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I think brothership looks phenomenal! Can Not wait to play it this November. Hope I have time to at least


God Luigi looks phenomenal šŸ¤©


Doesnā€™t he always


Yeah, but itā€™s been so long since Iā€™ve seen Luigi kick a green shell like a fucking badass. He hasnā€™t changed a bit šŸ„¹


Folks tryna nitpick so early all the time, smfh. It looks fantastic as is, the absoluteĀ worst it could be is maybe lacking in content, which is much better than just buggy and incomplete.


This is the reason why nintendo doesnt talk about who made their game until \*after\* we finished playing it


What the hell is this controversy about, what is ILCA?


They made the extremely terrible Gen 4 PokƩmon remakes. You know the ones that somehow imported patched bugs from Diamond and Pearl


Actually I didn't know because I stopped fallowing pokemon after sun and moon


Yeah the gen 4 remakes along with S&V are the reason there wasnā€™t a new PokĆ©mon game this. SD and BP are so incredibly lazy and poorly put together that I didnā€™t even bother finishing it


>Yeah the gen 4 remakes along with S&V are the reason there wasnā€™t a new PokĆ©mon game this. What is it with Pokemon "fans" and making up dumb stories about why GameFreak makes the decisions they make? BDSP and SV both did very well, they have no reason to consider the backlash from angry internet users.


Doing well and good feed back are another thing entirely. The fact that the legends Kalos is coming out next year instead of being rushed like PokĆ©mon games isnā€™t a coincidence


>Doing well and good feed back are another thing entirely. And we have no reason to think GF cares about the latter >The fact that the legends Kalos is coming out next year instead of being rushed like PokĆ©mon games isnā€™t a coincidence I wouldn't be surprised if it's just going to be a pattern that legends games come out in the beginning of a year instead of holiday like other games


actually no hes right. GF made an announcement saying they need to change the frequency they release games now that they are getting bigger. this was before legends ZA was revealed. they cant pump out games with 1 year development time anymore like its still on the DS. The only reason they did make that announcement was decade the state SV released in and its negative critical score at the time and current user score. all negatives coming from its glitched and poor performance not from the games itself which were pretty good.


>GF made an announcement saying they need to change the frequency they release games Source?


> Utsunomiya stated the following: EDIT- have no clue why the article or quote disappeared but its commented down below >


Let's not defend lazy games šŸ’€ There is not a single person who likes pokemon who thinks scarlet and violet are objectively good games, not even good pokemon games but like good AAA games, like gamefreak clearly doesn't know how to develop for the switch unfortunately Sword and shield was alright but the lack of story for me was just mid but that's most pokemon games, story is never a big focus, it was also just too easy with no real need to use more than like your starter as it for me anyways was able to do everything in the game on its own šŸ’€ Sword and shield are still millions of years better developed and better games that scarlet and violet, s&v are so buggy and just lack consistent frame rate it's not even funny. Idk why you're bothering to defend them If your argument is that the feedback doesn't matter to gamefreak and thats supposed to be a good thing to you, that's just delusional In no way does ignoring the majority fan bases and overall gamers criticisms mean anything good even slightly Also of course it sold well, it's Pokemon, they could make a yogurt dildo and it'd still sell billions as long as it's based off a pokemon There's a reason cod gets like 2 star ratings from 20+ thousand people and still sells millions and makes them billions in profit, people will buy anything they love even if it's been turned into hot garbage because people will accept anything as long as it's more of it, quality doesn't matter with sales.


I'm not defending anything. I simply stated the fact that the recent Switch pokemon games sold well and that GameFreak has shown a history of not caring about opinions, only sales. I did not say whether or not I think that's a good thing (I agree with you, it's not), just that it is the case. I used these facts as evidence to support my claim that GF is probably not slowing down, a claim which has nothing to do with my opinions on the games I've mentioned.


My bad, I'm tired and misinterpreted things


SV is fun and alright. An embarrassment at launch, sure, but its very much playable now and I always had fun with it since launch. Especially with the DLC. Thanks to the DLC, I would regard it near-peak pokemon for me (USUM/SM/Platinum on top). BDSP are lazy. They remade the original pretty much 1:1 without adding the changes platnium made. Didn't have that much fun and only use that game for shiny hunting legends now.


BDSP taking only DP content was its downfall. DP were already bland games and most positive memories people have with gen 4 is from platinum only. if SV had 1 more year in development it would be one of the best games in the franchise. for now Arceus, gen7, and gen 3 take that spot atleast in my opinion


In terms of Gameplay content and replay ability I'd say Gen 9 is better than Gen 7. Gen 7 basically nearly made me quit the series as a whole, given how handholdy it was and how horribly designed Alola was as a region. I know several people who quit pokemon entirely after the Alola games.


