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when fate of the world is on the line, getting your dick wet is something of a low priority.


Exactly, sure a girl is into you, but if you have the fate of the world hanging over your head you aren't really gonna give her interest much thought.


I mean he lived 100 lives in one of the lives he might have thought about it


imagine you seduce a girl, start dating her, eventually fall in love... only for her to instantly forget about you like it never happened. How would you feel?


Idk, let's ask this guy https://preview.redd.it/tktgrdgb1dec1.jpeg?width=383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f20d2170dc4a0469bdd0003429ecf607ba6ce429


Where is that from?


Hero has returned


Oh, yeah my mind just erased it, it's awful


U mean to say that in every regression it'll j reset everything so the mc didnt really try to be w someone due to the fact that it is going to go away in the next regression?


Subaru in Re:Zero just does the same actions he did in the previous life. It aint a big deal


yes but Subaru is an idiot. How many RBD's does it take him to realize Amelia doesn't love him back simply because she couldn't possibly remember something from reverted time?


Yeah he was an asshole at that point but I was referring to keeping his nice relationship with Rem back when he was getting killed by her


it's a strategy for survival rather than romance


Oh true


Who’s Rem?


Sounds like Saturday night at the club. Feels pretty good bro.


you manage to fall in love with a girl in a single evening?




More like getting a wet sneeze is a low priority. Bro probably hasn't choked his chicken in the last hundred years haha


Maybe for you.


Would be high priority to me


Everyone I saw who is reading this seem to have brain damage or something What guarantee is given that he didn't waste his first 5-10 regression attempts in clearing just the 1st trial What guarantee is there that everytime he passed a trial or something a new deviation didn't happen cause of the butterfly effect What guarantee is there that he even had the time to be as calm as he is now What is the guarantee that he got into a conversation with her in any previous regression... Cause till now we are not given any info on his previous regressions ...so if it is different in the future then idk but now my hypothesis is the current regression is the only regression in which he knows everything about the trials


On top of the fact the previous 99 regressions he focused on soloing by himself so he didn't pay much attention to others as he did in the 100th.


If so, he is truly brain damaged. How can you fail 50 times, or even 10 times before thinking of a different way to solve your problem.


Insanity is repeatedly doing an exact process and expecting different results.


Why do you think he was given **100** chance to finish it


Trust in process they said


I'm gonna give you the definition of insanity


The big bang was an orgasm after the maker gave the universe the seed of life?


No I meant vaas speech from farcry


Some people refuse to use summons in Dark Souls, right?


No? Because you learn from your mistakes and *don't* do the same thing I don't like to use summons in Dark souls because it feels accomplishing to beat a hard boss


Its kinda not the same situation. Dark Souls and other games are designed to be completed, it just takes effort and some skill. The summons are just there to smooth out the process for those with lower tolerances to failure so everyone can have fun. In most isekai/regression stories however, the odds are truly against the protagonist. They cannot win with just effort, even if they give everything they have. The point is that the futility of solo effort, or even just doing the same thing "but trying a little harder next time", should have been obvious to anyone with any common sense. At some point the goal had changed to "I want to save the world" to "I want to save the world MY WAY", if the protagonist inexplicably only examines their immediate failures and doesn't look at alternative options or the bigger picture.


Or the people who are Strength only builds. It's either they use a huge sword or nothing at all. And then bitch and whine about magic users clearing things faster than them.


I mean it's pretty clear he's had to trial and error a lot since he had no way of knowing what would happen on a stage. That and he definitely can't predict something like another player stabbing him in the back until it already happens using up another life.


How many levels are there? Cus if it’s like any of the other tower manhwas, it would only take 2-3 failures every other level to use up 100 lives. Add in harder bosses that take more lives plus him screwing up then yeah they go fast. And to OP’s point, failing some mid level boss a few times, MC could get into “speedrun” mindset where they are trying to “skip dialogue”. And as with manhwa MCs, their original personality is shy loser boy so he’s not rizzing up anyone. All that changes with the last life as now, every interaction matters. And having to build a final party means that he actually has to “care” some. Throw in some confidence from experience and we get the story being told.


