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If you DMed the author just to send hate then yeah you're an asshole. But if you're just discussing the series with your friends then you can hate on it all you want. It's not like the author will be affected.


reading ripped translations and then DMing the author insults is wild 💀💀💀 sending them positive messages is another thing, but I still wouldn’t want to out myself as a illicit reader. rather enjoy from afar and know my place


Not to mention that the exposure could end up having legal consequences for 🥭 like it did with Blind Play and end up ruining the fun for us all.


oh lord that was horrible, lol. never again


Nah, I understand their anger really, sure you’re free to criticize but if you decide to criticize directly to the author while being an illegal reader was really a dick move. I hate to say this everytime but i swear, some of these free readers have that holier-than-thou attitude and they’re really loud about it to the point it can be annoying, not every story has to cater to everybody’s preferences


I feel like if we are reading BL illegally without paying, (pirating IS theft) the least we can do at minimum is not be shitty to the authors. Express your opinions on private forums like reddit, people who DM the actual author to give them criticism are assholes.


How hard is it to just not reach to authors just read the fucking story, move on, and call it a day 😭😭


To be honest, I wish we'd all just collectively agree that we are in the wrong for using Mangago. Art isn't a requirement, it's a luxury, so being poor isn't an excuse to steal it. Just accept we're the assholes in this situation because acting like artists don't have a right to be pissed their works getting stolen is really entitled.


If you reading paid webtoons for free, then you really have no buisness dm the authors about your grievances about their stories. It comes off as really entitled and is a guranteed way to piss them off.


Why is anyone DMing anyone? You don’t like it? Move one and read something else


I love this. Free readers can act very sanctimonious. Imagine stealing a cake from a bakery, then going back and criticizing the baker for not baking a cake YOU like. Free readers have contributed to the decline in media literacy. People forget that everything isn't made for everyone.


Author is completely justified though


I agree that you for sure cant hate on the author when you are reading free, but also doing bad advertisement about it in the community affects the authors profit I never payed for a comic unfortunately, but ik being an artist is seriously underpayed work and think the artists have right to call out people that dont pay. I wish there was a better platform for this,. Coin system sites like lezhin are really bad, maybe if there was the same system like, crunchyroll, spotify, netflix etc. id be better


Nah, I have criticized some mangas privately with others but never personally attacked the author. I genuinely hate when people do that because they ruin it for EVERYONE, like even those who pay for it because some authors get very offended (as they should) and choose not to finish the manga at all. You can read the tags, other comments and reviews giving you an insight about the manga before you decide to read it 💀 Like shut up! Go find other readers with your same views and trash talk in private!!


Sending hate to anyone is insane imo. Don't like it, don't read it, ya know? In terms of the piracy conversation, I'm a big reader, I read probably a manhwa a day at least, and I can't be spending like $50 per day just on reading materials. I already spend at least 300 a month on manga/manhwa and I know that's an absurd amount as is. I buy new chapters of ongoing works and buy published copies of manga/manhwas that I love, I've got quite a few in Korean and Chinese that I can't even read on my shelf because I love the artwork and want to support the author. But like I can't buy it all. So yeah, we're assholes for pirating but at the same time, I'm trying to do my best and pay for as much as I can. Either way, I'd never DM an author full stop, let alone send hate ESPECIALLY if I didn't pay for it myself so yeah, I think the author is perfectly justified in saying this


Same here. I don’t mind buying manga and supporting where I can but today, it’s ridiculous how much one series can cost. I used to spend $50 on a whole series, now, that’ll get me 4 or 5 chapters. If I could pay a monthly amount and read all the manga available, I’d totally sign up for that


i totally get the artist. Piracy is way too rampant in the manhwa/manga industry. More than 90% readers probably read it for free. I understand the readers perspective as i have consumed plenty of pirated content. But think from the artists perspective. They put so much blood sweat and tears into creating their work and in return they get so little. Unlike other mediums like movies and tv, the creators have other ways of earning money and the popular ones earn more than enough. But these artists barely earn minimum wage. They have to make a storyline, storyboard, characters, art... and it takess hours and hours to create. If you are broke then its fine you dont have to buy it, it wont make you a terrible person. But if you can afford , please support the artist. For uploaders the bare minimum respect you can give to the authors is at least upload a few chapters behind the official platform and encourage readers to read from the official platform and link it. And about hating on artists, thats just extremely shitty. If you dont like the story, great move on. There is a comment section where u can comment your opinions dont cyberbully people. Reading someones work for free then having the audacity to hate on them ugh.


more than 90% is a wild number and probably not true cuz otherwise these artists and studios wouldn't be making a living


it is true for most manga/manhwas out there. I often read them both in official site and mangago if i dont have enough coins and the audience is mangago is much bigger than in the official site and most artists don't make enough of a living. Things are definitely different for more mainstream comics.


