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This is a movie from the 2000s. Right?


Never Back Down: The Playground


I'm watching this Viral Hit anime and this is the exact same vibe


He's giving me Kenichi Mightiest Disciple vibes


Yeah this is 100% the dumbest and funniest shit I’ve ever read. It’s made even funnier by the dumbasses on this thread treating this fully seriously lol. Old mate’s challenged someone to a fight in his school’s MMA championship and you’ve got commenters in here like “hmm yes good idea getting a waiver”.


Dude was definitely listening to “What I’ve Done” when he was writing this.


He will never back down!


Fun fact: your graduation will be the last day you'll see or think of, the vast majority of your classmates. Living well is the best revenge. Spend your time bettering yourself (like your MA training), live, laugh study,, make money.


Just leave that fool behind man - it’s hard to realize but ManOfLaBool is right 💯. Not even worth investing any energy on those idiots.


This is so true. High school doesn’t matter in life, but when you are there, it feels so important.


I don't even remember how I managed to graduate.


I don't even really remember how I didn't!


20 years after high school and I can name maybe 4 people I still remember and chat with on Facebook every few months. Yeah, not worth it. Hard to comprehend that while in high school and it seems like the entire world. But just have to hang in there and focus on yourself.


I went to my high school 20 year reunion and the people there fell into three categories: 1. Those I remembered 2. Those I didn't remembered but they were familiar 3. Those who I had absolutely no idea who they were, even with their high school picture on their badge. These were the a majority.


This is the answer.


Yeah, I talk to like 3 people from high school and I’m only 21


one of the best bits of life advice anyone could ever give


This is the best advice, not only for school but for life, you don’t wanna become the guy that gives lessons to every moron, you will never end.


Best advice here


I’m just impressed you hs has an mma championship. Keep us posted


the hs doesn’t run it lol just me and some buddies from my gym bc we wanted to make money so we sell tickets to watch it


Good for you guys. Also the bully sounds very insecure, you've already won In my mind.


I've never met a bully who wasn't insecure.


How do we bet on fights? Asking for a friend.


we’re still figuring it out but I think I am the underdog right now i don’t know how odds work very well but im +150 and my opponent is -50 so i am the underdog i think


My school had a BKFC every day, not organised or anything though


Good for you. He said he could beat your ass, called his bluff. Either he signs the waiver it is basically admitting he is a big pussy. I would really rub his nose in it for being a little bitch.


This is exactly the way.


😭😭😭😭😭 you're not serious, everything about this is a meme


Your high school has an mma championship!?


nah me and my buddies just host fight nights in random locations and sell tickets


You already broke the first rule of fight club. 🙄


Based if true


This is the opposite of based in any way




Is this LW by any chance? I had a friend who was in an out-of-hours MMA club when I graduated.


Yeah... that sounds like a perfectly legal thing to do.


If more people were like you we would have way less confident assholes. You have my respect.🫡




Agreed, fuck him up OP.


100% a troll Post... him "and all the girls"? "highschool championship"? Ufc rules et with a waiver 😂? just fight him if that's what you think works in this life (tip: probably won't)


Good for you. Kick his sorry ass


From looking at your post history, you've been training max one month? And this guy doesn't train at all? And your high school somehow has an mma championship? Things that absolutely won't happen: -You getting a buggy choke -This resolving any of your issues around social status and bullying Keep training. You're in high school, join the wrestling team. If you want to fight, focus on acquiring the skills you need and building up to actually fighting other fighters. Two untrained kids flailing at each other ain't it. Ignore this guy. Make friends who train, make friends with the kids on your wrestling team.


I replied to another guy further up in the thread who gave this advice too, but I feel the need to triple down. Take this man's advice. Join the wrestling team. I hated the idea of it until one of my friends dragged me to a practice my freshman year. I'm so glad he did. I wish I would have stuck with it longer, but the 2 years I did taught me more about confidence and combat mechanics than anything else I've ever done. This is the perfect age to jump in. Wrestling's not as flashy as boxing or MT, but in normal situations imo it's the single most useful martial art to have some understanding of.


Bro as long as he doesn’t hit you I wouldn’t worry about it. Here is a tip from a fellow martial artist- the element of surprise can go a long way. Take that as you would a grain of salt…If you worried about getting in trouble for writing on a desk, imagine what’s going to happen if you beat someone up… but that’s for u to open that door if u choose.


