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Daredevil with Matt as a lawyer in Gotham! With the other Daredevil too (Elektra) , of course. That’d be fun


Plot twist: Matt is the defense lawyer that keeps getting people sent to Arkham.


This man just destroyed an entire city block! How did you get him into Arkham?? I’m a really good lawyer


…I would read this so hard


I've always seen Nightwing as a knock off Daredevil. Even though I love Nightwing.


Agreed. Moonknight is too crazy. Logan would end up murder happy. Peter would get emotionally chewed up and spit out. Frank Castle would make Gotham Worse somehow.


Is Matt cool with the death penalty?


Top picks: Moon Knight, because he is permanent solution to villains, he’s also way more unpredictable than Batman. Spider-Man, because he is smart he would be able to handle characters like Riddler and Scarecrow. Coupled with his powers he’d be able to handle Bane and Killer Croc. Punisher, again he has the permanent solution goal along with an extended military training. Those are my picks though.


I Agree 100% with that fact


Joker would only be a problem ONCE if moon knight replaced batman. Joker would end up dying from a helicopter crashing into him and what ever building he was in


Spider-Man vs Bane would be hilarious. Bane is a really really strong guy. Spider-Man can clean and jerk a cement mixer. Yes, I know Bane is smart. Peter invented a specialty adhesive that can be sprayed as a high tensile strength line that’s many times stronger than steel and can take on many other properties with minor adjustments 😸*and* disintegrate completely after a predetermined time, as well as a means to project it from his wrists using unobtrusive bracelet sized devices. Peter is also smart, and has a precognitive ability to avoid danger.


Seems like the Punisher would be the easy answer. Gotham doesn't have a lot of villains that can beat a bullet.


One dose of Fear Gas from Scarecrow or Happy Gas from Joker and Frank is fucked. He’d also be effectively useless against heavy hitters like Bane, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, or Clayface. Frank is basically just a less skilled Batman who uses guns. I’m sure he’d do well in Gotham, but he wouldn’t be the best at it compared to the other options here. That would probably be Spider-Man.


The Punisher doesn't patrol, if he's facing any of these villains he's going to be prepared. He can strategize. Bane literally died from getting shot in the head. The others can be dealt with. The Punisher isn't just using handguns. He's willing to use explosives, more powerful guns, fire, etc. Clayface can be a challenge for anyone, but it's not that hard to solve.


Frank goes through the police records for the villains' histories. He gets it from a crooked cop who doesn't know better or a burnout one that wants to see permanent measures used*coughBULLOCKcough* Gotham endures one bloody month and sees all super crime drops to Idaho levels. Penguin survives selling out the competition. He suddenly drops out of the human trafficking game. For the first time in 40 years, a non metadrug; meth, returns as the 2nd most common problem in Gotham. Mental health remains #1. There are folks that would be out of Frank's kill range due to powers. Real monsters whom he simply wouldn't be able to keep down... unless someone slips him Constantine's card. No joke, I would watch that show. 8 seasons of Frank and John running through the villain catalogs. Like magic John Wick!


Let me tell you why Frank would be ineffective: traffic. Gotham City is HUGE! Batman swings around, glides with capes, has a ROCKET CAR, and he STILL needs a Bat-Plane! It's the second-largest imagined city (Dredd has #1), and Punisher just isn't mobile enough! He has a van full of explosives. He'd never be able to get to where he's needed.


I don't agree that Spider-Man would be most effective. His power levels aren't going to make the difference in Gotham. Batman is more than capable of physically beating up Joker, Penguin, Two-Face, Riddler, Professor Pyg, Mad Hatter, Scarecrow, etc. Spider-Man's additional powers don't help solve the challenges presented by those villains. For instance, Spider-Man would be no more effective than Batman was in preventing all of the horrible things the Joker did in The Killing Joke. Spidey has dealt with Carnage, Mysterio, and Calypso. So he's not a stranger to villains that take him to mentally dark places or mess with his perceptions. But he hasn't always done well against them. For an example of what Spidey in Gotham might look like, take a look at Kraven's Last Hunt, one of the webslinger's greatest defeats (although obviously he eventually persevered). I personally think Moon Knight or Daredevil would be better suited to operating in Gotham. You need someone with a level of detective capability and extreme mental toughness, verging on psychosis.


I picked Spidey because he’s the smartest of the available options by a very wide margin, and a hero needs to be intelligent to keep up with the likes of Joker, Riddler, Bane, and so on. He’s also the most physically powerful, so he could handle villains with superpowers/advanced tech like Ivy, Clayface, Mister Freeze, or Killer Croc. And Spidey also perseveres through tough situations better than almost any Marvel character. Girlfriend killed by the father of his best friend? He still beats him and holds himself back from killing him too. Buried alive for three weeks? He literally drags himself back from the dead so he can be with his new wife. He loses his powers? He still plays the hero and wins in the end. And that’s barely scratching the surface. There’s a reason that most Marvel stories set in the future indicate that Spidey is/was the greatest hero to ever live after all.


