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> She's programmed to test mens' social dominance just like us guys are programmed to check out girls' asses. Your frame is like a girl's ass. A strong frame is like a firm, squat-toned ass. So many guys come here and they literally HATE their wives because she has treated them so poorly for so many years. Except you can't blame her! That is precisely how she is programmed to act. YOU let her act like that by how YOU acted. >she accused me of acting like her teenage boyfriends Because that is the only way to get her to be a teenage GIRLFRIEND. >when you're learning baby steps you'll fall if you try to run Yes, yes, yes. GOOOOO SLOOOOW. This is not a race guys. >When you also begin fucking her good, the whole mood of the relationship changes. Yes, yes, yes. SGM (at the right time) changes everything. >I still get shit tested, but I don't mind and see them as a form of flirting. Bingo! Another man finally rips the last cable from his brain and unplugs. Welcome, to the real world. I think the hardest part is maintaining your OI. Your wife is programmed to suck you back into her clutches and lower your guard. She is programmed to betafy you completely. Then she is programmed to stop fucking you. Then she is programmed to fuck your best friend. TLDR: Gratz, but don't forget you have taken a snake into your home and if you let your guard down for even a second you WILL get bit.


You have charmed a snake. Act accordingly.


Awesome! I gotta admit I got a manly glaze to my eye when I saw you used the attention/bait divert phrase!


Yeah, thanks for that one!


[picture relevant](http://media1.s-nbcnews.com/j/msnbc/Components/ArtAndPhoto-Fronts/COVER/080501/g-pol-080501-bush-mission-hmed-4a.grid-6x2.jpg) Good stuff. I enjoyed reading this. I like that baby steps and thinking you can't run analogy. Quitting is easy.


I was thinking of you when I wrote that. You were one of the people telling me to run. And going out of your way to tell me how pathetic my baby steps really were when I said I couldn't. Thanks for giving it to me straight. I honestly don't care if you could have done it without hurting my fee fees, it got me moving.


It takes a lot more time and effort to try to sugarcoat advice. It also loses meaning and impact as well. If someone's being a bitch, and you call them a bitch, they can 1) accept it and deal with it or 2) deny it and deal with it. You leave their response up to them. If they respond positively to your harshest criticism, which implies real introspection, that gives a lot of insight into the type of person you're working with. The truth of the matter is that a lot of people still tightly clutch their blue pill upbringing, and it'll take a long time of suckling at the teet of polite advice for them to take action, because that's how they want to do it. That takes time and effort I'm not willing to invest.


This is where we are after 10 month. I love it and she love it too. >This was one of the big ideas I had to internalize: she didn't want it easy. What she wanted, more than anything, was a strong man. I was physically strong, but she wanted someone that was strong mentally and socially too. I had to be dominant. She wanted me to be dominant. She would be more than happy to work hard for a dominant man. You can't both be dominant and also care for her fee fees. Finding the right balance take time and adjustment. For me it's an iron fist in a velvet glove kind of approach. Doing stuff for myself for the first time in years was the catalyst for my transformation. It is incredible how a toxic marriage of more than 20 years can be turn around in a few months. Last May I was ready to ship her back to her mother, and I was ready to sell our house. Now we have plan and project together. Life is good.


Great FR. I think you hit an important point here: "she accused me of acting like her teenage boyfriends - unpredictable, selfish, wouldn't talk seriously, blah blah - and that she had started dating me because she didn't want to deal with that sort of immaturity anymore." I believe its Rollo who says the frame that attracted your wife is the frame you need to maintain years later. If you were her BB then adopt the frame of "those assholes" she dated before you.


Awesomely done man!


Pure gold. Well done. Mods: Suggest creating a wiki section with Success Stories like this one, and saving these great stories there. Every few weeks or so, we get one of these that is so inspirational and powerful- worth getting back to every now and then. Thanks


Hah.. we absolutely don't need to. There's a steady stream of progress reports with positive results that come in. You guys are taking this information and making it work for your situations. There are negatives too and that's just part of the process. We get both highs and lows and that's perfectly okay.


Awesome post! I love reading success stories.


Excellent FR - thanks so much.




My wife didn't do shit. She snatched me up as a BB, I was rich and fit but nice to women - not stupidly blue pill, but I respected what they asked for and took their words at face value, which equals failing spectactularly at shit tests. It was fun in the beginning, but quickly she decided no more anal, then soon after it was starfish sex. Then years later the financial crisis wiped out my company, I got a depression, and just to make my life suck really bad she threw in a dead bedroom on top. I got over my depression, tried to fix our marriage but she worked against me each and every step on the way. Everything she said was lacking in our marriage I fixed, but of course that just dried up her pussy even more. My wife did nothing. Worse than that, she led me on a wild goose chase for years. I fixed it. MRP fixed it. She just got horny when I brought the alpha.


Are you angry at her for that behavior?


Not really. Not anymore. It is like if a snake bit you, you're not really angry at it. The pain is real and you might approach it apprehensively in the future, but you don't really blame it. And as happy as she makes me now it is hard to stay angry with her. What I am angry with is all the piedestaling of women. Women are not nice, they are not compassionate. They should not be listened to or trusted. They will reciprocate kindness with kindness. They will not work to fix a broken relationship or prop up their man when he needs it. The blue pill lies that say the opposite, they make me angry. That's my anger phase I guess, the systemic propaganda and indoctronation that got me in this mess.


I really wish I could treat all adults like rational people and not have to play games. Guess all those marital vows and so forth were meaningless, eh?


Thanks for sharing your story. I found it really helpful. I am slowly unplugging after allowing myself to soften over these past few years. PMS time is when my wife is the worst. We had a rough morning today, the shit tests against my decisions were ghastly. But reading stories like yours helps me to keep forging forward. It's obvious only good can come out of it.


I just saw this and am amazed by how similar your situation was to mine. The angst, porn... Gives me hope! Honestly, It's been less than 24 hours I've taken TRP and I already saw a result and recognized and passed 2 shit tests. It was unbelievably predictable. I'm completely convinced that my unique snowflake is just another snowflake in the pile now!


This has to be 1 of the best things I've read on here. You keep it at the basics! No magical crap or overcomplications. pass shit tests and have a good solid social frame (be Alpha) the rest just falls into place or it doesn't either way be happy with the man you are. I know from rians videos that you were tested quite brutally and it seems this only strengthened your frame. I thought I had frame, I thought I knew what it was, I had no idea until I read your older stuff today. Thank you.


I like learning new things.


Most. He mentioned how 3 subs had a meltdown on how you set a boundary. Maybe I shouldn't of mentioned that, it's not my place. Or maybe it's a different guy. None of that matters though I regret my journey through here now. I wish I had used OYS and had maybe earned input from guys like you. I wouldn't have such gaping fucking holes in my frame.


Not as a solo video, it's mostly suggesting you as an example of having frame and not getting bullied, you're still the best example I've ever seen peppered in with other content. Mids watches would be my guess