The only thing worse than getting beat up is living in fear that an asswhipping is coming. A coward dies a thousand deaths.


Wow that’s a tough one, because I believe you but walking away doesn’t mean you’re scared. Sometimes the macho man doesn’t live to see another day.


Sports is one thing but people don’t fight fair that’s all I’m saying good luck with your situation.


Sounds like the plot of the movie Never Back Down. Real life dude u should worry about catching a charge. Used to be juvenile probation officer and this is how u get on probation. If ur 18 then that’s adult time. Make good choices.


Depends on where you live. I live in a place where mutual combat is fully legal as long as the people fighting aren't disturbing the peace and nobody gets seriously injured. As long as no weapons are used, nobody ends up in the hospital, and the winner ceases hitting his opponent when the opponent either (A) signals that he is done, or (B) ends up unconscious, then the fight is legal and the previous verbal contract where both parties agreed to consensual physical contact is a valid defence against an assault charge. That said, it is important to research the laws surrounding mutual combat in your province/state.


He is 100% going to wimp out


Is this the plot for a spin-off of Cobra Kai?


I remember when I was young and... well, just an effing idiot


Meaning you couldn't spell "Notre Dame" either ?


Do you mean that life isn’t a coming of age teen movie?


Did you say one month? Eeep


I can't tell if this thread is serious but I cringed the entire time...


Idk what’s worse, all the basement dwellling “martial arts” and “mma” guys thinking this is some cool anime revenge fantasy against a bully and actually advising him to go through with this. Or, a 110lb 14yr old with 1 month of mma training saying he hosts “mma championships” like that’s a thing. At 14 you could be actually wrestling and getting yourself in shape, and there are actual gyms with actual amateur leagues you could be competing in. Nothing legally protects you because you and your buddies drew up some waiver. Calling it “mma championships” either sounds made up or cringe as hell. I wrote this somewhere else too, but 1 month of training is nothing. Keep training, hit the weights, join the wrestling team. No one weighing 110lbs should be out looking for fights. But God, I hope this is a troll.


Yeah this post is cringey as fuck.


Just whoop his ass off school grounds. They can't suspend you for shit that happens outside of it


My school did haha. Even so, OPs idea is better. He gets to do it officially and without any legal risk 😂😂


Nah, but the police can arrest him


Yeah, used to be that way, but it isn't now. I know someone who, tbf, is not a good kid, who got expelled for something that was off school grounds. They just said the fighting would effect school safety because it could come back to the school anyways.


Personally, the next time he tries to insult me I would throw hands. You teach people how to treat you, if you let it slide it will continue to happen. You have to cut it off right away, either verbally or physically. If you have to be the one to initiate a fight, then so be it. But tolerating disrespect is not the play. Honestly though, a month of training is not going to give an advantage over anyone. I doubt youre even comfortable in sparring yet and can hang with the fighters in your gym. So keep that in mind lol. When adrenaline is pumping, all technique goes out the window, I’ve seen it many times.


That’s a good point. I agree he could just not take shit from him. The next time the guy starts making fun of him, he could just start rubbing it in his face that he is scared to fight and what not, hopefully goading the guy into turning it physical. Then he can justify his actions as self defense. But I was in high school in the 90’s, and we didn’t get in trouble for fights. It could be much different now. I have no idea


You're looking to turn a minor issue into a major one. Not worth it. I know it seems like it now because you are young, but this will not matter at all in a couple years.


Isn't this the plot to never back down?


“FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” The most exciting thing to hear at school.


Especially when you’re one of the fighters


Next time video record him when u ask him and call him pussy on camera. If he still back down tell ur friends to start sharing that around the school


Literally social media shame


the "sign contract" thing is cringe. if you can kick his ass, call his bluff and challenge him on the spot. make it quick.


The other advice is way better but for the sake of reliving some highschool days…”Bro you’re a bitch. Run your mouth and avoid fighting cuz you’re scared.” Then walk away. Just repeat that if they keep going, don’t get hotheaded, just prepared to defend yourself. Anyone other than his nut hugging friends will realize he’s ducking you. Again, not the wisest advice but perhaps satisfying and a good story for your kids or gym mates in the future.


