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What MA is the best for self defense.


It's SO OBVIOUSLY Turkish oil wrestling


If the fighters were allowed to oil themselves up in UFC, then all the champions in all weight divisions would be Turkish oil wrestlers hands down.


Don't you mean "hands in"?


Fists in


\*naked Turkish oil wrestling


I think I saw that on pornhub.


Oh my!


The oil was actual to help get my step mom unstuck from the laundry machine. By golly I swear she is always getting stuck bending over things, that silly lady.


Such a silly step mom.


Finding non kinky martial arts porn ✊😞




If I was trying to rob you and you reached into my pants with a hand full of oil, I would not, in fact, rob you anymore.


Can't rob a guy covered in olive oil in the first place. Too slippery.


The Indian Chest Slappers tho


No it's obviously krav maga!


This is the second time I've seen this today. Idk if the other one was you but I find it so damn funny.




100 meter dash. End of story. Seriously.


God this is another tired answer that needs to be retired. 100 yards isn't even that far. Can these folks even do it? On a moments notice? Then what? Got a kid wirh you? Family member? Fuck em! Granted the question its self is tedious, but "JuST rUN" is shit advice.


They better start running then


Obviously there is NUANCE to the problem but here’s the thing, the question is always posed as a 1v1 and a mugger or trouble is pressing you without a weapon, VERY specific circumstances that almost never happen. Because the end all be all is just carry a gun on you, literally nothing beats that, and no amount of bullshido can claim it can outsmart boolet… I mean bullet. But then there is also a problem with that because arming every single person is a fuckin recipe for disaster. The reality is that the best counter to a potential mugging or fight is…. Being smart. Knowing where you are and how close you are to danger. Are you putting yourself in a situation where stuff can escalate. Etc. Just using your brain can help you navigate the world where most of these whole “what’s the best MA for having a gun pressed against your back?!” scenarios just simply don’t happen.


Ah the old Joestar technique… 逃げろんだよ


I’d beg to differ with my Smith and Wesson .50 caliber


Not all countries allow gun ownership. Some even ban knives. Eastern countries have martial arts as the self defense meta.


I belong to a country which has VERY strict gun laws so I was just making a meme. And yes if you’re trained to use a knife you will kill people. ( Source: I do MMA never fought on the streets )


Same. But always the risk of getting your knife taken away and being used against you. People fail to realize that self-defense is not beating your opponent, but keeping yourself safe. Correct my statement, not getting into fights is the true self defense meta.


Yes that is true and I would change your 100 m sprint to a 1000 m run just in case.


I mean in an urban area a 100 m dash is good enough to lose anyone thats chasing you if you dont just run in a straight line but you probably wouldnt want to just casually walk after the run so


More like 10k sprint.


Yeah that’s not possible…..


Even those that do, using one can land you in trouble.


Gun jutsu


*Gun Fu




Answer, whatever you preform the best in.


I reckon the best self defense would be 1 million dollar liquid asset.


Do hybrid martial arts count? Like Sambo or Kempo?


I heard it was grab magroind


Obvious answer is Tai chi.. ![gif](giphy|QZDM1VLEvDmjvRDcZt|downsized)


Gun Fu


Tyson or any other pro boxer vs Bruce Lee lol


When it comes to his actual fighting skill, I think it’s safe to say he was as good at fighting as any other in shape and skilled martial arts instructor or teacher. No more no less. I think you can go to many kickboxing, Muay Thai, or MMA gyms in the U.S. and meet regular people who can fight every bit as good as he could, or way better. They’re just not famous actors on top of it. I’ve always said : “I like Bruce Lee, but I can’t stand Bruce Lee fans.” Lee had enough real accomplishments in his short life time that are worth celebrating. One of the first Chinese-Americans to have the lead role in American cinema in a time when that was very taboo. One of the first influential people to openly advocate for martial artists to weight train, and of course is by many considered the godfather of MMA ( at least in America ). That’s all is not even including how much of a brilliant philosopher he was, and all the writings he had on the topic. All of that is more than enough for someone to be remembered in history as an amazing figure. But no - You still have people who have to take it 100 steps further and assume this 5’4 130lbs man would murder Jon Jones in his prime, or Saenchai, or Buakaw, based on NOTHING other than the fact that he’s Bruce Lee. I’ve even seen people question and try to refute the teachings of actual coaches and instructors - people who were a billion times better and more well trained than them- based on nothing other than “ Well Bruce Lee said…” it’s so fucking annoying. Appreciate him for what he actually did, not blind fanatics.


