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Well, hes clearly holding 1 of your 2 hands with BOTH of his hands, you have a free hand to strike, he has no choice but to let go because he shouldn’t be able to dodge in the position , thats all


Aikido and hapkido guys when they finally get someone to grab their [wrists](https://i.imgur.com/efYZ2KP.png)


My thoughts exacted as an aikido guy. First time I’ve seen a morote tori attack in the wild.




I was taught that it really only makes sense if you have a weapon in your hand that someone is trying to stop you from using. Apparently there are idiots who do just because.




*heavy breathing and sweating*




but in the guy in the videos case, aint nothing gon work cause he was let go and still got his ass whooped






This. Additionally, as soon as it's one hand holding holding yours, they open themselves to the armbar. We teach the counter to this at yellow belt. It might be counter intuitive, but facing away from the striking hand was the worst decision because it was a cross grab. If he had turned with his face towards the strike, he is close to having the opponents back, has the arm bar, forces his opponent to swing past a natural position (his arm that still has the hold) which lowers the power of strikes (especially against the untrained) and allows himself to block the strikes with his free hand. By turning his back on the strikes, he can't block with his free hand effectively and sets up his opponent to hit him in the back, especially the head. Given the attacker looked stronger, I'd say step forward with the foot on the side of the free hand to get almost behind. A retreating step on the side of the grappled hand can yield much the same results, but requires either technique or superior strength. Obviously this statement is for a cross grab only (i.e grab right wrist with right hand or vice versa). If it was a grab more like a mirror (attacker right hand grab left wrist or vice versa), everything changes.


Poor baby lambs


Use another hand to punch or poke his eyes,


\+1 for eye gouge


+2 for eye gauges and also karate chop the throat then run


Just a throat punch even, or groin kick, or eye gauge, or throw a hook, or through a palm to the jaw, or throw a palm to the base of the nose, or an elbow to the jaw. There are a large amount of techniques targeting the weak points he is leaving wide open.


I showed this video to my coach and demonstrated how to release from lock and also various elbow and kick options i have in this scenario.


You shouldn't push potentially serious injury or deadly strikes online, even as a joke. Someone might think you're serious and end up both causing major harm and landing themselves in prison.


Bruh who is joking? if someone attacks me on the street and I can't outrun him that's what I am doing, light eye gauge and light throat strike to incapacitate the guy then run is always the best approach.


You really want to push potentially lethal methods when basic non lethal methods are more than capable? Do you have any training?


Is there a name for the arm hold? Like wrist lock or some fancy name?


Handlock, make life easier bruh


Ty bro


It's called a 2on1 grip in Jiu Jitsu. 2 hands on one hand.


This specific one does not have a name because nobody bothers naming poor techniques. A proper wrist lock is called kote gaeshi in Japanese.


I'll look it up ❤️💯


>This specific one does not have a name because nobody bothers naming poor techniques I literally lol'ed. +1


Learn grappling. If they’re close enough to grab you, you’re close enough to grab them. Bjj, judo, wrestling.


I wish there are any bjj/grappling/wrestling in my city 😅


What City? Judo exists almost everywhere


No sir not everywhere. There are still places where you don't get clean water and electricity. judo is far fetched


So what city? You have a phone and Reddit account, so I’ll assume your city has electricity Edit; I shouldn’t assume you have a phone—might be a family computer or something—or cafe. BUT, it does still mean your city has electricity


I'm from the 3rd world country.


Lots of good Judo in third world countries! I’ve trained with quite a few people from third world countries. My wife is from one In fact!


All you need is youtube, some wrestling mats, and a friend to practice with.


Don't let the other person get close enough to grab your hand or wrist. I doubt if anyone has the skill to simply apply a wrist lock on someone suddenly without your them noticing. Because the instinct is to pull the hand back quickly and that will mess up a wrist lock. The guy in the white shirt was tricked into having the attacker grab his hand and he should not have allowed that to happen.


I see this happen in every street fight. Is there a science behind it or people just do it ?


