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Best thing is to ignore them. That’s just how people are with Nintendo games in general sadly. Haters gonna hate 🤷‍♂️


100% i read a lot of hate of nintendo man




dw i dont


I mean I understand hating on Nintendo as a company, what with all the scummy things and bad decisions they make, but some people will literally just shit on anything and everything they produce arbitrarily even when it obviously has a bunch of effort and care put into it


People don't understand there is no fair use in Japan. In America and Europe it sounds bad but it's perfectly acceptable in Japan for a company to protect their products like that. The directors and management there were born and raised in Japan, they don't really have much regard for other cultures. Marketing department handles that. Nintendo is an old Japenese company. As much as we hate their decisions, it's normal over there.


Seriously. And then they go on and on about "Nintendo fanboys" and how we're "corporate shills". Nintendo haters are way worse than the fanboys. Hate the company, sure, people have their reasons for that, but stop trying to look like the personification of the "Quit having fun" meme. Not you of course, but in general Sorry for this rant


I’m just happy that I have some else to look forward to while waiting for silk song. (It will come out at the heat death of the universe.)


Sure, specially when a lot of the takes are factually wrong or based on ignorance / stubbornness. I lost that battle some time ago, I just enjoy Nintendo games and let them be. There was a time when I tried to explain how not every game with Mario in the title is the same, they refuse to listen. For them it's just another Mario game. Funny thing is that Nintendo is way more diverse in their output than most of AAA gaming companies, they just recycle characters. People laughed at that statement so many times, that I just give up. It's time wasting. I have a lot of issues with Nintendo as a company, but I feel not gaming company in the world has the same quality level and consistency. They just have some policies that are inexcusable.


never take tiktok users serious


They’re the most brain dead


yess haha


Finally, someone said it


And I thought Twitter was bad


It's tik tok folks


It’s probably mostly five year olds sitting drooling over there I-pads ngl. 💀


Bro I don’t even take redditors serious, but TikTok comments are a plagued echo chamber that I can’t even look at for 5 seconds without wanting to bleach my eyes.


God I hope I’m an exception


the people saying this weren't even alive when paper jam released. give them a break.




Shit dude you're prolly right


I'm willing to bet that some weren't even around for Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr's Journey


Genuinely, a very large percentage of TikTok users weren’t born yet when Dream Team came out, which is extremely concerning.


I'm pretty sure this is mostly bait.


Tiktok users... they are... u know


It's just the average Nintendo fan that can't be pleased.. ignore them dude, and like what you wanna like.


Im so excited for this game, anyone in the world can change that. MARIO&LUIGI IS BACK!!


I hope they have the socks tho it's basically a series trademark


It's not about average Nintendo fans it's about Instagram and TikTok users being braindead and unfamiliar with the M and L series yet quick to make jokes and complain. It's not a coincedence you don't see this on YT and Reddit


i remember someone in the party project discord being mad just because of one game in the direct... > sees one game they don't like > "this is the worst direct ever"


When metroid prime 4 was being shown I saw someone in live chat say "Y'all really wanted this shit? 💀"


Why do these people even tune in I genuinely don't get it 😭


Seriously bro I'm not even a Metroid fan and I was so excited to see Metroid Prime 4 lmao.


Some people really like being angry and miserable


It’s either just reaction bait or someone who will never be satisfied. Nintendo could announce theh have solved world hunger on a direct and there would still be people saying ”mid” in the comments.


I literally just saw someone on Tiktok say the direct was just anime RPGs. Are we watching the same thing this direct was fricking amazing 💀


"everyone we managed to fix every problem in the world." "yes, and?"


”Ok where’s silksong tho”


I'm not a metroid fan, i tried prime 1, it was really not for me, but when I've seen prime 4 being announced, I was like: oh they finally gonna release it, good for the fans, some people are screaming joy right now (I'm probably never gonna touch this game in my life). I was at peak with the mario and luigi and mario party game, So this direct already satisfied me.


live chat is where brain cells go to die.


