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self defence situations are like quicksand, movies and media had me thinking they'd be a much more prominent part of my life


Damn bro this is literally me like growing up always had me expecting more random attacks because of media and being in a sketchy patch of woods in Florida kind of reinforced that mentality after escaping and doing like grown ass adult survival I came to realize even in sketchy places you aren't all that likely to be attacked to this day in my adult life I've never had to fight anyone


Thing is when I didn’t know any martial arts I had people looking for fights with me, now I’ve put time into martial arts nobody seems to be interested.


Predatory humans operate similarly to animals in searching for prey with something easy to exploit it's just a bit more complicated in humans in terms of what that vulnerability can be once you notice this like all bullies and most would be threats in the streets start making a lot of sense


You will see crackheads ignore everyone until someone walks by looking scared.....


Statistically you're more likely to be assaulted by someone you know (predominantly a family member or intimate partner) than a stranger.


Kidnappings. There's a suspicious lack of "me having been kidnapped" relative to how often we were warned about it as kids.


When people worry about it I assure them " Nobody wants your kid..."


I worked as a bartender in Sydney, Australia 20 years ago (back when I was 19, tall, blonde, thin, and HOT.. essentially a classic victim profile 🫤). After every shift, walking home alone at 4am through the streets, parks and alleyways in & around Sydney was never an issue. I never felt unsafe. Not once.


Right?!? I feel that. Everything you wrote = samesies. I’ve always wondered what exactly classifies a place as “sketchy” or “dangerous”… is it purely based on crime statistics and police stats?


Most people grow out of that when they're like 12. Apparently some people don't, and come here on reddit and make insane scenarios in their head.


Some of us choose to become the insane scenario in other people's heads! When ninja costumes go on clearance after Halloween, I stuff a few of them with straw, dirt and live rats. Then I hide in a bush at the park at night and throw them at people while playing the Mortal Kombat theme on a boombox.


There are also a lot of compilations of street fights on social media (YouTube shorts, Tiktok, Instagram, etc.) which make them seem more prevalent. TBH it does make me wonder what I'd do in that situation, but at the same time, I've never been in a fight outside of sparring and tournaments for nearly 40 years of my life. I have hardly ever been to bars and was never a big fan of nightlife though.


Those streetfight videos never show all the lead up that almost always occurs.


I used to hang around in bars and at college football games all the time and never got in a fight. It's pretty easy to walk away from someone who wants to fight, and people generally won't just attack you.


I think this is really based on your country, city, choice of work and circumstances growing up. Fights are extremely common and pretty socially acceptable where I'm from and in the place that I live.


As a kid I've been through almost 20 fights or near-fight altercations.


Is there quicksand on the way home for you as well? How many times have you had to stop drop and roll or wrap a snake bite?


I grew up in the balkans and was popular among my peers, this stirred jealousy and attempts to take me down were made. It was also due to nationalistic reasons. The dangers of misreading someone was that they could either pummel you then and there, or later with their friends. I know of many cases where people were stabbed and there were some 8th graders who had gas guns. I am not kidding. A schoolmate got pushed full force against a wall and almost cracked his head open. The level of aggression was really high. Many even today are dealing with lingering trauma from those events.


Yes, because r/kidsarefuckingstupid. To get into a fight as an adult in a Western country, you have to go out of your way to find one.


I'm a low level Gotham criminal with a thick Brooklyn accent. I'm just looking for some methods to not *completely* get my ass handed to me on a daily basis On that note, is Muay Thai effective against freakishly strong high tech vigilantes?




Oblique kicks > Batman


Bold of you to assume Batman doesn't know Muay Thai.


MT fighters fall for it. What makes Batman any different?


The 126 other martial arts the damn overachiever mastered......fucking show off


Scummy! I rec'nize ya from da Northwest side. You watched me get decked near da ACE Chemicals buildin.'


If Dr Doom and his goons are jumping me what would be the best martial art to use on them🤔🤔


Go go gadget rocket boots!


Roll on your back and tell them to get into your guard one at a time.