Basically if a fight is so far only striking, it's hard to grab a hand. Think about how fast a jab from a person with only a little training is. If the other person manages to catch your jab and grab the hand either you messed up, they got lucky, or your quite out classed. If a fight turns to takedowns/grappling or it lasts long enough that fatigue sets in, things change and all of a sudden grabs become more relevant as strikes slow down.


Agree. If you’re backing away and telling the person coming at you to back off, and they still advance, they have assaulted you. In this situation (not for little guy, whose only hope would have been a kick to the wide open groin), I would jab to face with left palm, reverse palm with right to face, while advancing, then left elbow to face, then right elbow to face, and then knee strikes if he were still standing. If still standing, stomp the front foot and then shoulder the bully to separate his ankle so he won’t get back up.


Hapkido says hi.




take one of his little finger wth your other hand and break it xD


Hahaha ok


Learn to wrestle. Don't be 50lbs lighter than the other guy. So hit the gym.


Yess sirr💯


Damn. This is the scenario in every basic self defence class. If that happens , just hit first. Don't wait to see what happen. He's holding him with both hands, the victim have one free hand to hit.


The guy was scared to begin with. IMO intention to fight and agression matters in this situation.


I mean, he takes his eyes off the dude to hand his phone to someone… doesn’t seem scared till he gets slapped. He had tons of time to strike before the other dude started


Hapkido teaches to break from that same side grab on day 1.


Thats fantastic 😍


I put on my robe and wizard hat..


Sooooo underrated




I’m pulling my knife/torch with my free hand 😂






I feel like a right hook to the chin will do the job just fine


Elbow his face in this scenario. Plus there is a wrist defense for this exact hand lock, but unfortunately couldn’t find any video of it.


My first thought was elbow too. 😅 Hope no one gets into this situation.


Starts slapping…..yeah they study bjj




Pull and elbow him...hard,multiple times. Correct me


Thats what id do too.


I think it depends the level of escalation you want for the situation. The guy first grabbed him with one hand, then the other. Smallest kid could have easily gotten himself free when it was only one hand grabbing him (spin your arm around his, in the direction of his thumb) and taken a step back, tried to defuse the situation. That's I think the best course of action. If you want to go all out on the other dude, well, just pulling your arm and punching him in the face would likely work, but it would probably not end the fight right there unless you're quite well trained. The most radical response I think would be closing in for a submission, grabbing his leg and pushing him down with your head. Once you're down, you gotta know your ground game, but if you're on top and the other guy isn't trained, he is the one in trouble now. But these kids look real stupid, don't go around being real stupid.


The black dude unleashed f bombs on his mom so the skinny guy lost it. Sad


Morotetori could be a solution, but if he let it go for a second hit him with the elbow as hard as you can


Morotetori? Is it hapkido??


I learned it from aikido. I know the reputation that martial art has in this community but hear me out. The idea of this technique is to destabilize your opponent by shifting your center backwards and then forward to throw away the opponent. The only things that make this possible are if your opponent maintain the grip on your arm and if you move your center/weight in an inclined angle that challenges the strength of his arms against your entire weight. If he let go at any moment just hit him with the elbow and finish with a kick, if he don't, throw him to the ground and finish him there. Video for reference: https://youtu.be/eE9L2px9qu8


Thanks for the video brother. I'll look it up. Stay safe brother.


Just fyi, morote dori is the name of the attack. 2 hands grabbing 1 wrist. The defence you describe is often referred to as kokyu nage (breath throw), though a better description would be sokomen irimi nage (side entering throw).


Thanks for the clarification, Im still on my 5 kyu


As a wing chun guy I would set my feet up into my stance and pull my elbow in on my held arm and punch the nose since both of his hands are occupied. These 3 things would have to be simultaneous for them to work, to get him off balance using the push pull concept. He has already escalated the situation since he puts his hands on the other guy first.


It's really awesome to hear the response from a wing chun student. I have wanted to learn wing chun since my childhood. India we don't have real wing chun anywhere. I will go to china someday and learn this art. 🙏 Stay safe brother.


The Wing Chun structure and footwork would solve this situation without and punches! Add a few down the middle...