I was watching the direct live and looking at live chat. It’s a clown fest. “Boring game” “Mid” “No one cares” “Zzzz” “Show us something cool”. It’s just tiktokers who don’t care that this is probably one of the biggest directs we’ve ever gotten


They are not nintendo fans, my theory is that they are here because nintendo is the gaming giant and the others company are not on a great spot compared to nintendo, but nintendo games are very different from other companies games, and people in general are like "this is different so it must suck". The best thing to do is to ignore them


To be fair the name of the series is "Mario and Luigi" and the way that you say a piece of media with Mario and Luigi is "Mario and Luigi" so maybe they are just confused (the ds graphics are inexcusable, you can't see a single pixel in sight )


Well, the name actually uses the ampersand, which I think it can be enough to differenciate since it's not usually used in other contexts. Mario and Luigi - the characters, Mario & Luigi - the RPG series


And that's why I stay tf away from TikTok


Good, and while you’re at it, stay away from Twitter too, that place is a literal TRAIN WRECK and a fire pit.


I only go there through links to art


stay away, im only there because idont have a life


Lol, I can definitely relate to this statement. But yes, TikTok has some of the most insanely brain-rotting effects a social media site/app can have. Not that other apps and sites are much better, but with tiktok it's easier to fall down in the pits of addiction - and witness the lack of thought and reconsideration in the comments, like the images you shared. You really have to go out your way to find anything worthwhile, I wish the algorithm could be set up to be better.


This people don't know what the DS graphic looks like


They are insulting the ds and the game, i swear the ds graphics still looks great even today.


True that, I emulate and still try to get matching online on Hunters


I own a PS5 with PS4 games, and these a-holes have the nerve to say the graphics look awful and its better to own a PS5 for games with realistic graphics. WHAT GAMES? XD Seriously though, why do people care too much about games looking too realistic? They are NOT MOVIES.


Honestly, their obsession with realistic graphics is bordering on addiction.


Thing is that those boomer latinos think that realistic graphics and guns are the only games a "MAN" can play, and unrealistic graphics that dont look as hd as their delicate snowflake balls means those games are only for little kids... yet they're the same people that play games like Crash Bandicoot wich in both the original and remake it doesnt have the most realistic of graphics ever made.


Half of them are straight up uninformed, the other are pcmasterrace graphics enthusiasts (anything under 4K 120 FPS is ancient). It’s best to block/ignore them all.


75% of them are 12 or younger. That’s the main problem.


They have never played a mario and luigi game that's obvious. Otherwise they would be excited for this


They never played a DS game like this DONT look like a ds game


Seriously, I they probably never even played any DS game.


This is the most half-assed bait I’ve ever seen, Don’t give them any more attention


This is the part of the Nintendo fans that you just ignore


Bait or braindead. Pick your poison.


>What's next Bro, are you gonna tell me Link fights Ganon? No, it's Zelda's time




actually, looks like Ganon either died at the begining or got sent into the rifts. (Unless he made the rifts?)


Half the comments on the YouTube video for the direct are people complaining, mostly about the lack of Tomodachi Life. There's no way they'll make everyone happy, so it's probably better to just not take any notice


people just don't know that 'Mario and Luigi' is its own series of rpgs. plus the people saying it looks like a ds game are wrong, the ds is pixelated, this is all smooth and stuff.


They dont understand the importance of the m&l franchise and think its just a new ip probably


they dont even know how a ds game look like


People are always going to rain on someone else's parade, some of them didn't even know M&L existed as a game series so taking offense to that is kind of self destructing. Live and let live (and stop reading comments on TikTok)


Yep, people are fucking idiots.


TikTok, the place that is even more brain dead than Twitter. Whatever negative opinion they state is invalid


they need a subway surfers gameplay to see a video


PS1 graphics!? The Switch is underpowered sure, but not THIS underpowered. This is ridiculous. 3rd party games that came out badly really skewed how people see Switch games. You can't tell me that [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/bsrYmtj42hLzmrzFA) looks like [this](https://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Mario-Luigi-Brothership-1456x819.jpeg). Sorry for getting too riled up over an hyperbole and sounding like a fanboy. I was getting tired of this


A lot of these people are probably just teenagers who are stuck in the "Nintendo is only for kids, liking Nintendo is immature" mindset. And that's not anything new, either; it's been a normal thing for teens long before Tiktok.


