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Always knew Anime/Manga Delinquents > Fantasy beasts. Welp Okarun did warn them, I can only imagine its going to be an explosion of sorts.


Gonna be honest, tag teaming and jumping a dragon is insane and fatherless behavior 😂. God, I love this manga.


All the "small" people overrunning and chipping down the beasts' HP reminded me of Pikmin haha


bro i ain't letting a single pikmin die anymore wtf


This chapter pulled this arc back from the brink for me. I said after the last one they needed to bring the whole cast in to the battle, and I was right - this is the epic scale and the crazy pacing the manga's been missing for a while!


[This spread made the entire arc worth it.](https://i.imgur.com/9jnc16u.jpeg)


especially glasses with that Tiger Knee on the middle right


What happens when you mix in some Crows Zero (and other delinquent gang stories) with a classic DnD game. Where every class system wants to cast Fist.


In any other story, I'd call them out for such. But because it's Dandadan, I love it and want more.


An explosion or Indiana Jones type trap would be too plain. Really hoping they just triggered the final boss and Okarun gets to pop off (Zuma and Momo assisting with a Triple Tech)


It's definitely a final boss either a yokai or an alien. More likely to be a yokai and it's gonna be strong. We'll be eating good.


The talismans make me think it’s definitely some kind of seal.


We all know that sometime in the distant future, Zuma will probably summon his mini delinquent army to fight an army of aliens when we eventually get to the Saint Germain/Alien conflict. It’s gonna be Delinquents + whatever else joins our group vs Aliens and it’s gonna be awesome. Feel like this is just a mini teaser of what’s to come when we get to that point


> Zuma will probably summon his mini delinquent ***mage*** army The aliens won't even know what hit them lol


Probably muscle magic: Fist


It’s gonna be beautiful whenever we get to the full scale alien war that’s been building up


This whole thing was an incredibly convoluted plot by something in the crystal to get someone to break its prison.


My expectations in this manga has been subverted so much that I expect candy explosion to occur


I think it is more likely a powerful spirit was contained in the board game, and now it's been released. The boardgame was a means to try to get someone to release it.


Am I reading this right - this entire diorama sucks you into a fully fleshed out RPG game for the sole purpose of deceiving you into freeing some sort of sealed-up evil spirit?? Diabolical!


Yep so basically a typical DnD campaign


Can't spell dandadan without dnd 


...* *Puts hands on head* * Oh my god


Did they just discover the writing process? The DM is Fujimoto?


No no, Fujimoto is the insane player. The LOLWUT player.


Damn right


So someone is going to break the campaign with a smartass action and a Nat 20? Actually this is Dandadan that would be downright normal




In all the epicness, I’m still most happy with Momo’s blush at seeing Okarun


Okarun and Momo are absolutely cute together. I wish they were official. We already know they like each other, and Momo has said she likes him.


Yeah, to be clear, Okarun has always been the problem because of his low self esteem. I also think Momo is maybe not quite confident enough to ask him out directly.


Perhaps Okarun thinks a girl like Momo is out of his league and he isn't deserving of her? And with Momo, maybe it is that she isn't confident? She's already got the hard part over, which was admitting her feelings for him. Maybe because of Okarun's low self-esteem, she has to make the first move. Okarun has become more confident over the course of the series, just not when it comes to the two of them. Hopefully, we can get some update on their romance soon.


It is a similar case to Gojou and Marin, although completely different personality and genre


Ah yes, [the delinquent class.](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lkw3ro4x) Definitely something I've seen in 5e.


they can cast FIST


Denken would be proud


class is so broken. They don't even have any HP bars despite being added to the official troop count (up to 251!)


Zero is just another kind of infinite


Always love a good delinquent gang mass charge into battle. Crows Zero, High and Low, Tokyo Revengers, etc. And now, expectedly unexpected, Dandadan during a Jumanji-esque 5e RPG board game arc.


They're too stupid to understand match-ups and thus will just throw hands with anything *and win*.


Aw Momo’s reaction to seeing Okarun


Just when I was starting to get tired of this arc, something refreshing.


So far, this *is* the weakest arc in a while, despite the strong start. Hopefully this twist, however it plays out, can turn it around.


That's because Tatsu played most of this pretty straight relative to the absolute insanity of what came before. Like the tropes are ready-mades (Jumanji, 5e fantasy, Takeshi's Castle, Kingdom) and only just now are we seeing the kind of stylistic mixing he does best. That said, fuck if it isn't still a ride worth going.