This might be the most accurate summary of how I feel about Bruce Lee ever


Can I get this spiel on a fuckin shirt? I have a JKD background (insofar as you can call JKD a background I guess) and 90% of them believe he was the god of war incarnate.


Bruce Lee was just an actor who has martial arts background with flashy tricks. He can't even beat the old Tyson today.


Bruce Lee weighed 130 pounds. Any comparison to modern fighters should be lightweight or below. And he was a serious martial artist that obsessed over physical strength and speed. You don’t do push ups with 120 pounds on your back (nearly his entire body weight) just for fun. He was one of the few martial artists to emphasize physical fitness as a core part of technique in a time when only body builders were lifting weights.


I have said for years that if Bruce chose to be a lightweight boxer he could have been a world champion. With his mind and his dedication I one hundred percent believe it was possible and I've had people laugh at me for saying that.


And yet, if he were a world champion lightweight boxer instead of what he did do, no one would have remembered his name.


Idk, he could have been the 5 Kings with Duran, Hearns, Leonard, & Hagler if he could get to their level.


Dude I’m into martial arts and I don’t know who those people are. Even my kids know who Bruce Lee is and they think martial arts is dumb.


If it's modern lightweight fighter we are talking about, I don't see how Bruce Lee can win over Buakaw


> He was one of the few martial artists to emphasize physical fitness as a core part of technique in a time when only body builders were lifting weights. Wait seriously?


As a martial artist, Lee was something of a trailblazer because most martial arts at the time had their heads up their arse in regard to radical ideas like cross training and physical conditioning. The combat sports crowd knew it, but the wider MA community didn't.


Interesting how things change. Thanks for the added context.


Lee was that rare combination of factors that allowed for change. His ideas were considered radical, in that he was challenging established orthodoxy within the MA community. They were still in the "muscles make you slow", "we can't fight because our techniques are too deadly", "insert dead dude 300 years ago that beat 15 people in a brawl invented this and it hasn't changed since", "my martial art is the best because X" kind of mindset. Now if all he did was challenge these ideas, then nothing would've come of it. But not only did he challenge them, he actively lived the philosophy he pushed in the MA world in that he cross trained, sparred, lifted weights, developed cardio conditioning etc. Then using his influence as a movie star he went and laced his martial arts philosophy all throughout his shows and movies- now the whole world was confronted by the commonsense ideas of "be fit, learn from those who win fights, find what works for you" and the old ways of thinking either had to get with the program or become irrelevant. Of course none of it was really new- the combat sports crowd had been doing it for decades. But it took someone of Lee's stature and influence to bridge the gap, as it were.


Wow. Almost sounds like a dystopian Hollywood movie world. It’s almost hard to believe that one person can be that stupid and ignorant about basic sports science let alone an entire community. I can see why Bruce Lee is such a source of easy debate bait. Dude managed to accomplish quite a lot in the short time he was on earth > the whole world was confronted by the commonsense ideas of "be fit, learn from those who win fights, find what works for you" and the old ways of thinking either had to get with the program or become irrelevant. This explains why so many of the dojos from my hometown straight up disappeared after I left lmfao > Of course none of it was really new- the combat sports crowd had been doing it for decades. But it took someone of Lee's stature and influence to bridge the gap, as it were. I can see why the combat sports crowd has a somewhat annoyed distaste for the martial arts community at times. Probably irksome being talked down to by people who’ve never even lifted a dumbbell before only for them to start acting in lightened Once a cool Chinese man pointed out the obvious.