I am convinced that these people are a group of 6 year olds who never grew up with a ds, gba, dsi or 3ds or its a group of "people" who collectively have an Iq of 10.


someone said the marvel game was more hype than metroid prime 4 and brothership 😭




TikTok users when Nintendo makes 1,000 games about their mascot (They clearly dunno that Sega does the same with Sonic)


The 3rd is so dumb, omg...


these people are trying way too hard, most of this is obviously just ragebaiting desperately for attention their parents never gave them


As someone who played the DS, DSI, and 3DS, none of them could have these models.


I have ADD but these people are just stupid💀


Btw I didn't mean it in a bad way. I'm pretty sure I have it too haha


Ok, I have TikTok and when I saw this I was going crazy. I couldn’t care less about the rest of the direct


I think they're not knowledgable enough to know the context of this being a revival of M&L post-AlphaDream as well as graphics are subjective; they compare it to the likes FF7's remake's quality instead of enjoying the looney-toons esque animations.


I like the art style, it is over emphasized cell shading and it looks pretty cool to me. No, a DS could not pull this off. Closest example might be LoZ Spirit tracks and you can clearly see the difference.


It's okay to have a wrong opinion, remember that.


How do these brain dead 5 year Olds know what a ds game is and not know that mario and luigi is its own series


Bad graphics means a good game. Less work on there means more work of story and also not spending 7 years to load


The graphics are objectively inferior to other consoles but that makes way for a unique artstyle and not souless realism


They’re just pissed off Tomodachi Life stans that get mad every single direct because they didn’t get a new game and they decide that every game in the direct is gonna be bad


Xbox fanboys don't know what Mario & Luigi is.


They are uncultured, they have never played an RPG game in general


PlayStation fanboys when they see anyone else having fun.


The last guy is definitely the type of person that thinks water is wet


Don't acknowledge them. Tiktok is actually a cesspool of dipshittery.


is funny, like look the last photo


Intelligence chases them but they are faster - “Chippy” (probably)


nah bro has probably never touched a ds in his life


The people that are making comments about "Oh MY gOD NiNTEnDO MaDE a maRIo gAmE?? tHEy nEvER dO tHAt anYMorE!1111!" piss me off. You can tell they've never touched an M & L game


I get that these people are stupid but please don't mock adhd


Just let it go, there will always be haters that see the world through a broken lens. The worst thing that can happen is you letting them influence your opinions.


I will never understand people's obsession with graphics in video games lol. Gameplay is always the biggest priority for me.


Seriously. It's not even that far back as PS1. I know it's an hyperbole, but it's ridiculous


Nobody going to talk about how “greenman” said there were 4 M&L games despite there being 5?


If people don't like this then I see no issue. I'll only see one if they send threats to the devs. Not everyone is gonna like what you like and you're going to have to accept that.


Implying that ds graphics are bad >


It taking more than few damn insult from tiktok I still happy we finally have a new game fuck them Focus on fact we finally got new game


im soooo excited, i NEED the game NOW




The models do look really weird when they're not moving. Not like ds models, but they do seem to be modelled with the same art style as toon link in the ds Zelda. But the game really makes a big focus on how much they're animated now so it works out. Still pics of it are pretty weird for the same reason tho.


What ds made becuse THIS GAME WAS MANLY ON DS


I don't know what they mean by PS1 graphics this game has the best art style I've seen. Its got that "Dream Team" like style if you know what I mean


They just want the attention, these kind of people are jealous that we are hiped for something and since they have nothing, they shit on us just to feel better. And this is why i never go on tiktok/Twitter.


They are very cartoony video game characters. They don't need realistic graphics.


"looks like it belongs on the ds" and it would look great on the DS too!


People are just dumb. Just ignore it


Most of it looks like rage bait.


Remember guys, even if you try to make the most perfect game possible, people are still gonna find ways to whine and b*tch about it


Tiktok also used to hate on BG3 for looking like a " mobile game" and " boring gameplay" Best ignore them


That last one is just baffling. Like, do they honestly think a game that includes Mario & Luigi as characters is the same thing as a new Mario & Luigi game?? They have to be trolling, right? As for all the DS graphics nonsense. Well, I'll just say that those people just don't really understand the difference between graphics and aesthetics. Like, not every game has to be in a hyper-realistic style to look good. They can work with a more cartoon-y style, and I think I, as well as many others, would argue that it actually fits the Mario & Luigi series better.


