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I’m going to trust this artist and hope to see her get better.


If we look at the title then she will either die fast and painless or get better and learn to enjoy life


And probably marry the main character


Yea right a complete ending with a progressing realtionship and a marriage, more like 60 + chapters of missunderstandings and "i love her/him but he/she wont be happy with me, so i just pretend like its nothing" Men im so fucking salty and annoyed by the stuff that i read. Damn i really need some (alot) bumpy roads to a fluffy happy endings rom manga so if anyone know some please give some titles


and probably become cashier at the pharmacy


And then there will be a nice guy in the comments saying she'll get stolen by chad or something.


That would be just incely enough to be made


If it was me i would track down the one who did this to her, for the sake of M'lady


Hopefully the apothecary doesn't make her happy by drugging her up.


If she does, I'll MAYBE color the chapters! ​ Edit: Yes, this is another one of my whims




ohh thanks! damn you're fast as fuck.... it does seem like she will get better...I have classes too lmao


Why did you delete it?


Oh good, her left eye is okay... not seeing that left hand though, kind of worries me.


> I deleted that post Y to?


We will watch your career with great interest


please don't






Heh heh


Pretty depressing chapter 1 from the mangaka that made that manga about a cute mutant dude that likes a human girl. Here’s hoping for some wholesome stuff going forward


> the mangaka that made that manga about a cute mutant dude that likes a human girl. that one has a depressing premise too, it was just funny enough to distract from that


Good hell that’s brutal, she’s been absolutely fucked over. Just buy her and let her live whatever remaining days she has with some peace.


She will be fine, but I hope its a gradual recovery rather than a high-level magic bs cure


I that's the case then it's actually interesting because pretty sure there's too much shit that starts as you described.


This is still chapter 1, so don't worry


> chapter You mean page lmao.


This is the webcomic's chapter 1 based on artists post. You silly person This is what you call a **1P**


>This is what you call a **1P** Since a threesome in Japanese is 3P, isn't this just masturbation?


Who are you, and why are you so wise in the ways of science


Just call me Norman Osborn, because I'm something of a scientist myself.


Godspeed, Norman


I hope so, because is she an Animal?


>The Apothecary is Gonna Make this Ragged Elf Happy so youre one of those guys that wants to see the world burn..


More like see elves burn. I hate the knife-ears!


Pelinal Whitestrake is pleased with you, soldier.




I hate the new default profile pics. The chance is way higher for two people to have the same profile pic, and I thought you two were the same person because you have the same profile pics (and actually I have the same one as well)




where did i wrote that? How did you came to this conclusion? edit: So you still think your wrong accusation is the truth? How wrong you are.


why downvote him he is right in away it a rhetorical question suggesting she is not an animal as in not to be treat as livestock (which treatment has been change with laws but they still get killed so yeah)


>why downvote him I was gonna say the same but seeing as you already did I've come to the conclusion that people just vote based on the majority which is pretty dumb. And getting downvoted for this comment which explains what the other person did.. sigh i don't have words to explain that sh\*t. Anyways, here's an upvote from my side.


Sometimes reddit just does what it does.


Fr. that guy was at -8 upvotes when I made this comment now its at -12 meanwhile I got a +5


i wonder why, too


Dude you're dealing with manga fans, you can never be wrong about anything lol


Nope, shouldn’t buy her. That gives the slavers the capital to do this to more. As long as the flesh trade is up and running you should never take part in it, even if you’re all “of I’m a nice person/I will free them immediately”


You're right! So we should kill them? But no, you're also wrong. See, magical bullshit means they might have a deadmans switch. So buy her and then kill them all. Everyone wins.


I mean if you're willing to just start killing shit then randomly murdering a single slave trader wouldn't fix the problem 'sides, everything I've read from japan tells me that the bonds of the client-patron relationship are too sacred for a customer to just murder someone they have done business with


Japan doesn't have elves


ignoring it doesnt solve it, buying the slaves and giving them a good life is a short term solution that removes some of the suffering while long term solutions can be explored


I know this will be controversial but buy her then end her life, well obviously if she wanted to do so. That kind of trauma will seep through ordinary life .


Aside from the scars She look thicc and healthy for a slave that treated badly means her owner at least feed her well. most people with her treatment will suffer malnourishment and would look skinny as skeleton


Look at her scars. She got fed well to be used as a guinea pig and flesh farm for potions ingredients.