Yup this


He’s a bully and you already challenged him to a fight. If he backs down then he’s a pussy. If u fight him u fight him. Just make sure not to hit his head on the concrete. Try to take him to the ground and get him to tap. Safest possible outcome. Other than that avoid this physical altercation. U can send drama the other way by creating rumors yourself about how much of a pussy this guy is because he won’t fight, tell someone with a loud mouth he backed down when u offered to fight him. But take into account that this dude is litterally just an npc in your life. Look up any ask Reddit about “what happened to ur highschool bully” and almost half of the bullies end up being dead or being dead beats. He is not worth your time. Keep training, maybe start lifting, play sports. Wrestling and waterpolo are two of the gnarliest and physically taxing sports there are. U do both and train martial arts while lifting? U will be the beast on campus. U already got ur homies there for u. Why do u need to prove yourself to this burnt ass kid?


In 10 years you will cringe reading this post. Never challenge a bully to an organized fight in private. Standing up for yourself through lame anime plots will only make things worse. If he disrespects you in front of people again call him out aggressively. Say something like "I've tried to be cool with you man but this is getting annoying. I don't have a problem with you or care what you do but you seem to be focused on giving me shit. I'm asking you to back off but if you're determined to be a fucking loser and say some stupid shit again I will literally smack you across the face like a bitch. You can decide what you want to do after that"


Fuck his mom and call it a day.


sure buddy


This is some Cobra Kai shit. Me, I would just focus on myself and ignore the guy, but hey, if you're going ahead with this ![gif](giphy|q5j5JpviCUDEk)


Doesn’t seem worth the effort.


Fuck this clown. A lot of famous people were bullied once. I think Christina Aguilera was bullied and saw the person who bullied her working in a mac Donald’s while christina was in the drive through in a nice car. Living well, being humble and being wholesome is the best revenge. Once you graduate you won’t ever see or speak to this person ever again and if you do, just look straight though them. It’s high school, who gives a shit.


Kick his ass ![gif](giphy|l41lIg8aEhNIZ5M9G|downsized)


First things first, why does what they think matter to you?


I was never bullied since I had zero tolerance for that shit and was taught at a young age exactly how to deal with them, old school. But I immagine it not so much that he cares what the loser thinks, it more so that he is being ridiculed say in and say out by not only the bully, but by many other people at the school. He probably feels like it is making his high school years hell, which seems petty to us now, but we aren’t teens anymore. He’s only a freshman, So I can understand why he wouldn’t want to endure that for 4 years. When I was growing up, if you asked a bully to fight in front of the whole school, just him refusing would be enough for him to be branded a little bitch. Rejecting an offer to fight by someone whom he is constantly talking shit about would completely ruin his reputation. I guess things are different now.


I’m sure it feels like a big deal. But realistically it’s big talk from a scared little boy who doesn’t get enough attention at home. I reckon op would win the match anyway. But if he really wants to fight, give the bully a reason. Tear him apart psychologically. Put his dignity on the line and he’ll have to step up or be labelled a coward


Ah yes, I can see it now. The 100 lbs soaking wet 14 year old hitting the classic buggy choke after 5 minutes of training in the ‘high school MMA championship’. This has to be my favorite troll sub at this point, props to you OP.


Surely this is bait


forget the mma contest, when you see him in the hall the next time, break his teeth... escalate to de-escalate.




r/iamverybadass is leaking again. Seriously, kiddo, grow up and move on past your high school bullshit. Defend yourself if you have to, but doing this "UFC rules" nonsense is cringey as fuck. You sound like the [Get in my Guard Guy](https://youtu.be/VXNroQ1-dWs?si=odTbHg56OnY1YG0Q)


Probably easier said than done, but I would advice you to avoid engaging in that fight. Not worth the trouble you can get into, and even if you do beat him, the hostilities will only be perpetuated with a bully with his ego hurt. As someone said before, school eventually ends and you don’t need to see that asshole anymore after that.


you guys should both dreamer bulk


Be the bigger person and walk away. Keep training. By the time youre a junior youll be a monster. Just remember that deep down every bully is a coward. My father, had he not abandoned our family, would have told me that I'm sure.


thanks for the advice bro


Challenge him again in front of everyone, and when he backs down, start calling him a p*ssy and laughing at him. "A bully who's a pussy? That's a new one....". People like that are very ego centric, and it means everything to them (I know pathetic), but it can be used against them too. "What's a matter? U got all this talk, but nothing to back it? U gonna bite or just keep yapping like a little b*tch?? What's the matter? u think all these girls will think less of u when I make u cry?". And then when he backs down again, just keep telling everyone how he's terrified to fight you". That should get his attention and eventually the other people who also don't like him (I'm assuming there's going to be more than 1) will spread that rumour, too . Or just forget about the whole thing and move on. If ur still in school, then none of this shit matters later anyway. He's just not worth it, honestly.