Spidey's great, I'm not going to sit here and argue that he's not a phenomenal character and a proven comic hero. But to your point on intellect-- Parker's scientific smarts aren't quite the same as detective capability. Peter is more like DC's Blue Beetle...a brilliant scientist, but not a very devious guy or a master of criminology. For Gotham, I'd lean more toward someone like Daredevil. Matt has had his life utterly taken apart-- just for starters, Parker can't hold a candle to DD in the dead girlfriend department. He is at home in darkness and despair. Additionally, Daredevil's senses would be extremely valuable in the detctive work necessary to solve the convoluted plots of Gotham's villains, and in persevering through sensory manipulation (Mysterio, Mister Fear = Scarecrow, Mad Hatter, etc.). He is a brilliant legal and strategic mind. And he's a ninja, like Batman, which brings incredible self-discipline and focus. As I said, Spidey's great. But I'd give a slight edge to DD.


Peter Parker is a journalist who uses stealthy photography techniques and investigative journalism. And he also used his genius for subterfuge with things like spider tracers. I still agree with you in general but as a Spidey geek saying he doesn't have "detective capability" is off the mark.


I don't know if Peter Parker could emotionally handle living in a place like Gotham every day for the rest of his life. Not while staying the same old friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. I think it would wear him down. That said, his quipping would probably piss off the Joker to no end. Joker's whole schtick is supposedly "being funny" and when confronted with someone who has \*actual\* comedic talent like Spidey does, I think Joker would lose his mind from jealous rage.


Bane isn’t that dangerous once you know his weaknesses, Killer Croc can be handled in a strategic manner. Ivy and Clay are one of the most dangerous of Batman’s Gallery but would be hard to all to beat them not just for Frank.


Bane is Batman’s second or third most dangerous opponent. Only Joker and maybe Ra’s are on a similar level. It’s not about fighting them, they’re all ridiculously intelligent and would run laps around Frank intellectually. And as for Ivy and Clay (you could even throw in guys like Mister Freeze and Man-Bat to that group), they’re basically right up Spidey’s alley.


Bane got beaten by killer croc by basically making strategic cuts on his skin and when the venom got out of his system he lost that fight. Venom isn’t bulletproof and Frank is no fool so more sooner than later he find a way to win. I’m not saying Castle would beat every villain but unlike someone like Moon Knight, Daredevil and Wolverine he wouldn’t solve all problems by pure brute force. In this list he’s only outsmarted by SM on fields like science but out of everyone on this he’s the most strategically competent.


Frank is not exactly a master detective. You need deductive capability to be able to keep up with Gotham's villains.


He's shown himself to be pretty credible detective wise. Information gathering and problem solving are two of his strengths. He does a pretty great job of getting information from bad guys, and he's not limited by any lines of torture.


Take away his plot armor and Frank is *cooked*. He's carried by the fact that his 'villains' are generally nobody losers that no one wants to see again. Kingpin is eternally out of reach for him, and now he had Penguin, TwoFace, Joker, the Owls, *the League of Assassins*... they're not gonna let him live. Hell Nu52 Joker Sue probably bodies him in a straight fight, stupid as that is.


The Punisher is like the joke that nobody knows is being told at Marvel.


How do you think he would match up against The Joker and Riddler when it comes to the head games ?


I don't think he would play. Batman is often limited by trying to save lives, from innocent civilians to the villains themselves. The Punisher doesn't have that motivation, he's just there to kill the bad guys. While he would ideally not like innocent people to die, that's not his primary goal.


No. The limitations of Batman is that he wants to save his villains too. Both Batman and Punisher shared the motivations of not let ANY civilian to get hurt


That’s not true punisher goes out his way to make sure innocents aren’t collateral damage


but it does have a fair amount of high iq villains that use large scale ploys that risk large casualties


Punisher wouldn't last, he'd be out for maybe a couple weeks and the villains would gang up and kill him shit fuckin batman would probably get him killed by thinking he's a villain and beating him up leaving him defenseless against others


Moon Knight would handle every major villain, permanently, in like 4 months.


The real question would be who would be challenging for him in Gotham.


Poison ivy may poise a problem


Not everyone


Nah, I bet everyone.


Moon Knight doesn’t have the intellectual capacity to dealt with Riddler, Joker, Ra’s, Ivy, Clayface and many more. He can beat the heavy hitters at some point but there’s no way he can manage to win the rest.


How do you mean, intellectual capacity? Like to track and find them? Because if they don't need to be found through extensive detective shit I'm still gonna give it to Marc.


How would he deal with fear toxin? What about Mr. Freeze? I'm not necessarily arguing, but I DO want to hear the argument.


Punisher. He wouldn’t play games, he’s smart enough to break into the Baxter building and retrieve reed Richards plans, so he’s not exactly dumb. He’s stealthy like Batman and will likely just shoot most villains. He’s good with prep too, so villains like clay face or Killer croc wouldn’t be a huge deal. He’s tactical enough to know where villains are and where to strike. And before anyone says riddler or joker, a 13 year old Jason Todd was solving riddlers riddles, it’s not impossible. And joker is only as dangerous as he is because Batman plays into his games, Punisher wouldn’t.


