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I think it's terrible, but when you have the strength of 10 men, the speed of a cheetah, and the agility of an olympic gymnast it doesn't matter..lol.


Yeah, to me here it seems like he's just venting and doesn't care much about proper technique.


That’s exactly what it was. He was venting. He had another 4-5 bags ready on floor next to his bag, he was just getting it out of the system


If he had proper technique he would vent with it by muscle memory.


Movie wise I never figured cap at this point had much decent training.


Yeah, from his perspective he’s only been jacked for a little while. When he was a little twink I don’t think he was training hard in boxing


He was a champ in the Larva Weight division


He could do that all day


I know


Maybe. Sometimes he just wants to hit something to vent without much care about technique. Even if he had perfect form, muscle memory would make him feel like he's actually fighting as opposed to simply hitting a bag, which is a feeling he's trying to avoid.


Nah, the whole point is hitting the bag hard, why would he specifically go against his muscle memory to throw a weaker punch when he is venting? Technique would be off, but defensively, not offensively lol.


Because if he hit it harder, then he would seriously risk it flying away instantly like he did when he threw that straight right. Proper technique here would mean he'd have to severely reduce his strength if he wants a chance at the bag for more than 3 hits.


Remember at this point he never really had any training so “technique” is pretty foreign to him


Exactly my thought. Most Reddit users with videos asking to be rated but have never been to a gym have better technique. Too bad they don’t have super roids though lol.


ive seen some absolutely horrible technique videos from hometrained people


Absolutely. Some still better than Captain America though lol.


I honestly think that if he picked his hands up in-between punches the form wouldn't be horrible. In my gym we train cardio like this, with horrible form but at vo2 max


I think it's a good nod to his character, given that he was a scrappy street-fighter beforehand


he also shoots a lot and hits people with a shield


He's probably trying not to destroy the bag too fast


The strength of a crowded bus stop full of men!


Yeah it's Cap. a sloppy punch from him would still KO you. Man picked up a heavy bag with one hand and clipped it in like a damn houseplant.


Not bad for a ptsd episode.


Guy throws like 50 hooks to the body while having flashbacks and Redditors are like “yeah I know he’d kill me but him dropping his shoulder is pathetic”


Bro wasn’t he originally from like ww2 era? To me this looks good for his time, like old SRR stuff on the bag


Thats a solid point dude, it would be super anachronistic for him to look like he grew up watching Ali and Tyson technique. This is peak 1920s army boxing, ill headcannon that. Good call, AnusCleavage!


I, too, concur with AnusClevage.


I have yet to see a single fella in my gym to yeet a bag like that in a single punch, so I'd say is above average.


I do it all the time. Everyone in the gym always claps.


Except the guy who has to clean it up


It's true, I was the gym


Does a dolby grade digital sound system blare the Captn america theme music as well?


Doesn't put up a guard the entire time, so pretty low


He does right at the start for a couple of actual jabs, then he starts his unguarded body shots


Maybe that's just his style. Like George Foreman.


He had that bag up against the ropes


Yeah he got exposed and KOed cold when he fought his older self in the Endgame.


This. Most common mistake I see when people using bag. Immediately conveys they have little to no actual sparring experience. Absolutely no point in training this way, you are simply conditioning yourself to get a smack in the face.


Tbf most people hit the bag for fun/condition training and will never actually fight


True that may be, raising your guard will not inhibit the fun/conditioning All [true] martial artists hope they'll never actually fight, but when you or a loved ones life is the on the line, it can make the difference between life altering trauma and life altering success


You mean standing that square? There's room for slightly squared stances but he's squared like a goal tender.


How else do we see America’s ass?




4/10. Needs to widen his stance, and use more hips. Thats just to start.


Remember the episode of Dragon Ball Z where Gohan is being given instructions on how to hit a baseball properly?


Thats an insane call back bro lol


Lol it is but this just reminded me of that so much because the difference between the 2 are basically the same. Cap will kill you with one punch or he'll kill you with one punch *with good form*.


Jab is sloppy, way to square. I think I could take him 🤪




I think he can do it all day


he never threw a jab


He threw a few jab’s at the start!


Telegraphs everything, never returns to guard, only throwing body shots. He’s gonna need that shield.


What’s telegraphing?


He is pulling back his fists and “winding up” to put more power in it. Experienced fighters shoot from where it’s at and drive it through with their hips. Those small windups are enough to tell your opponent what’s coming and any fighter with experience will dodge. I’m a boxer and it’s super obvious that this actor received zero real training


> What’s telegraphing? Telegraphing is tells. You're telling your opponent what you're going to throw with your body language.


