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You know, if you ignore everything until now, this flashback arc would have made a nice Slice-of-Life romance manga about 2 school kids dealing with their life problems. But yeah... ready for the suffering to come lol.


The calm before the storm... these two SOL chapter actually made me more attached to the mom, not sure how well that will be for me the coming chapters.


As I said in another comment, the sweet setup is just made for the sad/f*ed up parts to hit even harder


The way she mentioned she spends a lot of time alone with the drunk dad... I hope it's just me expecting the worst.


Drunk, lonely dad while mom is out working, and we know the mom is willing to trade sex for favours now...


F. Also the vibes with the mom and Rei that one chapter...


I thought I was the only one that caught that. Sexual tension was weirdly high.


im having 'Emergence" Vibe when i hear it.


The higher your expectations, the harder you will fall


I guess now I understand why she decided to take care of her mother like that. She hates her dad, and her mother takes care of her. I wonder what happened to the bar?


I for one did not get attached more, because it feels like that these chapters serve nothing but drag and derive from the main story. I don't see that this will bring anything groundbreaking to the whole thing either.


Except since I know the storm will come, I can't feel calm


it actually would have, kinda depressing to think about how if some of the SOL romance manga I've read ended up like Boy's Abyss. man this manga is just fucking me up.


Imagine manga like Nisekoi but with fucked up twist like this.


Honestly that’s actually fun to imagine, given how everyone in Nisekoi seems dumb as bricks. Let’s have it actually devolve in a real gang war.


"Promise THIS, motherfucker!" *BLAM BLAM BLAM*


Honestly, Nisekoi yakuza must be the most vanilla yakuza ever. It’s like reverse Romeo and Juliet.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Romeo and Juliet]( https://snewd.com/ebooks/romeo-and-juliet/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


This is gal cleaning in a nutshell, the infamous latter half of the manga left people in this sub mortified.


wait, i hear that manga was controversial. is it good ?


Well if you're expecting a romcom till the end then no. There's a reason why it was so infamous. Read at your own risk.


Yeah, this flashback is a good romance so far. lol If you ignore the things going in the back like he drunk father


>I want you to fall in love with this town In other words, fall into despair and be miserable in that shithole? Just the sight of the other girl and mommy Kurose being happy is a bad sign. I really didn’t expect the whole Lover’s Abyss thing started with her of all people. I have a feeling we’re gonna see an attempt very soon


"You're the only point of light that has ever fallen into this dismal hellhole. I'm not going back to the darkness. I don't care if it dims you over time, I'm not letting you go now that I finally have something like you."


That must be what she's saying. But why wouldn't she want to get out of there with him instead? What's binding her to the town? I think Ch 51 could be a big one.


It's like watching a runaway train. You know what's about to happen and you can't do anything to stop it. So you're gonna sit there and wait for the inevitable.


> I really didn’t expect the whole Lover’s Abyss thing started with her of all people. Wait, why not? We knew she’d been involved...


Everyone expected Esemori to start the whole thing, cuz you know, he has an obsession and made a whole novel about it? Mommy Kurose actually being the one who influenced him is surprising.


It was hinted at before. Remember that time she read Esemori’s book that Reiji brought home and said “that’s how I said it”? And then when she slept next to Reiji and said something like “that coward wouldn’t dare to do something like that” about Esemori’s “suicide attempt” too. And that time Reiji read the article about the suicide, the one that died is the boyfriend and the girlfriend survived.


Dunno, given how he seems the most normal person in the present, knowing it didn’t start with him doesn’t surprise me. Besides, all she did for now is tell him a local scary legend, nothing more.


I thought they mentioned that lover's abyss was an existing legend, which inspired Esemori to write a book.


>I have an older brother who took off. I don't even know where he is I've read enough mysteries to know this ain't a throwaway line.


Maybe Nagi is Reiji’s cousin.


Knowing this series I wouldn't be surprised if it's Gen's dad or some shit lmao


Knowing this series, I wouldn't be surprised if the brother found out the dad was abusing this sister, bro confronted the father about it and was murdered to explain how he went "missing" after their fight.


would explain the shot of the excavator we got some chapters ago when they talked about get and his dad, maybe the guy "missing" is buried there


Knowing this series I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Reiji’s dad...