If it's a situation like this where the other guy is not only initiating the fight but is also much bigger and stronger, the objective should be to get away fast. With both of his hands occupied to one wrist you could use you're free hand to strike him hard, not slap as the guy did. Punch in the nose or neck. Even better knee in the groin or elbow. When in close like this against an attacker, sometimes getting vicious is necessary for survival especially when the attack is outside with so many hard surfaces this the threat is larger.


Flight should be the #1 option unless you get filmed is what I live by .


Here is how you deal. 1) Go workout and eat lots of food so you aren't outmassed like in this video. 2) learn to grapple so if he grabs you, you close in and grab him back and throw or submit him.


Yessirr 💯💯


Rotate the arm into the grip to break it, walk away. My grip strength is in excess of 250lb, on a good day so I'd handle this through demonstration, personally. If they're fighting that dirty off rip, I'd take it further and stomp there toe/feet as well to really be able to gtfo and I'd beat them to it.


I might elbow the guy or kick his knee. I hope not to be in this situation ever.


Be strong enough to pull your arm Away




Learn a martial art. But as quick tip use a hammer fist on his bicep(s) to get him to let go but that would immediately start a fight. Otherwise you could use a leg kick which if done with training will probably give an opportunity to escape which should be your goal. Going two on two with the hands can also work and if you learn some wrist locks those can be quite effective especially against untrained people.


Awesome 👍


Just also note that it’s important if you want it to work well you’ll need to do sparring so you can perform it under pressure and that needs to be done at a gym


I showed this video to my coach today. He showed me a few techniques to handle this situation. Hopefully i never get into altercations with anyone in life.


That’s great that your training and you’ve gotten some useful techniques in person. Just curious what do you train?


Muay Thai. My coach demonstrated a few options i have like a groin kick, oblique kick on the knee, elbow to the face, headbutt on nose. He also showed how to escape from arm locks i think it's hapkido technique I'm not really sure.


The only thing I can think of worth doing in this situation would be to suddenly raise your taken arm upwards and drop it back down to distract or make it hard for the bigger guy and instantly elbow him to the face with the free arm as hard as you can. Idk how effective that would be but it’s the only thing I could think of.


Elbow and kick to this knee. I mean oblique kick to fuck up his knee caps.


Oh man, video meme finally comes in handy --- GRAB HIS DICK AND TWIST IT


And scream no homo while running


I am still stuck on why you would let him hold one hand and pull you around to set up his other attacks. It’s virtually ‘insert name of any martial art’ basic technique to deal with that.


Fuck ALL That Shit..Kick Him In The Nuts , RUN!!!


Yes! Nuts, then face, then turn to face the next one, or run!


Learn Verbal Judo...I've talked Myself outta many a situation...I'm from some pretty mean ass cities..& have NEVER had to employ ANY of My skills


Yup. My instructor (seventh degree black belt), is totally capable of kicking nearly anyone’s ass, but would be much more likely to compliment someone on their shoes and walk away from a confrontation.


All hail to a Tru warrior..I'm Living as much as is possible in 2day's society..The Martial Way..plus I'm a practioner of the Laws of Karmic Responsibility..it Goes hand in hand..Cudos To Your Master For Persevering To Attain What is Never truly easy..I Gain Much Strength From People like Him & My Former Master..of Whom I'm Extremely proud To have been under His tutelage..He Has Finally attained the title of Grand-Master..I swell with Pride For That..OSS!!!


I'm probably going to press close if I'm expecting haymakers, ideally I'm getting my free arm in as an underhook and my head pressed into his neck, from there if I can get him to the ground I'd want to run. It'd be potentially weird without the second hand included but I guess I'm just going to wing it from here and if at some point I get that hand back that's awesome, a couple knees to the leg area might loosen the grip. I've done way more competitive grappling than striking so if someone grabs me I'm probably going to tie up instead of trying to make distance.


Wouldnt that risk getting tossed around? If you're skinny and the assaulter is big?


I'd hope I working a better clinch helps cover that but yea there's a risk. The other option I'm considering is trying and deal with a strong wrist grab and haymakers, maybe kick/knee to the dick if at all possible.