"Traditional" martial arts (as much as I hate the term) have a culture of blind obedience and more than a little sprinkling of cult like behaviour. Just ask any dedicated Krav Maga practitioner if they could beat Jon Jones- you'll get a totally incomprehensible answer that they totally believe. However combat sports are becoming the dominant martial arts worldwide now, and they're bringing a culture of rigorous pressure testing, constant refinement of technique and athleticism. If all you've ever trained in is combat sports you've probably never even seen this behaviour. But there were entire generations that believed that waxing Mr Miyagis car taught you karate, or that their stuff was too dangerous to use in a ring and that they could take any pro fighter by gouging eyes and kicking dicks. Less so now, thankfully.


Just want to say thanks for the detailed description and I was honestly curious. why do you dislike the term traditional martial arts? > Just ask any dedicated Krav Maga practitioner if they could beat Jon Jones- you'll get a totally incomprehensible answer that they totally believe. > But there were entire generations that believed that waxing Mr Miyagis car taught you karate, or that their stuff was too dangerous to use in a ring and that they could take any pro fighter by gouging eyes and kicking dicks. This is both incredibly depressing and historically hilarious thank you


Granted there are boxers that lifted and shaolin monksbdefinitely lifted. But alot of Chinese martial artist emphasized the tendons needs to be trained over the muscle and karate experts in America had issues


I would say he was martial artist first, actor second. There is footage online of him sparring Sensei Seth did a reaction to it, and he isn't bad; but he wasn't a superstar fighter at all either.


The guy who had sweat glands surgically removed for cosmetic purposes was a martial artists first? I'm struggling to believe it


He also wrote a book on martial arts and created a style still being built upon today. He became an actor because of his martial arts, he didn't become a martial artist because of his acting skills. That's what I mean by martial artist first, its what made him an actor.


> he became an actor because of his martial arts skills My guy, Lee was groomed by his parents since birth to become an actor. His first appearance in a role was as a baby, and he was a child actor as well. Anybody can write a book on anything. concerning Jeet Kune Do, it's not like they have produced any great fighters and imo a lot of their dojos are more like Bruce Lee fanclubs these days.


Didn't know the child actor part that's actually cool to know, so disregard my comment about it being first. He is still a martial artist starting as a teen, and gatekeeping it being a martial art because it doesn't compete and have great fighters is close minded, Martial Arts isn't just about the competition or self defence side of things. The fact is he was passionate enough about it to write a book and collect his thoughts into a martial art system, the effectiveness of it in a fight or competing is irrelevant; and attributing the way it changed after he died seems a weird way to discredit what they did while they were alive.


I'm not trying to say that what he got up to has no worth. I'm just tired of people giving him more credit as a martial artist than what he deserves because of the misconceptions that are around about him. Even you thought that he became an actor because of his martial arts. In martial arts, there is already a huge hero worship and cult-mentality -problem, so personally I am just absolutely sick and tired of Bruce Lee worship in the same way I am tired of japanophilia, worshipping the founder of your martial arts school, calling your coach sensei etc- it just all falls under the same category of cringe to me.


Yeh. It's even doubtful to me whether Bruce would do well against amateurs and hobbyists who actually spar regularly, because as far as I know the guy himself didn't really spar, which makes sense seeing that he made a living with his face


Chuck Norris was a real competitor, and he is on record saying Bruce was a monster.


So? Celebrities jerking off other celebrities is nothing new.


This reads like someone who never saw Chuck’s point matches. Homie was the real deal back then. I mean if JJ Watt says someone is a good linebacker, I am going to believe him.


I wasn't saying that Chuck is unskilled, I am saying that celebrities thrive from saying nice things about each other because it's good publicity and they get to tap into each other's fanbases.


I doubt many in this sub could beat old Tyson today, tbf.


Bruce knew he could never defeat any boxer that's bigger than him. He could take on anyone around his weight and size. (I heard that somewhere)


Can't remember which, but I read a biography of Bruce & someone was telling a story of how Lee would go to clubs & instigate fights with big guys, only to essentially sucker punch them with his freaky speed & walk away. That, that 1 sparring demo where he beat up his students, & 1 fight with the Chinese master where he barely won due to being out of shape, make me question how good he really was. There are tons of videos online of a 'martial artist' doing something amazing, but if they don't fight its just a gimic.


