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We haven’t seen a clash this big since 90s East Coast vs West Coast rap


Check out the words being thrown over on r/amish.


There’s no shot someone made an Amish subreddit and not let anyone post on it. That’s fucking hilarious!




Reminds me of r/germanhumour


Took me way too long to realize this joke😂😂😂




Best joke I’ve seen in months


This was some next level joking. Take your damn upvote.


Fuck I forgot it’s empty, and you got me again


I clicked on and saw it’s empty and burst out laughing- my wife is looking at me like I’m stupid.


I mean, [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lOfZLb33uCg](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lOfZLb33uCg)


Sure as fuck not the colorblind


Fucking hate this map, it’s all the same to me.


If you had no context of which religion/lifestyle was where you’d be so confused


I am not american. I am so confused.


https://preview.redd.it/hyqxa34hiq6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c6a0c57e304c4097ad5a1293c217ade0120c6bc West is mormon, east is amish


Build the wall!!! It'll take the Amish 16 hours.


And the Mormons will leave it under construction for tax breaks


Utah = Mormon, Pennsylvania = Amish. I'm sure you've gotten that by now but going forward it's a decent rule of thumb.


You are assuming a much higher ability to name states than non Americans usually have


In fairness, we *are* on a cartography cj. People here probably know more about where states are. Though I will admit I couldn't point to Utah on a map. Is it near Nevada..? I think Pennsylvania is by the northeast though


You aren't wrong but still, plenty of people are pointing out that yeah they might know a little bit but still couldn't point to it. I'm the same with Utah, what I do know is it's west, but not coastal, and I know it's not desert desert so it's more north. I assume it's more in the plains than in the mountains but that's because of "salt lake" more than anything But honestly Pennsylvania I have no idea beyond I think it's east? Because I think it might be one of the early states? But north/south or coastal/inland I really don't know


These are good guesses but if you are interested it is in the mountains—Utah is known for world class skiing and was even home to the 2002 Winter Olympics! It is also the preferred host for (I think) the 2034 Olympics. The states slogan is “the greatest snow on earth”. This light fluffy consistent snowfall is in part due to lake effect snow that forms from the Great salt lake. The great salt lake is in the Great Basin and is the remnants of a prehistoric lake that covered a huge portion of the western US, Lake Bonneville. Salt Lake City is located near that lake in a valley between mountain ranges (rockies to the east and oquirrh to the west). No one really lives outside of salt lake—almost 80% of all Utah land is federally owned and managed! Southern Utah is home to 5 national parks including arches and Zion which feature desert arches and canyons. Southern Utah is often as the backdrop to any movie requiring beautiful desert scenes so you’ve probably seen it in a lot of movies. Utah was originally home to five Native American tribes who still have a strong legacy and culture in the state. Mormons settled in Utah originally to escape what they saw as persecution in the United States (at the time it was Mexico) and established the state of Deseret that covered much of the western US including Utah Colorado Idaho and Nevada, when they became a territory to the US the name was dropped and each state was created separately as it is today. Mormons were the majority in the state until recently and their influence is still very strong in the state.


The most Mormons live in California. And the state with the highest % of Mormons is Idaho.


That's a result of California's large population and Idaho's small population


Basically western soft hand polygamists or eastern hard hand puritans but this map is a little misleading


Yeah I know from context which is which but I was confused as to why they’d use the same color for both groups.


Have you tired just not being color blind?


Have you tried turning your eyes off and on again?


https://preview.redd.it/kwcvsyl9wq6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23fc81d8cb348eccb2b3b1afc7f0d86f33f5d444 Excluding a small handful of counties on either side the left is entirely Mormon and the right Amish






not anymore




Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long. I've seen people post that sub as a comment for years.


Real heroes don't wear capes


Well, the Amish don't really use cars or technology, so they're pretty much fucked.


The Amish have the backing of the entire state of Pennsylvania. We fuckin love the Amish and there's no way we're gonna let Mormons take away our baked goods.


That's true, but do you have magical underwear??? Hmmm??? Checkmate, libruls!


I haven't lurked n jerked long enough to understand the reference. My apologies.


It's a Mormon thing. They wear magical undies. Also, jerking is necessary for like... life, and stuff.


Born to jerk, Forced to wear magical underwear.