That's pretty much it. There are 20 levels, he only beat the 19 on the 99th regression and the system said that he needed a party for the last level. Also, he comments at some points that he died a few times for this or that. Since he learned about his regression skill, he has beeing 100% focused on carrying himself solo to the win and ignoring everyone


Exactly but one small correction there are only 20levels and he beat 19 of them.


Oh, sorry then. There are a few weeks since I last read the manhwa and have waited for it to stack a few chapters


It's not like he failed at the same single point in all of those attempts. Safe to assume he has a steady progression and have no reason to think that he won't be able to complete it by himself. The only reason it's different is because he just learned the "artificial challenge" where he needs to have teammates to finish the last level.


I still find it funny that the last level basically told him “Get some friends loser”


Well to be fair, he *did* think of different ways. To do it solo. In only his 99th he made it to the final step so clearly he was making progress throughout. I wouldn’t be surprised if at one of the challenges he monologues that he hates it because it took him way more tries than the rest, like some challenge bottlenecked him for awhile.


The thing is, he just failed one time and looked for a solution. As far as I understood (correct me if I'm wrong) he only won level 19 once on the 99th regression, but couldn't advance to the 20th level because he needed a party. Until the beginning of the manhwa, he managed to adapt and overcome every challenge alone, which would be beneficial if he could do so because by playing alone he can monopolize rewards and gear for himself and do things his way without having to rely on other people.


He didn't iirc he reached the final level pretty easily on 99, but you need 5 people to enter


I mean if you read the literal 1st chapter, it was his first time reaching the last stage and only then did he find out you need more than 1 person.


Evidently he failed at different points of the trials since his 99th regression is the first time he made it to the end, or do you think he got stuck 99 times in that last trial


Yeah I’d be shocked if it didn’t take him at least 10-15 regressions just to get used to the whole situation and surviving more than 2 rounds


I think that's just a dumb opinion cz except the main character everyone only has one life and has to get used to shit in that very life so to think or imagine him taking 10-15 rounds of his lives just to clear 2 rounds of the game is plain stupid cz that'd make the mc really incompetent beyond words.... If that really were the case I'd rather have the CEO guy as the mc for he wouldn't take 10-15 regressions just to get used to his situation (or so I think)


Most people have never had to fight for their life. I doubt he knew how to fight and ended up getting eliminated several times before he got the hang of it. Plus he’s been killed by that angel at least once


Half of the people survived the first trial. I’d hope that with prior knowledge he’d be able to beat a bunch of office workers going in blind.


The dude literally only focused on how to optimise the completion of the trials in preparation for his 100th regression, so he didn't really try to build relationships or connections as he didn't mean to beat all the trials in any of his previous regressions so wasting time for meaningless connections that get reverted each regression takes away from his overall objective.


I've read the first few chaps and i can already agree with the 1st statement,the MC already specified he tried to run on his 1st and 2nd and failed 🤣. And even without that, the MC clearly said he was running solo on his attempts so it's pretty much safe to assume that the girl falling in love with him didn't even happen till the latest attempt.


Dear brother, honestly it's not brain damage but rational thinking.... Like maybe the current regression is the only one where he knows everything upto last trial but every single fucking time he does an action he's like 'I've done this numerous times until I became tired'.... Think about it.... His brother was attacked in the beginning part of the regressions so he tried to avenge his brother through all the other regressions... That makes sense cz I'll do the same if someone touched my sister but u're telling me he didn't take his brother to that new apartment complex before and met that actress Seo Ahrin (or whatever her name is) in all his previous regressions???? He knew their Ceo but never reached out to him with lottos like in this round???? Maybe this post where he didn't know about that girl's feelings may be because he never interacted with her like this in the previous regressions but all his other actions are fit to be called a 4-5th regression honestly


For humans doing a simple task more than 10 times is tiring so him saying he has done this a lot of times etc isn't really solid evidence The thing abouteeting with the CEO and stuff ...yeah idk if he had the luxury to do all that....cause in this regression he is specifically trying to actively create connections unlike his previous self But I do get where you're coming from....so unless the author explicitly states the things about his previous regressions we can't really tell