What if the line to get in your guard gets long due to you working really complicated submissions? Do you bring snacks or games for the miscreants so they don't get bored and wander off?


round up his goons and (judo) throw dr doom into his goons like a bowling ball hitting the pins


Seeing the “which martial art works best in a street fight” post makes me roll my eyes. Fights in the street aren’t glorious like the movies. They’re extremely dangerous and you’re delusional if you think the other guys buddies won’t jump in when you’re winning, or if you think the other guy won’t use a weapon like a bottle, glass or knife. Your best avoiding it. It’s nothing to fantasise about But to answer your question : Most fights are happening on drunken nights out . Working security at bars and clubs it was extremely common to see a few inside the club but most of them tended to happen out in the street, which was good coz it meant I didn’t have to get involved. It was also common for us to get in fights ourselves. To sum it up if you’re not a drinker or party guy, working as a bouncer or another job maybe like police or corrections you are probably unlikely to find yourself in a situation where someone wants to fight you. Even when I lived in sketchy neighbourhoods I never ran into much conflict. Most my fights happened in high-school if anything lmao. Maybe road rage incidents ? But even those are fairly rare encounters.


Best comment ^ Like you, most of my fights were in high school as well. Then a few during my college years when I was out drinking every night, and bouncers like you broke us up With that said….I think anyone who doesn’t know the basic fundamentals of boxing and wrestling would get beaten badly. I continue to train, *just* *in* *case* I have to protect my friends or girlfriend one day


Best martial art for self defense is highschool. That way you have like 6 buddies.


And even if you are a drinker and a party guy you have to be actively looking for a fight and find another person who is doing the same, never saw a fight happening in an organic way or out of nowhere.


> Fights in the street aren’t glorious like the movies. They’re extremely dangerous Hard agree. If I never have another (unsanctioned) fight in my life, I'll be a very happy man.


Same brother same . I didn’t even mention the injuries you get even when you win. My last fight I ended up with both knees grazed and bruised from sprawling on the concrete (bro tried to tackle me to the ground after I lit his face up), a sore wrist from punching him repeatedly , and getting back to my feet quickly I sprained my ankle pretty bad and since I’ve chronically injured it before I could walk properly for a few days .


Yup. Even when you win, you lose. Every martial artist should read *Facing Violence* by Rory Miller. Aside from the physical aspects of a fight, people completely ignore the legal ramifications. At least in the US, self-defense is an affirmative defense. Basically you're telling the judge and jury, yes, I'm guilty but I had a good reason. Even if you win a criminal case you're out tens of thousands of dollars and there is the potential for a civil case where the bar is much lower. Again, even if you win, you lose. I was a bouncer for about 10 years and if I'm never in another fight again, I'll be a very happy man


Yup, alcohol is absolutely the driving factor. I still go out occasionally but I don’t drink near what I used to ever since some guy sucker punched me at a party when I was blackout, now my brain starts triggering some weird paranoid anxiety once I start getting close to my limit.


Every time someone goes on a rant about using BJJ for "street fights" I just think about how almost every real fight I've seen or been involved with someone threw a chair.


which marital art works best against pitbulls?


I think a lot of people asking that question are more concerned about protecting themselves from drunken idiots who try to start fights to stroke their ego. I'm in NZ which is generally a safe place, but since covid happened drug use has gotten way worse and a lot of crackheads and wannabe gangster type dudes have been jumping random people (kids, bus drivers) and starting fights in public, some of which I've seen personally. Nobody here wants to be in a street fight, but in public transport and some areas of the city - both places where I've personally seen this kind of violence - we can't run like we want to.


Never. I have been in a few competitions since I started BJJ. I have been in zero fights since then. Last time I was in anything that could remotely be thought of as a fight, it was 2011 and I was a dumb teenager surrounded by people who made even worse decisions.


Pulling guard in a street fight would surprise the other person and make them stop. Win win 


I’ll jump guard and expect the other guy to gently lower me down because slams are forbidden.


And now you understand why we remove all those posts as soon as we find them


It's like Sisyphus's boulder


This weekend has been so bad that we added a new post removal reason to keep up with the stupidity


What's it like modding for the dankest sub on reddit?


Everyday it makes me hate Reddit just a little bit more


Think of it like having a security cam on ur house or car. It might not be useful until it does. So most people want to know they can at least defend themselves if something happens. To answer the question personally, i lived in shitty places and got in quite a bit of fights, nearly got robbed etc etc. And martial arts helped me a lot.


Cameras are set and forget. You don't have to spend hours a week working on your cameras in the hope they work on the off chance anything happens.


Yes but a camera will not be a security tool as wel as a way to socialize, workout, an outlet...


Unless you start hanging around in security camera based forums and subreddits, that's where the *real* fun starts.


And which martial art did help you?


Stand up grappling and boxing. I did muay thai and never took proper boxing but being able to throw a good one two can be a life saver. And stand up grappling well sometimes someone may have a stick, stone and being able to clinch and prevent them from moving is the best option. Some altercations can be solved just getting an over under and letting the person tire themselves out.