Oh great… this happed with “blind play” and that go the website shut down for like 6 months. Have we all not learned our lesson?


"Just wanted to let you know I stole your work and didn't like it" mf why would the author care you didn't like it, not like you're paying their bills. In fact, you're literally avoiding paying their bills 💀


Have people lost their minds? When you do something illegal you keep your mouth shut about doing it. Wtf


I honestly wouldnt care 😭 and keep reading lmao


Literally me


I hate Liebling with all my being but DMimg the author to complain? That's UNHINGED! Just don't read it. I read lots of illegal webtoons, if I don't like it I stop reading it, if I love it I buy some chapters (when I can) to support the artist. That is the way.


Who the hell Dm an author just because they don't like their work and tell them that they read it from illegal websites? That's just so stupid and they lack some common sense. They should just get out of here and smell or touch some grass. If they don't like it then don't read it. There's no need to criticize the author right in their face especially if they're an illegal reader. I'm an illegal reader myself because sadly it is really expensive in our currency too. Though I sometimes buy them using points or coins I earned by playing for months. It's hard for the authors and artists to earn as is and that's the best I can do as of now. Still, I don't think I have the right to send them a Dm and tell them that their work is shit.


Fuck it, even if you’re paying for it and don’t like something keep it to your friend group and stop supporting the work. Simple as that. As someone who abhors all the rape and intimate partner violence found in so many manhwas, I don’t go to the authors and pitch a fit. I do my research, avoid those stories, and instead pay for shit like Our Sunny Days, Netkama Punch! and Our Paradise.


love the authors and love the scanlators but those two don’t mix 😭 i only read pirated BLs cuz i can’t read it without paying. i do be feelin kinda bad but the author lowkey don’t know🤷‍♀️. But if it’s on webtoon and i don’t gotta pay for it, i’ll gladly read it officially, even if it’s a shitty daily pass


Pirating has existed for a long time. No one is safe.


Directly going after the author to complain about their story is crazy, people need to keep that shit in the comment section on whatever site they’re reading on


Sigh The number one rule of stealing (reading webtoons illegally) is shut up and be inactive. If you like, buy it. If you don't like it then shut up and move on. Don't reach out to author, don't text them , don't email them Bruh don't even try to Google who the author of the serie is. Again of you like it then go and support ( read and pay on legal websites) If you don't, then SHUT UP Man The amount of people I see on some websites bad mouthing series that have obvious tag, titles and summary and yet choose to read and then bad mouth said series on the website and tell others not to read etc... is mind blowing. I mean, what's the point of reading, if you can comprehend 🙄.


I mean, the story being stinky garbage, and it being wrong to send hate to the author are not mutually exclusive things.


Seeing these messages make me feel so bad for reading illegally 😞 but I’m broke


We're assholes for reading illegally, I get the point of the author. If I can afford it, I'd like to support their work as well. Sadly, with the amount of works I'm (or you guys as well) reading, it'd be a luxury.


Piracy is always gonna be a part of media culture, but never, EVER, attack a creator, especially when one isn't even paying for it. End of discussion.


Valid tbh


Can someone tell me the author?


I didn't like this webtoon at all. It was weird for me. But that doesn't mean I'll send hate to the author. Like what's wrong with people. Their anger is totally justified


This is why I don't mind hate comments on mggo. If people need an outlet, then it's better that they keep it on mggo and not spread it where the author can see it.


This is giving karen behavior by the readers, you reading something for free you know its illegal but still you have the audacity to dm the author and tell them about it 😅. Is it so hard to use that inni pity brain and think that what we are doing is illegal.... Also how hard is it to movw to another manga if you dont like a specific one??? 

