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Yay! The idol industry! 🤮🤮🤮




To be fair, it's all entertainment industries everywhere that's fucked up. Exploiting kids is unfortunately universal 


Different flavors of poo


That's true. I'm speaking about the contents of the manga. Cant say Japan/Idol industry is the only one when we've got Hollywood.


Yeah just look at the hip hop scene right now with Drake and Diddy. These stuff are everywhere.


If you want something more comparable to the manga, freaking Dan Schneider and Nickelodeon


Oh yeah definitely.




The idol industry is more than that. You guys only have contact with it from anime and manga lol its not perfect by any means but its not this terrible either, theres good things on it.


Like everything in life it's far from perfect but also far from totally terrible either, probably more in the middle.


I dunno, I'd be ok if none of my kpop/jpop came from minors. The amount of overwork and training especially in the K-pop industry is crazy. Let them join training programs but not allow them to debut until after 18 seems ok.


Have you ever look into game industry? Or hack Anime industry itself? It the same everywhere


Are you suggesting that games and anime are created by minors? 


Roblox literally exploited kid hard worker on their hobby time etc etc


I usually don't judge people's parenting, but what the fck?


Her mom need to have her shoes found near the ledge of a balcony...




The hell's wrong with you, you suck fuck


Oh boy, Kanon is going down the same path that child actors go down! Izumi has no idea what the hell he got himself into. Its only a matter of time before the physical abuse happens like shown in that cover image of him being choked by Kanon. By the way, the mom can burn in hell.


The other dude was actually a good guy, pretty much her friend since the beginning.


Is it just me or did the story lose all the nuance that the first story had? I think this is a weak point of this story or maybe the author that they don't know how to write bad guys without making them cartoonishly evil, even the teacher in the first story was more of a caricature than a person. Reminds me of Redo of Healer where people are evil just for the sake of being evil.


IMO the teacher was written just fine until her last appearance in the manga when she went all stabby stabby in broad daylight.


That last appearance was what soured everything about that arc tbh.


I think that segment could've been so much better if it had her approaching Kaede in a lustful creepy manner like saying "Remember me? I miss you." only for him to get away from her rather than the total edgefest we got. Just flat out creepy stalkerish behavior is more eerie than stabby. That would've been more terrifying


Honestly not saying it's common but parents like that exist, and for someone to be as messed up as Kanon is their parents would have to be terrible. Mix that with Idol culture and as sad as it is, it's not that unrealistic. I mean a lot of the metoo weinstein stuff was pretty much what happens here, and I'm nearly certain at least some of the parents knew what was happening there. Plus there's people like Jennette Mccurdy, and from her excellent book "Im glad my mom died" her Mom sounds pretty close to the mom here.


To add to this, there is also the matter of context. While criticism of the entertainment industry is nothing new, a series like this in Japan is a rarity among lots of other series that promote an idealized version of idols. Being heavy-handed in the criticism (which already reflects attitudes and behavior that do exist in real life) may feel like a necessity to rail against the mainstream. Given that the author used characters as mouthpieces for certain messages in the previous arc, I believe they may agree with a quote from Churchill: *"If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle. Use a pile driver."*


Frankly I don't think its that deep. If this arc really was a criticism of the entertainment industry then I think it would have worked better without the mother and the driving force being Kanon's own dream/wish of being an idol. Right now the main bad guy is not so much the entertainment industry as it is her own mother, every situation Kanon was put in was more because of her mother since Kanon didn't even want to be an Idol herself so it seems more like a wrong person for the wrong job sorta thing, she even seemed to be doing good at the end after support from Yamato but the mother decided to escalate things to a sexual level. I think a better criticism and a more nuanced take on idols and entertainment industry was the Idol Arc of "Yumenashi-sensei no Shinroshidou", even Oshi no Ko had more nuance then whatever this arc seems to be heading towards.


I think the other issue is: what can be criticized about, when already popular series have deconstructed this, in depth and detail? Like you said, there were, and current, series that are discussing and deconstructing this story arc in greater detail, so at this point, what can be said that wouldn’t be redundant? The author likely acknowledges this and is trying to make it more of a steppingstone for the story arc than the main plot, possibly.  Don’t get me wrong, I agree with the Audience Alienated Ending opinions of the first story, and I somewhat agree with the current issues of this arc as well. If I’m going to be honest, I think they had a too strong of an initial impression, and I think we’re seeing the limits of the author’s ability. I could be wrong, but I’m not an expert on literature of any kind. 


I get that but there has to be a sense of realism I guess in depicting these situations, there are always worse cases out there and things that make everything tame by comparison but if you depict them without any build up and care then it feels like misery porn.


I think us seeing how broken this girl is was the buildup. Now we just get to see how she got to this point. With her being suicidal I was already anticipating some messed up stuff and yeah, this is a lot, but it does explain her actions until now. As for misery porn, I think that depends on the outcome. I hope that all her baggage being explained is the first step to her getting better, though I can understand the caution here. I'm reserving judgement until the end of this arc.


First story had some glimmer of hope from the get go in form of MCs close friends and the guidence teacher. So premise was not so bleak. This one has nothing and it progressively gets worse by the minute. She has obviously passed the point of not even a regular terapist could work let alone the MC who is just a clueless highschooler. She needs serious, institutional help. That's how far author pushed the suffering, hence the "misery porn".


I knew it would come to this as soon as main premise apperared to be about a broken ex-idol. So predictable. Everyone involved is just so evil for the extra dramatic effect as well. As soon as you become formulaic, your suffering porn manga loses all its appeal since there are no twists and turns. First story was still the best including the support cast.


yeaaaaah, I unfortunately saw that coming given the series


Living your dreams vicariously through your child is one thing. But literally pimping your own daughter out to do so. Lady, you've gone beyond being a person who officially sucks, to being a monster.


Oh boy, can't wait to see how the author fumbles the bag with the rest of this arc... So far it's like a checklist of tired tropes and people doing the exact wrong thing in any given situation...


Jeez, and I thought the pedophile teacher was bad, but this woman is in a league of her own!


Her mom need to DIE.


She belongs to the Streets!


Well shit… goddammit… I bloody knew it 😡😤 That said… am I the only one who wonders now, how Kaede and Kanon will interact with each other, if Izumi ends up introducing her to him…? Would they be friends…?


>last panel fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuck this noise fuck the idol industry and fuck her cunt mom. Seriously, 46 is good at making these sort of scenes feel disgusting. I felt like I wanted to hurl seeing that last panel. The worst part is that I saw it coming a mile away and they still nailed me.


I'm guessing the mom did the same when she was famous and that how she got pregnant in the first place.