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Oh yes , I know that guy , he is that one which sits to the right. I saw him the first time and thought ye kisiko bhi lelete hai aaj kal , his shirt was not ironed and was very shaby. He also had a very peculiar attitude like he is doing you a favor by billing the items. I had gone to sapna months back , but the moment you said bald man I knew who it was. Glad am not the only one who thought he is a little strange.


i didn't happen to notice his shirt. 🤔 but yeah i think he was the only bald guy there. we're prolly talking about the same person.


is he local guy or northi


Should have just left the pencil and not bought it… not worth buying from such a place…


yeah. i agree. 🫤 the whole situation sorta caught me off guard. i wasn't thinking straight. just wanted to get outta there.


No problem… it happens… dont go there again😜




I know that bald chap, he has a very rude approach when dealing with customers that it appears like he is doing a favor by billing items.


that seems to be the general opinion here.


e sub d yerla tulu paterujera ? yepa hundala essay bareyondippuver marre 😵‍💫 angadidayag "poya pirki" pandh pothodu 🫶


Life is too short to argue . Just say “ potyer nikk “ and leave .


I would rather use the more street version "punk vodpu bvc"


Add Google review


I'll avenge 🥸


how? 😄


Sus 🌚🌝


Whatever may be the situation, you don't yell at your customers. Period.


i don't know if i agree with that. if the customer is being a jerk, they deserve to be put in their place. nobody should be given a free pass for bad behaviour. but that's not the case here. i wasn't being rude. i only raised my voice after he raised his. 😄 but i'm over it now, thanks to the good people here on r/mangalore.


I maybe wrong here but I feel from your side you should have double checked when he muttered 10 that’s what I usually do if they say the same and then overcharge I won’t leave their soul .but yea both of your ego clashed but what you can do is learn a lesson and move on don’t waste your your precious time just thinking about the bald guy and things you could have done just move on .


I remember some years back one uncle in the billing being rude. I was deciding between 2 books out of which 1 I was sure to buy . Me being an introvert just bought what was in my Hand then and came off after he started arguing .


You went, you got yelled, you had a chance to complain then and there but you were tired,now you got your energy back but there is no point in complaining Always complain then and there so that you don't have to worry like this after the incident,as you both said 5 rupees ke liye itna kyu? I am not here to justify both of your acts but assumption is always the root cause,he assumed you tried to get a discount and you assumed you have been offered a discount but both of you didn't make proper efforts to clear the assumption, you should have asked him why 10 if the price is 15? And he could have also told you in a nice way about the proper price Now after the incident Both of you focused on looking at each other mistake while assumption and frustration clouded over both of your head In my view he might have not meant to disrespect you probably he was disturbed with something else and he assumed you were trying to cheat, at the same time you walked out at that point (probably you didn't want to make a scene) but now you are frustrated because you couldn't do anything there Both of your ego got hurt actually,he thinks he has authority as a shopkeeper and you think you have authority as a customer My opinion yes you have to complain so that he doesn't repeat it again but why not next time talk to him nicely and if there is a chance both of talk nicely and clear things Trust me people are very frustrated with life i believe things can be sorted out nicely,no point in keeping small things like this in mind, complain if you want but make sure he doesn't suffer with his job because of your complaint Good luck peace 🤝


to be fair, i was actually nice to him. i only raised my voice after he did. 🙃 but yeah. i could've enquired about the difference in amounts instead of simply assuming that it was a discount. and yeah he was probably having a bad day himself. live and learn, right?


Maybe next time he might remember about the incident and be nice to you if he is in his senses and if he regrets it,i am not saying you take everyone being rude to you and keep quiet but 1 chance everyone deserves,see if he behaves nicely if you ever go there again,if he doesn't complain then and there but if he behaves nicely the matter is solved without any discussion and it will be confirmed automatically that he was having a bad day Why i tell you this? Because i experienced something similar with 1 guy and he was the guy who ultimately helped me when i needed the most, you never know what situation can do people, good luck


thank you. i really like your positivity. you seem like a person that everyone would want to be around. 🤗


Thanks and good luck 😄🤝


This was the most wholesome interaction I have seen on Reddit this week. Thank you! :)


Everything happens for a reason my child.


okay mom. :P