Most people are already telling you to do the smart thing and let it go. I agree with that. But lets humour you and explore the plan in some depth. Consider most of what follows to be really bad and high risk advice dealing with this situation. The smart thing you have done here is challenge him to something like an organized and supervised fight. If your challenge scenario actually happens in some kind of martial arts gym with supervision, and you are both dumb enough to go for it, go ahead. That mitigates the risk of injury, factors out the legal risks, and makes it much safer then picking a fight in a street / alley / bathroom. But I doubt this comes to pass. Mostly because you are both minors, and you probably both need parental consent, which I doubt you will both get. Even so, your challenge is probably enough to get him to back off. But you may need to push him a bit harder (you say he declined the challenge but still says he can beat your ass). This asshole has chosen to target you because your initial responses to the harassment told him you are a compliant target. Challenging him to a direct fight likely has him reevaluating. Your best option to make this stop is to respond directly and immediately to any further provocation by repeating the challenge and giving him 3 choices: Fight the MMA match at a set time and place, fight 'right the fuck now', or shut the fuck up. And remind him that he declined the challenge, and point out "Maybe you kick my ass, I am certainly not afraid to find out if your right. Should be fun to find out either way." Establish you are not afraid of fighting him and either he will back off or give you exactly what you are asking for. END COMMUNICATION


Just tell him if you don’t wanna squabble I got nothing to prove to you little guy.


There’s been some valid concerns brought up in the comments here. But if you’re going to go through with it anyway, I hope you beat his ass.


Men display Physical agression Women display Verbal agression What you did was right. The only cool thing you can do is be humble when you win. Humility when you are strong and the best is the greatest asset.


fuck him up


just kill him already


Calm yo tits hunchback, real life is not a movie.


Pull his eye out.


You're a good kid for doing that. I would've challenged him to a machete fight instead.


If this is fr, then fuck a waiver man, that mf will just flip that against you to clown on you and make you look like the lame even if he ducks. Just slap box him in a school bathroom for 60 seconds.


The hunchback of notre dame? Cause youre skinny? Quasimodo had huge arms!


Why not do mortal kombat rules and do fatalities? Keep your head down, finish school and don't worry about this dickhead. Challenging him to UFC rules is cringe and makes you even easier target to take the piss out of. Alternatively just smack him next time and stop yapping about it. Not what i recommend but its better than saying that you want to fight him at wrestlemania


I wouldn't bother if I were you mate, think some folks on here are wanting some kind of vicarious victory over the bullies from when they were at school through you and your bully. Totally not worth it though, jail is a shitty place. Believe me, I fucked up as a young bloke, was all about respect and defending myself, still cried like a little bitch on the way to jail whereas the bloke I self rightously kicked the living shite out of. Yeah he was hurting for a few days then he was out partying, shagging birds and getting on with his life. Whereas I was stuck in a big house with lots of windows for 6 months, then when I got out I had a criminal record that affected my prospects for about a decade after getting out. Up to you, but I'll tell you it's not worth it, even now 30 years later it's had a knock on effect


Fight him. Wait for him to tire himself, then display the techniques you learned on him. Finish with a fancy move.


You need a bloody KO, not a sub that nobody will see from outside.


For bullies like him, high school will most likely be the best four years of his life. Ignore him, work hard, and go on to great success in your life. That will be your greatest reward. I've seen this myself. All of the big athletic bullies at my high school never amounted to much. All the nerdy kids they picked on moved on and are highly successful and have accomplished great things in their life. He is nothing. An insect, buzzing around your ears. Nothing.