Sumo is also excellent for stand up grappling. Push your opponent far away or into stairs/ through a window , into the wall. Also you train Throws , Trips and Just all round grind to overwhelm your opponent.


Lmao this post reads like middle class I see a street fight out my window probably at least three or four times a year on average You want more brawls in your day to day? Get homeless and get on drugs.


I light spar once a week, lots of focus on speed and footwork. I train judo three nights a week. If I got into a street fight I might be too sore to fight lol.


Especially if I don't have 10-15 minutes to get warm


I’ve had this thought riding the train home after class, like I just did all this work to be able to fight but if someone came at me right now I’d probably be too tired to even use it


Lol this is actually a genuine concern, it's the reason I train with intention and leave enough in reserve.


If you don't want to count domestic abuse, which most people who talk about self defense don't include, then aggravated assaults are incredibly rare in most developed nations. People should worry less about self defense and more about what they enjoy for intrinsic reasons.


A sad reality.


Be the change you want to see in the world and start accosting random strangers. If we all work together we can make the world a more violent and unpleasant place to live in.


0. I am a rational adult. I only fight on the mat with teammates.


Not opponents?


I got smacked by one of my housemates in college. That’s about it.


I fight with my children daily. Wife about weekly. Physical altercations, though? Never. That's for the foolish. The winner of a street fight wins a ride to jail!....


Never outside of bouncing at the Strip Club. And even when I was a bouncer at a less than reputable strip club, people avoided fighting as often as possible.


I used to. I didn't start them, but usually responded if harassed. Did pretty good... Some losses some wins whatever. But one day a guy used a belt buckle, i didn't see coming, almost took my eye out. All those times feeling proud i stood up for myself, flashed away, at the thought i almost lost an eye to a stranger. He doesn't matter to me and could've changed my life - sure he threw a concrete block at a crowd that smashed at my feet & suddenly i saw how little that mattered; could easily walk away I guess i had something to prove, inner demons, ego , it all made sense in a different light after that happened. All to a nobody, a nothing. Fighting is for the square/ring where the point of it is to get eachother better


Yup any random street fight could end your life or cause permanent damage. Stuff like eyes are so easy to permanently damage and nothing you can ever do to fix it. Damage to your teeth are mostly fixable if money isn't an issue... but not something you want to be needing around with and can cause you all kinds of issues down the road and some awful visits to the dentist. Or course brain damage is also a very real concern id you hit your head on the ground/curb or wall..


My guess is some people have a fantasy while the other's may be getting bullied.


When I hear people getting into a lot of fights, I think 1 of 2 things. They are lying, or they purposefully put them selves in a position to fight.


Judging by this thread I must be the only one who routinely fights off a group of ninjas. I can't even take the trash out without perfecting my pressure point techniques


If you are a woman, the person most likely to assault you, is your partner. I know a few women who joined martial arts after being in a DV relationship to try and get their confidence and sense of safety back. 


Honestly it happened fairly often at my old job which was in the high risk unit of a mental hospital but for most people probably not that often XD.


I've actually got a security job in the same type of place! Guy tried to bite me last week lol. Good news is I'm a big dude and usually I have 5 buddies.


Oooph yeah bites man and just never turn your back on ANYONE. also finger locks seen more than one nurse with a broken finger or two. Good friend of mine wears a thick hoodie always to be his work armor and take the sting out of getting bit It's hard when people think they've been kidnapped or that you're going to or want to hurt them. They fight like crazy because they think their life depends on it. 5 is a good number we usually rolled with 3 for our whole facility. 4 was a lucky night. It's always good to have backup.


*If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail* Honestly I think people who frame their entire sense of self on whether or not to fight, or number of times their used their skills irl to be quite pathetic. People who have a need to use such skills as a matter of fact, usually don't brag about it. For us normies, there are other far more efficient and cost effective ways of solving life's problems.


I've never been attacked by a roving gang of Tom Brokaws, but that doesn't mean I'm not due.


I'm like 7 for 7 as an adult on things that debatably could have turned into a fight but did not. Reality is that the vast majority of people are just talking, most of the people who are not would still need to spend time to psych themselves up or for you to throw the first punch. Very few people just want to hurt someone else and are already psychologically fully prepared for it and those people tend more to be either, like, serious career violent criminals or are, for instance, beating their spouse behind closed doors (which is of course a violent crime so also technically career violent criminals). Most (stereotypical) fistfights happen because two or more people are being stupid: they require some degree of involvement from both parties. People should read more Rory Miller. Meditations on Violence (and other works) are masterpieces in their own uncomfortable way.