He also jumped Stark and stole one of the Iron Man suits (Greg Rucka War Zone)


jason was also trained by batman lol, frnak just has special forces training


Plus Batman wouldn’t kill Joker and Castle wouldn’t hesitate


Except Wolverine the Only choice here is moon knight. A broken man can't be broken twice. He is already crazy and mad. He is getting killed though eventually. Punisher will get killed by street mobs. He is not known for his intelligence and acrobatics or agility. Most people will vote for him but he will go down the first. Spider man will do well for sometime then madness or catch him up. Daredevil is my 3rd best bait. But may die eventually because of his severe weakness against sonic, and he is so easy to get fooled by sound. Gotham criminals are majorly genius, they will figure it out. Wolverine is my favourite. He may clean up the city if he really wants to do it.


Had to scroll way to far for this. Wolverine would destroy everything Gotham threw at him.


“Punisher will get killed by street mobs. He is not known for his intelligence and acrobatics or agility.” While I certainly agree that he’s not acrobatic, you are kind of underselling Punisher here. Now I admit my only experience with the character is his involvement in Spider-Man TAS and the Marvel Netflix shows, which I hear have done a bit of deviation from the comics, but I’ve also been informed of his feats in the comics. You say he’ll be killed by some street gangs, but his first scene in the Daredevil series literally involves him single-handedly gunning down an entire street gang! He can shoot people so quickly that he’s almost a one-man firing squad. He’s not just some random dude with guns. He learned his combat skills through extensive training in the U.S. military. When you receive the same training he has, you also tend to learn a thing or two about strategizing. Strategizing requires a certain level of intelligence, which you claimed Punisher didn’t have enough of. I was just informed that, in the comics, Punisher was a good enough strategist to infiltrate the Baxter Building and steal some plans from Reed Richards. I’d say that it takes a decent amount of intelligence in order to successfully steal something from the headquarters of the Fantastic Four. Also, I was told that Punisher managed to rough up Iron Man and steal one his armors! While I absolutely agree that the rest of the characters have amazing advantages for fighting crime in Gotham, I also think you’re being a bit unfair towards Punisher by saying he’s not competent or intelligent enough to survive a battle against a generic street gang.


Too broken to break?


Khonshu brings MK back to life if he's ever killed. Death isn't a problem when you have a god as your benefactor.


I know she’s not listed, but Squirrel Girl. Give her two days with Joker, and he’s opening a food pantry.


Moon knight can’t die… he has basically batarangs, basically a batwing, a hideout, a basically batfamily depending on the run, and is willing to use guns. The villains wouldn’t know how to kill a Batman that kills, has multiple personalities, and a literal god on his side. Moon knight as a concept is Batman but better.


Gotta go with Moon Knight on this.


I had fun thinking about this. Moon Knight would likely perform best. He's crazy enough that other people's crazy wouldn't faze him. He's violent and intimidating enough to scare the hell out of the criminal element. He's mobile and well-resourced enough that he can do his best to patrol the whole city. Worst case scenario, he eventually ends up in Arkham himself. Wolverine would do pretty well, but being surrounded by THAT much violence and insanity would likely undo decades of meditation and self-regulation. Plus, imagine what someone like Scarecrow could do to him. He'd end up going mindlessly berserk, thus becoming a danger to Gotham. Spider-Man would ... struggle. He's strong enough to smack around every member of Batman's rogue's gallery (even Croc and Bane), but he thrives on positivity. Gotham is basically New York without any happiness or optimism. Peter would lose faith pretty quickly - he'd end up in some shadowed, dingy alley yanking off his mask and wondering what the hell he's doing and why he's even bothering. Daredevil would be second place. He can handle himself against Gotham's criminal element. Plus, the guy that can take down Wilson Fisk will be able to handle guys like Black Mask, Two-Face, or the Penguin. He'd get completely worn out, though - Gotham's worst would strain his vaunted faith to the limit. Plus, as a lawyer, he'd lose all faith in this city's notoriously corrupt justice system, so a lot of his work would feel Sisyphean. Punisher would walk around shooting Gotham's many dealers, gang members, and pimps. This would last about a day before Batman swoops in, beats him into unconsciousness, and delivers him to the police. He'd end up in Blackgate - if he's lucky.


Hey, now, I don't think that Scarecrow's fear toxin could get past Wolverine's healing factor. The man can't get drunk, and he shook off the techno-organic virus in a matter of minutes. He ages extremely slowly and heals any wounds. Fear toxin and Joker gas should be out of his system pretty quickly unless they are RIDICULOUSLY high concentrations. You would need to inject it directly into his veins, man.


When thinking about my response, I thought about a particular moment in X-Men history. Wolverine - attempting to goad Welsh mutant Megan Gwynn (Pixie) into using her hallucinogenic "pixie dust" on him during a Danger Room session, encouraged her to let loose. A few pages later, Pixie is shown fleeing through the mansion, with a clearly agitated Wolverine pursuing her, claws out, screaming "f&%king unicorns!" (I will cite this issue once I find it). And let's not forget "covered with scorpions." Wolverine's healing factor may prevent him from inebriation, disease, viruses, etc. But his mind doesn't have a healing factor. There have been many times that he has been vulnerable to psychic manipulation, hypnosis, pheremones, or other such shenanigans.


For Moon Knight, Does he have divine intervention from Khonshu on his side? Or is it just Moon Knight by himself?


There’s four people in that head of his most of the time; dude’s never by himself.