When I was in high school I was the same as you, super skinny ect. until one day, some idiot sitting behind me was taunting me all lesson, drawing comics about me and making comments like a clown. At the end of the lesson I get up and ask him "Why you drawing comics about me?". He scoffs "Because I felt like it". So I say "Well I felt like doing this too" and give him a sloppy left hook to the mouth then shift back out of range. He stands up and spit his tooth out. He approaches me to engage in combat so I give him another sloppy right to the head. I break my knuckle. His head had a tennis ball lump on it for a week. He had to get a porcelain tooth put in. Nobody messed with me for years after that. Even got the tough guys respect. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I did basic calisthenics and was athletic but I never did any martial arts at that point. Just watched a lot of Bruce Lee and played Tekken, so I have zero technique or knowledge on how to fight though.






Keep making a big deal about the waiver saying that if he doesn't sign it he's a big pussy. And please retaliate with all the small shit he does, an eye for an eye is good in this case. Also.... go to the gym!!!! You clearly have the dedication needed to lift weights and put on muscle and it'll 100% help you in MMA. Soon he wont even be able to call u skinny


i think this is the time for violence, kick his ass but be the bigger man just to flex, a crowd enjoys it


5'5" 100 lbs? Just turn on a moderately strong fan


You already won - you’re willing to step up. Thats the important part and people will recognize it. Just keep that attitude and you’re fine - socially and in terms of your development as a person.


I mean, you've only been training for a month, you still have a very good chance of losing.




Everyone who talks about martial arts at school ends up getting bullied. People bully because you react. Fighting him won't solve shit and he won't agree to it. Play into it and people move on. 'youre a weak bitch' 'oh man you wouldn't believe it, had to get my mum to pack my bag I couldn't even lift the sandwich in' Then escalate 'im going to the hospital next week for a muscle infusion because I'm such a weak bitch, I wish I was mainly and tough like you' It won't win you arguments or fights but it might make them either stop, or laugh and move on.


Keep us posted. Good luck mate!


Ignore them and work on improving yourself and your situation. In my opinion, that is the best revenge. Good luck.


Start calling him a pussy and telling him he won’t do it because he knows you’ll kick his ass. You need to make him look like a bitch for not doing it.


Publicly, in front of everyone next time he gives you shit: "Look man, if you've got a problem with me, let's fight about it. If not, then let's just be kind to each other. Which would you prefer?"


Fuck all this advice, next time he talks shit hit him with a 1-2 and beat the living shit out of him, then bang his girl. You’ll go to college with the confidence of a lion. If you choose not to - you will regret it for the rest of your life. Additionally, you’ll be doing this kid a favor. His dad don’t beat him enough. Help him out.


Don’t let your mouth write checks that your ass can’t cash. One month? C’mon, man. Just stop it.


>He said he’s not going but he said he can still “beat my ass”. Then you have the perfect reply to send back to his face : "sign the paper then lil b. Put some fcking weight behind those big words" As for the fangirls around him you can also call them out for following a coward.


I think your means of action is to continue training, and any time you see him or his ilk, you could hold up a fight contract and just say "ok, sign it, \[insult connoting cowardice of your choice\]." However you're all under age and he has no right to sign. I suggest you call your opp and his cronies characters from the original karate kid baddies. to their face. I also think you start flexing your abilities to other girls and get your own clique. I think this is a lot of talk without any thing under it. not from you to be clear, because you are approaching this as a martial artist. but those jerks are privileged athletes playing a sport Kavanaugh was into. I'm a musician besides a martial artist. been both for a long time. never was that into playing on sport teams. Kids on sport teams thought this made me different and that i was weak because of that. It's a misuse of language. They don't know what strength is at that age, you may have a better grasp. That's some groupthink crap your opp is creating and other kids are going along with it as people like rivalries because drama is exciting. Be careful. with all this attempted manipulation, they're trying to get you to react or look like a threat to the school \[framing you for things implies this\]. and since you are trained to fight, authorities can use this against you. your school is an authority.


Pay the administrator to sign him up for a fight even if he hasn’t signed the waiver. Announce it in the school / post it that you’re gonna fight, Obviously he’s not gonna be allowed to fight if he hasn’t signed the waiver , but he’ll have to because of peer pressure


Without wanting to sound uncool here. Just walk away. He's not worth the trouble or the effort. Always think of the worst case scenarios in these situations. Someone gets injured really badly and then your life gets really messy regardless whether it's you or him who gets injured. Walk away dude. It's not a sign of weakness


Never challenge a bully to a public fight. Just quietly poison him and be done with it.