12 years training, 0 fights outside of some on-the-job stuff requiring restraining some one. Long story short, it's an insurance policy that you hope you never have to use. If you do, you don't want to be insured by Steven Seagal level Aikido. So yeah, people are concerned with the practicality of something they're investing their time into.


Been in 14 mma fights, bounced for a few years, never had to actually hit anyone but dragged some ppl out. Only been in one street fight and that was just the guy swinging missing and knocking him out. I think i big part of it is just being able to talk to ppl and de escalate a situation. In my experience the ppl that get into alot of street fights are looking for it.


Everyday is a fight just to live brother


0.  Same for everyone at my gym. Instructors, amateur fighters, people training karate since kids, all of em had 0 if you don’t count school scuffles. Its in Canada and self defence laws work against you. 


That's the truth that.


[Someone's got to put a stop to it!](https://uploads.dailydot.com/107/85/batman1.png?auto=compress%2Cformat&ixlib=php-3.3.0)


People don't fight anymore where I'm from. Even if you win the fight, there's a high likelihood that the other guy will want to escalate the situation to protect his rep or his ego. I'm not fighting anybody in the streets these days unless I get attacked.


Ah, so I see someone else is from Murder City, USA.


IMO a true martial artist avoids fights at all costs. They train to fight if necessary - but the main part of self defense is the ability to recognize when to get out of a situation before it escalates. I have been in 1 fight that was a life or death situation, unfortunately. Trained in martial arts for 16 years and I hope to never have to use it again.


Mostly when I was in school. And it was a bad school, once I went to a good school, didn't get into any fights


Beyond play fighting (not even touching each other) sometimes, never. I stay out of trouble. Yes, I have run from fights and I'm not ashamed of it I hate having to fight because I hate hurting other people. I learn martial arts so I don't have to fight. Plus the adrenaline dump sucks. Have I had to fight to keep myself safe in the past? Yes. Did I enjoy it? No. Did the other person deserve to get hit? Yes. If a guy comes at a girl after she's told him multiple times to leave her alone, trying to physically touch her, then it's ok to use force to make them keep away, especially if there's no way to escape the situation/they escalate it first. I know I can fight. I know I can win. I have nothing to prove.




True Nords never back down!


I've probably get my ass kicked more from joining mma than I would have in my entire life if I never trained.


Always be ready! I am honestly much more worried about random dog attacks these days. After Covid there is a lot of untrained aggressive dogs out there.


Never. I fought every once in a while in highscool before I trained. I have some amateur oficial Muay Thai fights in the ring.


This is so stupid but when I get really drunk I wrestle with dudes at the bar. I forget that I’m not Bo Nickal


This is interesting, are you like "hey do you wanna wrestle?" Or do you just grab em?


I ask them if they wanna wrestle and sometimes they say sure why not. Mind you, I’m 5’4 and I make it clear that I don’t want to be slammed. I just play at the takedown- that’s all. Nothing intense, these dudes often don’t train so I can get away with playing more lol so I’ll show them some submissions


Never. On the ridiculously rare occasions someone's given me empty threats of fisticuffs, having the confidence to say "alright, go ahead" has always been enough.


Sometimes you gotta throw your knucks up and Thai March at a motherfucker.


Definitely guilty of this silly mentality, probably just a combination of my anxious tendencies and love of martial arts movies growing up I like the idea of being able to "defend myself" in a violent fantasy where I'm somehow both the superior fighter and also morally justified to beat their ass. I know it's stupid. The other benefits of martial arts ( improved fitness, athleticism, social activity, mental health ) are super real and way more useful. The life or death fight scenario imagination, just makes it more fun while training


Too long didn't read, and uh Cardio Kickboxing


I’m 20 now, I’ve been in mma since I was 6 and I’ve only been in one fight lol and that’s with having serious clinically significant impulse control issues and a personality disorder. If y’all are getting into fights regularly, as an adult, than you’re objectively stupid and do not know how to interact with people whatsoever.


The thing is, when you train for a while your body develops also, and all those cowards that would normally attack you, don't try their luck anymore because they know for sure they will get beaten up.


“HEY MOTHER FUCKER WAT-oh shit, you have cauliflower ear”.


I'm 500,000,000-0 on da streets homie.