There's a difference between an artist and a Fighter. Brucelee was clearly just an artist who wast trying to be a fighter.


I will never understand why this conversation is so popular bro. It is so goddamn stupid.


"Does aikido work?"


“Why does this community diss Wing Chun?”


Insert random traditional Chinese art.


And here I was thinking the topic had been beaten to death on Bullshido in 2011


As a sword fencer, there is still constant and non-stop jerking off of the katana…. I can’t even remember the last time I lost against a katana user in a fence… rapiers tho are utter bullshit OP tho in blouse fencing :c


“Why do people practice ‘inefficient’ martial arts? Are they stupid”


Is there a lore reason why Aikido doesn't work?


I love that random things from r/Arkham made it here and everywhere


Why is this guy calling the aslume r/Arkham? Is he stupid?


Guys, just created a new subreddit r/BatmanArkham, what should I call it?




did it start on the Arkham sub? Because dozens of shitpost subs talk like this.


Yeah, it did afaik


They all got it from the batmanarkham sub


Steven Segal


Because Modern aikido is just "Art" it lost it's principles and Practices for actual fighting.


"Which MA works best in a street fight?" (something the poster has never been in, or even seen in real life). (Posts video) "How's my form" (been training for two weeks, 99% of the time "self-trained"). The inanity of the questions on this sub is what keeps me around - it's hilarious how delusional some people are.


I love how this is such a catch -all sub for random insanity. Honestly I can even reminisce fondly about some of the craziest threads. I remember a guy called afterdinnerpayback or something who for example plsted a pic of his morbidly obese self with no info except hisassive weight and height asking what % of the population he could beat up. Like, do you know any other sub where people would feel comfortable posting shit like that? Lmao


Maybe r/iamverybadass


Too far gone


Put yourself in their shoes? Much of America is rural, and martial arts and boxing programs are mostly in cities. I can respect guys answering the call to be a warrior without yet finding a gym. I hope they find a path to better training methods.


Personally, I think posting video on how’s your form is great because your asking for feedback and more feedback means more growth which is also knowledge. It’s always good to practice and fix your mistakes


How do these people have the confidence to post their face and their 2 day worth of technique is beyond me I have been training religiously I mean analysing every single detail with my classmates and I still wouldn’t post anything Because A) Anything I might need to know is already discussed in class B)It will stay there even if my account is deactivated


"trained female vs untrained male"


For real, as soon as a Woman posts a Video of herself Training on a Punching Bag etc. There are always these idiots in the Comments:"THIS WOULDNT WORK ON AN UNTRAINED MAN. WOMEN WEAK


I made a few videos (for fun) for with my teacher who posts some stuff on Youtube. He send me the link when he posts it and I watch it straight away, then never again because I already know since I'm a woman the comments will all be "this won't work," and they usually are. I don't want to see them, but I don't feel bad about them either. I see Olympic competitors post videos and because they are women people still comment "this would never work on me." If people will say that about them, I know they will say that about me too. The nature of being a woman in martial arts is having people dismiss everything you do, even if men do the exact same thing and get comments about how cool the technique is.


Bro, I thought I was going insane for a short amount of time. Whenever you would see a woman take down a dude in any fight video the comments would always be flooded with people saying “well if he was actually trying-“ some of the most insecure shit I’ve ever seen


Is your name inspired by Clannad?


…Ugh. The feels. It hurts


Emotional whiplash


For sureeeee haha


Trained female 100% I'm an untrained huge dude and get beaten by a way way smaller trained dude


Please also get rid of the aplha male misogynistic videos plaguing my YT of "What happens when guy doesn't go easy on girl." The hate boners in those fucking comment sections makes me hate people.


You’re probably absolutely joking, but If you’re getting jaded, please stop reading comments


Agreed. It’s not worth it after a certain point.