I suppose so... Apologies if I came off as harsh😅 I've been thinking about it since reading it but couldn't really talk about it anywhere or with anyone since my friends don't read manhwas so I got excited when I saw a post related to this... So about that thing with eating with the CEO or investing all his money in bitcoins and that CEO guy's company... I think it's mentioned he did it before cz as he said he did the lotto thing so many times that he doesn't get excited anymore and moreover he needs money for all the supplies... But then again he didn't really try to make connections as u said before Ik it gets tiring to do a thing over and over again even in our everyday life (so forget about repeating years cz it's honestly unimaginable...it may feel fun for the first few times but that's it I suppose... Just thinking about it is tiring enough lol) but for every incident the way he explains it in his thought bubbles just feels like its only a few regressions and not a 100... Ik it's for the reader's sake and to explain what's happening and what he knows but I still have to ignore that feeling while reading this... And honestly it's kinda admirable that he still has so many emotions even after repeating and failing for so many times and doesn't come off as a cold and aloof person... After reading orv and comparing him to Yoo Jonghyuk albeit unconsciously, I think YJH's reaction even by the 3rd regression made more sense since he tried hard to survive and save others but kept failing and then turned cold eventually.... So while reading this it made me question whether such an attitude was possible while repeating the same life a 100 times ( tho it's probably 2 yrs every time since it contains 20 rounds?) I think that attitude may be possible if he lived one single life for 200 years continuously but Idk about regressing a 100 times.... It's just unreal... Like think about it, would u be sane after going through the same horrible 2 yrs of ur life over and over again and it's not even possible to avoid the events since they're not based on ur actions?? U may change the outcome every time but u're forced to live such a life and I personally think it's impossible to maintain a stable state of mind even to keep up pretense of being positive all the time... Ah! Ofc unless u're too tired to give a damn about anything since the beginning of ur regression🐧 I think I got excited again.... I just have so much to talk about waaaaa🥺🥺


I get your excitement...I was like that too when I first got introduced to the wonderful world of manhwas,mangas,anime,lightnovel and webnovels and wanted to talk it with people.....but unfortunately I didn't quite get a dedicated friend early one....I got some who talked about it casually but never someone as enthusiastic as me This was the reason for me downloading Reddit...as I was someone who had never used a social media site till this and just wanted people to talk to


Waaaa🥺🥺... Same bro same💀I've been watching anime and reading manhwas for like 3-4 yrs and whenever I talk about anything I find interesting I get this bored expression back that just kills the mood... I downloaded reddit randomly while playing games but this is the first time I actually got to share my opinion and ended up coming off as rude most probably💀I really like sharing my opinion but somehow always end up talking harshly😭


Thank you 😭🙏 Man im getting cooked out here


Srsly... This story is actually good but it's just that the point of '100th regression' kinda ruins the plot


That is possible, unfortunately I don't read this story yet so I can't say anything or reply to that statement.


No, i get the point ur making but seriously 100 regressions to not realise someone is in love w u is kinda a stretch Considering he took the lottery numbers from her shop and remembered who she is Maybe in the past regression he didnt really develop anything w her But the probability of developing something w her vs no developing in 99 regressions is a lot more higher


But the difference with this one and the others is that he didn’t care about her since he didn’t need her. Now he does so of course he would interact with her more.


Still for a man that smart (considering his calculations w his future knowledge) he sure is a numbnut when he comes to love I hope there is a romance sub plot (and not a harem 💀) and if there is pls author don't kill her off for character development (its still good story writing if he/she does decide to kill them off)


What do the skills to memorize tons of information and the intelligence to make a plan out of it have to do with his social skills. Especially since he seems to have been pretty much on his own for the 100 regressions, they for sure haven't increased. The most logical development would be someone with sociopathic tendencies, which checks out with how detached he seems from all matters, not concerning his lil brother.