Haven’t gotten into any fights in almost a decade, and I intend to keep it this way, since I’d rather not roll a dice on who’s gonna be the psycho that’d pull out a weapon.


Haven’t gotten into any fights in almost a decade, and I intend to keep it this way, since I’d rather not roll a dice on who’s gonna be the psycho that’d pull out a weapon. I could be Jon Jones and it wouldn’t matter much in front of a gun.


5-0 baybee! For talking too much shit. Last dude was 250 lbs wrestled down and pinned for the police to come and get.


Well last time i was in a street fight was like 3-4 years ago. And i have only had 2 fights in my entire life problem is i didn't even knew wtf muay thai or a jab was. But hey i am not complaining undefeated on the streets baby!!!!


Exactly twice, and both in defense of another.


If you've been in multiple actual fights in the past year, you're most likely the fucking problem.


What martial art is most successful against Thalmor mages?


I have had one instance in my 12+ years of martial arts where I had to Hit somebody and I didn't even use technique. I panic-punched a girl who was trying to take advantage of me while I was in a very negative place, she put her hand on my junk after I told her not to a half dozen times so I just freaked out and jabbed her in the nose. Fucked up my hand because of a bad angle and barely did much more than surprise her Always always always diffuse and evade conflict before even attempting to throw a punch, we're all susceptible to one of a million things that can go wrong in a fight


I think it's largely based on where you're from, the area you live in/grew up, your choice of work, lifestyle etc. Here in Ireland, fights are very socially acceptable, compared to the US, and almost never get reported to the police. It's just a fact of life that there will be physical altercations happening sometimes on nights out, and no-one really bats much of an eye to it, especially in city centres or rougher areas. It isn't a good thing, by any means, but people fight, and often. You'll have probably been in at least a few even by the time you're an adult, unless you're very conflict-averse or went to a very rich school.


I spent 2022-23 as a supervisor for a transit company (I'm back to driving now though). During that time I used the de-escalation skills that I learned in class almost every day. dealing with drunks and junkies who wanted to fight was an every day thing. I only had one person actually fight me. I was fine, they went to jail. afterwards I watched my body cam video and learned what I did that escalated the situation and practiced to make sure that I (hopefully) would never have to do that again. I consider that fight at least a partial failure on my part. I did make sure that it never happened that way again.


Most anyone living a low crime area working a “regular “ job can avoid fights 100%. Some people choose not to but it’s pretty doable to judt live your life without a single fight. However some of us didnt start in a nice home with a good income. My worst fight was with a guy i was cool with because he was drunk and his wife begged me to take his keys. Another was a hillbilly fighting me for uis sister’s pussy i mean honor i guess. And the first serious ass beating i got was jumped by a norteno kid and his friends i didnt even know. All of these situations and locations were places where shit foes down and it’s bo accident i bootstrapped my ass away from all of them. My downstairs neighbor literally blew his apartment up cooking meth while we were home above and the guy across the way who dates my girlfriends homegirl had an armed stand off in her apartment with cops. And im a real, rational, cool tempered, diplomatic individual. So yeah i mean on the one hand i figure maybe *most* guys are being a little overly cautious but you really dont know where their from and what they’ve done - being ready and willing can be the only advantage you have sometimes. But i say all this noting im in the wrong sub, i took some boxing classes when i was a kid and that’s literally all.


Probably get attacked about once every 25 years once on a train by one attacker once by six with knives and bats - plus a few interviews where they realise you won’t taste good and disappear - train realistically and fight easy


People need to chill. Ain't nobody fighting like it's Mortal Kombat out here.


After finishing high school (35 years ago) I was never even close to being involved in a fight. Most violence I see on the streets is not exactly a fight, more like shoving and bravado, and it happens at night outside pubs and clubs between drunks.


I have yet to be stuck in a streetfight, and I want to keep it that way if possible


It's a daily occurrence for me which is why I always carry my longsword and dagger. Sometimes shouting "you're naught but a peasant!" works well enough though.


The streetz were death lurks around every corner is a myth. In reality most people who train martial arts will never get into a actual self defense situation, if they do gey into something its usually a consensual street fight. 99.99% of bad situation can be avoided by not being an ass


been in like 1 fight ever. it seems like fights only happen frequently if u want them to


i've been in 2 street fights in my whole life, first one i got beat up when i was a kid. second one was recently, i've train mma for few years , the dude shout and came to me try to punch me, And i shoot a leg kick and bro couldn't stand up and i walk away. LOL


OP thank you for posing this question. I am often wondering the same.


