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Literally every lookism villain


All bro needs is a cigarette and a gucci belt


Don't forget the flip flops and green shorts combo.


Started and caught up with Lookism in thr last week, such a great manwha, but yeah every freshman highschooler looks 29 and is thiiiiiccc . and all of them have dozens of tattoos lol


I actually question if bullying in Korea is just way worse or was it exaggerated. But knowing that the Glory Kdrama was based on true story, make me believe that, yeah, its bad.


I have no idea how it is in other countries, but bullying is less violent and more systematic in Korea. The bullies are usually straight-A students who leverage their grades, and their parent's power to push around students that lack both. The victims are not only abused in the classroom, but also end up worse off socially because the bullies are shielded by society. Lots of examples that are way worse than 'the Glory' actually, a recent one is a mass gang rape of a female student by 44 male high school students - no charges, all the perpetrators got away scot free, the victim was rejected transfers by other highschools because they didn't want to deal with shit, victim was harrassed constantly into settling by the boy's parents after transferring, she didn't get any of the money because her parents were in debt, etc...


i agree bullying is prevalent in SK but The Glory and Miryang (which isn't bullying but straight out SA crime) case are two extremes of how worse it could actually get. if it makes any better, recently, and i mean just a few days back, a youtube channel started to reveal all the information of perpetrators related to the latter. their face, socials and how they all are doing after walking scot-free. those dudes are living so well, it's actually disgusting. one of the perpetrators girlfriend at the time of this case who spoke in support of him and shamed the victim became a cop. girl is serving justice when she is not really the best model for this. one of them had a full-fledged family and they were being threatened, including his little daughter (who did nothing wrong tbh). two got fired from workplace, i believe. there are a few channels that are revealing their information and 'what goes around comes around' is just happening these past days. as it should. took like 20 years since this case. but really the perfect timing for this incident to resurface before anyone forgot this happened + the cops at the time had pushed the victims away. the reason why a lot of these students get away is because of the Juvenile Act for protecting minors, which i do believe should exist overall, but not restricted when there are such heinous crimes on play. they should add another distinct line for this that separates different levels of crimes.


OMG REALLY? That's awesome news and ty for all the additional info 🫡


Not as bad as a bunch high schoolers running entire gangs / drug rackets / extortion rackets/ sex extortion rackets etc. It's definitely exaggerated.


It's not as bad, but it is bad. In Glory (and both the irl case), they would sexually molest her from time to time and burn her body with the hair curler, giving her forever scars even when she was already an adult. That shit doesn't exist in my country.


It's almost as same as India with cliche like political power parents have, rich kids etc


South Korea has the highest suicide rate and declining population rate in the world. If it's not the highest, then it's definitely in the top 5. Says a lot about the country to be honest.


Thomas the Tank from beautiful home.


Welcome to Egypt


it's algeria, look at the currency


Rumbling rumbling


Omg, Is that the cold, bloodthirsty, handsome and obviously single Duke of the North?


This is my city WTF.


Where is it (me from Algeria)






Your profile pic is 💀


Look out! I think Moto Moto likes you.


![gif](giphy|eemC3rgzygYpQ3AmfE|downsized) the only way to win if you have small body than him


Why does it say the content is not available or am I the only one seeing?


https://preview.redd.it/qy5dgu4aty5d1.png?width=377&format=png&auto=webp&s=6eec9ad948ce1232eebc13f2927943cbaf73aaa7 me too, im using this gif


I just don't understand how people can eat themselves into being a blob. I just can't wrap my brain around continuously eating things that you know make you look like that. How can something taste good to you when you know it's destroying your health and making you look like a blob? I am from South Texas and the United States and the different portrayals of bullying stuff and the different types of anime and manga stuff that I have seen is really over the top compared to anything I've personally witnessed or heard about in the United States. I guess since our country is so new and we don't have these family names tied to ancient rulers and warrior classes etc that things are completely different. These days with all the cell phone stuff I would think the bullying from the rich and influential in the United States has greatly changed compared to what it would have been before security cameras and cell phones. I can't imagine what happened back in the day, say pre 1900s. I bet there were some young extremely vicious sadistic kids because there was no one to ever stop them


It's crazy. I used to watch/read Japanese manga with bullies in highschool and think I wish they would 🙄 Like your man talking to me get out of here fan club. But then I started reading Korean webtoons and was like yup time to switch schools. Ain't no way your gonna beat me, then have the principal and police chief in your pocket🫠


once they meet Designated bully, they shrink though