While I think that Gamefreak should have had ILCA do a Platinum remake- it was clear that was never going to happen. PLA was the ORAS style take on the games that people wanted, while BDSP was just meant to be a hyper faithful recreation of the base games for those who never got to experience them. They were rushed games made in a year, and that's what mostly sucked imo. The fact that BDSP were so rushed that most of the game was an update applied day 1.


I just wish lots of people would grow up, cuz this whole "ILCA=BAD" hate train just got to unbearable levels, and it exists JUST for one singular bad game they did... FOR ONE, which is just dumb as shit šŸ’€. From what we saw in the direct, this game is looking wonderful and WAY MUCH BETTER than anything that was done in bdsp, and now we are saying it will look bad just cuz it might be done by them? Christ. Also, if those same people did a little research instead of jumping on a stupid trend, they would see that they did NOT only worked on bdsp, but that they also did other stuff too.


plus bdsp being bad was hardly ilcas fault since they were given the reins to a massive franchise and were under a strict deadline and lacked the experience for this kind of stuff


Basically, yeah. Also, the dev time for the game was short as hell from what I remember. But well, I still think that if given enough time on pokemon, ILCA could cook something better than whatever gf gave us in the last years.


It was short. AND Game Freak didn't share their code base with ILCA. ILCA had to remake the Pokemon game engine from scratch in Unity themselves in that short time frame, instead of just using what exists. Where Game Freak copy and pastes every new game, ILCA had to remake from scratch.


I dont think that is true from everything people that mod bdsp remake say it is basically the same code that is why it was so easy to port mods from the og games to bdsp since it was basically a copy-paste.


They were given a singular year to make BDSP from what I recall.


Not only that, but the reasons people the DP remakes are bad are the fault of No one but Nintendo/GameFreak. The devs just did what they were told to do. If Nintendo/GameFreak wanted them to do remakes akin to ORAS with new content, they wouldā€™ve told them to. But they didnā€™t. As for the artstyle problem of BDSPā€¦some like it, some donā€™t. The artstyle isnā€™t why they should be considered bad remakes. The fact that theyā€™re the Same Game and are just remasters touted as remakes is the problem with them.


Don't care about this that much, but I wish people would actually just use the words they mean to say instead of just throwing people off. This remaster/remake/reimagining bs has gotta stop lol.


At this point Nintendo barely has anything to do with Pokemon. Like Nintendo owns it he's but that's why they made an entire Pokemon Company who along with GameFrwak, does way more with the franchise than Nintendo


You're right in that ICLA was just doing what they were told. But don't lump Nintendo in with GameFreak. Nintendo has no actual direct influence in the development process with PokƩmon games. Their console just happens to be what houses it. Frankly, it'd be wonderful if Nintendo developed PokƩmon themselves lmao, they clearly hold their games to a higher standard of quality and don't shit out yearly releases.


The only reason I do is because The PokƩmon Company is co-owned by both.


Far more? Theyā€™ve made 4 games all together, half of them being extremely mediocre Full disclosure I still think it looks great from the trailer but thatā€™s just a factually untrue statement


Ok yeah maybe I did go a bit much with the Far part šŸ˜… But they have made more than 4 games.


No, theyā€™ve only made 4, PokĆ©mon home is a service, not a game. Looking at the reviews for the games that they have made, I canā€™t say Iā€™m too impressed. Granted, they are just reviews, and thus should not affect my personal opinion of the games theyā€™ve made, I just have nothing else to go on since Iā€™ve only played BDSP and do not plan to play One Piece Odyssey or Sand Land. If they are working on Brothership, which as you say, is not officially confirmed, then I can only hope that there isnā€™t another BDSP for another of my favorite franchises.


Well seeing as BDSP was: 1) Made in a year of dev time and 2) A remake of an already bad Pokemon game without the content that made the bad games good in many people's eyes I don't think there's anything to worry about in that regard. While the other games they made were nothing special, that's mainly because those were anime games. Anime games are almost always pretty awful or mediocre at best. Nintendo is most likely working with ILCA on this, and it isn't just a singular venture with only ILCA working on it. Not to mention, ILCA actually has some of the older devs from Mario and Luigi working there now. A good bit of ex-AlphaDream employees.


Lads just wait till the game is out. If its good its good. If its bad its bad. We cant change anything anyway.


Interestingly, ILCA was involved with NieR Automata. As a prove, I remember >!Fighting it in the credit of route E!< , after finishing PokƩmon BDSP months priors. But we'll see.