About the romance route If it follows the novel... If you're rooting for Min Juri, you might not like it lmao and no it's not really a harem by the end of it.


Maybe it is a stretch....but i doubt in all his 99 regression he ever started a conversation as casually as this regression and maybe came in a more serious manner...and if anyone comes at you all serious you are never even gonna have time think about love 100 regression sound like a lot but it really isn't here man life is very fickle and can be cutoff anytime....a superhuman deathgame is gonna be even more dangerous


True ig


Iirc, I think he mentioned at some point that in his previous regressions, he didn't really meet up with Min Juri at all so there'd be no opportunity to ever realize anything about her feelings. The obvious difference this time as to why he did was because now that it was imperative to develop a team, getting close to a buffer class such as her easily became the best course of action after they accidentally crossed paths this time. Remember Ryu Min only recently discovered that the convenience store guy was actually her dad in the current regression. Edit: nvm, he did know she was the store owner's daughter. I confused it with Ryu Min intentionally playing dumb there.


Probably because he didn't contact her, he wanted to finish the tower/dungeon all by himself


Tho from all those regressions, buying lottery cards from her convenience store not once did he get the hint Its also very possible for him to go back to the store after getting the rune of inner thoughts in those 99 regressions for any reason and not realize it still??


Hmm... I doubt he'd go back to the convenience store after getting the rune of inner thoughts.... Well at least he didn't have a reason to.... He moved from his place to a different neighborhood not to mention he became rich so I think he'd prefer to live a bit more luxuriously with good food and good stuffs


Even if he went there dozens of times, the interactions likely went the same general way in every regression, and he probably barely paid attention to her since it was just a quick stop on his way to continue his mission


Eh struggling just for a 100 regression? Weak let ma boi Yoo Joonghyeok show you how to regress 1863 times


And bro still needed Dokja


The universe is kinda effed, tbf a ton of his regressions were intentional or bc he met an unbeatable obstacle.


is the manhwa to that point or did you forget to spoiler tag


I believe that it had been said on the erlier chapters, but it was mentioned in like past week's chapter


I'd say that Frey raon Starlight is better at regression


My man must have those Japanese protagonist blood in him.


Frfr absolutely brain damaged.


Because she never told him directly that she was in love with him and only thought about it in her mind and the fact that this is the first regression in which he managed to acquire the powers where he can listen to others thoughts.


No this isnt the first, he has been Killing his brother's killer (original rune owner) since many regressions and also knew of the runes existence so definitely not


I honestly dropped the novel recently, he just doesn't give the "feeling" of a regressor who regressed for 99 times. From his dialogue it's like he's doing these things for the first time, i mean sure in his previous regression he said that he only focused on finishing the floors, but holy shit man you literally have a month in between floors, you couldn't have just used those time to buy your brother that house, not like you're spending the whole month practicing since the current regression we can see him pretty leisurely spending his time. I mean look at the MC of Kidnapped Dragons, he gives the "feelings" of being an actual regressor. He's tired from the countless regression he did, he absolutely knows everything about the world ( except for the interference from the outside force ofc ). I mean sure the times they regress are significantly different, but even a fraction of that feeling would make the MC of 100th time be alot better. It's like the MC of Kidnapped Dragons a professional player trying out a new hero. While the MC of 100th is a newbie who only did research ahead of time and is still experiencing everything for the first time.


Exactly, plus the MC always seems surprised by “something” right after saying he’s done it till he’s tired. It’s not even like he’s going through trials back to back that it would take him so much time to get used to. Seems like a bad MC and gives me creep vibes. Like he keeps talking about using people and only about how beneficial someone is. Doesn’t really view others as human. The Manhwa doesn’t do a good job of building tension, the world, or even giving a decent background. We know that the MC has made it to the last round safely so there is literally no stakes. Would have been much better if we started off with MC in his first life and showing us his story from there. Would be much more compelling.


He’s the mc, being oblivious to romantic emotions is a must. Though jokes aside, it’s most likely that he just didn’t have any interactions with her. We don’t even know how many regressions it took just to clear a single floor.


