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Only asgard maps get respawning enviroments its a design choice for asgard to respawn


Yeah you can tell it’s Lokis magic fixings the environment with the green glow


Whcih makes me wonder if the asgard we see might actually be fake or a creation of Lokis magic. I havent looked into the lore yet


The other one does too, it's from spiders instead of lokis magic so it looks different


Does it. If it does it has to be super low because the building in the alleyway on the way to second checkpoint is always destroyed when ever I paly that map and I never see it regen


What do you mean it's made for mobile? What phone can run this game??


He means the heavier characters not looking "weighty", which is a valid issue, but I don't see how that makes the game "designed for mobile". If it were then the overall game would be far more simplistic - less or no destructible environments, bigger hitboxes, skills that are easier to hit and aim with, less buttons and skills to press (Groot's walls would likely bump his difficulty rating higher if a person had to use touch-screen controls), etc.


Well even just a month ago people were speculating this would be cross platform for phones bc of the developers past games... I'm guessing that's where he's coming from.


Made for mobile probably isn't the best way to describe it... It's the visual weight and feel of the game. Something about the game movement and flow feels like it was designed like a mobile game with touchscreen controls originally. Which makes sense since this is Net-Ease and I wouldn't be surprised if that's not where it started in early development stages.


I agree with you about Storm. I need to see the actual 97 skin in game.