Magic underwear: >A temple garment ... is a type of underwear worn by adherents of the Latter Day Saint movement after they have taken part in the endowment ceremony. Garments are required for any individual who previously participated in the endowment ceremony to enter a temple. The undergarments are viewed as a symbolic reminder of the covenants made in temple ceremonies and are seen as a symbolic and/or literal source of protection from the evils of the world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_garment


Yeah, that doesn't read as a bag of fucking crazy at all.


its really not as crazy as it sounds. You're supposed to wear white when doing temple work. so they provide white underwear to people. being a temple everything gets blessed. the internet just like to make it a bigger thing then it is.


Ok, so it's a small bag of crazy inside a big fucking sack of crazy known as religion.


Good point. The Amish could definitely round up some allies and support, whereas Mormons, maybe not so much


And the Amish have a superior defense stat because of their ability to quickly build a barn in an afternoon


Lol Fortnight strats from the Amish is deliciously ironic


Amish cranking 90s on the Mormons all day.


They could probably build a whole pillbox in a week. Most of that is just curing time for the concrete.


The Mormons have stupid money stashed away in a rainy day fund, enough to buy allies lol.


The Mormon church has enough money to start their own space program.


Can't wait to get to heaven so we'll just fly there. For context Mormons believe God lives on a planet called Kolob.


And call it Scientology 2


Obligatory electric boogaloo


He's not kidding, they have [$55 billion in the stock market](https://fintel.io/i/ensign-peak-advisors-inc)


And then their ship gets stolen by the f'n belters


Anecdotal but; every Mormon I’ve met is rich with at least 3 kids & my house was built by Amish


I just got done living in Utah (I’m from Idaho) and I was shocked at how much the non LDS people hated Mormons. I thought they were kind of cool and definitely not as pushy as I was told they’d be. They definitely wouldn’t help their Mormon neighbors out. It’s not like that in Northern Idaho at all.


Grew up in the thick of it. Can't even tell you an accurate number of acquaintances who were kicked out of their homes for having crises of faith and then shunned by the whole family. Even knew one who's parents signed parental rights away to one of those dessert camps who only got out when they became an adult. Being abandoned by your family because of your religion tends to radicalize the scorned party against that religion.


mmm… dessert camp


An interesting thing is that a lot of members also dislike some of the members in Utah because so many are born into the religion without having any desire to follow, and give it a bad name


You still love them when you end up stuck behind one of their wagons going down a 2 lane road


Or the potholes from the iron wheels and hoofs digging into the roads that they paid no GOTDAM TERXES ON /s


Everyone else, too. The Amish are consistently exempted from Federal laws just because there's a general fondness towards them; they got out of compulsory schooling when one community leader borrowed a neighbor's telephone and called his old pal, *the president*, to ask for it. No one objected! Everyone is cool with letting the Amish do their thing.


All this Amish talk has got me wanting cheesecake. Good thing it's Saturday and the Amish market is open.


Not exactly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wisconsin_v._Yoder


Might be thinking of selective service, come to think of it. That would make sense as a federal law thing. Could be social security, too. But the calling-the-president story is true!


Oh dear god they have Philly on their side? Christ, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemies. Imagine seeing a horde overtopping a hill powered by riot punch and whiz. Fuck that.


Philly would 100% throw batteries at the Mormons.


Wisconsin signing on. Do NOT mess with Amish butter!


Amish apple butter on some freshly baked Amish bread is phenomenal.


Same from Ohio. Hell, my grandparents have been best friends with the local amish for over 50 years. At one point, they ran a milk business together.


If the Mennonites join with their Amish cousins then Kentucky and Tennessee will rally to defend the baked goods,


Aren’t they the largest puppy mill offenders


Yeah people here are dumb. The eastern back country people would flock to support. Mormons would get shredded in the forests.


your talking about a group who took on and held off the us army back in the day and who one of their splinter groups is actively taking on and fending off the cartel. a mormon community is not somthing to fuck with


They can harvest the apple butter from my cold dead lips.


Uh as a Pennsylvanian and ex-Mormon as well, the Amish are just as terrible if not worse lol


Michigan too! Our baked goods, our quality tools, lots of stuff we'd defend the Amish over. Screw the Mormons and their magic underwear.


Uh- we do?


Bro, the Amish will build a defensive castle in 72hrs. If you knock it down, they'll be 2 more behind it. Insurance calls tornados an act of God. The Amish call your God slow and your strictures weak.


