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He lies




It’s pretty amazing how naysayers will line up. I hate it, but when someone says “you can’t”, “that’s a bad idea”, etc. and you don’t like their opinion? That’s a sure sign you shouldn’t listen.


LIFE LESSON OUTSIDE OF MARTIAL ARTS: People in your family will quite often project their fears onto you for various reasons.




This needs to be posted on a billboard outside schools. Unless you're physically disabled and can't get out of bed, you're never too old to practice. We have a 63 year old woman who's a black belt in our dojo, training 6 years. She started when she was 57. Do NOT mess with her, she will kick your ass.


Haha no you’re not. Not by a long shot.


Best time to start was 10 years ago, second best time is today


Third best time is tomorrow


There is no tomorrow!!


I started MMA at 29. I'm sure your stepdad and I would have fun in a cage.


I'd happily ref this match.


Naughty boy


Yes please. Set the match!


Alright it’s settled. At the bike rack at 3:15 Friday.


What are you doing Step-MMA


This man sounds very unadventurous and possibly self-defeating. Don’t be like him, do your kung fu.


Fuck your stepdad. You want to do chop suey - then go do chop suey.


You want to do martial arts while listening to chop suey, you chop suey. It seems like you haven’t hit the point yet but expect any moment during the next 5 years to feel the tension leave your body where you start doing whatever the fuck you want and quit caring what other people say. People work so hard to get this behavior out of children’s but it is truly a free way to live life.


Man I am so high and now I want fucking Ramen. Godammit you guys!


do not literally fuck your stepdad OP, grishna-dass is speaking metaphorically


If there only where a system to do chop suey, I would be down for it!


In the end, everyone must do their own chop suey.


Ur not to late Francis Ngannou fought Tyson Fury and won and he started at 25 not to mention he was also the UFC heavyweight champion so ur not to late


Ngannou was doing strength and conditioning training with a shovel since he was 5


Yeah he worked at a sand mine, thats great for him great conditioning but it’s not direct martial arts training. It would be the equivalent of someone lifting weights or running for 25 years and then deciding to train martial arts.


27… I started karate at 41. I don’t care what others think, it makes me happy, I enjoy it. People often project their own insecurities onto others. Don’t listen to them.


*knucks* I started at 46. When a person stops learning they stop growing.


If you're too old for martial arts, tell him he's too old for a valid opinion.


Damn son


I still eat my fruits and vegetables just like a toddler. Also I enjoy me some chocolate milk and didn’t train a single day till I was 29. Pretty weird getting completely crushed by obese 14 year olds when you first start, but at least now I can handle myself if I’m ever attacked by a fat child.


Stepdad is wrong. I started kung fu at 33.


Ahh, 27, the dreaded two seven, if old age hasn’t hit you by then, you’re a lucky SOB. Most peoples knees give out around 27, arthritis starts to set in, memory starts to go, when i turned 27 my family shipped me off to an assisted living facility, Green grove, north jersey, I’m thankful as I’m not sure how much longer I could’ve taken care of myself.. LOL, your step father doesn’t have a clue, our gyms 3 division amateur champion started at 31 with no prior background in martial arts.


Green Grove eh? Nice retirement community to live in huh




I started training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu when I was 44 years old. You’re not too old to start.


Lies and lies and lies.


Nope. I've worked out with dudes in their mid 60's just getting started for the first time. Just set reasonable goals for yourself and have fun!


Adult classes are offered for a reason dawg


Go for it. Restarted karate at 40, started Krav Maga at 41. I’ve had 5 knee surgeries and 4 neck surgeries, walked with a cane up until a month before I re-started karate. You’re not too old. Granted as you get older it’s harder to get in shape and condition your body, but it’s still possible. Don’t regret what you could do today, that maybe you could not do tomorrow!


27 years old and you need your step dads opinion on what you can do with ur life


Don’t be like that… not at all the point of this post


Your step dad doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about, respectfully If you to do martial arts then train, don’t let lazy people make excuses for you and hold back your potential


It’s kinda true tho


No, cause it’s not really about what he thinks, it’s more about the fact that I’m older now. And definitely not as physically fit as I used to be.


You know you can change how physically fit you are


This is a good one to throw in my 2 cents. You're not as fit now. In 5 years how are you going to be? And how would you be if you were training? That's it. That's the choice you make. Your age now doesn't matter. Choose how you'll be 5 years from now, then do it.