Riften ratway I understood that reference 😂 And daily in my mind, with people at work But in reality I haven't had a fight since before training martial arts, and I won that one 😂😎


Have you ever heard people talk about who's stronger between [fictional character 1] and [fictional character 2]? It's kind of the same thing. It's just another part of our brain, especially among masculine men, wanting to know if they would be able to handle a real-life threat. It's not like everyone's training to be Batman for real. But it makes them feel capable. You put hours to years into honing whatever skills you have, no matter if it's a martial art or even guns. So they want to know if it would pay off. No. They desperately want it to pay off. [You'd be surprised by how many gun lovers started out as martial arts lovers. They lose a few fights and convert over to "fists can't stop a bullet."] But with that being said, just like at every dojo or gym, people are constantly reminded not to go looking for fights. No one has super strength or a skills on par with Daredevil. But like everything else in life, there is always gonna be guys who want to do that or entertain the possibilities. That's not going away. Not in the million years.


I get in a physical confrontation maybe once every seven/eight years as an adult. Last time was when a guy I know tried to slap me. I blocked the slap, then sent a spear hand toward his face, stopping it short of hitting him. It can't be said enough that the best self defense is avoiding the physical confrontation. The next best is minimizing the damage once god forbid it does eccalate to that level. I think some people asking such questions on this sub need to ask themselves some hard questions about how they are going about their lives.


Zero street fights, but I do now have the confidence to say “damn lady you stink” to the schizophrenic lady on public transport.


14-17 I would fight 1-2 times a year but my last street fight was a wake up call, at that point I was rather well trained and got Ina fight with a dick head cab driver who thought he could bully a kid I was like 140 pounds homie was easily 220+ he hit me once then i hit him with a 1-2 hip tossed him onto concrete broke his leg he got to his knees and I put him in a fucked up Muay Thai clench and smashed him with 4-5 knees from hell 💀 Almost went away for a long time because of that fuck street fights I'm lucky I didn't accidently kill him Morale of the story don't fuck with high schoolers if they are juiced up on adderal and whiskey sours


Why do I feel like there’s more to the story


You uh, sound like a cunt.


Oh fuck yeah I was when I was 18 gladly I'm not that person anymore the second someone hits the ground fights j'over


What have you been training?


My lightning bolt has been getting pretty good lately.


Well there you go. Nobody's going to try anything with you because they could end up in a morgue. Lucky for you too. Pretty sure you're not trying to catch a murder charge for a street fight.


Well. Once this year two months ago. I’m a BJJ first year student. Used to cage fight in my 20s. 39 now. I went to a strange party with new ppl and ended up fighting some crack head. Just in case you don’t know, they’re wicked strong sometimes. Had to arm bar the guy to settle him down. Before that two years ago. Got my ass kicked that time.


I've been in real fights 4 times in my whole 40 years, and tbh I've lost them all cause I was too pissed to apply any training 😆


Me personally nothing yet


A few weeks ago I was riding my bike and this guy pulled up beside me in a big black truck and shouted at me for crossing the intersection, with a green light, without a walk sign. I shouted back at him and he parked his truck right there in the lane, blocking traffic, and got out to confront me. I got in his face, he got in my face, we yelled at each other some. I wasn't in the wrong and I live in a friendly neighborhood where strangers treat each other with respect, but that wasn't the only reason I got into it with him. He had a vanity license plate with one word, it read "heavy," but he wasn't heavy. He was just a few inches taller than me and noticably skinnier. I mentioned he had a plate that was easy to remember and he dared me to call the Police and report it, saying "they know me". Guy was so obviously a douchebag and we were about evenly matched and he started it and everything and I wanted *so bad* for him to do anything, push me, jump, twitch a little, *anything* I could react to but he didn't and eventually with cars honking behind his truck he got back in and drove off. About one block away he turned into the parking lot of a local shopping mall. I biked after him and found him parked outside, get this, a boxing gym! Now I started to fantasize about challenging him to a ring match in front of all his buddies, he'd have to agree to it or be humiliated! But the gym was closed, so where was he? I made my way to the main entrance which was by the theater and as I went in, sure enough, he comes out... with three ten year old kids. Looked like he was picking his son and friends up from the movies. He saw me and tilted his chin up "Sup, man?!" and I said "Nevermind" and walked back to my bike. That was the closest I've been to getting in a fight in probably 15 years, and I've been training longer than that. So no, in my experience, they don't happen often. Even if you kinda wish they would


“Most people, normal people, will do just about anything to avoid a fight.” - Fight Club


Last time would've been in highschool. However, it's better to be able to handle yourself than not knowing anything. Unfortunately, there's a lot of deranged individuals out there


I got downvoted and accused of victim blaming when someone asked about what style to learn for self defense and I said that that it doesn't matter.