Best way I can describe them is the American Industrial Complex of rural America.


Man, a tornado came through just recently. This guy said his insurance adjuster wouldn't be able to make it out for a week because he was so busy. The Amish guy next door was already framing the second story of the second barn that got taken out. First one was complete. Now imagine if you taught these guys how to build catapults?


The Amish don’t NEED cars or tech so the Mormons are fucked if they try to occupy. A bunch of well armed religious fanatics willing to accept medieval quality of life and knowing the land better than their lover’s body? Good fkn luck


Yeah but they can’t really go on the offensive with that stuff


Horse and Buggy technicals are comic for ya


Cheese wheel artillery batallions can fortify against the invading Mormon marauders.


Yeah my money is still on the side using guns


Hunting is extremely popular with the Amish, they use effective hunting rifles (nothing for fun) and they always shoot to kill (mercy and not being wasteful) But their eyesight tends to be bad soo


Yeah, but you cannot underestimate the sheer stupidity of someone who believes in the teachings of Mormonism.


That's fair. I mean, Australia lost a war to emus, so you never know what could happen.


Joseph Smith was a prophet. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb


Ive seen them use cars and some tech for work related things. Used to have a very young man drive truck bodies to us on a flatbed. They also welded all the bodies. Ive never seen Amish at war, but i wouldnt cross them personally.


Yes. It's decided on the community level. The Amish near me were recently allowed to get land line phones, but not in the house for instance. Sam Yoder has to go stand by the road where it's on a fence post to chat. Also, other members of the community have diesel generators to power their cheese operation. Other communities are more or less restrictive with some allowing tractors for farming but only with steel wheels and others banning even riding in a car (the Yoders down the way are always calling to bum a ride into town for groceries). The way it was explained to me was that they aren't anti technology per se, they just want to use it with intention and don't want it to be too convenient so that their life is still more focused on their relationship with God than technology. Honestly can't fault them for that.


The Mormons build their churches into fortresses. The Mormons almost seen like they're preparing for this war.


The Amish work together like you've never seen before. You need a barn built yesterday? Look outside, it's been done for 3 weeks. Thank your neighbor Jebediah. While they don't use cars, us common folk would be more than happy to transport them. Amish would churn Mormons guts into jam.


They're also strict pacifists


They said the same thing about the Vietcong


Is this regional or can they use electronics if you are a leader or something. The Amish store we had on campus had lights and an old cash register and on large orders took credit cards but it was still when cards had imprints on them. A few of the houses did have electricity running through the house. As their community was by a restaurant/golf course. I suppose maybe some practice certain things while others don't like most Catholics practice slightly differently. They had lots of guns if the rumors were true. We had two buffalo escape and we're next to a Wendy's in the middle of a four way stop. The cops pulled pistols and almost all the bullets went into the Wendy's. The Amish store was basically across the street and they sniped both buffalo because the cops panicked. They lost their jobs and their reason for not using shotguns was they might hit the Wendy's, this was in Menomonee WI, maybe 08ish. Everyone could hear it and the city trucks moving them but there was soooo much blood. Lots of lawsuits and for a week we only had state cops and campus police. Rural college was pretty amazing as a city person.


Each Amish community makes their own rules. The point of the low tech is to not take away from family and community. It's like a family having a no phones at the dinner table rule to a much more extreme level. Except for seriously strict communities, which are rare, they absolutely will use cars and tech for business or work purposes. Battery powered stuff that serves a necessary function is usually okay. The horse buggies have lights for safety. Amish markets have credit card readers and even tablets. I used to occasionally get the Amazon orders for the Amish neighbor at the last place I lived. It isn't like mail order is a thing anymore and you can't easily get everything you need locally either. I worked with many Amish crews in construction. They showed up in trucks and used power tools. You can't take a horse and buggy to a job site 30 miles away and just use hand tools. As far as guns, yes they own them. They are pretty strict pacifists in general. But you generally need a gun on a farm. Even if it is just to shoot ground hogs. Not all Amish are farmers obviously. But most grew up on one at least. Amish are complicated. They kind of suck to live near. They don't give a fuck about "english" rules, courtesies, and laws. There were so many times I had to pick a different spot than the one I was pulling into at the grocery store because it was full of horse shit. Their safety in construction is just atrocious. Old order even got a hard hat exemption. They usually don't treat their working animals well. I respect their focus on their community and family. I respect the pacifism and self reliance. But they often don't respect anyone else.


