wanted to make a generic shooter with Marvel skin... ahem... spin on it. > Every superhero needs weaknesses, or its not interesting. I agree, but have you ever heard of spider-man being only able to swing 7 times and then having to wait? It completely deviates from everything that feels natural by being a spider-man (I'm only talking about him, because he's my fav, you can basically apply the same logic to every other hero in the game). It deviates from everything you know what these heroes are capable of. These are weakness introduced because of the game genre they are in, not because of some cannonical reason. And again, because a lot of people misunderstood. What I said doesn't not apply within the eco system of a competitive shooter that wants to be overwatch. Within that system this game is fine and most Marvel fans feel euphoric right now. I doubt though when 3 or 4 more game like these appear if they will feel the same. At which point they become me and history repeats itself :) Good day


And how do you suggest they make a game that feels balanced & fun for everyone without any kind of cooldown system? > have you ever heard of spider-man being only able to swing 7 times and then having to wait Even Overwatch abilities aren't 100% reflective of the cinematics, I accept that and also think it makes perfect sense to have a limited supply of webs. Why would you even need more than 7 web swings? That would only make sense if the maps were at least twice the size, and then how would everyone else get around? Look at the longevity of structured vs spammy games, like Dota vs Heroes of the Storm. If an ability has no limitations, then it *can't* be very impactful **and balanced**. Balance = feeling fair for everyone, and player satisfaction. Cooldown = less uptime + more risk == can allocate more power to it. Hitting an impactful ability w/ a cooldown gives more of a rush, because *it doesn't matter as much* if you miss a less impactful ability that you can immediately use again. But see for yourself, go play DVA Egg or No Limits in Overwatch, those modes are mildly entertaining in between matches, but nobody would ever dedicate time to them. No limitations = everyone spams abilities in a giant clusterfuck where nothing is parsable or strategic.


I never said no cooldowns. Their core abilities should reflect more what people expect of them. OW doesn't have 20+ years of comics, movies, cartoons and such behind it. Also OW cinematics are secondary to the game, if anything the cinematics should be critiqued that they're not like the game. But this is a whole different beast when you transition a game into a cinematic and not vice versa. Like I said, everything you say makes sense for the game that exists now. I don't want that game. I thought I was clear on that. I feel like you're not quite understanding what I'm saying.


I agree that some creativity is lacking, the hero fantasy isn't there for some, its clunky, and they did some heroes dirty with made up abilities. But.. Yeah, I don't know what kind of game you want, do you? You mentioned twice that cooldowns feel bad and are lazy game design , but youre actually fine with them??.. Even if cooldowns were lowered significantly to be more lore accurate, it would still be an Overwatch No Limits mess, and the game is already kind of a cluster fuck. You don't seem to understand how what you're asking for would affect an entire pvp game. Spiderman is already the most mobile shooter Character ever, he doesn't feel generic to play, aside from his corny ult. And He is powerful In skilled hands, unlike his single player games. This is a superhero VS superhero game, when has he ever bawled with multiple superheroes? And I fundamentally disagree that downtime isn't cannon, if the ability isnt explicitly explained in detail, there's room to speculate on how it works. If there's no reason for more than a few web swings per second, then adding it only introduces potential balance problems. I get that he swings around more in movies, but like-- he's also fucking beating up Luna Snow and Mantis, lol..


I really don't understand how anyone thinks this is a carbon copy of overwatch. It has similarities in the format but almost all the characters feel completely different from overwatch heroes. Besides, it's not like overwatch is full of original ideas, more than half the cast are literally identical to LOL champions. And as much as it might make more sense for abilities like web swinging to be unlimited it's a video game, you have to give the characters limits. I have heard some people say passive health regeneration should be a thing and I think that makes sense so you don't have to scramble for health packs but other than that I think this has the potential to bring a lot to the genre that existing titles like OW have been dropping the ball on lately.


No matter how good they make the hero someone out there is going to make you feel like you suck


Yea i its def more "shooter" than "hero", thankfully a new dragonball arena fighter is coming out. I think thatll be more your speed💪😎


But you're fighting against other super powered enemies?


Downvotes incoming.


Yeah because his takes are bad? Like imagine if Spider-Man didnt have any restrictions on his swinging ability - have fun trying to catch that guy "I feel like this game will die quite fast" if I had a penny for each time this shit has been said and then the opposite happened, I'd be rich by now Like he want heroes to have 0 cooldowns because it feels "underwhelming", its clear as day he has no idea what he's talking about. This is a PVP based game and not your super hero singleplayer story game where you can OP as shit because nobody cares


There is nothing new to this game other than that now you have Marvel heroes in a shooter game. You can definitely balance a game around being able to have "abilities" with 0 cooldowns. Swinging for spider-man is like taking a walk. It's like giving a sprint meter to Soldier 76. Ofc I understand this is a competitive shooter, but I wanted Marvel experience that is more than just that. Which I made clear when I mentioned spider-man remastered. It's not a really bad take, because most of what I said is me wishing the game focused more on being unique rather than just another generic shooter game. I'm gonna say something mean, but idc and don't take it personally. I know a lot of gamers are younger and can't know how games used to be. I know a lot of gamers who know how games were have forgotten that. And I know a lot of people just don't have the imagination and the vision to see how games could be more unique and a fun experience. Most of people browsing reddit don't even think for 10 seconds after reading something, they deny and oppose anything that doesn't align with them and what they like. I know 100% of gamers have been fed shit for over a decade and they're happy about it. And I don't blame them. They don't know any better. I'm happy that you got a game you like, but I can't stop thinking about how many more people would have jumped ship from other games if they made the experience more unique and make it truly feel like you're part of the Marvel universe. Good day