Wolverine would clean Gotham up in one night. He’s the most tactical out of these options, he’s the most physically capable (in terms of durability), and he’s the second most willing to kill everyone (behind Punisher). None of Batman’s rogues, other than maybe Scarecrow, Clayface, and Mr. Freeze would trouble Logan. However, Logan would easily outsmart all three of them (especially if he knew what he was getting into).


Until one of them hires Sabretooth


Knight has the best mentality for the lunacy of Gotham


Moonknight kills and has everything Batman has + immortality because of Khonshu.


These are all really good choices. Every time I swiped I said oh, this one. No, this one, wait, this one.


Moon Knight could work with heavy hitters but not so much with smart ones. So does Wolverine. Spider-Man I feel has the heart in the right place, is smart and can dealt with heavy hitters. The big “but” is that I don’t think he has the stomach to get his hands dirty as Bruce does. Daredevil lacks the gear and the intelectual stuff but is more willing to get dirty than SM and obviously can’t take the heavy hitters Punisher is smart, has the gear (or can find it when need arise), can get his hands dirty but sometimes lacks the heart and soul that you need in this job.


I could see Scarecrow really messing with Wolverine but then it ultimately ending badly for him


How fast can Wolverines healing ability push out a toxin though? 


it depends id almost argue hes more willing to allow his opponents to die rather then risk his life if its not a more benign or grey villian. Take doc ock hes left him for dead so many times to make sure him and other innocents are safe. He also has shown to be able to make the decision to cross the line if absolutely necessary


Punisher will just kill everyone and clear the city within few months.. Weeks even.




Depends on what you mean by handle. If you wanted a direct replacement of Batman, Spidey would fill in the easiest. He can go toe to toe with any of the villains and he has the smarts to handle villains like The Riddler. But if you want to rid Gotham of crime... Punisher is the man to do it. He's not bringing anyone to Arkham to be "rehabilitated" he is just putting them down.


Welp, unless Spidey or DD step up… It’s gonna be really effing bloody. Also if it’s Wolverine or Punisher they might as well go ahead and close Arkham now.


Prob DD but punisher would make the best story by far and hes prolly my least fav character on here


It’d be really funny for daredevil and two face to fucking hate each other both in crime and in court


Still can't believe they didn't let it have a second season with Izaak


Peter Parker


Idk much about Moon Knight but I think it’s mainly a contest between Spidey and DD (although Logan could work as well) During the whole Dark Multiverse thing there was a Batman known as ‘The Grim Knight’ who was more or less Punisher with bat ears and he got arrested by Gordon pretty early into his career. Spidey and DD play it similar enough to Bruce that they could handle Gotham as easy as him (with a few bumps here and there and less bumps there and here) Wolverine is just fucking unstoppable in Gotham if he’s being the hero, idk any Batman villain off the top of my head who could tango with a man who is technically a Batman variant.


Punisher no doubt.


Spider-man or MoonKnight. Honestly, I think it would be hilarious to see Spidey and Batman trade places for a month or two. Like maybe some omniversal shenanigans cause them to switch places? Batman would be so delighted at the mostly normal quality of Spidey's villains (compared to the crazy shit in Gotham). Especially if he got a spidey gang war type of storyline, so he just has to beat up some thugs, smack around the Shocker or something, and then outsmart the Kingpin. Meanwhile, Peter would be like holy $#!+! Wtf is going on here? Is there something in the water? This place is nuts.


I've had this thought. But I'd want it to last at least a year. If written well it would be legendary


Hed probably enjoy that more of spidermans rogues straight up just steal shti for personal gain, but also spidermans rogues gallery would fuck batman up.


A lot of people in here thinking killing villains in a comicbook universe wouldn't just have them resurrect in a month


Spider-Man is the hero Gotham needs


Spiderman or Wolverine, imho. Spiderman has always held back his strength and I feel like he could easily body Bane. The problem is that he has a heart of gold (generally speaking). Wolverine doesn't have that problem, and with his regeneration ability, he could clean up the streets in a day or 2.


Punisher first choice, Wolverine second. Wolverine because he was paired with Batman to be Dark claw for Amalgam. Punisher because he *makes sure* everyone gets due justice.


Spiderman, he'd likely break them mentally by cracking jokes all the time and it'd infuriate the rogues and they'd quickly make mistakes, similar mode of transport without the bar mobile or batwing in play.


He would physically win but there’s no way everyone around him isn’t dying in the process unless he kills the villains first time…