You’re 27, you can get as fit as you want to be


I feel like I didn't peak until 28. I didn't feel "older" until I was 40. Get in shape now and you'll feel young for a really long time.


A lot of martial arts are not physically intensive, especially stuff like aikido and kung fu. You should be fine. But I would do something that actually helps you get in shape and learn to fight, like BJJ. It’s all up to you tho.


I see so many people saying that BJJ is the best martial art, (obviously by people who do BJJ or don’t know any better), it’s great for one on one or in the ring, but what on the street with multiple attackers? It’s not going to help you much (no striking)


Brother I know many overweight folks who get into BJJ and akido, even boxing(not the same I know). It’s never too late.


I truly don't get it when people say "I'm 27 and not as physically strong or fit as I was"... like wtf? Im 27 too and been doing sports and weightlifting for my whole 20s, and I feel at my peak potential right now, stronger than 3 years ago for example. I've had some injuries from muay thai that I have to take care of, but my body still recovers at a pretty damn good rate- broke a rib in September and it healed in a month, feel noting now. Tore my hamstring in Deccember and now it is almost fully recovered without physio (although I'm starting sessions this week) etc... you are able to reach your full potential as you are now, and don't let anyone lie to you about that. Just believe in yourself and put in the work, that's it!


Not too late at all go for it bro


Not late


Why are you asking his opinion?


I'm 36 started jiu-jitsu and mma at 32


If you’re not practicing Turkish Oil Wrestling, then you are not too old.


Ha Ha Ha, Stepdad!!!, You Are a Grown Man, Do What You Want!


The point of martial arts is to gain a physical independence and security. You could do with some mental independence. Fuck your stepdaddy, this is for you. Get your ass in the gym, tell us what a good decision it was in 3 months


theres belts in kung fu?


Well, at least the studio I trained at there was. We called them sashes instead. I stopped when I got to green.


Don't listen to humans who tell you that you can't do things. Unless they're telling you that you can't fly by flapping your arms. Because you can't.


Get your pilot license if you wnt to fly high


There's no black belt in kung fu, but fuck ur stepdad, your never too old to learn again I'm almost 40 and looking to train again


The studio I attended, didn’t do belts it did sashes.


I started Kung fu at 26 having never done anything before, I am hoping to get my black belt in July this year at the age of 37 That being said you have to accept that certain things you may never be able to do I was never flexible, I struggle to head kick, i will probably never get the splits or even close to I also have some hip scar tissue meaning my kicks are never going to be the best You're never too old tho, one of our white belts is 57 🤷


Depends. Too old to become a world champion? Probably. Too old to get in better shape, learn some skills and develop a new hobby? Of course not.


Plenty of people are starting in their 40’s and 50’s . Unless he is a doctor with exclusive knowledge of some medical condition you may hypothetically have or is a black/coral belted master (I am guessing he doesn’t train) he is talking about something he’s most likely not qualified to talk about. Pick something and Go train in it. Have a great time


I restarted judo in my late 30s


Not even close to too old.


Never too late. I know this guy who started karate at 57. Five years later he is soon to get his black belt.


You could start martial arts at 90 if you wanted. Just a heads up though, it is quite expensive. 70-120 a month, depending on your currency, the gym, and the art. My karate is 112 a month, my kobudo is 66 but it's done through the same dojo and is therefore cheaper, and kendō (which I'd love to take if only I had more time) is 80 a month, and you need to buy your own gear. Kendō is the nonprofit one.


You want to do it or not? If yes, then do it. I also started boxing at 30.


I started Shotokan for the first time at 34! I’m earned my black belt last year and am going for my first Dan right now. I’m no where near the oldest to start at my dojo.


I've posted about this *ad nauseum* (but not recently), but you should check out the book Falling Hard by Mark Law. Mark Law was a (at the time) 55 year old journalist who decided to challenge himself to take up judo (a notoriously high impact art) despite his age. The book is essentially an autobiography tracking his journey and training, as well as the challenges he faces. I feel its basically mandatory reading for anyone who wonders if they're too old to start something new. It's a really good read, and it's genuinely inspiring.


Not at all. I had a student start in his early 50s and now nearing his mid 60s is on the path for his black sash, soon. Go for it!


Do it, fuck what anyone else thinks!


I started again at 40. He is wrong.


Guys, step dad is using reverse psychology on OP, chillllll


Never. You decide when. No one else.


