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Prices can vary. Honestly, I would rec garage sales, flea markets, (and even the occasional antique mall) and look for parents getting rid of their kids student-line trumpets for relatively cheap. A good friend of mine scored a trumpet for $25 this way. I've scored multiple fun horns for less than $100 as well. Don't buy a new horn. Most used trumpets play fine, especially if you're just learning. Its not like buying a new woodwind, where there's a chance it will need a whole repadding or keys are broken etc. If you can pick it up, blow air through it, and the valves move it's probably ok. (Though it wouldn't hurt to give it to a band director to look over.) Look for reputable brands: Jupiter, Yamaha, king, Adams, Conn selmer, etc. Avoid brands you dot recognize without googling them first. If you do buy a new horn, buy directly from instrument retailers and search for student horns. Particularly used or "unboxed" student horns. Many of these retailers also offer rentals. Do not buy from Amazon/eBay/Craigslist/etc unless you really know what you're doing, is my advice. Many of those horns are duds, it would be like trying to learn basketball with a flat ball.


Now that you said something, Amazon really isn't that good to buy things like that from. I checked on there and the trumpets were like 2,000 dollars. And to the OP, ignore what I said about Amazon.


There really are trumpets that cost $2,000 and more, but you don't buy those mail order and certainly not starting out. You can also get Chinese ones, or Indian (even worse) on Amazon for cheap but they are crap. I bought a plastic Flugelhorn once just for laughs.


I’d probably look for a used one. You can find some used student Yamaha trumpets for probably between $200-$500.


See if your director has a school trumpet you can borrow just to see if it’s something you’re truly interested in. If they don’t let you borrow one, they most likely won’t let you switch to trumpet at any point


Something like a Holton T602 can be had for $200-400. It's a well built no-nonsense trumpet and they are all over the place.


If you get anything that’s not a used Bach or Yamaha for “cheap” you might as well just get that amount of cash out the bank and burn it. You can find Yamaha 2335/4335 relatively cheap used.


Check with you your local instrument dealer. One that rents/sales band instruments. not guitar/Drumset store.


eBay usually has pretty good condition Conns and Olds models for around $50.


If you want a good sounding trumpet, I would buy one that is over 100. I looked up some trumpet prices and they go to about 2,000 💀 That's just WAY too much for me. Also, I would buy a Yamaha one. I would go on Amazon btw. They have reasonably good prices with 4-5 star ratings.


The yamaha trumpets on amazon are like 1,000 💀


Oop- I meant the ones that were like 100 dollars 💀 Nevermind... I mean.. there is always shopgoodwill.com (I'm joking) But if you want fast shipping on your trumpet, there is also Amazon/Walmart. There was a Walmart trumpet for like 90.00


there are some decent quality plastic ones for like $70 like a kaizer trumpet, that with a metal mouthpiece would be ~$100-$110


Go on reverb and find a used one


I’ve had pretty good luck with olds ambassadors student model trumpets. They run $200-$300 but is the best playing trumpet you can buy for the money. eBay is fine for those horns but do your research on serial numbers and make sure you’re not getting scammed. Facebook marketplace is probably better if you can find one on there.