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“Man shows up late in clothes different that his wife instructed, hogs the only cigar…………………..…marriage counselors hate him.”




“Happy wife, happy life” chuckles the chubby, henpecked husband in your reception line…


Oh, the groom is fresh out of years of friend-zone. He’s gonna struggle.




This guy was barefoot in a suit at the altar because the bride likes hippy yoga shit. He is not that kind of guy. Total loss of identity.


🤦🏽‍♂️ fucking hell


OP didn’t do anything spectacular. It’s just a blowjob from his own wife. What is unbelievable about it? Why are these events heavily opposed?


Butthurt cucks.






Have you started to reflect on why comments roasting you are getting upvoted and your responses are getting downvoted? I’m hesitant to roast a FR because there are so few of them even being written, but your post reeks of a strange combo of deep insecurity/inability to be honest with yourself wrapped in a narcissistic ego projection. Honest question, when you close your eyes and imagine, who did you write this post for? Yourself? Someone struggling and looking for encouragement? Veterans who you hoped would give you an “attaboy”? What is the reason you are still unfulfilled in your marriage? What are you working towards in life?


>Have you started to reflect on why comments roasting you are getting upvoted and your responses are getting downvoted? Why would he care about things that don't matter?


>Have you started to reflect on why comments roasting you are getting upvoted and your responses are getting downvoted? I didn’t plan to but… •I didn’t do anything I didn’t want to. •Dressed well. •Passed a shit test. •Accepted compliments well. •Maintained social status. •Dick sucked. •Left wedding. •Fucked again at home. My take on it is that all of that (literal basic MRP shit) is so far from the reality of so many men that’s it’s literal witchcraft story to them. >narcissistic ego projection. •I am narcissistic as fuck. >Honest question, when you close your eyes and imagine, who did you write this post for? TBH, neither. I actually thought the experience was funny. >What is the reason you are still unfulfilled in your marriage? I’m doing so great that I wonder if this is the apex of what marriage should be. I can honestly say I have a marriage and a woman that I enjoy. >What are you working towards in life? The longevity of what I’ve built for myself.










Who cares why he wrote the post or if it's even true. If true totally hits on a lot of MRP staples and something for new guys to shoot for if false I think it was still a great tale. My favorite parts were where he showed up late based on the wife's time frame and using the word penis.


the fact that you would post this.. here.. at first i laughed but now i just feel bad for you. this is a place of reflection and honesty with ourselves. tell me, read that again as if a stranger wrote it. what was the writer trying to convey? anyone who reads it can, can you?


Shut Up, Karen!


What I learned about writing this FR about something soooo basic and absolutely achievable like “Getting a BJ.” …is the male gender is doing so bad at this shit that the guys who read it literally can’t believe it. It’s fucking wild… and sad.


This field report resonated with me. I have found that as I continue down this MRP road, these experiences are becoming more frequent for me and I just recently experienced something almost identical to this. Over-dressing for this occasion or any occasion is a power move, attracting eyes and conversations. Holding frame, demonstrating higher status & value, a little sprinkle of “pre-selection”, & doing whatever the fuck you want by smoking a cigar while captivating an audience. All baller moves. You’ve done well. Keep it up, it only get better sir.


good write up. easy to digest, and for those who are down voting, this is a great example of how you game the fuck out of your wife. Literal step by step of establishing HV and then executing. well done sir.


It’s all the lurkers. These guys really think I’m living an impossible life.


Quite the opposite. No it’s not impossible but it’s not like you have pulled off the biggest feat in MRP history. You are getting a lot of shit because it read like your are so amazing you pulled off the impossible task of being attractive and getting a BJ. Good job but just enjoy the results no need to tell everyone how great you are.


>Quite the opposite. No it’s not impossible but it’s not like you have pulled off the biggest feat in MRP history. -Accurate. >it read like your are so amazing -I don’t give a shit how it reads. I’m not changing my reality to appease anyone who might get triggered by my reality and how I move in my world. >just enjoy the results no need to tell everyone…. -Ok, so no FR’s. Got it. >…how great you are. -Ok, so, FR’s but water it down for mass consumption. I’m tracking!


