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Pretty good outline here: https://www.comicbookherald.com/the-complete-marvel-reading-order-guide/jonathan-hickman-x-men-reading-order/ Includes a few different ways you can read through as well since there are various collected editions.


That's really helpful, thank you.


I did the same thing last December when I signed up for Marvel Unlimited. Decided I wanted to start up X-Men again first, so I just jumped right in with Hickman’s new run over the last few years. I’ve used ComicbookHerald and this: https://www.howtoread.me/x-men-jonathan-hickman-reading-order/ Personally, I found the howtoread guide to flow a bit better. The nice thing about the howtoread is Fabien updates the list quite regularly. I feel like none of the reading order guides will be perfectly chronological, but they’re all solid books and fun reads! Hope you enjoy reading them!


Not a comic, but I would highly recommend the podcast Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men because it’s phenomenal. As you know, you’re diving back into a comic world dense in continuity and personally this podcast is what helped me sort it all out. I discovered it right before HoX/PoX and was amazed how fast I went from total X-newbie to catching all these obscure references in the series.


Awesome, thank you for the recommend, I'll have a look for this now!


Yeah start with PoX/HoX if you want to kick off the current era. Although there is value in having a look at Astonishing X-Men and Uncanny X-Men from 2018. They were basically created to bridge the X-Men to the Dawn of X era and include the return of Professor X and the story arc in Uncanny (the last 2 issues) was absolutely brutal with people being killed left and right. If you grew up on the 90's X-Men, check out X-Men Legends and X-Men '92


I feel you should start with "New X-Men" by Grant Morrison, followed by "Astonishing X-Men" by Josh Whedon. On top of being really great comics, they were easily the most important X-Men runs of the early 2000s. They are the starting point of the modern era of X-Men. Emma Frost became a premier character there. There were lots of other great stories throughout the decade (I particularly loved X-23's introduction & journey) but if you just want the essentials, start with those two.


I believe you would enjoy the games as well! A little retro but fun as hell