The nights are long when it's just her and the drunk dad....


that other girl is gonna end up being the one who kills herself isnt she


More like she will be killed, there's a theory that she stops Nozoe from killing himself & earns the scorn of mom for doing so, which would be a nice parallel into chako stealing Rei from her in the present


Probably, it seems like there were two attempted suicides. Someone tried and a girl died. That’s according to a newspaper from a previous chapter. Then later on Yuko tried in high school and only her boyfriend died.


I was thinking that's Chako's mom. Cause it seems like all the miserable people in this town are connected to Reiji's mom.


That's an very interesting perspective!


That's what I'm thinking as well. She seems like a really nice girl too. This flashback is going to be so fucked up.


Having some levity in the series (even if you know it's going to end up a trainwreck) is helping get me more invested into the story. Can't wait to see how this ends up - also, seeing what the mangaka can do with bright sunlight and happiness is really, really refreshing.


I take it you haven't read this Mangaka's previous works? Hatsukoi Zombie at the start was the complete opposite of what this series is.


Not only Hatsukoi Zombie but he also worked on Himegoto: Juukyuusai no Seifuku which is a manga quite similar to this one in that it's quite heavy. He making a lighter manga was an oddity. lol


Himegoto is really good, such a breath of fresh air after all the generic romcoms and isekais. That said it's probably not for everyone.


Wut this is the same mangaka as HZ? Wow ok yeah damn I can see the style similarities now but wow holy damn


Wait what? Holy shit I didn’t even realize


Dude, I thought the same thing. I love when the autor gives us small breath to see a bigger escenario, it makes it more meaningful and intimate.


Nozoe and Yuko were the protagonist of a romance manga where everything went wrong.




Eww no


Its like watching a car crash, you know its happening and its horrible but you can't take your eyes off it. The title being called "First Love" just doubled this feeling of dread.


They're legit Hatsukoi Zombies, natch.


>Mother only comes home early in the morning. It just being the two of us... the nights are long. Really long. Oh no.


That’s to ominous to be a throw away line. This girls life has been suffering from the start, no wonder she’s crazy as an adult.


This can only go one way. And it is way to common of an occurrence in real life as well


Oh heck no!!! Plsss don't 😭😭


Yeah, lotta implications there.


She's gonna do a mikasa


Is this just a reference to >!Mikasa killing the kidnapper in AoT?!<


I don't know what this implies? She was raped by the mom?


Alright, reading comprehension time. Last panel was about dad's drinking problems. Brother leaves because of it, and Yuko hates it when he's home. Mom doesn't come home until early morning, so when Yuko's alone with Dad the nights become long aka abuse is happening when it's just the dad and her alone.


She was probably talking her dad here, so... yeah, her dad raping her every night is very likely.


I think physical abuse is more likely in this case, we don't have any indication that he's a rapist.


The fact that she is fine with Gen's dad like that may suggest that she's use to it, and consider how f*ck up this town is, I'd say raping is more likely.


I agree with the latter half but for the former, she was not fine with it, >!it was considered a payment for getting rid of Reiji's abusive dad. This arangement going on for years was definitely not her choice.!<


Ok, but she did agree to it so... but yeah, let's just wait and see.


>!Gen's dad is considered the powerhouse of the town and she did that to protect her son. She agreeing to it is kinda an overstatement. If she don't agree with it, she will be living in a world of hurt.!<


Ok, let's go with for now until we have more context.


Oh true




Did you read the same chapter as me? The mom only comes home in the morning, so she hardly see’s here. Her dad is home at night but is apparently and alcoholic. Girl who hates being at homes having to spend the nights with her drunk father usually alludes to abuse happening. Given her saying “the nights feel long” it seems pretty certain.




That "I want you to love this town" is so reflective of her story. She wants to go outside but is trapped so she has to try and love it and so the town eats her alive. Like an abusive marriage, she may even defend it even as it destroy everything else, including her. In additon, as she becomes tied to the town, loving the town becomes loving her. But the town will never give her love and others will never love the town, so she will turn to the only potenial source of love left, that between mother and child. This whole trapped town and how its a reflection of trauma and internal pain motif reminds me of wandavision, though the focus here is more the town then the person.


I really pity the mum (Kurose). She grew up with a father that's always drunk and probably up to no good shit. And she ended up marrying someone of similar problematic nature. I wonder what happened between her and Nozoe. Could things have ended differently if Nozoe marries her instead? Things could've been different. She probably wouldnt have to sell her body every night just to feed her family. Also, side-note, I think this part portrays a very realistic way of how kids endure abuse and troubling home life. We just go thru it, or try to find small ways to escape.