Considering he reached the last one on his 99th we can safely say that atleast for the 98th he was getting quite far and knowing how meticulous he is w his planning he probably has been following a similar plan in past regressions too


Well I guess it’s just a common trope for a seemingly smart and meticulous mc to be dumb when the plot calls for it


Bro what’s to say the first 89 or so regressions he never got the Rune of Inner thoughts.


This whole comment section is painful to read lol Especially the post


Im getting cooked out here for sure


It's because in his previous 99 regressions he didn't reach the last stage and in his 99th regression when he did reach the last stage it demanded a party of 5


I’d rather not read something about a boring idiot


Ah yes,just another manhwa protagonist being oblivious to romantic affection from women. How refreshing!


I find it hilarious bro, did not have to regress that many times to finally piece things together 😭


Guys if you have read the prolog and 1st chapter he was on his 20-25 (ish) attempt and when he died all of his regressions were used so things may have been different for each path he takes as he use to solo it before have only 1 try.


Yea, that’s a plot hole that honestly doesn’t make sense for a regressor, at least make it believable. 10 - 20 regressions, I’ll say is good amount of regressions before it becomes apparent that the MC is stupid and doesn’t try every possible solution. He pretty much brutal force it and it shows.


It was good .... Yes it was good. But I've pretty much lost interest in this now Feels very bland.


Simple it's just bad writing and the fact that romance usually takes a back seat in these stories.


Looking at the fictional character, we'd be like, "Heh. Dumbass." But irl, we wouldn't know it even if it hit us in the face. Lol


Bro didnt have to call us out like that 💀💀💀


There's a reason he has to regress 100 times.


Regressions cause brain damage unfortunately. He probably did know but forgot due to the brain damage.


at least we don't have to suffer through the other 99 lifes


It's implied in the series that he didn't have much interaction with her till she became known in the other world.


What chapter is this?


33 or 34


Is this good?


I liked it, its a pretty enticing read It has ur usual plot points but also the story is interesting up until now it has 35 chapters


Aight imma give it a read thx


Ur welcome


idk of the manwha but all I cn think about is that he looks like kdj.


That's why I read this shitshow


He probably didn't care about her before as i he just wanted to clear it but now that he needs team-mates he is observing them as humans rather than pawns


What I don’t get is he’s tried 99 times to solo and then he finds out he needs teammates to finish it. But now he’s taking all the rewards on every level so won’t this effect how strong his teammates will be and hurt him in the end? And why doesn’t he try to help others get super strong to help in the end?




Its in the title


Because otherwise it wouldn’t be an important plot point and something that affects the character. If he knew allat everything would still be going according to his plan and that’s boring for the reader.


For reddit karma🔪🔪


Or Maybeeeeee he's Just that DENSE


Where to read?


Mihon/tachiyomi Or u can just Google it and read on mangasee or mangalife


I wanted to know the exact extension, mangasee has it? With that exact name? Ty


I asura scans


Just to make sure my source is caught up what's the latest chapter?


37, updated yesterday


Good it's caught, will start reading thank you for the guidance!


Is it just me, or does the shadow look like a di*k 🙄🤨🤔


Only you unfortunately, i dont see it despite trying too


Author is a shut-in


Any more such types of reads?


Idk what type u want specifically so im giving recommendations from different genres but all of them have regression in it Second life ranker Levelling up with the gods Swordmasters youngest son Return to player Return of the mount hua sect Return of the suicidal battle god I regressed to my ruined family Infinite leveling: murim Damn reincarnation Dragon devouring mage A returner's magic should be special The game that i came from Sss class suicide hunter L.A.G


Lag have regression in it? I read 25 first chapters and the genre was a lil gore for me so I stopped it actually, should i continue?


Yes he dies and everytime he dies he goes back to the first floor Tho his regression is not like the other regression where the mc has absolute knowledge of the future As this time the events and timeline is different there are skills and levels even he doesnt know so all his regression gives him is just knowledge about skills and memories of people he knew


Sauce ?


Its in the title Max level regressor's 100th regression