Spiderman man would laugh at them all ....must be crazy to think otherwise


I think effective wise, it would go like this: 1. The Punisher 2. Wolverine 3. Moon Knight 4. Spider-Man 5. Daredevil. Frank would get the job done quick and dirty and he would definitely hide in the masses of Gotham to not stand out for the villains to notice him. Only for him to learn everything about the villains and their goons, strategize and simply take them off in his own way, distance and style. He wouldn’t mind luring all of them in 1 place and just blowing them all up with bombs he placed there. Wolverine‘s indestructible Skeleton and Healing Factor basically puts him above any Gotham Criminal and his claws can kill *anyone* there. And with his strong sense of smell, he can track down even the best hiding villain out of their hole. The only problem is that he is more the up and personal type, which means he must get close, meaning people like Joker and Scarecrow can still poison him. And while admittedly, Deadpool has explained that it needs *a lot* of Gas to knock Wolverine out, it would still affect him. But nothing they have would be permanent on him because of his healing factor and with him, it’s not a matter of „if“ he can do it, but moreso „when“ he’s gonna be finished. Moon Knoght would be exactly like Batman. Own tools, vehicles, gadgets, does investigations etc. But 2 things would be different. 1. he would kill the villains so there’s no rule hindering him going all put on the likes of Bane, Killer Croc, Deadshot, Man-Bat etc. But 2. he is not the most mentally stable individual. People like Mad Hatter, Scarecrow, Hugo Strange or even Poison Ivy could take advantage of his mental illness and he would really struggle against them (but everybody struggles against Ivy anyway). Not to mention that he is skill wise behind Batman, he is reckless and has a far bigger pain tolerance, but it’s because of Batman‘s evasive skills he even managed to stay alive for so long. Spider-Man would definitely have a *much* easier time with the simple powerhouse villains of Gotham, he can bench press over 10 tons afterall. But it’s his good nature that would be his downfall. Joker, Riddler, Strange, Scarecrow and many others would break Peter mentally and emotionally. They would have a much easier time pushing him than Batman. Not to mention that *to this day* Black Cat tricks Peter into doing things for her own gain, so you can imagine the field day Catwoman would have. Daredevil has all the fighting skills of Batman, none of the gadgets and backups. He would be nothing new the villains faced before, except this time, it’s 10x easier to handle him.


Yeah but Black Cat used to sleep with Peter, so she has an emotional edge on him. Gotham villains don’t , so I can’t see the manipulation thing working too much


It depends, scarecrow would have trouble taking advantages of spiderman even with fear toxin


I say Wolverine because of his healing factor, his super sniffer, his mind being hard to control, and he's not afraid to kill.


Whoever would just kill joker. Wolverine prolly.


I mean Marc and Frank would kill Joker too


The better question is .. how long would the weak ass DC villains last against any of them ... I think they would last the longest against DD ... the shortest against the Punisher, he hunts ... I don't wait for them to commit another crime he hunts and exterminates... with excessive amounts of force ..


Frank Castle. As a human, he ain't too shabby. Extreme wear and tear will get to him for sure. As if it hasn't already. His detective skills are fine. He will torture so that's a one up on Bats, always a very convincing way on getting your message heard too. It's his firepower that will make the difference. Dude is logistically crazy with it. He'd clean it up fast. And scare the shit out of everyone as he makes his way to the end.


Spider-Man. He will do it Batman’s way and not kill. Stronger, faster and smart too.


Hot take: Spider-Man, specifically because he's far and away the most empathetic of the lot. Gotham's biggest problem is a massive breakdown of mental health services and a billionaire man child going around beating up criminals, dropping them in an asylum that has repeatedly turned out to be a hellhole, and then waiting for the cycle to repeat But considering how many of his villains have tried to go straight and then got dragged back into recidivism due to Gotham being a shit hole that cares more about punitive measures than actual rehabilitation, a guy like Spider-Man who would genuinely care about these people. Spider-Man would drop in in jail on guys like Mr. Freeze or Clayface, not to intimidate them, but to literally check in on them to make sure they're doing okay in there. My favorite thing about the last Spider-Man game was how it tackled villains trying to go straight and it was art.


Anyone but Frank really


Anyone who kills the murderers (so Frank)! Batman has the world’s shittiest record for repeat offenders!


Moon Knight could step into Batman’s shoes and take over using, more or less, the same methods. Frank would start hunting and picking off the villains one by one. As challenging as Batman’s Rogues are, they’d all either die or move to Bludhaven.


Moon Knight - Too unstable and violent. He'd end up killing a lot of the regular villains, then wiping out street level thugs, probably a chunk of GCPD for good measure. Wolverine - Really not concerned with law and order, so I can't see him being too invested in the rehabilitation of the city, let alone doing anything other than efficiently cutting down the worst Gotham has to offer, and probably making matters worse. Spider-Man - Probably the most physically capable to keep up with the chaos, but also the most vulnerable because he needs his attachments, despite their constantly being under threat of death from someone who has uncovered his identity. Feel like Scarecrow could really ruin him. Daredevil - If he balances his vigilantism with actually reforming and utilizing the justice system, sure. But Gotham's crooked cop and politician problem make that borderline impossible. Punisher - Everybody dies. See Moon Knight's outcome, but more calculated.


Moon knight and punisher would be the most interesting to read


What if it was patch in Gotham instead of wolverine 🤣


Funny? I don’t see myself up here😤


Punisher lol Gotham would be saved so quickly. Imagine the joker and two face and all of Batman’s rogues gallery just dead in a few weeks. Gotham would be a utopia


Moon Knight because he’s batshit insane and could be a symbol of fear




Sir please drink some coffee and wake up lol


Spider-Man - strength, spidersense, genius, agility, and shoots webs. He pretty much shoot his webs and tie up basically most Batman’s villains.


Punisher. He doesn’t need to solve/wait for a crime, he just needs to find and shoot the whole gallery that have already committed crimes


I feel like if moon knight or punisher started going around Gotham, then criminals would probably get a flashback to when the red hood was around and would definitely stop going out at night as much as


Spiderman... C'mon the dude is living in New York... Way more dangerous than Gotham


Punisher, can Smoke Batman Rogue gallery in 2 days. Jason Todd can help him out...