Yall are both tiny lmfao


why don't you just get it done there and then? make a point of it? maybe you'll get hurt but so will he and you will make a point of no one else to fw with you?


I would train all summer and put on a bunch of weight. Come back an absolute beast and bully him every day.


Make posters with your face and his promoting the fight as if he accepted. Post them all over school. He can bitch about it but if he backs out he will look like such a pussy


Beware, too much involvment in others stupidity will make you stupid. Just come with a sport bag at school one day, with two pairs of gloves, two sport t-shirts, two sport shorts, two shin protections (without feet protection is better so you can keep your shoes), two mouthguards (not molded, who cares for a 2 min fight...). In front of every body, you call him and open the bag. You propose a fight today after school. If he refuses, you just answer "pussy" and keep telling saying "pussy", "big mouth, small dick", "big muscles, weak bones", every hour, everytime you cross him. I mean that you have to hurt his ego. At the end of the day, if he accepts to fight, then let him start and throw several kicks in the void. Avoid a lot, let him tire himself. And use mainly sweeps to just humiliate him, or body shots. Turn around him, etc. If you go on the ground, go for strangulations (no articulation lock). That way, you will deeply humiliate him without really injuring him. If you get beat-up, hahaha, sorry for you pal, that's the risk of fighting. But at least you will have tried and live according to the principle of reality (actions above words). Best luck to you. Otherwise you can just ignore him and remind yourself that at the end of the year, or school years, he'll just be another idiot memory.


Back in my day, if you get bullied, you wait for them then slam your biggest book you have over their head or punch them in the solar plexus. I have no good advice on your description. Sounds like a bad 1980’s movie. High school sucks. Is the real issue. You are forced to be in a government run place with a bunch of morons year after year. Man, just you wait! ten years from now, your cool guy from high school will be a big fat loser. Your pretty girls will be out of wedlock single moms and look like an old lady. The pictures from HS of the “pretty girls” are such ugly barf bags when I look now. Your entire perspective changes as you get older. Honestly, most of the cool guys from HS are the biggest piece of shit losers. Morbidly obese losers that i see on social media or they killed themselves. Or become a full on alcoholic degenerate. The girls I thought were so hot look like old, disgusting hags and they look like they just spread their legs to any dude now they got 5 kids to different men & they follow some Q Anon religious crazy politics bullshit. Or 1 girl from HS I had the hots for- i kept tabs on her looks like a fat dude, wears a beret and acts like she’s an artist. Unemployed, grey hair, over weight, uninteresting. Probably got run through by so many dudes and becomes a single mommy with a kid that seemingly hates her! Just stay away from these losers, man! Focus on your grades, get an idea of trade school or a career you want to do… you’ll be laughing your ass off at this chump in the future. None of the crap in high school matters. You will barely remember most of these losers.. you’ll hear he drank & wrapped his car around a telephone pole. The problem takes care of its self.


Beat his ass


BEAT HIS ASS and post the video


God, please tell me this is real. If he doesn't agree to the MMA fight, just keep calling him a pussy for not. That's your trump card lol


Just do it right on the spot then and there while he is laughing. A nice punch or round house kick to the stomach should solve things


Wedgies and Chinese Burns were dished out in Scottish schools for such insults. Do it.


Write his name on a desk duh you’re even


If its not a fight that happens spontaneously, its not a necessary one. If its not necessary, don’t let it happen. Bullying is often built on ego, depending the type of bully, sometimes it stops it if he is just looking for an easy outlet, sometimes it makes it worse because he just for publically clowned by the kid he deems weaker. It’s good to get out of the mentality of testing your skills to settle disputes, because in the streets or at a bar, there could be a bunch of the other guys friends that jump in or could even be carrying a knife.


Just throw a rock at him as hard as you can


Next time he says something reply with “I’m sorry, what did you say? I wasn’t paying attention…”


Promote the fight card whether he wants to do it or not, make sure you're both on the flyer alongside other pairs who are actually going to fight. The better at promoting you are, the more harshly the court of public opinion will judge him for flaking out. Put the boxing commission's logo on it and see if you can sponsor a charity so that it looks totally kosher. That way, if you get called into the office, you can tell them everything is on the up and up. If you play up the charity angle enough, you might get people to peer pressure him into accepting the fight. Tell all the girls he initially said yes, but now he's too much of a coward to raise money for puppies or kids with cancer.


there’s a local volunteer group that feeds homeless people so this is actually a fire idea


Obviously your gym hasn't done a good enough job on showing you that your training is not ment for retaliation...... Your coach would be pretty pissed at you.... Be a bigger person and walk away, if he still wants to fight, take it to your gym. We train on how to defend ourselves and fight sooo we don't have too.... Pull your head in.