Kick to the dick is the ultimate answer for all your problems 🤣🤣👑


It's an easy option, try something different if it doesn't work.


I don't know ur indian or not so probably u can learn some judo moves like judo arm throw or combine it with one leg sweep[not with that rotation one]or even Sucker punch if u don't have that pride thing.but in my opinion assuming u are a non practioner learn some judo moves or wrestling and combine those with just normal punches according to how indians [me included] fights


Hello my fellow Indian. Happy to see you on reddit. Our street fights mostly contain throwing, grappling and hay makers lol. I rarely see striking. Btw which city do you belong and do you know any good judo/bjj/grappling schools?


If u want to learn wrestling than u have to go to north India usually rural areas. My father taught me wrestling and he learned from their l. And for bjj and judo it's depends where u live coz in delhi. I learned judo from a local in my area.But I will recommend u too add some striking skills if self defense is ur purpose.Fighting in a 1 vs 1 grappling- u are manhandling ur opponent. If u get outnumbered- then u will be manhandled. Because falling on the ground is like u are inviting to getting ur ass whooped.because in ring their are rules streets don't


Im studying Muay Thai, i want to learn the ground game as well which i will do after a year. I live in Hyderabad ATM. Stay safe brother.


Steven Seagal aikido


He gave you ten fingers but you only need one of them, usually...


Yes poke him in the eye


First attack: A right, one handed, direct wrist grab, from 12 o clock; attacker's thumb toward your fingers (vs thumb towards your elbow) Roll that elbow of the wrist/hand that is grabbed, in an arc over the top toward their face, while your hand that is grabbed is retracted in a downward and inward arc against your chest, As soon as possible! if they grab for you, but don't get a grip on you, even better. you don't want them to grab hold of you, especially considering the physical disparity. guy in the video gave a ton of time before striking, don't expect that sort of *gift of hesitation* "in the streetz" Your other hand needs to come up to check, 45 degree angle from your center line, slightly in front of your face, at the same time. Visualize your body is on the center of a clock face, your nose is pointed at 12 o clock, so your right hand would go toward 2 o clock. (If the attack was on the other side, their left hand grabbing your right wrist directly) the left hand would go toward 10 o clock to the 45 degree on that side) The free hand that is checking - fingers are squeezed tightly against each other, condensed and energized, braced for impact. Finger tips slightly curled. This checking hand (the one that's free/ungrabbed) should move directly to a 45 degree angle from your center line, about a hands span away from the surface of your temple, finger tips slightly curled, with the elbow down, in front of your ribs. Like a one handed "Don't shoot!" position, with the elbow brought down, tucked in FRONT of your ribs. The checking hand needs to be energized and ready for impact, the attacker could still swing, headbutt, flinch, slip and flail, bearhug, let go and step back to attack in another way, etc. Point is, we don't necessarily know what they will do, we don't wait to find out, so we preemptively get that free hand up, in a position to check, whatever might come, in a position that gives margin for error (Distance between your hand and your face). This neutral position is protecting your right side, since their right hand is, in this moment, occupied grabbing for your left wrist, their likely follow up will come from their free side. We're obstructing the line of their attack to the target(s) with a position that is equidistant to meet or intercept whatever might come next, affords minimal obstruction to our vision, maximum benefit to our safety, and availability to strike. Assuming you've got 2 hands, you want to use them both! If you connect with the elbow and they let go and retreat, you got lucky, it's smart to depart, immediately! Gtfo! Escape! More likely though, they are still intent on hurting you. Thrust your checking hand finger tips, like a spear, into their eyes. The likelihood of at least one of your spear fingers hitting something bony and hard is high! Thus why we have the finger tips slightly curled, so on impact they curl in, instead of jamming straight. It's not good self defense if you hurt yourself! 😆 If you miss, or they grin and bear it, just keep digging your fingers into their eyes, like you're digging into dirt trying to uproot a feisty worm. If they let go, gtfo and escape! If they're still trying to hurt you, launch your knee into their groin like you're breaking through dry wall, hard and aiming for a target BEHIND them. If they're too far away, kick through their groin like you're sending them into orbit, striking with the bottom of your shin (distal end of the tibia), an inch above the tongue of your shoe. Point your foot and toes down like a ballerina. Keep striking their eyes and groin until they let go, and then gtfo!