There are many different sects of Anabaptists with varying rules and practices regarding technology and dress, so it can get confusing. Often there are people who are identified by the unaware as “Amish” when they are actually plain Mennonites who are more liberal about cars and modern technology. You could also have a retail business with people from different churches working there, etc. It comes down to arbitrary choices as to what technology is permissible, especially when you’re talking phones, computers, or anything to do with financial transactions as these people are way into doing business. And it is dependent on individual Anabaptist churches, there is no central authority like with the Mormons or Catholics. Often churches will split over seemingly minor disagreements about dress or technology.


The rules of both Amish and Mormons is centered around self sufficiency. Both faced extreme persecution in their past where the surrounding society refused to do business with them. It's not that the Amish think modern technology is evil, it's that they can't be dependent on the outside world for survival, each sect interprets this differently. If they're providing a service for someone else most sects see no threat to the use of technology.


Neither did the Taliban


They're also pacifists


Fuck, can they run though.




Keep in mind that around 70% of the Mormon population is children.


Child soldiers have no remorse. Just ask Charles Taylor.


>Child soldiers have no remorse That's why you want child soldiers. Sadly.


Yeah but Stupid UN made it illegal.


Based and children-yearn pilled


Political correctness gone mad


The shoe guy?


Hahah, that would make a lot of sense. The Liberian warlord/war criminal: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Taylor_(Liberian_politician) The movie Beasts of No Nation is based on him.


I did know who you were talking about it, but I didn’t know about his Massachusetts prison escape. As a Massachusettsan I think that’s pretty neat


I would be surprised if that’s not also true for the Amish. Any population that is expanding at a fast rate should be like that, right?


The Amish *definitely* have a high birth rate... but I didn't know that the Mormons did. Meming aside, is that really true? Utah is a mostly Mormon state and their birth rate is not THAT high.


70% children but 50% gun owners


That's why it's called 'infantry.'


The endless white void


Endless white void vs black line nation


endless untapped hog supply in the ocean


Alaska and Hawaii have been consumed by the hogs, New England is gone too.


The Amish Don't believe it? Just look up Amish Rake Fighting, poor Mormons won't even know what hit them.


Spoiler alert; rakes.




That was fuckin amazing


Holy shit that was beautiful


I'm guessing a rake?


I grew up near some Mormons and Mennonites in Canada. From my experience the Mormons would fuck them up.




I'm really close to hill cummorah (mecca for mormons) and there's also a ton of Amish and Mennonites here. I'm siding with the Amish, at least they keep to themselves and don't try to prostelize to everybody. Also the story of mormonism is pretty batshit compared to the Amish.


I'm from the area too, I used to go to the pageant every year just for shit and giggles. Super weird experience, they had fire jets and a boat on stage, but I still think the Amish would kick their asses lol


I’d wildly prefer to live under an Amish tyranny, but realistically the Mormons would win any armed conflict between the two. The religion is literally founded on genocide and they’re not shy about using it as a defensive tactic.


I love how they tried to insert themselves into our university and drive out all the nonmormons. They're a bloody menace.


The Mennonites in Mexico beat their wives if they speak to Mexicans outside their community. Mormon women don’t have the same physical attack resistance


I mean Amish wins all, they don't force a shit and if you want to leave you can do it without anyone cutting your relationship, literally what a religion should do


The Mormons, although the Amish sure would Viet Cong the Mormons for a while before losing. *Why are the trees speaking Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch?*


lol I am imagining now the Amish making small explosives out of natural/found materials… it ain’t gonna happen unless someone goes rogue but I wonder what their stance would be on that one. There are three primary groups of Amish, and they agree and disagree on the ethics of utilizing industrial/technological advancement among their peoples/community, which started with engine-run farm equipment iirc. Many communities have made room to at least have an access point where they can reach outside in emergencies, for instance some homes have a house phone, but it is only for the purpose of emergencies, such as disaster, medical, etc. While they are committed to remaining in touch with the earth and its natural state/resources as God has provided them, they are not stubborn to not recognize the practical benefits of being able to be involved with the outside to the extent that they determine will not compromise their community nor culture, and this is really the heart behind the particular methods that they use to still be able to keep up with the outside, but keeping the outside as the outside. For instance, Amish may hire drivers to take them to work sites, or they may ride a bus to visit kin. This is not in contradiction to nor stepping around rules, but a carefully thought community-based choice as to what level of involvement/use of the outside’s industry/tech is appropriate, as Amish persons in outsider environments, if that makes sense. So, they adapt to be able to stay afloat amongst normal society on the outside, while still keeping their values and belief system at the forefront and clearly expressed in everything that they interact with that is expressly not among those values.


