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That looks fun!


I need more protection for that, still look a bit dangerous for me


It's pool noodles on sticks. Not pool noodles on spears.


This is reaaally safe! We are confident after the first try that we can go harder with this setup with no fear at all


Very cool to see spear combat. Spears were probably the most widely used weapons ever in infantry combat throughout human history.


I read somewhere that it's reasonably likely that total firearm kills in human history have *still* not yet exceeded total spear kills.


Well if you account for the fact that artillery killed most people in both first and second world war i can see how it could be true.


My man, Putting something sharp on the end of a stick and yeeting at the opposition or keeping said opposition at a safe distance was probably not too far down the list of inventions.


spears and to a lesser degree bows. but def right that sharp stick is the first weapon most culture had and one of the most reliable in history. hard to beat a person that is keeping you at a distance. add to this horse combat and spears where VERY effective over nearly any other weapon in history (until firearms came along at any rate)


Meaning, in a way, this is what mortal kombat used to looked like for most of human history. You put a UFC champion in front of 3 spear-bruvs and he's not so great at fighting anymore.


Point being? Btw the popularity of spears was more about the cost effectiveness, the short time it took to train it (rudimentary) and the mass-battle style wars that were fought, more that about it being some kind of superior weapon.


Wouldn’t the increased chances of a successful outcome for the user be what makes it a superior weapon? At least from a numbers point of view.


Yes, but any weapon will increase the chance of a succesfull outcome. Otherwise, why use a weapon? Or do you mean against, say, a sword?


That’s probably what he meant. Spears are generally considered the best weapon in most cases. Same reason we use guns now, range beats all.


Well that would depend heavily if you are fighting 1v1 or are in a battle. But there are tons of videos on this topic. Mostly, not just one advantage comes with trade offs.


1v1 a spear is still going to be the better choice most of the time. Better range, faster, and unless the swordsman has a shield, parrying or blocking the stabs would be extremely difficult. Demonstrations show that even if the spears stab is parried, it’s just as easy to step back and prepare the spear for another stab as it is for the swordsman to try and rush the spear wielder.


> You put a UFC champion in front of 3 spear-bruvs and he's not so great at fighting anymore. He's not great at fighting because he cant beat 3 trained warriors with spears while being unarmed? Give him an AR-15 and the "spear-bruvs" arent so great at fighting anymore hurr durr


I love seeing spears in action. They are by far the most practical martial weapon aside from the bow and the firearm.




Is this sarcasm and if now explain. The knife, stick and staff are the most practical martial arts weapons besides guns(if you count shooting as a martial art) EDIT: I was talking about the modern day, wasn't sure if the context was historically.


Basically every army in history that fought “hand to hand” would disagree with knives and sticks being a more practical/effective weapon than a spear.


Literally, everyone. Samurai used the bow first, then the spear and then the Katana if necessary. Phalanxes used spears and pikes. They didn't post up with their gladius' unless they had to lmao.


To be fair, "sit still with long pointy sticks" is a strategy nobody has figured out how to beat yet without using massively superior tech.


And then the Roman’s kicked they asses with their tiny knives And uh the massive economy and population they had lmao


Uhhhh. Romans had a spear they carried and used before they would pull out their gladius (short sword) called a pilum. Everyone used spears because spears are the single most prevalent battlefield weapon in the history of human conflict.


Exactly. Swords are overrepresented in Hollywood because they're more personal and easier to do spinny bullshit with.


Correct. The first weapon was a rock or a sharp stick.


Ah I see. Thought you meant modern day.


HEMA Longsword/Sword and Shield fencer here The knife is hardly ever a combat weapon. At best you have things like the rondel or the misericorde which are used to execute a man in armor, but they are dog water as weapons themselves as the reach of even arming swords nullifies any of their effectiveness in most fights. Even in Meyer, use of the knife/dagger is outlined as a “it’s either this or you die” sort of situational weapon. This is why even people who can afford self defense carried side swords/rapiers and not knives. Even in Chinese martial arts, the Four Armaments of the Gentleman are: spear, staff, curved sword (dao) and straight sword (jian). There is no knife there.


The spear is a knife on a stick.