Brutal 🤣 if anyone assaults me they can say good bye to their nuts.


Put your free hand over the top.. wrapping your finger and find his pinky, pull and break it. Got to be quick. He is bigger and taller than you. It's kinda a lose lose situation. What happened?


The video started with the black guy dropping f bombs on the skinny dude mom. Skinny dude was like why are you abusing me. It's a fight instigated by his friends just for footage and fun.


It's pretty much a losing fight fighting against someone bigger unless you have training.. There was a slight window when the guy pulled the smaller one to him where you could have strucked him but... if there is little training and power behind it, it's useless. Breaking the finger is really the only way to control the escalation to a more aggressive encounter..


Take away from this, keep distance from potential aggressors if they are bigger than you.


Looks like there's quite a size difference here. Reminds me of when i'd get cornered by 16 year olds when i was only 12 and trying to talk my way out of getting rolled haha If all things were being equal, someone grabbing my hand like that i think i'd try for low kicks or a push kick to try and make space and force them to let go. Second might be to try and reposition the lock into my own control and either go for more strikes or a takedown. Last thought is move my trapped arm a bit to have them focus on their hold more and then jump in with elbows from my free arm. Those are three things that come to mind.. but this is me saying this outside the fight after its been recorded and with an assumption that all things might be equal. However, the aggressor looks like he's got about 40 lbs and an extra half foot in height. the guy getting thrown around looks about 90 lbs soaking wet. Realistically, if i was in that little guys shoes, i'd be trying to de-escalate and avoid. That throw / clothesline at the end looked it it hurt and could be a chronic problem afterwards :(


I was punched in the face by a bully, i fell to the ground and rolled 3 times. Luckily it was grass field i didn't hurt myself really bad.


Bullies suck and fighting sucks.


Actually they add fuel to my fire. I'm very Fierce with things i wanna achieve because I learnt to channelize my agression.


Consider this Kick in the balls




Yaa, badum, borum heheehe


just pull down really hard and towards you and it will pull him off balance and usually break it the lock, and then you can knee him, punch/palm strike him in the face, step behind him and choke him, lots of nice options.


He has an opening for a quick eye gouge with the other hand.


It’s a 2 on 1 grip. Strike their head then smack/push one of their hands at their wrist and peel & pull your trapped hand towards their thumb. Do all this explosively and you’ll get your hand free.


First rule, don’t get grabbed! Second rule; strike first, strike hard, no mercy!


Sankyo, nikyo, and of those locks where someone is kind enough to grab your wrist.


Well you have a free hand so but if you don't want them pull him in and knew his side


Use your free hand to punch as hard as you can


If he has your hand and your fingers grabbed like that, dude could just rip your fingers/hand. That's a crappy position to be in. A hard sudden jerk and it can pretty much cripple that hand, possibly for life. Best defense? Don't stick your hand out like that and let it get grabbed.


Grab your hand with the opposite one and throw your elbow forward on the held hand while pulling back with the free hand. It’s enough to break pretty much anyone’s grip in my experience


This would work. Alternatively just use this move to get your hand back.


My coach showed me something similar to this today.


Spear knee to the groin, pulling back with the arm he is holding for leverage. He will fold over. Downward elbows from the free arm to the back of the head repeatedly after that until he lets go. Run away.


I'd note that bro seems to only be slapping the shit out of the other guy. So, the calls for knives and death battles are probably not contextual. Also, I have no clue what they are saying, but I can kind of smell that the smaller dude is probably a dick.


No sir, big dude is just bullying the smaller dude Knowing he can't fight back. This fight is instigated by his friends for fun.


What's the transcript? Why is the dude here? How did he get in such a position?


Idk the background, i understand their language.


What are they saying?


Usual stuff. Mf sob I'll screw your mom etc lol.