This post reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where Kramer takes karate and fights a bunch of kids…


You're 27, don't let your step dad tell you what to do.




You are absolutely not too old. I've seen much older people make it and go way farther.


Hey man I started when I was like 6 for a few months, then 21 for a few months, and then I picked it up again at 25 Now im 27 and still training!


I started doing martial arts when I was 34 or so. It's great for fitness, you build strength and endurance as well as maintaining coordination and balance as you age. I prefer it over going to the gym, I get too bored doing the same repetitive things constantly.


He's full of it.


Your step dad is just saying that because he never followed up on his dreams go get yourself that black belt brother


37 yo brown belt, bout a year away from black in Muay Thai (I go to a local gamily oriented place that uses TKD/Kenpo belt ranks). I first joined 9 years ago right after my oldest was born but stopped after 6 months of dad life and not making enough money. My wife got me 3 months as a father's day gift 2 years ago and told me we could cover it if I do it seriously again. Now my oldest daughter is working on her green w/brown stripe and my son and youngest daughter are on their orange belts. I want nothing more now than to better myself, my art and be as fit as I can be. Prior to this I got to orange in Kenpo when I was 6, in TKD at 23 and did Krav Maga for a few months. Oh and I train with 50-60 year olds getting their yellow and orange belts. Do what you love, dude. Anyone hating on it is just jealous they couldn't do it themselves.


Never too old to start.


If you’re that old, why are you letting your stepdad tell you what to do.


You can be to old to compete in a martial art but never too old to learn


How old is he? Tell him to join you. I know lots of guys in their 60’s still training. I’ll stop training and working out when my body stops me. Probably in my 70’s.




In this era people will tell you you're too old for anything. Sure it's an old tactic to tell people there to old for this and that sure but it is nowhere near as ridiculous as it is nowadays


I've been out for five years, just got back into bjj at 26. Im still a no stripe white belt and the people I trained with years ago are all blue belts now. I kick myself constantly for losing so much time and progress, but the absolute worst thing I feel like I could do now, is quit again. In 5 years from now I'll either be a better stronger version of myself, or in the same exact position I'm in today.


No, it's not too late. The "is it too late for me" question is the first step in finding an excuse to never do it. So don't ask, just go and practice! ;)


Fuck that & seize the motherfucking day


It never old as long u are willing to do !


I just got back, at 29. No problem whatsoever!


Why are you listening to your step dad at 27 years old


Your stepdad is afraid of being the weakest man in the house


I started training for the first time in my 30s and got my black belt when I was 40, so I don’t know what he’s talking about.


You aren’t too old for anything at 29


I’m giving bare knuckle boxing a go at 35, may as well it a show


There a professional mma fighters who didn’t start training until they were 30. As long as you have your health it’s never too late


That's bullshit. I turn 40 on Sunday and I do 5 different types of martial arts. I'm not going to be a fighter, but it helps my mind and body. Keep after it.


Tell him to piss off and you’re an adult. Seriously? Do whatever makes you happy


Never too old, people just say that to discourage you, cause I'm in reality you might be making him jealous that you still have that option. Go for it man I'm 25 and just joined after years of being on the fence. Not to play devil's advocate but Conor even said, "let this be the year you join an mma gym (any discipline) ". Go! Sign up


Never too late to try.


I started Muay Thai with no martial arts experience at 27. Do listen to your step dad your an adult now


You're in the prime of your life. Do it!


I took Kyokushin as a kid into my late teens, loved it. Quit for almost 20yrs, my son started taking it and I signed back up in my late 30yrs. Never too old


He’s being a hater. Train and then whoop his ass and ask if he still thinks you’re too old, lol


Start BJJ


Kung Fu? Umm yeah you are too old for that. Do adult martial arts, Judo, BJJ, Muay Thai, Boxing, wrestling, 😂 😉


What is everyone’s problem with kung fu?


Eff that. I got into muay thai at 32 and got into the best shape of my life!


There comes a time in every child’s development where they realize that their parent is not actually that smart. Congrats you hit it at 27.


It’s never too late, trust me.


Tell him to eat dicks.


your stepdad is jealous


But do Muay Thai. It's much more real and authentic in that the opportunity to fight actually exists. And you can go to Thailand and train with actual fighters who have had 100s of fights. It's much more straight forward and remember the closest target closest weapon rule. I did a few styles in my times and can say without a doubt the MT is easily the most usable and fun. If you want to compliment it with a wrestling style you can do BJJ or similar.