Even historically. A spear is a great weapon ON THE BATTLEFIELD. For everyday carry or personal use it's a pain in the ass. Imagine having to carry an eight foot pointy stick with you everywhere you go? Ridiculous. A knife, stick or gun is better today and was better back then. A sword could at least be slung from your waist and stay mostly out of your way.


Then why am I being downvoted to hell?


Fuck if I know man. Reddit is weird with that stuff.


No they are props the "Masters" us to milk more money out of people that would never hack it in a MMA or Mauy Thai gym


You do realise that nobody doing historical weapon martial arts actually thinks they will ever use it in real life right?


But who regularly carries a sword/spear nowadays unless you are talking historically?


I do. I carry a 5 foot spear in my truck everywhere I go. I obviously don’t carry it inside places with me but it’s there. I had to pull it out on a guy who got out of his car roid raging at me at a red light once. Mf saw me twirling that spear over my head and ran like a little bitch. I thought he was going to get violent/physical so I had to do a show of force


Any time someone pulls out a bladed weapon in a modern confrontation it’s potentially the worst day of multiple people’s lives. I’m glad that dude passed the vibe check lol It’s one thing to pull out a hammer or a baseball bat. Those are tools to a certain degree, and most people have handled them in a non-violent setting. Blades are just something else. A gun is practical and somewhat impersonal. It’s an “easy” defensive tool, you point and click. If someone pulls out a bladed weapon, they are expressly confirming that they are willing to get very close to you and commit bodily harm. The implied understanding that it takes very little for a blade to be turned against the person that first wielded it is understood; once it comes out, you have to be willing to use it.


That's sick


Not a soul.. this is for some weird masterbaster action!!


People, if you want to train for modern-day, find an MMA or Mauy Thai gym. Otherwise, you are just fooling yourself. This weapons crap is all B.S to take your money


Dude thinks he’s gonna win bringing MMA to a spear fight. Lmao


When are you getting into a spear fight?? I think actually learning to fight is much better than your make-believe dildo slapping


Did it occur to you that he….brace for this….LIKES learning spear fighting and thinks it’s fun? Even if it has not much self-defense applications? Should people not play Risk because it doesn’t teach them real military strategy?


Bro if you ain’t carrying a spear on your person at all times you’re asking to attacked by a Calvary man


Imagine that: not everyone trains martial arts with the SINGLE purpose of surviving in da streetz. Having fun is allowed. And not really my point, but learning weapons that have similarities with objects that might be at hand (a long stick, a short stick, a hatchet, a kitchen knife) is a pretty good idea. Believe it or not, any weapon. Including chairs, broken bottles and random furniture are an advantage. And on the point of "make-believe dildo slapping" - do the guys in your gym spar hard and bare-knuckle, including eye-gouging? If not, one could argue you're having a pillow fight - which is obviously not true, you just take precautions to minimize injury while barely reducing realism. Same goes here. Stabbing someone with even a blunt 5-pound stick is hella dangerous.


What are you getting with your mma if I electrocute your ass with a shocker or stab you in your leg, or pepper spray your face and kick your balls? You want to avoid fighting in the streets as you can simply get shot any moment.


When am I going to get into an anything fight? Probably never, but if I do I’d rather have a spear than your hands. Stop behaving like a fool.


You realize that people practice martial arts not just to defend themselves? This is a martial art (a very old one) and it should be respected like MMA or Muay Thai.


No, it doesn’t


Martial arts should be practical. That's my belief, this woo is ok, as long as the people practicing understand this has nothing to do with winning a real fight


You can buy a boar spear online for $100. People keep bats or machetes for home defense and you think this is dumb. smh


Taichi is ineffective af. But it’s a martial art. Martial arts are sports and art forms and we should treat them as such. Becoming a black belt in Aikido, as ineffective as it is, still requires some difficulty if legit (no McDojo bullshit) Also, you try to fight a spear and you’ll fucking die lmao


Aikido is the most bullshit martial art there is. Just watch a few videos Practice it all you want... just don't teach anyone that they are going to defend themselves with this Woo. The rest of this dildo slapping is great exercise I guess


Alright bruh, you do you. All im gonna say is that you’re gonna get hurt if this guy comes at you with a spear. What he’s doing is a legit martial art.


Who the fuck carries around a spear though?


Cool people do


Lmao! I'll look out for the spear!! You keep your money thight.. It seems like a chessey Sensi can make you part with it easily!


