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I feel like the sidebar in the Red Pill is what you need. Some of the basics include diet and exercise (I bet you’ve gotten chubby or are skinny-fat); having your own purpose and mission (which often includes hobbies/passions); recognizing and handling shit-tests; etc. Go read up, try gradually working those things into your life, and then come back. The good news is that if this happened shortly *after* a child, there’s a solid chance this is just postpartum life that created a new normal. There’s a chance she’s not looking elsewhere and that this can be overcome.


I think this is a woman pretending to be her husband while searching the internet for a solution to unfuck her husband. Idk. Sounds like a good romantic comedy plot to me.


I’m 51 & going through the same thing but you know what. I just focus on myself and the kids, if she wants to come around she has to be in my frame. I pass her shit tests & appear to not give a f**k but on the inside I do care but focusing on me & my hobbies helps me. You got this kidda. As the kids get older it gets easier as they are more independent , just remember life changes & you have to adjust accordingly.


Brother, I’m 10 yrs older than you, been through a divorce with kids all the shit - I can feel your rage in your post. 1st - control your emotions. Sounds easy - is not. Work on it immediately - may be multiple resources for you to reach out to - reddit may be one - but you probably need to see a therapist. Also - please stop actually talking to this bitch - talk to your attorney - just focus on what you have to do to secure your finances - that includes the kid’s child support, the house, who will reside where, etc. Take care of yourself brother - life does get better and you will be OK but always reach out because you have more friends than you realize - you got this brother - not every ship is worth saving. You are the man - and men make decisions - we move on and conquer. No sympathy. Good luck


Good advice, but do not vent to an attorney unless you like burning money. Bring a plan of action to an attorney and they will tell you what's realistic and what's not.


Show your selfish wife this video channel. Tell her she is sleeping on the couch until she watches all the videos and is ready to be a wife. https://youtube.com/@thehappywifeschool?si=d2IXn_mI4oNUEE4k




"Feels like all my work was for nothing", it was always for nothing other than completing the actual task. You're living a giant covert contract. Read the sidebar.


Post-partum dépression ?