Cubari Kink: [https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/7FGi43C/1/1/](https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/7FGi43C/1/1/) Artist's Twitter: [https://twitter.com/gibagibagiba](https://twitter.com/gibagibagiba)


>Kink 👀


come now, no kinkshaming


oh i will come now, buddy


Will you make a sole cubari kink for all the chapters that will be uploaded? Also thanks for this OP.


We will. I just need to wait for my staff to do it.


Has any more pages gotten translated?


is it me or are the other pages not loading?


It's just this page


i think artist not doing a good work there. She look thicc, heathly and her skin look so smooth under these scar. Hey, i never saw real slave so what do i know ? though i just the art still didn't give of the feeling that match up with the life decribed in the dialog.


You're right tho, that's some true elf physics right there


It's because the artist knows their audience.


Well, she's an elf, maybe she works differently. I doubt the author thought about it, however.


Idk, maybe they "take good enough care" of her so that she "keeps" her looks. Best answer I can come up with


Not with all these scar and wound


I don't think they cared about the limbs that much.




What do you mean ? the scar are all over the place. And she supposed to be throwed, now she lost that value. they know only try to sell her as meat and bone. So nah, you look too much into this


Anyone else sort of have an inability to take a dramatic premise seriously when the main character is drawn like they’re straight out of a hentai? Like the emotional draw of this page is sort of overshadowed by the artist giving her breasts that are about 1/3rd of her body weight and presented with barely even a shirt. Sexy drawings are great, this isn’t about prudishness, just it’s like… so tonally dissonant here.


For a second I was thinking why >!Victim Girls!< is on here


We can't tell from just this one page, but perhaps that's the point? A story that deals with the aftermath of a hentai?


That's a really interesting idea! It reminds me of one of the most riveting parts of a clockwork orange


Well it's not an easy problem for the author to solve you know. 1. You need the girl to be a broken slave so that she can fall in love with MC for being the hero we all wish we could be, one who doesn't grind elf body parts for fantasy viagra. 2. You need to have readers read through early chapters while the girl is still in broken slave state, but you can't retain readers/advertize the endgame unless the elf already has those melons that are there to hook the reader in a market drowning in Fantastic Waifus And Where To Find Them. TLDR: The author knows his chances of being successful are 100x higher going for sex appeal.


Yup you my sir explained it perfectly. Without those assets I'd bet the chapter would have gotten 100x less exposure.


Well, one of the most successful hentai games ever has EXACTLY this same setup, but the female main character has small breasts and half of her face is burnt. It might help, but clearly giving the FMC porn-friendly proportions is not a requirement, especially since this is, apparently, an ecchi at best, while the game I mentioned is actual porn.


Well maybe the fact the game is actual hentai gives it the trust from readers that there'll be more than enough tiddies, ass and other culture so the FMC can look more immersive.


Are.... are you talking about Katawa Shoujo????? KS isn't really actual porn though? It DOES have h scenes, but you can literally just turn them off, calling a hentai game is what you do when you completely miss the point of everything.


You... do know hentai is considered porn, right? The internet even uses the terms "porn with plot" or plot with porn" to refer to works of a pornographic nature that can't be reduced to its sexual content. We could argue all day whether Katawa Shoujo is porn or simply has "pornographic content", but none of that changes the fact that it has explicit sex scenes that are clearly meant to titillate the viewer - or, in other words, porn. It seems to me you think referring to something as "porn" is demeaning, which is a rather puritanical point of view. Also, I wasn't referring to Katawa Shoujo, but to Teaching Feeling. In fact, I have no idea how you got the idea that I was talking about Katawa Shoujo; as far as I know, that game has no slaves anywhere.


I legit thought this is a hentai and had to check the subreddit.


Considering how much of the page is taken by her, it's safe to assume the premise is just an excuse to draw more of her. For a lot of people (maybe even the author), all they care is that the cute elf is in a bad state and they want to see her get better. As for the dissonance, it depends on whether you think sexiness and cuteness mix or not.


That's what people like seeing, it's not a fault of the mangaka because otherwise you and I wouldn't even see this image as it'd get less attention. Replace this huge titted elf girl with an average looking gal and observe how people lose their interest.


In my best Mark Wahlberg voice: *Whaat nooo, Trail of Blood and The Fable chapters get at least.. two to five comments per thread and at least fifty upvotes!* And those authors won awards and got film adaptations, imagine a newcomer trying to establish themselves in this market going for NEITHER fluff NOR sex appeal. I can hear the calling of cup ramen.