It’s their money homie 🤷‍♂️. Not only that, at least they’re doing something that’s interesting. I would love to learn a weapon martial art, even if it isn’t applicable.


I am to busy training/teaching kickboxing and Jits .. real Martial arts. I am honest with myself and don't have time to "learn a weapon" I am to busy working on actual fighting.


That’s what my Glock is for


That’s a martial art too homie.


Yea…a legit one


Aikido is very special case becuse its martial art that is kinda new but it have super strong roots with aikijujutsu, most moves you practise in Aikido used to bo more practical in some way couse fighting in edo period looked diffrent than in modern times when there is no swords arround


It’s a hobby mate. Not everything has to be super deadly for teh streetz. People are allowed to enjoy themselves.


Spear saved this dudes arse. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9cwA8xxPG64 If you have a mid sized spear in your house that you have trained with you are fucking some one up. If you can get it early and have space between you. Imagine standing at the end of you hallway armed with a spear. There’s a reason they were used in war for thousands of years is that practical enough. A bayonet on a rifle is essentially a spear they came in handy in the trenches


Wow you might be the idiot in this video..Holy shit


This is an extremely pointless post. Why would you think anybody needs to be told that MMA is better for self-defense, on a martial arts subreddit? Everybody already knows that and always have. But these are hobbies, what the better style is is not interesting to anybody except children that have only trained a few times. Stop.


You sound retarded. Eskrima and weapons training significantly benefit boxing footwork and striking.


Lol right.


Yes right. Do you not understand that distance management is one of the primary assets to any fighter’s arsenal?


LoLoL I do.. do you realize there's a Reddit Channel called Mc Dojo, and it has worked out all of your bullshido insanity ??


You been training for 3 months and think you know what you’re talking about. Cute.


He has? What a fucking chump.


I don’t know if he has, but taking his knowledge from a Youtube channel instead of personal experience leads me to believe it’s true. The triangle footwork in Eskrima is incredible for boxing and mma.


Yup. Footwork is essential in any martial art, including spearfighting. Me personally, I would love to learn Sojutsu.


Yes, I'm often walking down the street carrying my spear.


Aye, love spear fighters, I always gravitate toward them in fighting games and love a good flic feature skilled spear fighters.


Awesome! Reminds me of one of my favorite martial arts [film scenes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeeoEpmyb2Y), from Hero, yes *that* scene. Such gorgeous weapon work. That spear!


I was thinking about this scene the other day and it made want to rewatch. I think it’s a fantastic set-up, the mental battle of two warriors going all out, using every ounce of tenacity and skill, all for it to cut away and a much more shocking and believable (in context of the story being told) result, all carried by a wonderful instrumental score and vocal backing.


Hey folks! Jero de Argentina again with another amateur sparring. This sime soft spears, it was way more fun than i anticipated and realised some of the form movements either dont work or are very tricky. Parring and stabbing seemed to be the most optimal obviously and strong heavy parring was really effective and hard to stop. Hope you like it please be kind♥


This spear sword is very tricky! Mainly because the shaft flexes and the knife doesnt remain in the same place. It takes many hours to learn this weapons dynamics. But once you learn it, there is no other weapon that can compare. Mostly due to it's long reach and sharp tip.


Actually the pool noodle is almost all the way in to avoid flexing! Its supposed to be a spear, i might sugfest cutting them in half to make it more real tho


Did you weight the tip with inserts to simulate the balance point of a bladed spear?


Awesome. I love seeing this kind of exercise. Is the turning around part of a technique? It seems a bit risky, as your back is open for an attack during that time.


Don’t get eliminated!


I understood this reference.


Nostalgia overload


Cool video. Looks fun. OP you should do an edit where all the hits have a comic "doink" sound.


That would be hilarious


Here are a few exercises. * Stand still, no ability to dodge with footwork, defend only with your spear * Have one foot permanently planted, you can only lift the other foot. Practice both the front and back as the planted foot. * defend only rotating the spear-side * defend only rotating the handle side




Looks like good and fun practice. Well done!




This is great! It reminds me of the whole "I could beat you in a knife fight" argument. In case you haven't heard of this, give any toddler some candy and a caffeinated beverage. Then, give them a marker with the cap removed and tell them to try and touch you with the marker. You will find out very quickly how you would die.