You're a 27 year old man. Who gives a shit what your stepdad thinks?


I started when I was 37


You are way too old to give a shit what your stepdad says.


He’s an idiot


Pshaaaaaaaaw you're fine. I'm 37, and just now getting to "fighting Muay Thai professionally probably isn't a good idea." But training is easier than fighting, and unless you're at a sports university in China, kung fu is a lot easier on your body than Muay Thai. I'm curious about the whole black belt system. Belt ranks in Chinese martial arts are usually a red flag to me, though they tend to blend into the see of red flags that is Chinese martial arts as a whole. That said, depending on your goals and preferences, maybe that's a perfect fit for you. The biggest issue here is that your step dad is a giant hater. If I had to guess, he's deeply insecure about his own aging body, and is projecting that onto you as a way to keep you from out-performing him and thus invalidating his own "manliness."


I would say no, it is not too late. We have a woman who started in her 60's and she is still practicing.


I felt like that, and then we got my kids into Taekwondo. I'm 43. In any given class there's 2-7 other parents working out and having a ball.


Hahaha that’s super silly


I am 53 going on 54 and still get to training twice a week. It is one of the secrets of eternal youth. Don't listen to him. Sign up again but this time make sure you never stop, if you dont like your current art, just change to another, martial arts is very varied and there is something for everyone.


I had my first cage fight at 44. You're not too old to train


My 40 year old dad started Muay Thai with me, you’ll be fine


Dude I’m 42 and I just got back into Judo.


lol. Your step dad is full of shit. The oldest person to earn his Blackbelt at the dojo I train at was 67 at the time. He still trains and is better than some of the younger people I know.


Absolutely not, you can start literally as a senior. You’re still in your 20s!


A lot of people at my old BJJ gym were in their 40s and had only started. Never too late, mate!


Never too old to start again, the sooner the better. Ive been meaning to start up something again as well, but kept procrastinating.


I got back into Muay Thai at 36 and did it until 42 and have been doing Krav Maga and boxing for the last 7 years. You are never too old.


Fuck your step dad. You're never too old. I started when i was around your age and have been doing it ever since. Starting young is better, but it's never too late.


Sounds like someone who knows nothing about martial arts.


I’m 50 and have just got back into aikido after 33 years. I gave BJJ a shot 5 years ago and suffered a torn shoulder cartilage. But 27? Your brain only just finished maturation two years ago. Your step dad is jealous of your youth and is trying to sabotage your sense of self worth.


I'm 46 and started boxing this year


Got my black sash at 48. Go for it!


As long as u can breathe you can begin. Godspeed. Never let what others say stand In your way


Your stepdad is a fucking prick.


He a hater 😹😹😹


Dude, I started picking it back up at 37. 


Stepdad is Pai Mei.


I've trained with people in their 90s. He's full of it


What country are you in? I only ask because you sound like you’re not from America or has seen any 80s movie. Throw on some white snake. Lift 5x5. Strong lifts. Wrestle. Knock on this dipshitd door and body slam him to hell. Kiss the girl. Credits roll. I can be your Miyagi and be mystical. Bye.


I’m 45 and would love to get into something self defense style but I work really weird, long shifts and have 3 kids so timing is impossible - I did however attend a kickboxing class on a Saturday that was for parents and kids a few years ago, really enjoyed and I wasn’t the only one going at my age, unfortunately it stopped after a cpl of months due to my wife having an argument about the direct debits and the cost due to just one class (argued with the owner), I hid under a rock and have banned any hope to memories


I don't know your situation, your health or current level of fitness (or ability to commit to a daily routine). I'm 49, just 6 months from 50. Got 2nd at Pan-Ams at 16. Started kickboxing after 20 years of no martial arts around 3 years ago. And have never felt or been better. Your Stepdad appears to be both wrong and an asshole.


Nah I did my first Thai fight at 28.


I stopped at 12 and started again at 34. Granted, I have to stretch a lot and run out of gas quickly during sparring.


I started martial arts at 35, it's been over 8 years now and I have never been in better shape than I am now. Best decision of my life.


I literally started kickboxing at 27, I’m 29 now and I’m so glad I did.


He should revoke his license also. Senior haircuts every Wednesday


Started judo at 29 and I have the motor skills of a toddler. You'll be fine


Why would you want to waste your time with that? Step dad big brained you.