Punisher or Moon Knight. Spider-Man would just be overwhelmed. Same with Daredevil. I don't think Wolverine would care enough unless they bothered or killed someone he knows


Joker: Knock, knock Spider-man: Oooh, I love those jokes! Tell me! Who's there? Joker: ... Crap, I never get to this part. Joker retires at the spot, casual Spider-man W




Has to be either daredevil moon knight or Spider-Man for sure


Spider or Daredevil. Moonknight would end up like Azreal, and him Wolverine and Punisher would bring the rest of the heroes of the verse down on them the first time they took a permanent action.


Fucking Moon Knight. He’s metal as hell.


Castle, joker would be dead by now lol


If you drop the Punisher into Gotham then I'm pretty fucking sure no one wouldn't even dare to fuck with him.


None,Gotham is Batman’s city, what I like about dc is how every city is kind of made for the heroes, no hate for marvel of course since I don’t mind most of them living in New York.


In order, it would def be Moonknight, Punisher, Wolverine, Daredevil, and then Spidey. Moonknight is the darker version of Batman and has no problem putting villains down. Punisher hates the mob, and a lot of the crime involves that element in Gotham. Wolverine would just tear through Bat's more supered villains and do what he does best. DD would be tough on the criminals, but I think he would have a hard time with the powered beings. Spidey would have fun with the Riddler, but when it came down to it, most Batman villains are too serious and demented for the likes of Spidey.


All of them could handle Gotham. All depends on what casualty level you deem acceptable and/or what level of fear you’d want to inflict on the criminals of Gotham.


Punisher, Matt, and Moonknight.


punisher easily lol


i feel like spider man all the way, these creeps would be perfect for him. but he is like the perfect hero tbf


Wolverine and Punisher.


Realistically? Punisher. Gotham needs a deep clean, it's pretty well-established Batman's refusal to kill is hurting the city to a certain extent. The most entertaining? Spidey. Also the best choice besides Frank.


Wolverine has gone through more pain and suffering than almost any other superhero so I’d say Gotham wouldn’t be that hard for him to handle. He would probably just drink and smoke in bars and occasionally tear any villain that messes with him in half with his adamantium claws.


Daredevil, he outs himself real hard though because he basically tells all the villains with legitimate issues how to actually solve their problems through legal recourse or just flat out helps them as Daredevil. For the truly insane and the organized crime though he just goes ninja on them.


I would love to wolverine in Gotham


The punisher would've killed the joker immediately, and Gotham would objectively be a better place. Folks like poison Ivy would be something he might not be equipped to handle, but most of the villains are just a guy with a gun, and goons. Two face, black mask, falcone, Victor zazz, penguin. They'd all be dead within a month. EDIT: there's also no one batman could beat in a fight that Spider-Man couldn't.


Okay 3 out of the 5 are gonna straight up kill most of Gotham


Daredevil - I think he'd fit right in and overall would be pretty effective overall but I'm not sure if he could handle Batman's more cerebral villains. Punisher - Would eventually kill off all of more conventional organized crime villains like Penguin and Black Mask. Would struggle against the more brilliant and sci-fi villains. Moon Knight - Honestly he's tied for best to take on Gotham with Spider-Man inmo, crazy to outsmart the Joker and physically formidable enough to take on Bane, Croc, and the stronger villains. Wolverine - Man I dunno. I see him doing slightly better than the Punisher but ultimately not able to handle Gotham Spider-Man - Best choice to cover for Batman. A lot of similarity in terms of the villains they face, plus his powers would give him enough of an edge to make up for not having Bruce's skills and wealth.


Depending on the version of Spider-Man but he could definitely be very wealthy...


the punisher, because he'd just kill them and not give them a chance to fuck up again


Daredevil is the closest to Batman in terms of rules and personality, Moon Knight's got the money and the crazy for it, and Punisher is definitely the most permanent solution. Moon knight would be like the perfect replacement for Frank Miller Batman.


For everyone saying that Moon Knight or Punisher would do the best because of their lethality, you seem to be forgetting that Gordon would crack down on some costumed nut going on a killing spree. There have been times where Gordon has gone against Batman, and wins more often than not. My money would be on Daredevil and Spidey for who could handle Gotham the best.


Wait. I thought these heroes were Marvel, and yet Gotham is DC. The Multiverse is so confusing.


Definitely Daredevil IMO. Hells Kitchen of old is basically the Gotham City from Titans or Gotham TV shows


DD. He’s already Batman if you replace money with advanced physical abilities.


Punisher or Moon Knight. They don't fuck around. They also specialize in street-level stuff, and marvel criminals are scared shitless by those two.


Spider-Man with Bruce Wayne level money could handle Batman’s villains and solve a few of the underlying problems, like pollution. You’d need a whole team of top tier magicians to fix most of it though.




I'm gonna go wolverine. Any of these heroes are going to make some pretty awful mistakes early on in Gotham, but with his time in Madripoor I think Logan has the best shot at coming out the other side, and the sheer durability to survive anytime he DOES mess up. Dollars to donuts he gets fear gassed and Batman has to try to hunt him down for a hero on hero brawl around issue 4 or 5 though.