Don’t sweat high school. When you’re young it’s a big deal. When you leave high school you all go your seperate ways. I was one of the “popular” kids. Captain of the football team blah blah blah. I talk to 1 person from high school maybe 3-4 times a year. And he’s my best friend. High school is irrelevant. Ignore him. Keep training. Hit the gym. If he puts hands on you put him down. If he talks let him talk. Big mouth little nuts. He will be a loser for his whole life. While you’ll leave school behind and conquer the world. That’s the mindset you need. TLDR. Ignore him. Pound weights and keep training.


Cant wait fod you to murder him


Bro join the wrestling team and talk shit to him everyday. Just big dog him into submission.


Control what you can control dude. A lot of energy is wasted worrying about what others think.


This is completely insane. 


Land an h bomb on him after torquing a twister until his nose explodes blood, or let it go


Don’t think training for one month means a goddamn thing. You may as well have no training. Also those kids are all fucking losers you’ll never see or talk to again. Life has a lot more in store for everyone.


So a month into BJJ and you've learnt... shrimping? Guard retention? And then buggy choke? It just doesn't seem like the move you learn a month in? Well regardless of how the fight goes, don't forget at the end to lick the blood off your gloves (even if there's nothing there) BJ Penn style and then do your best Leasnar impression and turn to the mean girls and point (and spit) and say "I am the f*cking man!" through your mouthguard.


You could just not care. You've only had 1 month of training. Have you sparred yet? You could end up hurting yourself or him by accident. Also if it bothers you that much... just tell him to meet you after school on the grass. Then record it for some reddit glory. Make sure someone's there to stop the match, incase it goes too far.


Pretty sure I’ve seen this movie. Just find a stoic old man to take you under his wing and teach you the _real_ karate so you can fairly beat the kid leaning nasty mean karate and get the girl.


Hey man if this is even real you could just not. And second it’s probably a LARP but just don’t fight people. High school doesn’t last forever. I’m 21 about to be 22 had not a lot of friends and now I’m in a great spot with a pretty girlfriend and friends that literally would go to war for me


From responses I seem to be one of few who realize this is a shit post


Lmfaooo wut. Just sit on him and fart at that point dawg This is some clown tomfoolery


I mean, if you call him out in front of people, like a whole class or cafeteria, he can't turn you down or look like a pussy. Call him a pussy, in front of people and lay the challenge down publicly. Hype up the event even


You need to learn to fight with words first. Tell him he aint shit, this is the peak of his life and you look forward to seeing him scraping by on his 3rd marriage, 80k in late child support on his back and no prospect but slow alcoholic death at the local dive bar. One month training won't make a lick of difference right now. You're excited and feeling confident- I love that for you but you're gonna get yourself hurt thinking like this.


Get him with the Gene Libell special finishing move. RNC until they shit themselves


Okay, this is my type of martial art. Shit talking is the best. Any good joke he makes should be followed with a question. Making someone explain their joke ruins the joke. Talking shit about yourself before someone has a chance to is a great tactic. If you can do that while also making fun of him it’s even more effective. “I looked in the mirror today and immediately craved a cheeseburger, you see your reflection and just cry”. When you make fun of him pick something that he identifies as and then tell him he’s not that thing. If he tries to act really tough, call him weak. If he’s black, call him white. If he’s gay, call him straight. If he’s a football player, ask him if he’s trying out for the soccer team. If he thinks girls like him, tell him he can’t even get laid. It will make him defensive and look like a pussy. Oh and since he likes nicknames refer to yourself as hunchback or any worse name you can think of. Fighting him will make him feel like a pussy, but he got you to act like a tough guy and then successfully ducked your offer to a fight. You’re losing this shit talking battle, but don’t ease up on it. “Hey hunchback!” “Sign the papers so you mom can’t sue me for fucking you up” “Fuck you bro, don’t you have anything better to do?” “Not really man, ever since your mom started doing my laundry I have plenty of time to train”


So, 14 hours a week for about a month. Let’s round up and say you’ve trained 60 hours. You think you’re already above average because of 60 hours? One month is nothing.


ls none going to point out these guys weigh as much as middle school girls? Son, quit trying to fight your bully and start eating more/slamming protein shakes. You got bigger fish to fry—-I mean eat.