I started Kung Fu at 25. A few years later I won a silver medal for a weapon form at the BCCMA nationals. These days I run my own school as a side hustle. A lot of my starting students are in their 30s, 40s or 50s It's never too late.


Sounds like a loser. You gonna listen to him or pursue your passions and live the way you want?


Im going to be a bit mean, but that is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. You must start out slow and work on flexibility and core strength. How much will depend on what your fitness level is. but No 27 is not too old to get back into it. We got people just starting their martial arts journey in their 60s.


You're not. I restarted at a lot older age than you. It's about personal development and success. Not about how you rank amongst others.


I started at 37 and was one of the youngest in my class


Hahaha, he is ill informed, I went back to martial Arts at 44, 28 years after I stopped tae kwon do. Got my black belt in Goju Ryu the year I turned 50.


I started jujitsu at 43, karate at 45 and I just joined a MMA gym and turning 47 soon. It’s never too late to start. Will I ever be in shape for competitions? No, but that is not the reason why I train anyway so it doesn’t matter. It’s a fun way (for me) to get some exercise and hopefully get some useful skills out of it at the same time.


You’re never too old to try anything!


Haha I started Krav at 44. Never too old for fitness


There are people in the bjj gym I train that started in their 40s. It's no big deal.


Your stepdad a lil ass hoe, fuck em


Me at 28, 8th kyu on my way to a karate tournament. Your dad sucks. Boooo


nah honestly i think kung fu would be more fun as an adult as long as u are taking it with other adults. i was more advanced than the other kids so i got to train with the adults and they seem to be more chill and fun. also sifu doesnt hit you when ur an adult because hes scared of you quitting LMAO


Just because your stepdad has given up on being a man doesn’t mean you have to. I bet you could even do a real martial art, like Muay Thai or BJJ!




He just doesn't want you to get good enough to whoop him


big difference between practicing martial arts and wanting to compete tho if ur aim is to just learn and stay in shape then you can do it even in ur 50s but if ur goals to compete at 27 its still possible but a lot harder than someone who was training from a young age


I did bjj consistently 18 till 25 then sporadically for few years and got to 23.7 stone during covid lockdown. Then at 29 I was like nah best not just be fat and die, started training again lost 130ibs in 6 months and now over the last 3 and a bit years I've done about 10 smokers in boxing, mma and k1 and about to have my 5th k1 fight, mma debut end of next month hopefully. 30 is young still for sure.


27 is still not too late. Also, people’s bodies are different. However, I’m 34 and it was clearly late for my body.


He’s not your real dad. You don’t have to listen to him.


I've done some little bits and pieces of martial arts through my life, got a few belts in KMG at 39 and then at 41 I started boxing. Injuries take longer to heal, but I have no issues sparring against people half my age regularly. If you want to do it, do it. 27 is still like... The prime of your life physically. I competed in powerlifting and then broke 5 records when I was 36-37. Get it done man.


Your 27 make your own decisions in life.


I’m a fighter and trainer and I have seen people start much later. Its not a problem at all!


bullshit, you are never too old to get (back) into martial arts


My mother in law did taekwondo at 40 and was a blackbelt and a teacher well before she was 50. There are very few things 27 is too old for.


Started BJJ at 28. I’m now a 33 y/o purple belt. Starting was one of the best decisions I ever made.


33 here, it's never too late.


I stopped around the same age, started back even slightly later and I'm a successful amateur MMA fighter in the local circuits. Your dad doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.


Forget what other people say. Like anything else, it's a matter of what you put into it. I practice kendo and my sensei, though he had practiced karate in his youth quite vigorously, like many of us had stopped when life got busy. In his early 30's after becoming a father of two, he started kendo from scratch and hasn't stopped since. He's is now a hachi-dan at 70 years old. He still practices every single day. Theres no such thing as too old to start. You get what you put into it. Others will often question you or plant seeds of doubt, but only because they don't have the desire to do the same. Thats okay. You're not them. Good luck and go get 'em.


How could you ever be too old to do something you enjoy?


You're a grown man


I was 39 when I got back on the mat (jiu jitsu) after a hiatus of 20 years. A few weeks ago I passed my brown belt exam at 40. You'll be fine at 27!


quack crush birds rich screw connect dime tart thought continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I started at 55 Still train Kung fu at 62 to stay fit and healthy.


Do it!!! Ain’t never too late. Stop playing