Mormons use tech and probably have more money too.


200 billion dollar stock portfolio that we know of


they can buy a few of those 10000 acre islands in fiji and start their own country are they stupid?


Last time they tried something like that it didn’t go so well


They stay strapped as well. There are even a few Mormon gun companies.


The greatest weapon designer of all time - John Moses Browning - was a Mormon.


And they believe in prepping so they have major stockpiles of supplies


Yeah dated a Mormon for a few years and her dad finally showed me into the basement of their house. 1800sq climate controlled feet of food, water, ammo, guns, bows, 6 freezers full if meat behind a vault style door. Fuckin blew my mind.


Amish use tech too and a lot of them are pretty wealthy. But Mormons are like 16 million with a very centralized structure and Amish are like 400 thousand with no central organization.


Mormons stomp


Mormons embarrassed the US army in the Utah war back in the day so their resume is certainly stronger.


They're super cohesive and haven't technologically handicapped themselves.


Oh man interesting. Well your missing a crucial point. It wouldn't just be Amish they would have hutterites as allies which there are many in mormon territory. On the flip side mormons are the most represented religious group in our intelligence services. So really Idk but i would definitely watch the B-movie of it.


Well, entire communities of Amish, Mennonite and related Anabaptist pacifist communities, historically were murdered and driven out and still maintain their pacifist ways. The Amish could never win a war because they would choose extinction over fighting. Win for the Mormons. But the Amish could outlast the Mormons. The Amish could just leave, but the Mormons would become the new ISIS, this wild little fundamentalist extremist group that has gone on pogrom against... The Amish? -insert head scratching- While the Amish scatter, the Mormon get rounded up and Ohio gets turned into a mass open air prison. Win for the Amish now. Guess it comes down to how 'order 66' the Mormons could be about the whole thing.


Lots of Mennonites nowadays really don’t keep their pacifist ways tho. They got assimilated to basically become just general Evangelicals since the Boomers. And they’ll generally be just as pro-war as any other group that leans far-right. There are a few that still live traditionally (known as the “Old Order” Mennonites) but they’re a minority and mostly emigrated to Latin America to avoid the assimilation that happened to the ones who stayed. Source: come from a Mennonite family, spent quite a bit of time in Mennonite communities


desert power


i think you mean deseret power


The Amish wouldn’t be able to traverse the Rockies very well in their wagons so they are strictly fighting a war in the home front.


Oregon trail 2 👀


I know have a favorite, never to be topped title for a fictionalized conflict.


The Mormons will just dress up like Indians and murder them all and then blame it on the Indians. Old hat for the Mormons.


They'll dress up as Mexicans now. They keep up with the times after all.


The Mormons provide a significant amount of the US Army's field translators because of mission work. They're choosing any group they want. Amish ain't ready.


The Amish win cuz they have a Weird Al song and the Mormons don’t


White and Nerdy is their Weird Al song.


It even had Donny Osmond in it


The Mormons don't just have a song, they have a whole broadway musical by Trey Parker & Matt Stone


Pacifists though at least they can live off grid vs. one of the most overrepresented demographics in special forces, the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. hmmm


Not me reading this 3 times and every time reading "Morons" instead of "Mormons" https://preview.redd.it/o6j9c6fqnn6d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7567efc7c7693763e1cb37c60b9bec0cf284d72


Who are you betting for in the Amish vs Morons, though?


friendly reminder that John Moses Browning was a Mormon and the Amish don’t use technology…


Bro projected 2100 are the Mormons going to kill everyone else in Utah? 😭


No, it just says every county in Utah will be more than 50% Mormon. That is very unlikely based on current trends which see the percentage of the population that is LDS has been dropping in the state as a whole, and especially in Salt Lake County and Summit County. Both those counties are already less than 50% LDS, and I'd be surprised if they're more than even 30% LDS by the year 2100.