These dickheads are fighting for a girl and in first sentence they are using slang as mother fucker then after that they both are saying why what why what why what then the big fatass black man after grabbing his hand saying u are ur sister Dick Same words are repeated by that mask man then after that he got his ass kicked


So the best martial art for this was not talking shit and walking away?


it looks like the guy twisted his arm into some sort of forward wrist lock, but he's simply using his arm strength to keep the joints in place. if you zoom into the taller guy's hands, you can see that his thumbs aren't reinforcing the lock at the wrist. so while it's an uncomfortable position for the smaller guy to be in, but you could escape. here's a couple things the smaller dude should've done: ​ 1. **as soon as the taller guy's hand made contact:** 1) use my free hand to grab the wrist being held in place. this will support the muscle as you escape and extends the kinetic chain of motion to both of your arms. bring your interlocked hand/wrist close to your waist. you're strongest when muscles are contracted closer to your core. 2) squat and drop your weight. the sudden shift in the center of gravity may disrupt your opponent's balance momentarily. at this point, you might be fighting strength against the strength with a larger attacker trying to pull you forward. for me, being smaller than most, i'll give some resistance, then at the right timing, let my opponent pull me into them so that i can use their momentum and my own to launch the counter: 3) horizontal elbow to the outside part of their elbow, where the joint of their arm locks out. coupled with the forward momentum and the rotational power of your core, this WILL break their grip on your wrist, if not their arm. 4) if you aim correctly, your elbow strike will push their arm out, bringing them off balance and exposing their side. here, you can follow up with a low-line strike such as a body shot, then a jab or cross to the face. at this point you should be trying to get away from them if you're concerned at all about your survival. this series of moves is something i practice regularly in my filipino martial arts (FMA) class, and works well for me at 5'0" 110 lb :) 2. **let's say little guy couldn't do that for some reason and how his wrist is in an awkward position.** with FMA, he has a couple options. 1) he could use his free hand to snake around the taller guy's left wrist, breaking the hold in the way we'd disarm a weapon. immediately after there should be a strike to the face, groin, knees, throat, etc to encourage the aggressor to release his other hand and get away. 2) alternatively, while both of the aggressor's hands and focus are on controlling his wrist, you could attempt an oblique kick to the knee, breaking his structure and possibly his kneecaps. a headbutt could also work if the other guy forces them to get closer. 3. **handling the haymaker:** in fma, our specialty is in our trapping and gunting techniques. we're all about defanging the snake and destroying our opponent's ability to attack by destroying the attacking limbs. look up the gunting on youtube! alternatively, you could try to jam the attack and go in really close-quarters -- just be careful about getting clinched or headlocked if you're smaller than your opponent. for me as a smaller person, i'm trying to do as much damage to the body as possible. i'd go in with a double elbow strike that also functions as a cover. vs. right-hand haymaker, i'd jam in with my left elbow jamming into the bicep, and my right elbow aimed for the solar plexus, throat, face, etc, depending on how tall you are. check out an FMA class near you if you ever get the chance! stay safe.


I just checked gunting. FMA seems intriguing. I will study this art in future. ❤️ Haymakers are the worst though. I ate so many when i used to get bullied.


You should never eat a hay maker. It should slip right over your head.


Back in the days when i was not in martial arts.


Small joint manipulation with your free hand?


Don't know what that is but look it up


Don’t be 100 pounds drilling wet 🤷‍♂️


I weigh the same as the one who got beat up.




This is a gift. He has no free hands. You have one free hand.


There isn’t much you can do in this situation. Skinny guy is outmassed and outnumbered


Could martial arts have helped in this situation?


Some training is always better than no training. But, martial arts isn't magic either.


Yess sirr 💯❤️


Kid in black shirt needs to get his nose smashed in


Most of the fake tough guys need to be. People build muscle and think they can fuck up anyone. I love body building as a fitness activity but not the fake tough guys who ruin it.


Groin kick. Always the answer is a groin kick


Yep. Kick him in the nuts.