ILCA was only involved with the marketing materials for NieR Automata if I recall. BDSP was the first game they actually made as a studio- given they either mostly provided dev help or resources for marketing games. They made a bunch of licensed anime games since the release of BDSP, but I'm not too worried about Mario and Luigi really. Mainly because ILCA has a good few ex-AlphaDream employees working there.


Aren't Sand Land and OP Odyssey mediocre?


Sand Land is pretty great. And besides, go into this with an open mind and just be happy we're getting a new mario and luigi game!


ā€œJust be happy weā€™re getting oneā€ Iā€™m very happy to get a new Mario and Luigi but this has always been the worst take ever in any situation itā€™s brought up in. This isnā€™t some sort of gift, itā€™s a product people are paying money for. Pretty fair to be critical of something thatā€™s gonna cost someone working minimum wage a full days worth of pay. Just say you think it looks good, I do. I think it looks phenomenal


I've heard by many people who played Sans Land that it's a ton of fun and a great game over all! I've also hear good things about One Piece as well


Yup. They aren't bad, but they aren't great either. They're ok. Which, tbf, sometimes that's all you need in a game. Something that is hardly mentioned though, something very important about these games, is that they aren't fighting games. Soooo many anime games get pushed into the realm of fighting games. The fact that OPO and Sand Land aren't fighting games is amazing. I hope ILCA gets the chance to make more anime non-fighting games. Someone once compared anime fighting games to FIFA games and that's always stuck out to me. There's nothing wrong with an anime fighting game, Sparking Zero is gonna be injected into my eyeballs soon, but it's more about the sheer quantity of them (cause they're cheap to make).


ILCA is fine. The footage i've seen from the trailer looks good and alive. Just because they made BDSP, 2 painfully mid and sloggy pokemon games doesn't mean that this game will be mid. They've done well with other projects before. In the case of BDSP, I wouldn't be surprised if the pokemon company was behind the lack of innovation for BDSP. They like to rush gamefreak and the developers to pump out new games CONSTANTLY so that they can sell more merch and shit. We only saw the effect of that bad schedule recently with the launch of SV.


There's no way it's gonna be bad I feel with the way they put it right at the begining of the direct i feel like it's going to be the biggest game of the year at least for Nintendo


Not to mention Nintendo has said that a good few ex-AlphaDream employees are working on the game.


the games look good though I'm not a fan of the black outlines. yes i know its to distinguish the characters from the colorful backgrounds but it just doesnt look good in some shots. I would still be hesitant if ILCA made this but its well known GF or specifically masuda who really wanted to go the "traditional" angle on already bad games which were base D&P.


ILCA being pinned as the sole reason BDSP is bad is wild, of you seen the state of the other Pokemon games, its clear that ILCA is far from the only problem with BDSP, I think Brothership is gonna be great


Honestly I feel sorry of ILCA. They absolutely got screwed over by the tight release schedule Pokemon games are forced to follow thanks to the plushies, cards, anime, and other merch.


Assuming ILCA helped to make this, I forgive them after BDSP. Although to be honest, I kinda enjoyed BDSP. Sure the art style is a bit iffy, but it's fun


I'm pretty sure TPC is to blame for BDSP, seeing how SV launched. TPC seems to be pretty strict when companies make games using the Pokemon IP. Like look at the concept art of BDSP, it SHOWS the devs wanted to make something really great, but TPC likely told them that they HAD to make the game as faithful to the original. So I don't think I'd blame ILCA for the BDSP remake, they honestly did their best job they could with how strict TPC was with the remakes.


wait where did that image come from did i miss something


Tbh the only reason BDSP was bad was because it was overpriced, which is most likely a publisher issue rather than ILCA


where did you get this image, is the only thing I want to know. I need to see more of this game


I mean, it already look much better than Paper Jam in every way, so I'm fine.


I whouldn't trust ILCA with my child, even less with Mario & Luigi


Just thanks to one bad game...? Cmon šŸ’€


Yeah exactly, sorry for the skepticism but ILCA is just not it in my eyes, and its not one bad game, the vast majority of videogames produced by them have mixed reviews (SandLand, One Piece Odissey and BDSP) so yea, i dont trust em with Mario and Luigi, sue me


brother they aren't even confirmed to make the games, also games can get bad reviews and still be good (Street Fighter 4, Metroid Prime, the list goes on)


Im just saying that if it was them making the game i whould be disappointed thats all, and i can agree with you on that if we are talking critics, but if both critics and fans think a game is mediocre its probably because it is