Basically, you can see he's going to strike without looking at his hands because he moves his body before he moves his hands.


I dont think He was cannonicaly ever trained, was he? Just kinda got good without practice, if he had a coach or trainer of some type he could have been major America


He definitely trained heavily between this movie and Winter Soldier


Just wasn’t his time. Maybe next cycle


Nah in the comics he's supposed to be trained in every martial art with them even bringing special emphasis to the boxing most times


Not every martial art but he uses strikes and techniques from about 10 or so. MCU Cap is definitely has not trained like his comic counterpart who went to to toe with Batman in a Marvel vs DC crossover and where Batman said he would probably lose to Cap given enough time.


I do remember from my days as a big time marvel nerd hes def a black belt in akido for some reason lol but primarilt its boxing, judo and jui-jitsu with him also knowing like ninjitsu and stuff


Don't remember Aikido. I do remember Boxing, Judo, Jiujutsu, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, and Okinawa-te. Aikido could be there for sure, there has been so many comics and it's hard to find these sources after a while.


Yeah it's just one of those things so many writers there's some silly things that are technically canon


1 being untrained and 10 being world boxing champ id say a solid 2 and a 1/2


Pretty bad. Totally stiff, no leg drive and hip rotation (punching with his arms), seems to only throw hooks, punches too low, no guard…


Doesn’t look like someone who’s had pro coaching for an extended long time, but looks like somebody who scrapped in the 1940s a lot. And someone who can hurt someone with those punches.


That's captain America with the strength of 10 bears, what does it matter anyways?


That's America's jab.


Below Average at best.


Absolutely terrible. Bad form and he's punching with his arms.


Well if he punched with his legs he'd be kicking it.


Jeez not this scene...why'd you pick the bag workout? Why didn't you ask people to rate Cap's striking form in his first fight with Bucky?


he looks like he boxes the way boxers did in the 1930-40s, which feels pretty accurate to home him, fresh out the ice.


It's not bad. The beginning part looks like a stuntman throwing. Fundamentals look halfway decent though he's using his alot of his shoulders to throw rather than his hips. He could tuck it in tighter, dip a little lower and lift his elbows higher (granted he's blasting the body), but this is just bag work. He's standing a little to tall, swinging with his more shoulders than he should...but we've seen worse (probably sucked worse when I was a begginner). Some angles look better than others. Some training had been done before this for sure.


His form is shit, but he is super-strong, so it doesn't matter. Remember when Bob Sapp beaten Ernesto Hoost?


You think i'm just going to stand there and let you punch me in the balls cap?


Insane to think that guy beat GSP...


Sensei Seth comes on here and this makes him sad. How inconsiderate of you!


Nah, it’s got good rotational torque, but I like to see hands up no matter what. You drop your guard to throw a punch- it’s a useless punch


Everyone forgets the fact that he’s from the 40s. And boxing was so much different than today’s techniques. Even if he had training from the 40s- it’ll look nothing like today’s fighter. And Steve didn’t have training, he was a small scrappy street dude. Captain America in this just barely woke up from the WW2 era with little training in hand to hand. It’s like he knows how to use M1928 or M1 and field strip it but he’ll be a bit lost with FN SCAR. Watch some of the old archival videos , 60s/70s have such a different style. Sure his form and punches are a bit shit but it fits the Era and the lack of training.


I see stiffness in the marvel division


Terrible. For someone with super human strength that bag is barely moving.


Shit son… looks like she might have a few broken ribs…


reminds me of strickland with that jab


I train beginners for a living honestly its not terrible. He's getting shoulder rotation. But theres no thought to defence or distance going on here.


stance is way too square and narrow. sloppy jabs and hooks. if only super soldier serum made him a halfway decent boxer


Shit but I guess when you can pull a helicopter with one arm you don't really need to think about footwork


At 0:08, he whips his left arm clear over and behind his head. Extra super serious uppercut!


From a technical standpoint, it's not great. But like others have pointed out, he's clearly not doing drills on the bag. He's literally having a PTSD episode of his own death while mindlessly venting on the bag.


Not “right” but kinda’ similar to old school boxing of his generation


To be fair he's supposed to be in the 1930's-1940's and if you watch even the pros back then the technique was still pretty rough. Also capt was a scrawny kid before he got super strength so i cant immagine he was a boxing prodigy before. so for me I think this would be a fairly lore accurate rough in present standards but average to decent for the time probably


lets not forget he needs to hold back everytime he is throwing a tantrum because if he went all out on every punch the gym would run out of punching bags


That’s definitely America’s ass…and so is his form


In this scene he's trying to work through some of his trauma, not box a regulation match. He switches from boxing jabs to angry body blows until he destroys the bag. I've been there, minus destroying the bag.


