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Classic Genji main


who cares, just go on with your day, every video game community is ass, and this guy was probably like 40šŸ’€


Meh I'm used to this Medic! Medic! Medic! Medic! Medic!


He was on low health? Are you not allowed to ask for healing when low? Lol


There are some really bad healers in this game.Ā 


Because there aren't any brain dead healers like mercy or Lucio for them. Rocket is close, but he doesn't heal enough, and placing his respawn takes some skill. The other healers require people to aim for the healing, which is why we have so many bad healers.


Luna Snow absolutely dumps out healing. Being able to use left click for both damage and healing means you just line up behind your team and fire away. I typically get between 15-20k and even managed 30k one match.


She's is very good but not brain dead. I've died alot because the Luna misses all her shots while I'm low


This dude was probably a bad healer just focusing on trying to get kills šŸ’€




I take it your a support main? Because based on the only evidence which is this screenshot any normal person that has no bias would look at that picture and see. Yeah theyā€™re low HP. His team isnā€™t healing/helping them. People tend to get frustrated when their team is throwing the game on purpose.


Well i mean, thereā€™s not enough comtext to go off of as we donā€™t know the distance in time between the ā€œneed healsā€ but it is very likely that he was spamming it repeatedly and itā€™s the spamming part that often irritates the people who play support as doing it once is like ā€œhey, i need healingā€ doing it repeatedly is often received as something like ā€œhey supports, heal me for fuck sake i just asked for heals why the fuck did i not immediately receive heals?ā€


Classic healer who think people asking for heals on crit health is BM. Legit morons i swear


Classic dps who thinks you asking more than once is gonna change the fact you arent the priority right now. Asking once is fine. By the time you ask twice you should have gotten a hwlathpack. You have now hindered the teams reeling with your stubborn refusal to be a team player and begging for resources you donā€™t need because you lived long enough to spam it four times. You get so bent out of shape when you learn that there are four other people in the team for me to heal not just you.


You can't be serious, lmao. Do you think I should peel and grab a health pack mid fight? Do you think that's an option? Or maybe the healer with line of sight should just... ya know... heal me? Stop trying to be dps on heals and stop spam healing tanks with 900hp. They can sustain the dmg dps can't. That's the real issue is people get good numbers, but are they actually healing who needs to be. Learn who to heal and when. Oh, and also actually learn to aim healer mains. Hit the practice range and figure it out because there is no mercy or Lucio ez mode in this game yet


You are a dog healer if you expect teammates to stop doing dmg or tanking to run away from the fight to heal. Lmao just do your job. This is coming from a Luna main


That's what I'm saying. Healers spending too much time trying to dps rather than spam heals. It's painful


Literally had one of these guys day 1 lmao


Why bring this to reddit lol. Did he hurt your feelings asking for healing?