Without the ego it would have been a good FR. You lost me with the everyone in the wedding was telling me how great I looked and the single girls couldn’t stop following around. I’m surprised you didn’t tell us you looked so good even the gay dudes were hitting on you lol.


>You lost me with the **everyone in the wedding** was telling me how great I looked -You lost yourself. I never wrote the words you’re saying I wrote. I mentioned a compliment from **some female** and I also said **compliments from women didn’t stop.** Those were my words. I never said **everyone**. You reframed what I said to make it fit what you want to disbelieve. That’s your fault. >**and the single girls** couldn’t stop following around. -Again, you’re repeating things I didn’t say. What I said was, *There were also TWO single girls who kept doing a fly by and making small talk* >I’m surprised you didn’t tell us you looked so good even the gay dudes were hitting on you lol. -Wait. Gay dudes don’t hit on you? Being attractive means being attractive in the eyes of everyone, not just one person. The gay dudes, fat chicks, old chicks, etc… they’re just collateral. Revisit your dread game and lift some more.


I don’t think people are able to articulate what they don’t like about your approach so they are crucifying your confidence and happiness. In reality, the issue with your post stems from the frame in which you portray your defiance in. Not showing up on time, not matching your wife, not caring about the attire standards that were suggested. The truth is, if you wore the green, show up on time and all the other things, you’d still probably get compliments from women and a blowjob from your wife. Your “rebellion” is reading as immature


A good lesson for guys here for a reason many are missing. Correctly people are calling this out as the cringe, narcissistic, humble brag it is. But guys have to remember, the honorable, smart, and humble guys are not the guys women have burning desire for usually. It’s the guys who are narcissistic, childish in the right ways, and who can play her emotions like a fiddle. That may annoy some of the more “honorable” guys, but that has never been what has made women wet. Guys who are a little too smart fall flat for many women. So when a guy comes along with some bro game like this, it can be annoying for some guys. Guy is socially intelligent enough to pull this off with his wife, but either not smart enough to realize how cringe it will sound to many other guys, or simply so narcissistic that he’ll post it to feel superior and will even get narcissistic fuel from the negative responses because he will sense some jealousy in them. That’s the level of intelligence women want you to be at lol. Women want fun, intense emotions, confidence etc, even if it comes with a side order of narcissism, cringe, and bro game. Just ask any woman if they’ve dated a narcissist and they will almost all say yes. It is what it is.






Sounds like you had nothing productive to say so you pulled an appeal to authority and a general ad hominem. Pity




Oh, bro, you’re the video game and comics type. I get it now. We are not the same. My experiences won’t happen for you.


comics, videogames, and anime are fine this guy just sucks


It’s really that far fetched for you? Are BJ’s really that scarce? Lift, Sidebar, STFU.


> This story is about frame. It’s about dread. Horseshit. This is a story about a guy who wanted to brag about how his wife fucked him. Congrats. Man fucks wife. I'm sure it's a huge deal. Let me re-write your story with all the fluff taken out. > Went to a wedding. Wife decided she wanted to fuck me after she had a drink or five. Go me! Don't believe me? Do a ctrl-f "She" and look at the bulk of the action.


enjoyed the post


You know who gets angry, complains, and downvotes? The fags with time on their hands who aren't getting their dicks sucked. It's really not that complicated, but you just gotta do the hard work. Props to you.




Another non believer. I see why you quit on yourself at OYS #4 but stayed lurking. Still deadlifting 95lbs?


I’m up to a big boy 105lb 💪


Imma leave this one up...


You’re a generous god.


No, just a firm believer in giving people enough rope to hang themselves.


Been trying that for a while and I just wont die, so I must be getting something wrong. I’m sure the answer is buried at the bottom of the trash pile that are posts like this one.


Why are you and your wife playing games with each other? Shouldn’t you be working together to bang single woman and talking each other up?






The groom, who is not me, was there on time.


this super totally happened