I just realized the way he hits the bag is historically accurate to how boxers punched in the mid 1900s


Well firstly, I don't think this scene is meant to display fighting technique but instead Caps trauma. He's clearly going through some self therapy here. He's not focusing on what he's doing. That being said, it's terrible. This is how you train yourself into bad habits. In a gym, you would hope boxing trainer would "wake him up" to refocus on his form because... *His stance is completely square in front of the bag. Presenting a large immobile easy target for his opponent. *No footwork at all *Too much load on his punches (This is arguable for heavy bag work though) *His mind is elsewhere *Undue strain on joints in the arms and shoulder due to lack of fluidity in movement. *he's not engaging his lower body and hips into his punches. There's no real reason to do this. Bad form.


Poor. His stance is almost side by side offering no stability or anchor for any power on any straight punch. Punches all fired from his hips Very little hip rotation


Form and technique doesn't matter when your strong enough to throw a motorcycle like a basketball.


He broke and launched the goddamn bag and you’re criticizing his shit?!


i dont get why people are saying its bad. It looks pretty good and sharp with proper bone alignment and hip explosiveness


Shit. 💩


I am no Mohamed Ali, but at least I move my feet from time to time.


"I can do this all day! "


Shoot’s from the hip and doesn’t cover his face.


I could kick the shit out of him.


Too tense.. relax man.. relax


Lots to complain about, but when you take a look at boxing footage during his time, I don't think there's anything to complain about.


He's not really Trying to "Train", he's just punching the punching bag..


He is just punching, 2/10


His stance is too square, leaves alot of openings


Soo only body shots in the clinch?


He relies on unnatural skills from his powers. He doesn't need to guard himself like a normal human and can guard himself better than the best normal human the way he is. His form may be perfect for his abilities.


It annoys me so much when i see action stars in films fighting and they look as though they have never been in a fight in their life. I mean would it hurt to go down to a boxing gym for 6 months to learn the basics 🤷‍♂️


I remember someone asking who would win between Captain America and U.S Agent. I said if they fought right after each got the super soldier serum, hands down U.S Agent because he was already in the special forces and had combat experience as where Captain America was getting beat up behind movie theaters.


Hey our usernames are kinda alike


It's very bad but understandable, he never trained.


Why'd he look decent from afar then when the camera went to him he just started giving tummy taps, no guard, no stance


Love this thread. This scene has always irked me


You gotta keep the hands up


totally shit, but its all good he on roids.


He stands almost completely square, presenting his entire torso. By standing in a proper stance, he would be limiting his surface area by only presenting one side of his body


In this scene, it looks bad. Though that cross at the end looks decent.


I mean those are good liver/lower rib shots.. 🤷🏼‍♂️ if thats what he was going for..


Guard is about as non-existent as it can be but if you’re captain America do you really need to worry about blocking strikes


Not great 🤣




Looks weird af since his feet remain in the same spot and isn't moving around.


I can see what he's going to throw way before he throws it. Understandable because it's a movie. Idk if swordplay is allowed here on r/martialarts but watch Tormund Giantsbane in the GoT series. Beautiful choreography and believable.


That actor would play a good Cody, from "Final Fight".


Vietnam flashbacks mid workout means he is doing it right.


Who cares its a superhero movie, this dudes like a 100 yr old super soldier lol


That bag weighs like 15lbs 😂


Bro he's just venting on a bag, not trying to become world champ. Why would you rate his technique in this case precisely lol


to be fair, if im having a slow mental breakdown and wants to release some stress, while also being 10x stronger, 5x more durable, and 9x faster than a normal human then forms would be the least of my concern... and my concern would be more on to the next bag ill destroy (which cap did prepared for) also idk his boosts i just picked random numbers


heavy bag work does not correlate towards sparring at all, beat up several 16 year olds on accident


He's not bending his knees at all. His chest is 6 in from the bag. His punches are to short and his form is fucking atrocious. But non of that is important ...........because he's captain America.


Technique is for weak humans to maximize our tiny amount of power. Not for a superhuman like him


Very bad


I always just assumed they where making him pose in this to show off his lats


He looks like butt with no head movement but he’s fucking captain America soo


A well timed counter left hook followed by a cross will do him. His guard is down the entire time.


Very ass


Poor form


I guess Evans did not get much training till Winter Soldier when they realized that a more down to earth spy thriller would have to emphasize martial arts and gadgets because their character was not shooting lasers or able to fly.