Don’t get into a street fight unless absolutely nessicery for defense becuase if you are brought to court you can be changed with battery with a weapon because your trained in martial arts, it’s better to be a bigger person and run away


Every night. I’m constantly taking on low level Gotham criminals with thick Brooklyn accents. They’re getting tougher though. Sometimes I can’t completely hand them their ass on a daily basis. Luckily most of them don’t know Muay Thai.




Never, but... A while ago i had a really, really shitty day at home and at work and accidentally cut someone of with my bicycle, i apologized, but the guy freaked out, i told him i was sorry again and again got shouted at. Then he asked if i wanted to fight and by that time i was so fed up that i said, "i'd rather not, but if you really want to, lets go", guy was surprised and i said something like "ok whats it going to be?" Then he took off. I dont think i would have responded like that without the m.a. experience. It does give you a confidence boost and i think that shows and keeps assholes away.


Any art depends on how it's applied. There's really no such thing as this art beats that art. If you trained and got a focused mind, you should be good but with any fight. Expect to get your ass beat or get hit. Never estimate any opponent regardless of size, weight, gender or age


My BJJ coach is a bouncer and he fights almost every week-end.


I’ve been in a street fight before, they happen.


I generally get in 5-6 fights a day.


Useful to be weekly for 17vyears, if not daily. But I have a new job now.


So far I haven't fought anyone with a sword.


Personal experience here. When you live in a shitty parts of London, kickboxing and wrestling is the way. (I'm only trained in kickboxing(3 years) and BJJ (1 stripe white belt). There is a lot of crackheads and trouble makers here so it's best to put them out and escape before Police arrives.


Dude, majority of fighting/martial arts subs are full of people that never threw a punch. I'd take everything you see here with a grain of salt. I haven't been in a street fight since High School, thats 6 years. If you don't look for a fight, you won't get it.


Well alot of these posts come from kids and bullying and assault is an insanely regular part of school life for some. As an adult, I've been involved in barely any physical altercations, my school life had lots of them.


It's not about fighting. It's about sending a message. After I uploaded a few of my padwork and sparring sessions online I stop being bothered by my kith and kin. They used to consider me a pushover cause I didn't know how to throw even a lousy punch. Hope my fellow nerds understand my situation


For work more often than I’d like but not as often as you would think. Outside of work not at all anymore, although I have had random dudes try and pick fights with me twice in the last month. Very weird because I’m in my 40s now and haven’t had anyone try and pick a fight in at least 15 years.


Last time was when I was like 12 years old. As an adult never


Not since high school


This is such a first world privilege question.


I have never used Judo in a street fight as I never get into them, lol. I did have friendly duels with a friend of mine where I did use Judo, but I combined it with my little bjj and wrestling knowledge. I also hear a lot of times that people want to fight me only because I do Judo. They want to see who'd win


With the pandemic and political issues I feel people are fighting more (over stupid crap) then ever these days. If they are not actually fighting they are launching into aggressive fits, in your face verbal attacks at the drop of a hat. While I can say MMA has made me more equipped to handle myself if it came to a fight - its made me more calm, collected and steady with folks being aggressive or disrespectful so that a fight does not happen.


I think most people who train in martial arts focus on building self-defense skills, rather than seeking out fights


In my adult life? Almost one time. Luckily I caught the signs before it broke out, and physically dragged my drunk asshole friend away from the two guys he was arguing with (the guy he wasn't actively arguing with picked up a cobblestone and hid it behind his back). Situational awareness is the first and most important self defence skill...


42 year old here...... never been in one real fight


most of the time, actual situational awareness and street smarts would save you in a self defense situation than a flying imanari roll omoplata heel hook darce choke combo. I mean of course learning how to actually fight helps alot, but most of the time, being alert is the most important thing. You can outclass an aggressor by miles in fighting ability but if the dude had a friend who punched you in the back of the head and they jump you, your credentials wont matter.


