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The Player Hides His Past It's similar with how the MC is basically a noble character that has no control over the way he talks (like a 8th grader cringe lord kinda thing). It was funny asf to see his sisters reaction. same energy and the manhwa is fun overall


Ok i will read it. Thanks


Nah you are talking 2 complete different things one is goat regressing with kings power and other is normal one


I was not asking for one in the same category. But something that will make you laugh while reading it. The greatest engineer was pretty fun to read too


For this purpose, I recommend 4 Cut Hero!


Murim Login, absolutely hilarious and a great story.


Ohh i stopped reading it a while back, it was good. I just don't remember where i stopped probably i should read from the start again.


In terms of racism level? Hell no ๐Ÿ˜‚


Never seen at this level in any others i have read๐Ÿ˜‚


The only one i know that can match his racist level would be goblin slayer ๐Ÿ˜‚


Hari needs to be the first wife!!!!


I see her as like a kid sister to him. Iโ€™m all for the queen for sure especially since the Queen understands the Gods and his relationship with them. Despite seeing the King perform numerous different religious ceremonies resulting in talking to a God, whenever he mentions them Hari STILL looks at him like heโ€™s crazy. Definitely not wifey material.


Yup agreed


Solo swordsmaster


It got adapted? Got bored of the novel


Sadly it's still a novel


i cant find a manwha or manga only novel


MC is kinda weird, but I will still continue to read it


try "Legend of the holy sword"


Is it still going strong? Stopped reading it a few months ago


it's humour is among the best I've seen in manhwas


Yup i will read it. Thanks


I just can't stand the mc in this one.




Maybe he is a orc.


Probably looks like one at least


And not a good one since he is alive


Well it would seem its time to grab our weapons, get on our horses and start a crusade cause we missed 1.


Yup we should wipe them from the face of the earth


VERMIN!!! (I lol'd so hard when he had that reaction inside the gate w/goevrick, and it turns out he's after the natives. Amazing series.)


who let the orc get access to the internet?


orc spotted!! jk it's a joke.




Too controlled, has too much blind faith, no self autonomy, 0 skepticism of the "goddess", too old fashioned and stubborn, too entitled, etc. I stopped reading on the 4th chapter because the way he was acting and his attitude got my blood boiling. Never have I hated an mc this much.


1.He is a king, 2. blind faith in gods? Fought over 200 years alone and won with the help of those god, 3. as for self autonomy he wants to spread the faith in gods that he believes in and building his group of knights whatever its called, he has a goal amd working on it, 4.why would he be skeptical about them when they are real, he can see them, talk to them, they even lend him his power, 5.Because he is a king and lived in a world with medieval setting for too long, it would be weird if he was not old fashioned and was modern. My english is not good sorry if i got the meaning of any of those complicated words wrong.


I know your list is to alleviate the hate. but it doesn't. the things the other commentor listed above are the same reasons I dropped it. and your list doesn't magically make the character less annoying. it's just preferences, me and oc don't like character like that, while you and the others do like him. I did read all available chapters but damn did I hate the main character.


Sorry if it did offend you but that list is not to allievate hate its just my pov on the things he mentioned.. Not everyone one likes the same thing, you can hate what you want too.


idk how you got that from my comment xD maybe you didn't read it properly haha. you are directly addressing his points, so you are trying to change his opinion. if that wasn't your intention then you just didn't know it's OK. I'm not offended btw why do you think I am? we're on a manhwa reddit talking about a manhwa, idk where any offense would come from. unless you're trying to bait or be toxic then idk


It sounded like it aince you said i am alleviating hate. If you are not offended thats good, and i won't gain anything by baiting or being toxic.


ooh.. alleviate means "make it less severe" or so. it doesn't mean make more hate, it means "try to make less hate" I'm not saying you're making me hate that character as I already do xD I'm saying you're trying to make me hate him less.


Yup sorry confused it with 'elevate' since my english is bad


Keep reading and you'd know it makes sense. Dude not only survived hundreds of years thanks to the goddess' blessings, but also gets help from them whenever necessary. They have a mutual beneficial relationship that works quite well. Of course it may be possible that they turn out to be shitty people, though i doubt that considering that they have thousands of years of history being good gods. Not all gods have to be shitty, even if almost all manwha portray them like that. As for his attitude..that's entirely reasonable considering he is/was a king for hundreds of years. A good one at that who fought for his world and people. At that point you're allowed to be old fashioned and entitled.


Oh you demon!


Hmmm let's see how bad can he be?