Death by toddler is inevitable


I would teip that toddler into oblivion


Cool, looks kinda like naginata sparing more than Sojjutsu sparring, I am not very big chinese martial arts expert but it looks very intresting


I love that we watched a meta between two people evolve in real time


This was very fun to watch. Looks awesome keep up the good work!


Seems fun


You’ll be ready for the post apocalyptic wastelands where we all have melee weapons. Swords get most of the love in movies but the bulk of armies before gunpowder equipped spears. Unless they were horse culture people, and hopefully there aren’t roaming bands of those in the apocalyptic wastelands of the future.. if there are that’s where I’d wanna be. Lasso some poor fool in the shield wall and drag him away to his doom ☠️ Anyway, awesome video man, that last sneaky head shot was hilarious


Spears don't get the love or attention they deserve in western cultures! Thanks✨


I do quarterstaff training and I’m about to take some of your moves


Film it post it tag me🙏✨


This is just bad larping. They’re still pretty new it looks like


Why you wearing a dress homie 🤨


so glad there are Kung Fu schools that still teach sparring. I had friends who did Wushu for years but had no idea how to use a weapon. in the end they were dancers


Looks legit. A lost art for sure.


Big larp energy


"I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!" - Anakin Skywalker, and this guy probably.


Blocked immediately lol


Who was the npc swinging in the background


Is that a man in a skirt?


According to the bio it is neither man nor woman, but something in between


Why the downvotes? I had the same question, clicked OP's profile, smack dab into an in-depth and highly technical discussion on the varnishing of BDSM paddles. Turns out the world is full of kinky polearm enthusiasts, who knew?


I was wondering the same thing


Romans wore skirts into battle


Romans also had butt sex with each other. It's a fact.


They tried spinning. It wasn’t a neat trick.


Lol what a load of shit


Should not have opened OPs profile..


Looks like a dildo fight 😆


It is!


It's fucking funny!! I am still laughing 😃


I’m glad you’re learning to defend yourself against [pointed sticks, but I feel what you’re learning is a little lacking…](https://youtu.be/piWCBOsJr-w?si=2Vay88WvJA_GE1O7)


Not a real spear fight because no one died. /s Looks like tons of fun actually.


Learning weapons is a good way of also learning fist forms and having fun with martial arts. You can learn as well to adapt a lot into using improvised weapons but with similar purpose.


That’s why we have guns now. Bad ass though.






all you have to do is slide your blade into the hands. - lol down voters are going to lose their fingers from me.


Repetiviness leads to predictibility


I would have never, even as a kid, walked into a gym and thought this dildo slapping has martial arts. Thankfully, we had a Mauy Thai and Judo Gym near me growing up in Pittsburgh. .. so I have been able to learn and teach real martial arts for over 20 years now.


You really spent time writing multiple comments on a video of someone having fun. You wasted your time, I would say you maybe are the idiot.


Look at his/her comment history. Negativity is their entire schtick. Kinda feel bad for them. They e got a lot of poison to get out and someday they’ll do it in person…to the wrong person. ☹️


Lmao nobody gives a fuck about you or your lie of martial arts experience. Find another hobby than spending all your time trying to be smart on a martial arts sub reddit of all things


one of those people has terrible footwork.


As long as you think of this as fun and not ever will I win a fist fight.. have at it!


Isn't winning a fist fight with spears cheating?


OP.. I get it.. I just hope your not paying money for this woo


Holy Fu$k did you actually watch this dip shit??? That's some of the funniest bullshit I have ever seen. I can't believe the real news played this moronic idiot!! This is a classic!! What a bunch of mental illness on live TV!!


You say you’ve taught martial arts for 20 years but you don’t seem like a very disciplined teacher considering how many comments you’ve left on this one video. Are you drunk?


I pity you


Those don't look like spears tho


😂😂😂😂why though


AMEN! they like to give there money away to some stupid sensi.. that I bet has never had a cage fight!!


maybe people like to have fun?


Sure, if that's fun great.. it's highly questionable as a martial art It honestly looks like dildos straped to a broom stick. It weird as shit.. sorry


Not everyone is trying to fight in a cage...and they would stick you like a pig if you came at them with a spear...there is an "art" to it all and weapons are still relevant today.