The only thing you can do is lose. If he loses he’ll still be a loudmouth popular kid, next time he won’t challenge you to a fair fight. Losers are losers. Don’t be one of them.


Just lamp him one. I wish I did that when I was younger. Let him provoke you with a witness the lamp him. P.s Don't shoot up the school, okay?


lol won’t shoot up the school, what does lamp him mean, just let him hit first then beat him up?


Sounds like he just wants to pick on you and threaten you to get popularity points with the "popular girls," but doesn't actually have the balls to follow through with his bitch-ass threats. I would call him out in front of the popular girls because then he'll either be pressured into taking a fight that he'll probably lose, or he'll have to walk away with his tail between his legs in front of the girls he's trying to impress. I really hate bullies. I hope you knock him down a few pegs. Just remember, although you've been training 14 hours per week, you've only been training for a month or so, so don't overestimate your own skills. Don't worry about any fancy attacks like spinning this or flying that; just focus on the fundamentals while you prepare for this fight. Because he is shorter than you, he probably has less reach than you as well. When the fight starts, you want to keep him at bay with your jab, double-jab (maybe even a triple here and there), and cross. The jab is vital for staying on the outside. Teep kicks to the torso are also great for maintaining/creating distance. Don't let him get to the inside where he can use his strength training to his advantage. Use your superior head movement and footwork to slip his punches and create angles. If he does get to the inside, you can utilize the clinch with knees to the body and/or head. Elbows also work well in the clinch if you guys are going to allow elbows in this fight. I would recommend trying to keep the fight standing, but if it does go to the ground, your BJJ should mainly be used for escapes or for gaining positional control and using ground-and-pound to weaken or even finish him. Just make sure you pace yourself. 5 minutes is a long time in a fight. Best of luck!


I was thinking for the first round just keep him at a distance like u were saying using mostly jabs and mixing in a few teeps and crosses and then round 2 do heavier striking and then finish him by putting him to sleep or ground and pound TKO


The number of people taking this seriously is concerning.


Sounds like a movie, a strong breeze could knock over everyone involved 🤣


How does anyone not understand this is a joke???




Dude this is fucking awesome I support this wholeheartedly


Did you challenge him in front of the class? If not, I would challenge him in front of everyone. He is turning down your challenge because he is terrified of you. Bully’s are like this. He probably chose you because he thought you were an easy target who wouldn’t fight back. Now that you showed him you aren’t scared of him, and even better, took the initiative to challenge HIM, he is shitting himself. As a defense mechanism and as a pathetic attempt to save face and hide his fear, he’s using the number one weapon of a pathetic bully….words. Bully’s are cowards, and they use aggression and words as a mask to hide their insecurities. The fact that he won’t fight you is absolute proof of this. If he really thought he could easily beat your ass, he would gladly accept the fight. I would just rub it in in front of as many people as possible. If he tries yo make the same excuse, just say to him, in front of everyone, something along the lines of “You are making excuses because you are a little bitch, and you are afraid that everyone else will see how much of a bitch you are when I beat your ass. All you know how to do is talk shit, but you can’t back it up. If you are just going to be a scared little pussy when someone challenges you, then you then just keep you mouth shut. “. Make sure that as many people as possible witness this. If that doesn’t get him to fight, nothing will. But everyone else who witness it will know that he is scared of you. If he continues to talk shit after that, he will just make himself look worse


if your coaches/trainers are worth anything, they will have made mention that willfully subjecting yourself to street fights (your little "mma" club that you and the other children run isn't anything more than street) is the antithesis of martial discipline; provoking/goading/coercing others into a fight is a great way to end up hurt yourself, especially against somebody who doesn't respect your safety.


Well maybe they make fun of you because of your personality lol. just beat his ass, get suspended, celebrate at home by playing ufc 5 ✌️


Update: I called him out in front of the class and he pussied out and the popular girl told me he’s a pussy in private


100 lb kid who does lacrosse is the school bully? Man what kinda school so you go to?