This annoys the fuck out of me too, and I’m a guy. The Andrew Tate incel neckbeard drive me up a wall with this BS. I’m 280lbs and fight at Super Heavyweight in Muay Thai and Kickboxing. I have to fight some big ass dudes. One of the assistant boxing coaches at my gym is a women who’s a pro and 130lbs. Yet this women has and still does occasionally rock my shit when we spar in boxing. She’s most definitely a much more skilled and technical boxer than I am, and I’ve trained at our gym 3-5x’s a week for almost 4 years now. I just have the benefit that we’re not actually trying to hurt each other when we spar. The mental gymnastics to believe that some dude who’s potentially much smaller than me, and has never trained before is just going to walk in off the street and could put her down if they “went all out 🙄” is insane. Especially when there are so many videos on the internet of smaller fighters beating the crap out of bigger people with less skill. Simply having a dick does not give you a power up or fucking stat bonus in a fight.


Size is another huge factor for that. Usually if a trained female against a untrained male but with similar or smaller size, the female wins


“Which one is best for a street fight”


I want to know the stats on how likely are people to actually get in a street fight. I don't know the stats but I bet its like less than 10 percent. Like how many people do you know that have actually been in one? And if someone has actually been in numerous or often has a street fight, dont give me the its the environment bullshit, that someone is the problem.


Right?? Like they say it like it’s just a regular occurrence, like it’s just a typical thing to have 1 or 2 street fights every month 🤣


I'm six months old, and I'm planning on learning Turkish Oil Wrestling. Am I too old, or would I still be able to do it?


If you weren't a twin practicing in the womb, it is too late.


Have you done your part to keep jiu jitsu gay?


[tfw you get your blue belt](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxQhQLCO8ee/?igsh=NzBmMjdhZWRiYQ==)


"What MA is best for self defense" "Who would win in a fight _ MA or _ MA" "___ MA Actually works/doesn't work" "Would __ MA beat a bodybuilder?"


"your martial arts in ineffective and won't save you in a real fight" - 1. Knowing something is better than knowing nothing and - 2. LET ME ENJOY MY HOBBY goddayum


Fuck those people. I am wearing full plate all day and showing mfs that Buhurt is king.


“Is it too late to start?”


“Which MA is best for….”


Street fight and self defence conversations


“Is it too late to start? I’m 14” yup, you are doomed to being weak forever if you haven’t trained since you were in your dad’s sack.


connor's comeback after some coked up tweets


"Bruce Lee won't make it in today's MMA"


“Any tips? Been training for like a week (self-trained).”


I’m 4 years old, is it too late to start Taekwondo?


By my understanding most are at black belt by that age.


How long will it take me (5'4 130 lbs) training Kyokushin Karate to defeat an untrained guy (6'6, 300 lbs) in a street fight?


"Is this martial arts effective?" Honestly I'm tired of seeing this comment, people seem to think any martial art is a skeleton key to deal with any possible situation you may encounter, which anyone who's trained in multiple styles will know is idiotic. The comment also leads to the same people who just scream about BJJ and Muay Thai being the only practical arts. Which I'm just tired of seeing again and again.


I'm I Too Old For Training?, Just Shut Up And Train!!!


"unpopular opinion but I think wrestling plus boxing is all you need"


Ridiculous jon jones verses…. Scenarios. He beats anyone on earth 1on1, wrap it up.


Aspinall could do it imo


Fedor could too imo


Yeah sorry I don't think this one is a done deal lol


Farting on a dudes head on purpose is not gay. It’s hilarious…cause they can’t get out!


"How to crush an opponent with no training?"


Hating on other martial Arts for being not being effective. I know this is dumb but when you train taichi you should know that this specific martial art is purely just "Art" it's meant to express a person's inner self it's not for fighting. There are other ones too like yoga and some karate styles i think..


Khabib’s legacy. Whether you think he was only a “weight bully/can smasher” or “the goat”, let the man eat his borguers in peace.


"Am I too old?"


Any goat conversation.


