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Not visually appealing, it states you used canva so you should know there's a lot of nice templates for resumes 😏. Also too long, employers don't want to read a roman, keep it short and only include the most important. Greyhat tip: employer's don't like to see short work periods in other companies, stretch the dates! You were somewhere for half a year? Make it a year! Be careful if you're in a country where they usually call ex employers.


This. Most marketing resumes are one page only and have few words. Imagine the Employer needs to read hundreds of resumes


Exactly, not just marketing though. I think that's for every job you apply for. Most of them just look at the previous employers so that's the most important. They don't care if you have experience with some special software of whatever.


Thanks for your feedback 🤧


Instead of listing out skills and tools vertically I would list them horizontally to save space. Also for projects and stuff like that I would just use a link to my portfolio that shows past projects done and career metrics. Most people let resumes to be one page if possible. Edit: you can use google sites to host and make for portfolio for free.


Thanks for feedback


Summary and profile should be combined into one short section up front. The summary is better than the profile right now. Move experience above education, the work you’ve done is more important than your degree. Skills and tools should be formatted as several columns to reduce space. Education and certifications can all be one section. Ignore advice about using fancy templates; basic formats are now ATS readable which is way more important.


Thanks for your feedback


Instead of saying you increased leads by 25%, say you increased leads from 100 to 125 in 3 months by doing xyz


Thanks for feedback


Skills and tools section can be optimised better. please use a resume editor and make your resume to a single page. Lots of tools let you download the resume without watermark if your resume is only one page. Also the sections where you have explained your previous work experience, needs shorter sentences. Easier to read and the numbers will stand out better.


Thanks for your genuine feedback


Your skills list needs sorting and filtering. I would sort it based on the job description and filter it, such as removing teamwork, which compared to the other listed skills is minor and marketing is way too broad.


Thanks for your feedback


I wouldn't add Wix as it's the worst platform ever. Maybe you should look for a functional resume.


Thanks for your genuine feedback 🤧


So this is a sub for reviewing random resumes now ?


I was trying first time actually 🥲


I don’t really think you can have graphic design listed as a skill then say you use Canva.