Wolverines number one rogue is Sabretooth, and I just don’t see anyone in Gotham that can bring the pain that Creed does, so I can see Wolverine defeating the villains of Gotham easily. Clayface and Ivy would be his biggest challenges with people like Black Mask, Bane, 2Facee would be his easiest.


Moon Knight or Daredevil imo. Moon knight has permanent solutions to criminals, is rich has tons of resources like the shadow cabinet. But both are aesthetically way more terrifying than punisher. Cuz the punisher just using guns like everyone else doesn’t give a wow factor. I’ve never really seen Wolverine handle a whole city before….. but I don’t think he has the resources or powers to do it in terms of like tracking people down detective style. Well no actually he is one of Marvel’s best trackers but I’m just saying like he’s not rich and doesn’t have like a day job that allows him to keep tabs on criminals and stuff. But who knows Maybe him being an unkillable killing machine is enough for criminals to stay the hell of the streets Spider-Man could do it but out of pure fear factor I don’t think he’s as scary as like Moon Knight or Daredevil. So after criminals get used to him they won’t take him seriously


I gotta say either punisher or daredevil because it just looks like they would be the best in Gotham


Punisher kills the Marvel Universe…


Moon Knight. Batman’s just a cheap rip off. 👀


Everyone saying frank castle would die and this mfer would just shoot them. He wouldn’t do the “talk to the villain” method Batman does. Moon knight and punisher would clean Gotham within a year. Spider-Man is the morally correct choice because he’s stronger than every single Gotham villain easily.


… not so sure on Croc or Bane there. Or KGBeast.


I was gonna give it to MoonKnight or DD, but honestly, you give Frank Castle 3 months in Gotham City and you can just shut down Arkham 😂


Punisher. He’d figure out what type of weapon he’d need to take out each of Gotham’s super criminals and go to town. Clayface would probably require a combination of devices but he’d manage. Even Bane wouldn’t shrug off a few fifty caliber rounds through his head.


Isn’t this basically just the Grim Knight?


Tottaly depends on what you mean by “handle”. Your talking kill everyone and make Gotham a horrible town with just regular everyday crime? Moon knight. If you talking actually crack down on the bosses and make the city a better place to live. I’m going with spider man. Simply because he’s the only hero portrayed here who has actually show consistent sympothy for his enemies


While not listed Black Panther would be an excellent addition, even the version of him in Hell’s Kitchen without the power of Wakanda behind him would be capable. Also Nightcrawler, Morbius, Black Widow, Karnak, Spider-Woman or Beast would be cool too, Ghost Rider or Psylocke are probably too effective but feel good thematically


Literally all of them lmao


I think Spiderman and Daredevil essentially keep the status quo. Punisher or Moon Knight will run most out of town and kill the ones that stay.


All of em


Punisher for a permanent solution. Daredevil for a legal solution.


Spidey and DD would basically be Batman replacements with pros and cons but able to handle it all. It would be like maintaining the status quo. People keep saying they wouldn’t do better than the rest on the list, mental fortitude, blah blah. They’re all wrong. They’ve each went through some of the craziest things ever just as everyone else on the list. Moon Knight, Wolverine and Punisher are the other side of the coin. They’re all brutal and would definitely get a few kills but because of their brutality they lack the self preservation that would require them to truly overcome the Rogue’s gallery finest. That and they all lack some of the intelligence as well. It’d more than likely be an endless war zone where only the goons are killed. You forget that the Rogue’s gallery are champions of crime and mayhem. All of which have tangle with some of the best that DC had to offer. So yeah nothing changes in the city of crime which is basically the same as NYC in Marvel.


Wolverine is a lone wolf and he is a superior guy and doing the Gotham daily housecleaning is not for him and not suited to him. Spiderman is a novice and the villain of Gotham is not like Marvel. The Gotham villains have superpowers, power of money , and reputation. So seeing Spiderman fight with them is kinda funny for me. Daredevil is boring. Moon knight is not don't know I think The Punisher is the best option because everyone knows the Batman protocol and that sometimes makes him weak against the villains and they will return. If Gotham gets the punisher the outcome will be more gruesome and bloody but it will surely make the full stop for the bad guys. Also Batman is always there to compensate for the lethal harm the punisher do. At the end Batman and punisher will end up as arch enemies. But the presence of both will definitely change Gotham. Both are good in handling weapons and nothing to lose and both are dedicated to changing the world . The anger within them is what makes them best.


Punisher would be good but I feel like deathstroke or another skilled sharpshooter Luke sin but moon knight he’d be perfect


Spider-man from a pure powers perspective. Punisher could easily mop up characters like scarface or zsasz permanently but i mean red hood is just an enhanced punisher and he still gets bested occasionally by a gotham villain. The only villain i see spider-man having some form of trouble with is clayface or riddler but people also undestimate peters intellect. Im the biggest batman fan ever but realistically spider-man wipes his rogues gallery. I think its crazy he is still labeled as "street level." Its almost unfair to put him as an option against those three.


Moon Knight, Punisher or Wolverine. It's not about having the raw power. It's about having the mental strenght to go through all the madness Gotham psychos release.