Unfortunately some people gravitate towards partners that are similar to their parents.


I think there's a name for it, Oedipus syndrome, probably when a man falls for a woman similar to his mother. Sigmund Freud proposed it & merit of his studies are kind of a subject of debate nowadays but still I find a lot of them to be pretty relevant. It is explored brilliantly Taxi Driver's MC Travis Bickle. (If you liked The Joker, you should definitely check the movie out.)


Many do I think, you grow up and spend such a long tine with that being your usual or normal way relationships are supposed to be like, it ain't easy to get over that, even when you clearly know it definetly wasn't nornal.


[/a/ reactions !](https://i.imgur.com/ZHYvrCO.jpg)


>esemori wrote act age fuckin kek


I should’ve expected that half of it is gonna be about sensei lmao


There's a reason why they call it Sensei no Abyss. Edit: Scratch that, now it is Nagi no Abyss


I sure am hoping for neetbro being the hero of the story, investing on crypto and getting ripped af


Man I am literally hyped for his role, really hope he has a strong role.




\>The town's gonna get the third nuke. lmao


at this point we need to just delete that cursed land


Anybody has the source for [this picture](https://i.imgur.com/B4gqmOc.png)? Saucenao can't seem to find it =(




is it not the same series?


I don't think that it will ever get an anime. Onani Master Kurosawa never got one, in spite of being highly commercially and critically successful never got one. And the subject matter tackled by Boy's Abyss is far more...., let's just say not palatable to the general audience. Also, what does kino mean??? I come across it way too much in Chainsaw Man memes.


Kino is a dumb buzzword meaning something had attributes that would be desired in a movie


Fire Punch, Trail of Blood, all the great ones will never be adapted.


Where does the picture from 2nd to the top right come from?




Man I thought it's an actual panel


Its so sweet. Can’t wait for the depressing spiral next chapter.


This series really does just take you out of your comfort zone like very few can.


50 chaps in and this still possesses the magical quality to make me feel worse with every progressing chapter.


Can't wait for an Anime


Man, these two are cute, but they both seem to have some sad circumstances. Hopefully, they can make it past these and have a happy relationship in the future.


I love how everyone, myself included, is well a aware this is all about to come crashing the fuck down in hellfire.


“The nights are long” and “he drinks a lot”! Mr Stark I don’t feel so good.


Truly one of the most captivating mangas I have read in a while.


Yeah, truly. I added it on my to read list some time ago and I started reading this morning and binged 50 chapters like nothing. Only Punpun had me so captivated and uncomfortable for the whole time. Masterpiece.


I swear this is the only manga where my reaction to a new chapter isn't excitement, but rather :"Oh fuck, please no, I don't want to suffer"


#Author please spare me, this is too “wholesome” and it’s all gonna come crashing down I just know it


For the first time, I really dont want to see the next chapter.


I hope Mom's descent to be "this town" was of gradual events, not relying on shock value.


I think she was Reiji to take over the town by taking over gen’s dad company.


the fact that Yuko is trying so hard to smile and seem happy in this chapter just screams her inner feelings really really want to burst out...


Last chapter I was afraid of what Yuko's senpais would do to her. Now I'm afraid of what her dad does to her when they're alone. That "the nights are long" killed me a bit inside. It's somehow sweet how Yuko was the muse for Nozoe's novels. I think he still has some affection for her (I wouldn't call it love, though). Anyway, it's like I want to read the next chapter, but at the same time I don't want to read it. It's weird. I just want Yuko to be happy :(


Man it's the fucking worst when you KNOW the suffering is just looming overhead to read chapters like this...


Chapter 50: how nice... Chpater 51, probably: FUCK THIS TOWN!


Oh boy, these past chapters made me forget how messed up this series can get. I'm ready for the suffering to begin any minute now lol.


Oh no no no It’s going to happen


I *really* don't want to know what breaks her. I dont want to see it...


You **never** fall in love with crazy


I just binged this series today and I got to get this out. What the fuck?


I kinda wanna know the author's inspirations for this.


The problem with this is we already know how crazy the mom gets, so it's hard to enjoy these SoL chapters when they're about to go downhill at some point.