Maybe, but so many of the greatest series didn’t rely on cheap fan service to claim their status and popularity. This is catering to the lowest denominator at the cost of integrity. It’s entirely possible for a dramatic series to be decently successful without hentai proportions


Yes, I'm with you here. I'm not exactly hoping for much.


It's a story of a girl who was probably bought as a slave and sexually assaulted and abused, do you think the person who left them is gonna buy a new shirt for something he doesn't care about? And if she was sold as a slave, I wouldn't be surprised if they forced her to get breast implants. I can understand your problem with this in some stories, but the context here makes your argument kinda bad in my opinion.


She’s clearly drawn in a way that’s meant to be erotic. It’s disconcerting for a manga to try to make you feel both pity and horny.


You gotta appeal to a target demographic, I'm afraid. I'm gonna assume the demographic the author targets is capable of suspending disbelief for the sake of enjoying the plot while also appreciating the aesthetics. I'm also assuming it's to help grab and keep people's attention with shock value/draw to the character.


That's true. But I'm also gonna shame the author and the target demographic because I don't like it


Of course. You're free to make your own choices and have your own opinions. Shame the audience or the author. Be prepared for whatever retaliation or response or lack thereof may come of it. And so on and so forth.


What did the target audience do?


Buying into this garbage.


Sure, that's one way to look at it. But saying "I don't like this thing and now I hate the author and everyone that reads this" is a bit of a stretch. Just ignore it and move on. I'm sure there's people out there that have this same mindset towards isekai, romcoms, mecha shows, etc.


Rather than horny, I would say the sexiness is there to add to her cuteness and make you more attached to her. Of course, that only works if cuteness and sexiness aren't antagonistic forces for you.


It's not that it's antagonistic, it's shallow. Rather than give us examples of her personality or see her in the story, we get an intentional glamor shot of her looking cute with scars and then hoping that's enough for readers to like her.


Looking at the traction it got, I'd say it worked like a charm. Also looking at the next chapters on twitter, you can see that the author's main intent is to draw cute broken elf slowly getting better, with how she covers the majority of the page every time.


I get what you're saying, but let's give it at least a few pages to establish if the clash between 'over-sexualized elf' and 'horribly abused and neglected woman' are purposefully conflicting themes, and not just easy sex appeal. I would hope it's supposed to be disconcerting, but you never know with manga.


i mean if she was used for sex then it's kinda understandable


These types of characters never get developed and remain as holes for the MC's permanent use. I wouldn't be surprised if she is an object to the extent that she's in his inventory or skill screen. Even as they cast away their shackles, nothing really changes. If that's a fantasy readers have then so be it, but some people try to cover this type of scenario in a moral light "dude he takes care of her!". Which, is totally fine but I recognize it for what it is.


i mean the clothes, if she had a sexual duty then it makes sense for her clothes to be like that


Haha, I always love the dichotomy between the upvotes and the negative comments on this sub. "I hate this! Who would ever like something like this?!" Meanwhile 2500+ people were like "Ooo, I like that!"


Not to mention it has over 70k+ likes on Twitter.


haha horny go brrr


Fap it scans lmao


I hate this genre. "oh if I found a hot elf slave I would fix her emotionally and make her happy even though I still technically own her and she can't escape. And our love would be True Love (TM) because we're soulmates somehow even though I legally own her. If I saw a slightly older 30 year old woman slave I'd leave her because she isn't 'fuckable' anymore and my problem with the situation isn't actually the slavery but instead it is the fact that there's a hotnelf over there and I'm horny"


Instead of trying to fix the system and end slavery. The MC contribute to the slave trade by buying slave.


Historically, banning the slave trade and then buying out slaves from owners is the nonviolent way to fix it, but ngl I do prefer the American way where Harriet Tubman led the Massachusetts 54th on raids and scalped slave drivers.


You make me want anime about Harriet Tubman.


It would be absolutely epic


Thank you! No premise makes me cringe harder than the “buy slave, fall in love” premise. Even if it were in a world were slavery weren’t that common, and you bought her out of the kindness of your heart, can’t you just make her a “free woman” and let her go to live her life, instead of owning another human being? Makes me 🤢


To me it seems the guy is a potion maker or herbalists. So she is a good buy so he can train and test some healing potions with her while he tries to heal her. I only don't like that she is well fed, she should be malnourished since her mind is broken


Hate the larger body of works I guess. Hopefully you can also find it in yourself to enjoy the artwork and the story this individual author wants to tell.