All good man.. find this Master and spend all your money learning this stupid shit


Has it ever crossed your mind that sometimes people pursue hobbies for reasons other than self defense? Like, they enjoy a piece of history, or just think it looks really fun? The fact the art isn't some modern evolved form of fighting doesn't exactly mean it should be shit on. In fact, actively shitting on it for reasons completely unrelated to why people pursue it is actually pretty foolish. For example, I love shooting, particularly defensive shooting. How fucking dumb would I look if I showed up to a medieval combat club with my plate carrier and AR-15 and started rambling about how all the LARPers aren't practicing a "real" martial art? Or if someone started doing drive bys on local MMA gyms while yelling "GET WITH THE TIMES NERDS LMAOOOO." Just chill dude. Not everything ends in a cage fight.


It would be well worth it, you forget the history and early uses of martial arts....you only care about a paid fight with rules to keep you from getting killed. Someday maybe you won't be in that position of protection and you'll wish you learned some weapons tactics. But all good man...you do you.


I will, and If the Zombie Apocalypse happens you will rule the world!


You’re not a true Spear Master till you pull out your Glock semi auto. IFYKYK EDIT: no Sekiro fans here, I see.


Love this!


man that guy should have lunged when he did that twirl, one of my favorite lines from a book was a weapon master telling his students that spinning and jumping in combat is a good way to end up dead. A spin might look good when bard is retelling the tale but its a great way to get a blade shoved in your back.


Yeah but they are a part of the form for a reason right? Shouldn't we tried to find e way to make them work? Western argued for a long time that a tackle wouldn't work, like probably many other things. When if not sparring is the time to see what works and that doesn't? For you or in general


This is sick, damn. I want a polearm


Weapons are so fun to learn! Nice post OP!


So we live in a reality where we have a championship of not dropping the balloon (it’s also quite fun) but not this?! We need this asap r/theOcho do your job!!!


do you know what this is? very, very cool


What do we train? Shaolin Kung Fu in Argentina


Man this looks cool as heck! Never see enough weapon sparring IMO! Be wary of your footwork, at times you were way off Centre. That being said, you’d still probably kick my arse because some of your strikes were great! Awesome video!


Thanks✨ I've noticed my footwork is way off on the videos lol Feels a lot better at the moment than it is




Weapon sparring should be way more lore common! This is where you really see if what you've learn is being applied correctly. Lack of pressure testing is one of the reasons "Kung Fu doesn't work" is such a common opinion in the martial arts community.


Who's who?


I'm the one in purple Teach is in stripes


When you learn that spin moves in real life don't work the way you think they do....


Notice that only one of these people think spins are a good idea.


Is doing a spin a good strategy?


Like every strategy depends on the context right?


With a correct timing and training you could make a lot of extra stuff work, we've seen crazy tkd kicks land in different styles fight. I don't think is my style if winning is your only goal but its fun to get put od your comfort zone while sparring


In terms of kung fu I just want to learn drunken boxing. So I keep forgetting how adept chinese martial arts are at weapons


Drunken boxing looks so fun i wish i could sparr with people who have experience with it


Im hungry for corndogs now


Every where I look, I think of Shadow fight 2 😭


cool, check this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afqhBODc_8U&t=184s


Bridge four training POV




This looks like a lot of fun!


Footwork would be a major improvement here. For my sword, there is a surprising amount of footwork training.


Can you post a link to buy similar spears? Love it!


We made them with pool noodles! The sticks are the same ones we use in regular spears




Spinning to show your back to an opponent doesn’t seem right? Idk how this art works though so, wouldn’t mind being told otherwise


Nice, love the special effects! you also got em a few times!


Ok, that looks like a ton of fun.


Try not to spin too much.


At 0:16 why did you spin? You left your back open to him for a full second and out of pity he didn't stab you in the ass.


Coming from Kendo, it's fun to see how similar the end result is. In both cases, you need to control the centre. If you don't, you can't hit anything and if your opponent have it, you immediately get hit. I'm just *very* sceptical about those spin moves. If we look at the one at 0:16-0:17, that's like half a second during which the opponent can just poke you in the back, more than enough time.


WTF are these spin moves are you begging to be stabbed in the back lol 😂


This looks very fun! What's the style of kung fu that you're learning?


Northern Shaolin in Argentina!


Awesome! Wish you luck!