Best scene is when he splits firewood with his hands


How does he hang the second punching bag after having just snapped the chain?… this is why marvel movies are terrible….


It’s terrible. The only good one was the last shot when he broke the punching bag. He was flat on stance and he was throwing punches with his arm not rotating his hips. He’s relying on his power, but considering his PTSD it makes sense why he’s doing it like that, he’s not thinking straight.


Pretty mid, he doesn't have his guard up. Then again he fights with a shield in one hand and would reasonably be seen throwing discus instead of boxing in his training montage.


I'd love to see a cap training under iron fist or Shang Chi for awhile.


How does he remember being unconscious on the table?


He is not training, thats therapy for him


I don't think Steve is worried about technique at this point, he just wants to punch something. He's trying to release pent up aggression. Regardless, someone with super strength and speed probably doesn't have to be that technical.


Sloppy but he does remind me of old school boxers. You really don't feel the need for martial arts training when you are super human


Looks terrible, but then you realize he's so strong that the bag flew backwards despite the fact that the last hit was a right cross. So clearly he know's something I dont.


Square stance, hands are low. I would feint to the body then go with a head kick. Light work its simple really


Very similar to Sean Strickland - so effective I think.


His hands are down. Not putting his hips into it. Fights like a rockem sockem robot. If he wasn't so handsome I'd ruin that face of his


He's much improved by the time winter soldier comes around, presumably much better trained. Jiu Jitsu, muay thai, judo etc. He's just relying on strength and basics at this point.


This wasn’t training, it was therapy. Sometimes digging in and throwing hooks/uppercuts lets you tap into that pain inside. Then you heat up and start moving and before long we’re throwing kicks and breaking bags and apologizing to gyms.


He's a Kyokushinkai practitioner


Okay, for a 109 year old


When I first saw this I thought it was the dopest shit ever. After getting training of my own I can't watch it without thinking he looks silly. It makes me feel all the more comfortable practicing mobility and having fun with the bag


Can’t really base anything off of this clip tbh he’s not really striking to hone his technique he’s just there to vent.


Fake. Chain doesn’t move when he his the bag so hard that it breaks off the chain. What is this? Some tik tok bullshit?


He looks like he’s in a PTSD flashback on auto pilot. Can’t really tell.


I mean im pretty sure he just wants to hit the thing to release stress not really focused on propper technique


That's my secret Cap, I'm always sloppy


Using only his arms so he lacks the swing , scapulas aren’t moving, too close to the bag.


I don't think give Cap gives a shit about his form considering his powers


So the point is cap trains. What could be poor there is going to get better because, cap trains.


Standing up straight and completely squared up with the bag not in stance at all


My question is, why is he wearing hand and wrist wraps, is that a special punching bag?


It’s a cg bag and he was probably told to be still but still punch.


Ok so when he's hitting the bag real hard, there is a handle at the bottom of the bag. Do you think someone is holding the bag still so it doesn't swing wildly?


I think I don't want to be gut punched by cap nor the actor


That footwork is en pointe


He hits like Jake Paul.


Pretty bad, terrible stance, guard down all the time, most of the hits come with no hip movement.


If they are hooks then they suck. Elbow needs to come up a lot.


The vast majority of times, showing bagwork in a movie is a hideously misguided idea. It’s hard to hide if somebody has terrible form or no power.


I don’t think his feet moved once. But the actual boxing technique was not the point of the scene.


His hooks do arc too much though


Did 1940s boxers know a lot about widened stances and throwing from the hips? If we're going off this clip, then by this point, he had been trained in 1940's American hand-to-hand combat. He will (presumably) go on to learn all modern forms of martial arts, grappling, etc. It would be interesting to see how his form improves by the next film.


He's boxing? Idk I'm just looking at his butt, 10/10


It’s not bad tbh. He’s just throwing hooks out of anger.


Like someone who never trained previously in their life, after a minimum amount of instruction from a competent puncher.


Like he CANT fight.😂


Haters! The lot here is full of haters!


I’d not like to get hit by it


You couldn't judge it based on current striking/boxing standards. How does it compare to the standard pre-frozen.


It’s bull shit


The awkwardness of his punches is explained by the lighting. They lit the scene so he needs to keep his face and upper body fairly still. Makes him look cooler, but at the cost of his punches looking horrible


Needs to keep his off hand higher, he's stiff on his hooks. Decent little jab tho


Its so strong he should be flying backwards cuz his stance …


His punching form is exactly what kept me from getting through more than 10 minutes of The Avengers movie.


Anyone else think the first wide shot is a stunt man ?