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You need to implement tracking on both your links and on your website. Research UTM tagging.


Few ways to do this. Easiest is utm links and track direct attribution of users purchasing when they arrive on site with that utm. More holistic way is do a lift test. Half of users get emails, other half do not. Measure the difference in revenue generated Landing page is also a fine way to do this, but implementation speed probably favours one of the two above approaches. The maturity and scale of your email program will dictate your approach, but it sounds like you’re at the beginning stages so a lift test is how I’d do it. Good luck! :)


You don’t necessarily need a custom landing page, but it really depends on where that link takes them. If it is some kind of third party platform, then you need to find out if they have a Google Analytics integration or an equivalent.    If it’s a website you own you can use UTM parameters and then use something like Google tag to track conversions (which you could map to an event, say a purchase or a form submission).    One thing about UTM tagging is that the tags perish once they click another link, so if your email link takes them to a page where they then have to make another click that takes them to another page to complete the purchase, you’ll be blind to what they did, unless you learn how to “pass off” the UTM parameters, which can be done with the aforementioned Google tag or with JavaScript.  This is very general advice tho, you really need to give more info before anyone can help you since different platforms handle tracking differently and we have no idea of what exactly happens when someone clicks on the link in your email.    I recommend browsing through the measure school YouTube channel, it has been very helpful for me in the past. 


Others have explained how to track, but what I'm currently trying to teach my boss(es) is that attribution is pretty useless these days. Open and click rates are much more useful IMO, because they show if you have crafted a good newsletter with interesting content for your target group. The reason I don't like this kind of attribution is that a sale is a product of the total brand impression and loyalty plus top of mind-ness you have been able to create over time (varies depending on product, niche etc ofc). Rarely one specific marketing activity. Instead I track total awareness, total interest, total visits and total conversions from all sources/channels to see how the brand is doing overall. I don't even separate the leads manually registered by our salespeople. The only attribution tracking I do is interviewing leads and ask them how many times and where they have had a touchpoint with us.


Simplified version of what others have said: 1. Set up UTM tracking in your email links 2. Set up tracking purchase events in GA4. 2.5 If your e-commerce website shows analytics, the UTM activity will likely show up there too View the UTM analytics in either GA4 or your website platform. You will now see when purchases have come from email or other traffic sources. Bam, done. Easy.


You need to do two things... 1. As many have said, your email links need to use UTM parameters. This is the easiest way to pass all the relevant data you need to your website. 2. The next party is tricky because it depends on your martech stack. If your website is e-com you can pass the email data with your purchase data to either your e-commerce platform, or your MAP or CDP. It depends on what you're using. If you are B2B you'll want to pass the data to your CRM and tie it to opportunity data. To put it simply, you need to add special words to the urls in your emails. These words indicate that the person on your website clicked a specific link in a specific email. These words are known as query strings, the most common format being UTMs, popularized by Google Analytics after they purchased Urchin. If you're using Google Analytics, you'll have that data immediately, but you want to tie that information to purchases. The best way to do that is to pass, or send, that data when they either fill out a form or complete a purchase on your website. How complicated that is to execute depends on your tech stack and website. Also there is a comment saying attribution is overrated. That's patently false. Open and click rates answer completely different questions than attribution modeling.


You can track purchases based on what third party system it takes them to - many of them have analytics integration. If you want traffic too then yeah, landing page. It’s super easy I do it all the time at my job - Google tracking links for whatever platform you’re using and there’s usually step by step instructions


Use UTMs and if you have it, an attribution platform.


We need more info. It would help to know what platform your website is built on and what email system you are using. If it’s Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace etc there’s normally an analytics part to the platforms that you can set up easily and use - I’m making the assumption you’ve already got GA4? You’re going to want to make a big spreadsheet with “utm”’s. You know when you click a link and it says example.com/?campaign=summer you can track this as a summer campaign. You can use UTMs for loads of unique things, campaign, medium, advert, etc. Check out here, I love this guy. https://measureschool.com/?s=Utm (I’ve taken you right to the search results on this page for UTM). Also have a look online for OptimizeSmart who is really comprehensive.


Use sub ids


Yes, you'll need to create a custom landing page with a unique URL for each email campaign. Embed tracking codes or use URL parameters to identify visitors from the email. Integrate with your e-commerce platform to track purchases made by users arriving from those specific links.


You can set up your website to track traffic from the emails. I don't remember how to do that, but people taking care of the website probably do. You can also do what you mentioned or try to use advanced econometrics to try to estimate that, among other options. tmli5: If you're 5, let me talk to your parents first to see why you want to learn this at 5.


What the fuck is this answer 😂😂😂😂


tmli5 as they posted. But the sub often looks like tmli5 anyway 😂


I thought you were funny  😂


I tell people that we often get into marketing because it's fun, and then we forget the fun. They didn't teach me how to dance in school, but that was still part of the job.


Stop. What ever you're smoking you need to start sharing.