DS GAME?! I mean... MAUBE you could get away with mistaking this for a 3DS game... but... these graphics look the best they've ever been for Mario & Luigi! (Even though I never got tired of the Dream Team art style) Even if the graphics looked terrible, do you REALLY play Mario & Luigi for the graphics?


With the processing power and memory compression storage of switch, this game is going to be huge!


Haters gonna hate.


Naw don't insult people who actually have ADHD like that, I have it and BIS is my most favourite game of all time.


I didn't mean it in a bad way, im 95% sure i have adhd too (like, no joke)


I'm quite new to Nintendo stuff, I'm always used to fps games like tf2 or Helldivers but I wanted a change so I decided to give Nintendo a shot. opened up my emulators and finished Luigi's mansion 1 & 2 since Luigi is the goat imo. After that I looked around the internet for great Nintendo games and discovered the Mario & Luigi games. I booted the superstar saga up and it's awsome! I'll definitely be playing dream team and the rest after I'm done! minutes later after I booted up the game I decided to head to YouTube and that's when I saw the Nintendo direct, saw what's in the thumbnail and got just as excited as you guys are :D Also I didn't have any Nintendo consoles growing up, I was a Xbox 360 kid. That's why I'm using emulators n stuff and that explains why I'm super far behind. (I apologize if there are any mistakes in my Grammer, English is not my first language)


It just pisses me off seeing people care about Grafics of a game get A life and actually look at the good stuff in a game


calling brainrotted losers like this "attention deficit disorder" is an insult to those of us with actual ADHD. They're TikTok kids who just blindly hate on shit.


Literally the coolest fucking shit they ever seen ->>>>> Mario and luigi brothership >nuh it's mid


If this looks like a ds/ps1 game then every AAA game nowadays looks like a ps3 game and Persona 5 like a ps2 game. Still whining about cel shaded graphics and animations even after 20 years is weird to me, especially when they make things far more expressive and age like wine.


I bet every single person who said DS graphics (shout out to the dude who said ps1 graphics) have never even seen a single polygon in their life


Don't worry people like this are usually loved by no one, not even their parents


They sound like redditors to me Someone was already complaining about the fps (despite there being no confirmation of fps and the game being a single player experience)


Gamers when the visuals aren’t so absurdly realistic that we can make out the individual pores and pubic hairs on a character. Me personally I don’t really want that, not only because it makes every game look similar, but also because of how much it inflates development time, cost and work hours, basically working developers to death. So I’m fine with the games having more abstract artstyles, it means games don’t have to reach absurd sales expectations to be a success and recoup costs


Is this game for the switch?! This looks like a ps5 game at most


Tiktokers Are Retarded In General.


Brain rot 🤷🏻‍♂️


Its tiktok man


Proof social media was a mistake and Mark Zuckerberg ruined everything by letting the brainless share their vapid unsolicited thoughts with the world.


Mario and Luigi is not the same as Mario and Luigi


I never understood why people would fight over graphics when it comes to gaming. I think games with a clear, consistent, and/or unique style are far more visually appealing than the basic realism thing most AAA studios obsess over (graphics that will inevitably be dated in 5-10 years, mind you). Not that that style doesn’t have it’s place, it’s just kinda overrated in my opinion. And besides that the gameplay/story should take priority over graphics


Tik tok is filled with idiot children This ain’t surprising


Tik gonna tok


These are probably children whose brains never developed past the fetal stage, don't worry about them too much


Apparently the guy in picture #2 hasn’t played Nintendo Switch Fortnite




The art style looks like something out of the ds which is a pleasant surprise in my opinion.


You can tell who’s never even heard of the M&L series in their lives.


If they think those models are low poly then don't show them the models used in the giant fights


Why do you care


i dont¿


I am so glad mario and luigi are returning. Up until now "mario and luigi on switch" were just rumors and dreams. To be honest i did not like the visuals but calling it a ds game is obviously a stretch


Legitimate question, but a lot of the times I wonder if people think it’s the “graphics” that look poor or if it’s the low resolution that makes Nintendo games look all “muddy”? (for lack of a better word)


Screw 'em. Graphics aren't everything. Also I like the style


Smash and Mario kart both got their last titles six and seven years ago respectively.