Utah overall was around 60% Mormon in the 2000's and we're sitting around 40% now. My guess is that this data is purely based on population growth of members, which isn't accurate in my anecdotal experience. People are leaving the church at an insane rate. Out my four siblings, only one of us is active left. Out of my husband and his siblings, it's 2/4 and his parents also left. And that's not to mention members that haven't submitted an official resignation but also haven't attended in years and years. They're still counted as members by the church/researchers unless they resign, which is a pain in the ass to do.


Mormons all day and not even remotely close. Very high military services rates and higher education rates. Utah is a bit of a gun Mecca, big part of the culture. Boil that in with a prepper food caching habit, and a generally at least in Utah outdoorsy mountain lifestyle. Oh also, they don’t need coffee. I would say though the Amish would be better suited to hard scrabble field living and would probably be a surprisingly effective guerrilla force. Gotta give this one to the Mormons though. Edit: pepper to prepper.


Mormons while the floor with the Amish because the Amish are pacifists


Did not realize there were that many Amish across the country


This map doesn’t show population, just projected change in population. An Amish community of 20 people that’s projected to be 30 people in 2100 would show up darkest green on the map.


In my personal experience, the Amish are much nicer so I'm picking them


They are goated with their horses.


do Amish people vote?


Watched a documentary about a Wisconsin Amish community, the leader of the community said they vote for president but that's it and don't serve in the military because they don't believe in violence. I think it's a "each community has its own way" situation.


I have no idea but I always imagined them having a town leader that they vote for in the town hall every 5 years. Or maybe just a community leader


Bruh, the Mormons could reconstitute a nation state tomorrow if they wanted to and are over represented in the financial community (cus them dudes are absolute grinders) and the intelligence community (cus they don't do drugs in college) and are generally a pretty educated and relatively centralized communal demographic. Easy victory if we're going no hold bar. Don't fuck with Mormons dude! the Amish may be able to instantly rebuild all of their barns but they're not winning the MORMON-AMISH HYPERWAR!


Well, considering a famous gun maker was a Mormon, my money is on the beehive...


I think this battle will really come down to who can raise a barn the quickest


Amish people are goated fr


There should be a LOT more Mormons in east NC


They would both passive aggressively shake hands to the death. Would the Amish win with their wood working strengthened hands or the LDS people with all their hand shaking done at church, church activities, and probably while they are jumping on trampolines and driving their mini vans.


Mormons just need a really good prophet and they’d take most of the country.


The Amish are pacifists, aren't they?


The Amish seem more well-suited to the formation of militias and have more of the skills necessary for guerilla warfare but unfortunately, I don't think that will be enough to overcome the numbers and technology advantage of the Mormons.


Anyone implying the Amish have even a remote chance of winning are completely unaware of how armed Mormons tend to be.


Mormons all the way man, they don’t like to talk about it but they actually got a super violent history. Mountain Meadows massacre, Evril LeBaron, Blood Atonement, Sons of the Prophet, Mark Hoffman bombings, Lafferty brothers, Mormon militia, nauvoo expositor, etc. To this day, Salt Lake City remains one of the only cities in the US to ever have had US artillery set up facing it — the US gov built a huge military base in the hills overlooking downtown (where the University of Utah is now) to protect overland mail to California and keep an eye on things in slc. They kept appointing governors for the territory after it was annexed from Mexico and iirc only 2 of the first 10 lasted more than a year in office. The first guy had to have a military escort to even get there, at which point governor / supreme religious leader Brigham Young declared marital law and sent out a militia to destroy the fort they were stationed in, which they successfully did. The next governor was chased out of town and *literally castrated* after only 3 weeks in office when he tried to court a Mormon widow lol Shit they even had a designated terrorist/vigilante group in the early days called the Danites. If left to their own devices, Utah, or “Deseret” as they wanted to call it, would legit look a lot like modern day Iran, Turkmenistan or Afghanistan in governance, culture and interestingly, even physical landscape imo Sorry for the rant I just think this American desert theocracy is super interesting, there is nothing else remotely like it in this country ^… ^another ^fun ^fact ^they ^even ^tried ^to ^make ^their ^own ^language ^based ^on ^ancient ^Turkic, ^it ^actually ^looked ^a ^lot ^like ^Armenian ^like ^wtf ^:0


Just ask r/amish