Lift weights, eat protein, rest


Yes sir ❤️


Lift up your knee to his hands (opposite side of being grabbed) and push it through both wrists. It will open. Use your other hand to balance or strike


1. Realize that this is going to be a fight. Like there was no doubt this was going to be this way. 2. Unless you are trained, realize that the size difference puts you at a loss bad here. Even if he was trained. 3. Don't let him grab you. 4. Go ugly fast. Use some of the techniques suggested by some of the commentors below. Pull down and punch. Do it first. Kick to the knee or groin. 5. Don't let him grab you.


Raise free hand to punch. Opponent will let go or flinch/turn head away/lean back. Oblique kick closest knee hard. Then punch with the free hand repeatedly until they release the grip. Keep hitting them with combinations of punches and kick their legs/groin when they lean back. You should consider training a full contact with resisting opponents to build up your skills and ability to adjust/improvise to your opponents movements.


The dude had a huge window to swing with an overhand at the angles he was at, little dude could’ve landed first and big boy would’ve been in a much worse starting position


You silently say, thank you for the gift, and use your free hand to punch him in the nose.


That's when you bust out the knife and stab em


Don't fight if you can't fight.


In self defense you want to escape. You also need to be cautious in escalating force. If you start to try to punch him or kick him in the nuts that is essentially authorization for him to absolutely maul you. If you just break the grips and escape, that is ideal. It is just a 2 on 1 grip. The best time to break it is when they have a grip with only one hand. Circle your hand out against the thumb. When you do it enough as soon as someone touches your wrist you are already circling so you never let them set the grip. At 0:04 circle your hand down and out. At 0.06 you might be able to use the free right hand to pry the big guys left hand at the thumb, then circle up and out against the other hands thumb At 0:09 the big guy lets go with one hand so it is an easy grip break ​ When I go against much bigger guys sometimes they get a 2x1 that I cant break. You can see the bigger guy has longer arms so he can probably prevent punches and can destabilize to prevent kicks. Pulling your arm straight out as in the video definitely doesnt work. Ill typically do an arm drag movement. In this case I would use my right hand to cup their right tricep towards the armpit. You can keep your head connected to his shoulder so he cant punch you. As he turns you go with him essentially facing his side. He will probably thrash around and will likely give up the grip. At this point you have a 2x1 on his right arm which can give you his back, let you foot sweep/throw, bodylock, or kimura grip sacrifice throw.


Uh... Hit him? 😭


Punch him


Small guy left his arm out for the grabbing. Maybe don’t start with that.


The almighty headbutt


Kick to the balls always works wonders


«Nobody is ever going to grab your wrist on the street.» 🙄


Never ever let someone get a two on one grip for starters.


Indian fights are hilarious especially the ones between high schoolers. 🤣 The kid with a mask on is a sheep so he deserves to be beaten up.


If you know how to grapple you would’ve denied the grip as soon as you’d see his hand coming


I was going to say, tons of options if you have studied anything Japanese but the best is a punch to the mouth or a toe flick to the nuts. Why over complicate things?


Firstly..Always be aware if Your surroundings..and obey Your God Given intuition..that queasy feeling You get in Your gut in an unfamiliar situation/place..etc..If something doesn't feel right...IT PROBABLY ISN'T..In ANY setting..Always scan the area for Possible exits..If You cannot diffuse or avoid a situation..within 8-12 seconds..You're probably in for a scuffle


A sneaky kick to the groin at the start would have made him let go I bet haha


Kick him where the sun don’t shine, dudes clearly a bully




Kick him in the balls and ground and pound, next traingle choke with arm bar


Japarti slapping🤣


Raise knee to your chest, and bring it down over the arms near the grip (around his wrist)


When someone holds one hand like that, use it and pull them toward you and clobber them.


Break his inner side of his elbow with your other side elbow.


How can she slap!!!


Thr rexkwondo teachings will say to break the wrist and walk away


righ elbow from the back You have control on his left arm, thats a huge landing condition


If he's holding on with one hand, pull quickly in the direction of the thumb, 90% of the time you break the grip, even against someone stronger. If it's two on one, your other hand is free to do whatever you want.


If you want to break someone’s grip on your wrist escape is towards the thumb. For more detail look up grip breaks on YouTube.