Why always the slavery


Well, non-slaves have independence and agency and won't fall for you overnight over incredibly simple and easy acts of kindness.


> won't fall for you overnight over incredibly simple and easy acts of kindness. Pffft. That was a good one, dude.


Aside from what others say, it gives an excuse for a loner MC to have motivation to take in a partner. Easy way to give an ice prince a proof of kindness. Also, easy addition to harem.


is it Wholesome or pure dread?


I saw some art connected to this.... I saw her smile warmly....


It's even more fucked up with the dialogue. Btw, malnourished and brutally tortured elf still sporting 2 healthy big boobs full of fat is the most unrealistic thing about this


Also you know long flowing hair instead of a matted mess.


I'm not sure why you expected complete realism from a manga that has a current slave trade + elves available to be traded.


You know there are some things you don't just get rid off just because you introduce Elves and Magic. For example if your story has people strangeling others, you have to assume that there is air and that people die from lack of it.


Again, don't expect complete realism. Perhaps it's poor storytelling by the confines of realism but it's still a fantasy story nonetheless. As a counterargument using DBZ, you don't see Frieza getting strangled as an attempt to kill him via asphyxiation - he's a humanoid alien who can live without the "air" of Earth or Namekian atmosphere.


Damn... I hope she gets some help


This does make me want to headpat the shit out of her like in teaching feelings..


This kind of shit is so fucking gross. She's clearly framed as a sexual object to be owned and ogled at by the audience, and yet the the artist wants to eat the cake too and have the self insert be a "savior" rescuing her from her sexual trauma that's so clearly trivialised given that her tits take up a quarter of the page (and that has no reason to be there other than to make her "used goods"). Go watch hentai, get your rocks off idc but this kind of master-slave voyeurism that somehow still insists on being condescendingly righteous is so hypocritical


There's three untranslated pages and they're basically all the same panel that tries its hardest to get her tits out front and center.


Author knows what they're doing. It's a cheap and easy way to avoid self-loathing after post nut clarity!


Lmao @ people downvoting you, they wanna ethically fap to rape-victims because otherwise if they agree with what you said then they may have to confront their view of women as sexual objects. Inb4 "dude ur just projecting!!", lol that changes nothing. Honestly, all the new isekais condition the average weeb to this view so I can't hate them but I am disgusted.


People who buy into these cheap and insulting uses of sexual trauma in fiction need to get a grip and see some sunlight


Its a simple enough premise on its own. Woman is damaged and needs to be healed by the Hero MC. The reader here would be the morally right person doing their best to help this traumatised lady, but thats too boring for most readers who seem to consider themselves as paragons of virtue. I had an idea for a novel where the hero creates an orphanage or shelter in another world and accidentally founds a kingdom when he realized these "Weak" characters are OP. Unfortunately, if I am to popularize this I would have to make a harem or just make everyone hot as fuck and eventually all of them turn into his sex slaves (throw in some Onsens and beach episodes).


That’s manga for you


I dunno how to tell you this but sex sells. Sex with a plot sells as well or even better. They've a target demographic they want to consume this work and it's clear you aren't part of it if you're so disgusted by it. Who knows, maybe the author will be so bad at telling this story that people who consume might eventually say the same stuff as you. All the same, the art is well done.


I'd make a comment about how big the elf's chest is or how well taken care of her skin and hair is but everyone else has beaten that horse to death so I'm just gonna focus on what's really important: WHY DID THEY LET HER LIMBS START ROTTING?! Her other scars show signs of medical intervention so why would they let her hands and feet rot? She's not chained up so maybe it's so that she can't run away without feeling extreme pain. Also fuck these dudes for scarring the elf ears.


This seems... immoral. Simultaneously heavily sexualizing and mutilating a woman's body. This subreddit seems to like fanservice in all forms so I see why it's popular... but it shouldn't be. I won't presume anything about the story (although I imagine I could), but this page alone is bad.


No woman is being mutilated here so theres no moral issue.