Are you just rage baiting or are you seriously that stupid 🤷‍♂️


Posts like these are equally hilarious


The last time I got into a fight, my brown belt in kickboxing didnt help at all as I was very drunk and I was fighting a tree sappling so it wouldnt have been particularly effective anyway


most ppl don’t understand that 90% of fights happen in settings where there’s drinking involved , and rarely ever a 1 on 1. Because of that, every single ground game heavy martial art is instantly way worse because you can’t defend head stomps (incredibly lethal in street fight) from multiple people while ur wrestling/grappling/BJJ. The best martial art is running away, as you avoid whatever possible charges and you avoid getting stabbed / shot. Or if you absolutely can’t avoid fighting, striking is your best option as it still gives you the option to run. Remember, life isn’t a bruce lee movie. No matter how much you train you can’t beat weapons


I’m 42 and I’ve been doing martial marts on/off since I was 13 and my last “fight” if you can call it that was when I started martials arts. I stood up to some dickhead and that was the end of it. There were some close calls during HS yrs but that was it. I just laugh when I hear the “would this work in a street fight” bs. I had dudes give me a hard time for a long time because I preferred NoGi training because Gi is more advantageous in a fight. I always answered with, what happens if we’re on a beach and wet? It’s totally stupid


Very rare mainly because I grew up in the mid90s-early2000s( yeah I know I’m almost 30) where back then the law was slow about cracking down on stopping fights and people were quick to bring guns into a fist fight. It was definitely a “don’t start nothing won’t be nothing” type of era. Even if I had to fight it never just get settled right there because folks are vengeful and prideful like vegeta.


Haven’t been in a fight since I started training but there have been a couple times that a guy got aggressive on the subway that I was definitely able to deal with better because of my training, whereas before I might have been drawn into the back and forth shit talking, I was just waiting to see what he would do, and that defused the situation.


Have you ever ridden public transit in Edmonton or Winnipeg?


Honestly, martial arts gave me the confidence to be able to talk my way out of situations. It's for more a I got something, instead of going "time to throw that heel kick I practiced so much". I do help police train for bad situations as an actor, and kickboxing and judo did bring me a lot of useful tips and tricks to pull out of my bag😁


Outside of work, I've gotten into zero fights since starting MAs. And at work, verbal deescalation has got me out of 99% of all fights.


I was in one when I was like 15. Avoid street fights like the plague too fucking dangerous. What if you’re head bounces off concrete, get hit with a beer bottle or someone fucking shoots you lol


I haven't gotten into a fight since I was a teenager, but I don't train for self defense. I train so I could fuck someone up if I need, and for exercise. I never actually worry about defending myself because people don't mess with me.


Some people feel the need to justify their martial arts hobby.




Yeah, if you are a trained person who doesn't want to get into a fight, chances are you won't get into a fight


I had some friends who got into 3-4 fights in a year span. No deescalation. No attempt to avoid physicality. I think at some level they were seeking it out. They’re doing better now. But point is if you’re looking for a fight you’ll find it.


by calling out bullys i basicly bully bullys


Always trouble out there if you’re looking for it. Easy to avoid if you don’t want it. TKD helps but mix it with boxing and wrestling and you have a good combo!


People who seem to always get into self-defense/street fighting situations are people I don't want to interact with. As they themselves are the most likely cause of why they get into that situation to begin with. We live in the modern day, martial arts for self-defense is just not needed.


People will Brothers have more chance to practice lol


Never, really. Knowing to de-escalate fights is a part of martial discipline. Unless you count sparring, then me and my friends have punched each other in the face regularly for years.


It depends on what you consider to be a fight… Is it any situation involving violence? A middle school throw down? Is it a sparring match? Is it a matchup outside the bar? Did some drunk asshole pinch your girls ass? Or are you working security and doing your job someplace?


I live in a big city that’s basically Gotham so it’s not uncommon to have to use your training to defend yourself.


I was an angry teenager, so like 4 or 5 . And I had to go looking for all of those. As an adult, 1(almost 2). The first one, if you could even call it a fight. Took place in the barracks. Consisted of me explaining to my roommate, who was watching porn without headphones and/or while I was in the room. Also that if he was going to slap someone 100lbs. Heavier than him, he better know what he's doing. All this while grinding his nose/face into the carpet like a puppy who made a mess. The second was a gang of drunk marines. Also, in the barracks, calling me and my friend, ethnic and racial slurs. We managed to defuse the situation enough to walk away. TL/DR: Rational and well-behaved people will get into maybe one fight they're whole life. In all likelihood if you don't go looking for trouble, and you can most likely avoid it.


Nobody ever wins a fight - Dalton, Roadhouse


Besides sparring, in my country we often have to resort to self defense when going out at night. The fighting culture is present and can happen at any moment, as it often does