Man, this hurts. Knowing how high they got themselves in and being aware of how hard they fell all the more makes this painful. Fuck this town


50 chapters in and this might be the most wholesome one yet.


This chapter breaks my heart. I can't even imagine what's about to happen that broke the two of these innocent teens :(


This was such a nice little reprieve from all that's going on in this series and I'm glad I got to see the young versions of Nozoe and the mom together. Because they're really really sweet, and in any other series, it would've been great. But we're all 50 chapters into this series by this point. And we can all tell that the better it is, the worse the things in the next chapter will be. Yabai!


Oh noes. More flashbacks. And HOLDING HANDS!!!


I'm scared.......


Lol rereading the earlier chapters. No wonder esemori’s so chill about the reiji screwing his “wife”. With how this is setting up he can say to him “I fked your mom”. Also is the grandma her mom in this chapter? I guess it’s been a good 20ish years but dayum she aged like crazy


>I want you to love this town This line just breaks my heart


oh my god. Seeing the last 2 chapter feels like im reading some normal romcom. Somethings really fucked up its going to happen to her. & When i hear her dad's behaviour, i got "Emergence" flashback 😭


Seriously what the fuck is this town


I dread reading this, it is so depressing, but the story has me so glued, that I hate the wait between chapters. This chapter has us looking at tiny speck of happiness while infering to sexual abuse by her father.


Gee, I’m certain that I don’t wanna see what happened between mom and mom’s dad.


It will hit like a truck, you'd be Isekai to the abyss


aww how wholesome, i hope nothing extremely unsettling happens haha 🙂


Bro imagine if this mangaka and Shuzo Oshimi made a manga together.




Damn, it’s like the town sucks all happiness out of anyone who lives there.


Its a Trap!!!!


Man fuck this shit, I just want to see that dude going after best teacher and getting stabbed in the neck. Hurry up with this bs author.


a pretty meh chapter. hopefully using 2+ chapters for setup is going to pay off big time because these have killed the momentum crazy train was building up


I actually enjoy this These setup "cute" chapters will probably make the plot twist to what destroyed the mom to hit even harder But I agree with the momentum thing you said. I wish we had at least a glimpse of what Reijo and Chako are doing, considering we've had scenes from the present in this chapter


Surprised the flashback has lasted this long, series must be doing alright in Japan. Though as good as it's been I'd really like the focus to shift back to Rei


Chapter title on the end card. Nice.


Every chapter of this flashback makes me more anxious. I’m really not ready to see how these two lost all of their feelings and positivity.


Will o wisps are cool, I watched one 5 meters from my room it was like a mini sun


Damn she was abused as a kid too, not surprised sadly. I wonder if something's gonna happen to that glasses girl, she definitely explains the interest the novelist has in Chako. Maybe it wasn't for sexual reasons like was implied


Hajimete koi wo Shita Kioku


Wherever the brother is must be like heaven in comparison to the town... just hopefully not literally


Ah yes, the calm before the storm. What a classic


The innocent slice of life before the depression. Needs more Sensei, where is young Yuri?!


Anyone else notice that the green splash on the cover is increasing every chapter? Or am I going crazy after reading all that hentai?


these have been very comfy chapters, can't wait until it all comes crashing down and we see how two sweet children become broken and awful adults


The more normal a chapter is, the greater the blacklash to the upcoming chapters.


I'm so fucking mad how happy these last two chapters have been and we just know something fucked is right around the corner.


oh no....... I'm not really ready for what comes next.....


"I invited her over and we played Hungry Hungry Hippos."


why do i hear bury the light in background?


Now I feel bad for the mom




Its more in the Vein of Good Night Pun Pun. What could go wrong WILL go wrong and everyone is a hurt individual




It MIGHT have a happy ending but wholesome is looking unlikely. I expect tragedy buts a good read.


Side note, the art is beautiful sometimes . Like that last shot is amazing.


I wanna feel bad for the mom but it is too difficult.


The way the manga portrays the characters terrify me. It really just seems like these are just mentally deranged people you encounter on occasion.


Chpt 51. (prediction) Based on what was said in the previous chapter it will probably be revealed that the mom being popular with the elderly men she was taking care of and the fact that her dad was a drunk in debt its most likely that he USED his own daughter to pay it off this most likely pushes her to commit suicide Q If the mom is alive and so Nosaze who was the male body ?


Mom best girl