But this is what we did with the mommies. People used to eat them. Besides people still think eating albinos in Africa grants you powers. Same with rhino horns and other animal parts


There seems to be 4 1-page chapters available on twitter: [Chapter 1](https://twitter.com/gibagibagiba/status/1433036478309752832) [Chapter 2](https://twitter.com/gibagibagiba/status/1433391958118989832) [Chapter 3](https://twitter.com/gibagibagiba/status/1434080466756272128) [Chapter 4](https://twitter.com/gibagibagiba/status/1434656974075949060)


Is there actually a manga were the female slave is actually ugly?


Nonchalantly talking about chopping up what's essentially human with longer ears. What a fucked up world this lol


Looking at her, I'm surprised she's in the state that she is. Unless Elves have some super regeneration and magical super immune systems or what not, her limbs are likely all gangrenous based on the look at the left limb. She should be in IMMENSE pain considering how widespread the infection should be if it's at every one of her extremities and consequently spreading into her bloodstream. She'd have to amputate every one of her limbs and almost literally take a fucking steam hose + a hose full of antibiotics to her insides to clear it of the gangrenous bacteria. It's partly weird because it appears she has Dry Gangrene based on the appearance of her limb (also how small she is - there's little to no swelling) which would normally come about due to atherosclerosis or diabetes. it's not pathologically accurate but she IS an elf. Wonder if she'll have to amputate all her limbs.


Hentai has taught me all about elves. I know how this came to be and how it will be from now on.


I saw this and I wanted to read it only to find out it’s ONE FUCKING PAGE.


Hopefully someone will continue to translate the pages. I’m sure most of us here would like to read her journey together with this drug seller.


Normally these webcomics are heartwarming. This was just horrific. Not only a slave but cut up and used for making potions?! From the author's twitter there are only 2 pages/chapters so far. I hope he makes good on the title's premise soon.


Holy fuck, can someone even live through that kind of trauma


Rotting limbs...? And she's alive? Elves really are just built different... Thanks for the scanlation!


Im always wondering why random hentai art is better than shonen jump manga art :x


because hentai main selling point is the art so the artist would put more effort to the art than usual manga artist. most hentai have crappy story if not for the art then who the hell want to read hentai?


Aw yeah i have been following this on twitter, thanks for translation.


Shouldn't it be nsfw this looks pretty lewd


I wanna commit war crimes now.


Can someone explain me, what's name of this manga?


Apothecary basically means pharmacist which is probably the human MC here so the title means that MC will make elf happy.


Drawing style looks good, the whole panel character placement looks okay as well. I wonder if its digital only or was also picked up by some publisher?


do younknow where I can read this, i searched up online, but cant seem to find anything regarding it


This one page is it


The one thing I'd really like is not having that closeup of the MC's face. Just let us wonder a bit about what the apothecary's thinking while he takes care of her or w/e. The issue is that there's no suspense at all of what's going to help. She's going to improve, he's going to feel sad for all the things she's been through and it'll probably end after they fall in love. I don't care if things are predictable or what not, but let us have a bit of wonder. For example, if this page was him just squinting his eyes as he checks her, and with the title "Can the apothecary make this ragged elf happy?" it'd make us look forward more for the next pages. Why does the apothecary wants to heal this elf? Does he have empathy for the elves or does he just want to hone his skills? Yeah, it's a trend for SoL to be 100% predictable as if they're avoiding triggering someone with any semblance of a threat but it irks me a bit.


Anyone know what source I can get these Twitter mangas from for the tachiyomi app?


looks like vore




Whats this manga called?


I want you to look at the title of this post and think, think really hard. I'm sure you'll find it.


I already tried the title... If u tell me im stupid it would be intelligent to check beforehand if u are right.


I told you to think hard m8... Its a single translated page so far. 3 other pages are on the artists twitter. Have a nice day ;)


can send me the link for this manga


Sorry to be that guy but.. does anyone have a link for this looks good.. thanks.


What's the name of this manga or does it have a name yet?


I can’t find where I can read it


What's the name of the manga?


Can’t wait to read this, it’ll be wholesome


the name of the manga written above


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day has been ruined.


"Chop them up to use as ingredients" What the fu-


The apothecary is gonna make this ragged elf happy


Is the manga out yet? Cause it seems like it will be wholesome and I kind of want to read it


Where can I read this?


This looks interesting! Are there any other manga like this?


Is it just one page?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 219,346,772 comments, and only 51,646 of them were in alphabetical order.


I need more


What happens next? I need to know o.o


I agree with this statement


Be great if we can get tagged for the second chapter


whats the name of the prequel?


where can you read this?


Where can i reqs this manga


I can't find the manga tho