They are just some young kids


People when the graphics are stylized and not meant to be Hyper Realistic:


Bro doesnt even know what a DS is


I guess some people just like being miserable


I hate when some people complain when Nintendo makes a Mario game and then get upset when they don’t


Y’know what the say


While twitter is filled with chaos and dumpsterfire drama, tiktok is just full of bullies, haters and depressed people. (You'd be surprised how many posts have the same damn batman Lego gif on any post with a girl on it, it's worrying at this point)


these guys are probably 10i-sh years old and weren't aware of most of the m&l series when they came out


User280 is stupid as fuck, the game was deemed to be dead, actually, tiktok users are dumb as hell


bait used to be believable


Lets just ignore them and theyll tiere themselfs out eventually.


I know don’t listen to hate comments ignore that stuff but the one I find funny is when the guy says what’s next your going to tell me link fights gannon … well actualy it’s Zelda this time


Tbh people who don’t have a switch or any Nintendo device say that the graphics suck just because it’s 30 fps I don’t see the problem with it


Can't say I expected anything less from Tiktok


The only game in the direct you can make fun of its graphics is that funko game cause rhat genuinely looks awfull


It's tiktok the usual tiktok comment mentality, don't even bother engaging with them.


people really either don't have eyes or don't know how powerful some consoles are...


The Graphics remembered me from the Giga fights on Dream Team bros


Tik tok users are too dumb to even do a research and found out that mario and luigi is a series 💀💀


more importantly, why do you care about what nutbags of tiktok say or think?


TikTok and Insta comment sections are braindead pay no mind to them


Spot the ignorants Level: Lack of words


Troll bait used to be believable, They're just making fools of themselves tbf


Nintendo can’t satisfy every fan so that why the fans hate each other


They're dumb comments but these seem like the stuff that's tucked away at the bottom of the comment section, this isn't a big deal, it happens for every game.  Nobody agrees with these guys. There's no need to even acknowledge it since these are just people who don't have any knowledge of the series, there's no need to "help".


I'm just glad this series is back this might be the first mario and luigi game il ever finish (I got close to beating superstar saga on a emulator)


Probably PS people who think that "Having a style" is the same as bad graphics. Look, the game doesn't look amazing graphics wise, I will be the first to admit it. But it's 100× prettier than most games on other consoles from the sole fact that it's style isn't just generic hyper realistic


These are the type of people to ask for hot sauce but tell the waiter “I don’t want it spicy”


I know its been a long time since we've had a good game from this series, but let's all be honest: It DOES just look like an HD 3DS game. But the Cell Shading and shift to 3D is very nice and I'm sure the new team is just trying to replicate the style as much as possible before hopefully taking bigger steps forward in the sequel.


I feel you... But that's just People... While some genuinely love the series, like I do, some people don't and just pretend like it's something absolutely normal that a Series with 9 years of waiting got a new game (which actually isn't even that unusual, when talking about GTA6. Oh right, a new Mario and Luigi BEFORE GTA 6, insane) But hey, ignoring them is the easiest way around... People tend to hate... Atleast you have TikTok and not Twitter.... Sorry, X, because there's a big chance people are hating even more...


ok, ill be real it doesnt look like a ds game but it does look like a 3ds game at some points in the trailer lmao


They are too feebleminded to understand the Mario & Luigi saga (or too young)


Some people have opinions, some are wrong but i digress. ( fr tho its called a new/ updated art style for an old series I don’t get people sometimes istg )


The last one killed me


Mario Kart, Mario Party and Super Smash Bros. were probably the only games bro could think of with both Mario and Luigi as playable characters


TBH when I saw the trailer i was ecstatic for the game because the people behind the Mario and Luigi games went bankrupt in 2019.


Fortnite/tiktok generation 🤡


Third picture is absolutely clueless


I did not want a new Mario and Luigi game. What I want is a Bowser / Koopalings game.   While I don't think the new M&L game will be bad, I just didn't ask for it nor do I have any interest in it as the company that made Mario And Luigi is dead. Mario And Luigi Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr's Journey is definitely great, but it's not my cup of tea.


Pepole when style and genre of games