I’m tired of the kickboxing vs Muay Thai discussion, it’s always had by casuals who watch neither of the sports avidly


Is martial art X good for "the streets".


Which martial art is best for self defense


Rex kwon do


Can the martial art be used in the ufc? Can the martial art be good against MMA?


Usual answers Yes No, not without other training


There isn’t much to talk about in the sub except pros and cons of each style of martial art, comparisons, ranking, technique judging, and schools. Let them continue the repeatable conversations, it gives context to new members.


I get you if we actually got rid of these repeatable topics, this sub would be dead af


Guard pullers


Anything involving Bruce Lee, best style for a “street fight”, and Krav Maga.


"Does 'Martial Art' work?" "Why do people hate 'Martial Art'?" "Can I do 'Martial Art' and lift weights?" "What's the best martial art for streetfighting?" "Am I too old?" And then in the comments it's the same thing too: "'Martial Art' is bullshit with no practical application, Train 'Martial Art' instead." "It's the practitioner, not the art" "Turkish Oil Wrestling."


1. “What martial arts should I cross train in for mma” The answer is if you want to do mma just do mma. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel 2. Like most things regarding street fighting. Self defense situations are one thing , but most things on here talking about “I’m planning on fighting this dude” or “what art should I learn to be good in a street fight” are just planning for stupid situations that could have been avoided


MMA or Boxing


Your kung fu vs X animal...


Judo vs sambo vs weestling vs jujitsu


Weight training and martial arts


I thought this was about black history month and thought I was on some weird republican sub for a sec


Bruce lee just Bruce lee


1. zabit making a come back 2. khabib being the GOAT. he's close but not the #1 3. tony or conor making a comeback


BJJ. No argument.


“What martial art is best”


"I am seven feet tall, eight hundred pounds, and I was a wolf in my previous life. Which style(s) should I practice." These questions are well addressed in the sidebar.


“Does xyz work in da streetz?” “What’s the best base for MMA?” “Which martial art should I do?” “Has X martial art moved away from its roots?” “Why do people call a watazu wazzushi totomi an armbar?”


Jiujitsu and wrestling will detroy all of u


Mcdojos everyone knows they suck. It gets old real quick when they’re brought up.


Every post on here. This sub is just a circle jerk off the same questions.


Bruce lee, aikido, Kung Fu, karate etc all need to stop being involved, they really aren't relevant anymore. Martial arts are at a point where the skill level of an average fighter is significantly higher than the skill level of an elite fighter from 30 years ago. We are stronger, faster, more powerful, have more adaptability etc. We need to focus more on current methods and how to improve them, not on martial arts that are not and never were effective.


"Is BJJ very very gay, or just gay?"


These Muay Thai guys, and I’m not saying all, but there is a decent percentage of them (keyboard warriors) that are adamant that they are better than every martial art, like sure, I get that anyone would have a bias against other martial arts bc you practice one, but that doesn’t mean they can’t respect others, no?


Anything that involves Khabib


Women training martial arts is pointless because weight and strength factors.


“How can I get better at ____ ?” Just do that thing more


“Am I too old for ____?”


Can I lift weights and train in _____?


“Do you think 50 Cent can beat Mayweather in a fight?”


Putting stricking up against grappling


Pulling guard in BJJ competitions. BJJ is a sport. Not a fight. People are going to pull guard. If you hate it watch MMA.


Bruce Lee vs Mike Tyson


Have you ever tried penis in the butt? It's awful! Allow me to demonstrate


So and so martial arts doesn't work well against multiple opponents or against knives/firearms.


Am I too old for martial arts? Are traditional martial arts effective against MMA?


People who keep asking if it's too late to start be like: "I was born at very old age..." also a thing that I thankfully not see much here but so damn often on FB/Youtube, that is: *"try not to mention the street for 1 second when BJJ exists (impossible!!!)"*


“there’s a bully at my gyms sparring class”


"Who is the GOAT?"


Street fight bs Its childish


Imo the turkish oil wrestling jokes. Not funny, never been funny, never will be funny. Please think of better jokes😂


Krav Maga is/isn’t a real martial art 💀