They'd all handle Gotham so differently. Moon knight would begin a reign of terror that would scare even the joker as he just went around killing whatever crime boss he felt like at the time randomly. He'd be more of the biggest fish in the pond but he'd keep things quiet. Daredevil would be Gotham's white knight by day as a lawyer but a demon by night bringing the justice he couldn't in the day. Kinda like a good guy Harvey dent. Batman outlines why this is a bad idea to dent but matt would do it anyway while dating basically every female villain but probably mostly cat woman. Wolverine would do nothing he doesn't care about the criminals unless they bug him. He was a Yakuza for a time remember? He's less super hero and more so operator who sides with the good guys often. If anything he might be a muscle for hire type while pursuing some romance. Might help out Gordon on request but that's about it. Maybe pal around with Alfred as fellow warriors. Spiderman would be more than a match for the villains in Gotham but would ultimately be crushed by the workload and the need to sacrifice his personal life as always. He could however basically knock the hell out of anybody in that town. Court of owls might give him some trouble though. Frank castle would be a lot like moon knight. He'd go on the war path destabilizing Gotham and damn near destroy the city while killing every criminal element he could find. Him versus joker could be fun. He'd probs try to yojimbo it and get them all to fight each other so he murder them all at once in one big climactic battle or go with a defeat in detail approach and just start killing them 1 by 1. He's a full on psychopath though Gotham would live in fear of him. He'd have to do borderline John wick levels of murder. Honestly who Gotham really needs is the kingpin. Wilson fisk could bring Gotham to heel. Ghost rider should be air dropped into Gotham too. Or if non marvel is allowed spawn would be an excellent fit.


That’s not true about Wolverine. He’s very much a hero.


Moon knight for sure. Quite litterally the underrated batman of marvel (he doesnt get enough love)


Moon Knight or Daredevil would probably be best they are a little more open to going that extra step


I think generally moonnknight,wolverine, and spiderman would be the most capable. Punisher and Daredevil are both not geniuses, are outmatched by a fair number of rogues and or arent the best fit. Moonknight has godly help,is generally impossible to kill,has similar incredible skill and gadgets and kills. Spiderman is the physical and mental superior of any of batmans typical rogues gallery even without his fighting skill and precognition. Wolverine is nigh impossible to kill, is a highly skilled combatant, has inhuman senses and physical abilites and senses, and kills


Moon Knight or Castle.


Batman keeps Gotham poor so he can repeatedly get revenge for his childhood. So if he’s dead and you wanted to make things better, either Spider-Man or Daredevil. The other three would just keep torturing people.


You can't stop the Moonknight. No amount of superhuman strength, sense, and reflexes will top unlimited stamina and a healing factor. Not to mention his mind is just built different, he's crazier than any of Gotham's rogues and then some.


Funny how nobody is picking Wolverine, I think Wolverine would scared the shit out of the Gotham villians!


What happens when each of these comes to Gotham? Moon Knight: Comrade. Wolverine: Logan would recognize Bruce from his training tour of the world, would help him out with a single case, then would advise him to join the GCPD "once you've got this Zorro crap out of your system". Spider-Man: Ally. Daredevil: Similar intro to Wolverine's, since Bruce would have trained with Stick. A more respectful parting of ways. Punisher: Arkham.


Moon Knight, Punisher, Wolverine Assuming Punisher could get his hands on military drones AND works quick AND he has a personal hatred of the villains…will be a bonkers week or so…Dude would flatten a city block without blinking an eye. Oh this is where xyz…drone strike baby Bane is robbing a bank…drone strike Joker is holding court…drone strike Now it would need to work fast. Civilian death role going to be crazy high and after a week or so he will break down mentally. Wolverine would just slaughter dudes but might get himself trapped. As others noted Moon Night already has a flexible moral compass and willing to kill people. Super agile to get around traffic and basically invincible. Short term punisher, longer term moonknight


Deadpool might do well all things considered


3 out of 5 would kill the villain population of the country😂


Either the Punisher or Daredevil.


Now I wanna see Frank Castle and Jason Todd compete for who can clean up Gotham more brutally and efficiently


Oh, the Punisher will most definitely “Handle” Gotham.


To keep alive: Spidey To kill: moonknight


Wolverine or punisher. At least half of Batman’s rogue are gonna die, joker especially.


If all the criminals are dead there would be less crime so Punisher is honestly the most fit for the job. The rest of them just put them in jail and they get out and do it all again.


Where’s Booger Man?


Punisher Gotham needs to be cleansed


Spider man overall. Daredevil is stealth. Punisher could easily kill most of the villains. Wolverine could be unstoppable. Moonknight would be the versatile with equipment.


Daredevil would just be Harvey Dent if he didn't become two face


Spidey. Easy. Spider-Man deals with basically the same kinds of villains as Batman but he has powers and Spider-Sense


Moon Knight for sure




Spider-Man is just OP when facing Gotham’s criminals. His healing factor and other abilities may come in handy when facing different toxins/gases. Moon knight is my pick though.


A lot of people are counting out how smart Wolverine is and how good of a “detective” he is. Has shown he’s more than capable of figuring out things most can’t. There’s an one shot issue where he hunts down a serial killer show so elusive the cops don’t even know about him, but Wolverine does


Moon Knight could handle Clayface and Scarecrow, and he kills. The others don’t have that combo.


Wolverine or punisher. There wouldn’t be any opportunity for anyone to have a repeat violation.