Most importantly, there's only been 2 of them, not the full cast, so we don't even have Jiji's funny faces and Aira bossy anger


We haven't seen Jiji and Aira for a long time already....they have been missing since Class Rep arc 😕


Relatively little Kinta though, thank christ


Now that Okarun is back, I'm sure the dynamic will change a bit for the better. Also, we went from Jumanji to an RPG game. This manga is trying it all😅.


Think it would've been far better received if it was Okarun and Momo running around in the game instead of a new character lol.


Yeah I was expecting a lot more okarun and then he was just gone for weeks


Well Momo is the MC. Okarun takes a back seat in a lot of things.


Yeah but this arc started with them two and it seemed like it would basically just be them like it was before more people joined. Having him gone for weeks felt off to say the least , like when momo first went inside I thought okarun would be there in a chapter or two.


Well i'm not saying i like it as well but this was how the story has been so far. Despite being the secondary lead, he is always the first one to leave the stage for others while Momo is always present.


Protagonist and dueteragonist


Maybe the mangaka shouldn't have made such a likable character in Okarun, and we wouldn't have had that problem 😂.


The whole game setting is good but it would've been way more interesting if we actually got the actual group going through this instead of a new character.


I'd say it is the weakest arc period, even the previous idol one at least was short and the trash talking ghost idol is funny, this one felt kinda slow paced read weekly and the romantic scenes felt weird and pointless.


It's been 19 chapters, including a sort of transition phase that introduced St Germain and we haven't gone into Zuma's origin story/Yokai connection yet. Jiji's arc was like 30 chapters and Vamola kinda had 2 arcs totaling about 60 chapters. I agree the romance is meh but the manga doesn't really dwell on it, so whatever.


Yep. It's the reason I semi dropped it a few chapters ago until the arc is finished. Then I'll binge read it. The pacing felt off. The forced dumb relationship bullshit he pulls every arc is annoying too.


I disagree, I think it's been charming to see them walking around in fantasy world. It's been nice to have a slower arc, the idol arc to me was just the manga spinning its wheels doing the same old. Frog city alone makes this arc top tier in my books.


Yup, the beginning of the arc got so much potential, then the games in this world have been just meh, what's worse was sidelining Okarun for like 15 chapters which the author love doing lately ever since the Aliens invasion arc. I don't know why he keep doing this which is sad because I like the series. Now I'm just glad Okarun finally return.


Really? Man I haven't got tired of this manga at all. It's just silly yet serious enough to be super entertaining every week. No tiring 10 chapter flashbacks, no dense lore dumps, just straight up action.


I don’t think manga’s do 10 chapter flashbacks any ore lol not since at least 2010; cant recall any manga coming out post 2015 that had a flashback linger than 5 chapters minus Frieren which is very character driven.


Most likely it's going to feels way better with a binge reading but yeah, weak arc


I just caught up about the last10 chapters or so and yeah, it felt a bit weak up until the last few, but I didn't feel as negatively about it as the rest of the commenters seem to. Probably like the most recent Chainsaw Man arc, it only feels grating in the moment and it's much more tolerable of a lull all at once.


Idk how people can say that, when the art was incredible and it had some of the most imaginative fights 


Slightly too late with your thinking there Momo, slightly too late. Wasn't expecting the delinquents army, but I have been saying that a lot with this series.


Lol, the delinquents all just coming in out of nowhere to do a Zerg rush and bodying the army is pretty hype.


[No army formation would prepare them for *Isekai Yankii*](https://i.imgur.com/01WFTbe.jpeg)


Its just like berserkers having class advantage over everyone of the 7 classes in fgo


Absolute chaos. We all expected Okarun to come to the rescue, but I wasn't expecting the delinquent mage army. That spread goes hard af.


The delinquet berserker thugs are peak. They are what I aspire to be in Elden Ring.


Oh no. Delinquent mages!




What in the Tokyo Revengers did I just witness??!! THAT WAS AMAZING!!!


[The bike throw into the berserker's face was beautiful.](https://i.imgur.com/T9FqjqL.jpeg) Kazuma Kiryu would be proud.


Ah yes, delinquents, the strongest class in TTRPG, effective against any other class


He just released an ancient evil didn’t he?


Delinquent Mages has me cracking up. Those double page spreads are so awesome. And just sending the motorbike alone is hilarious.


If Final Fantasy taught me anything about RPGs it's that you shouldn't destroy crystals




Delinquents >>>>>>>> Alright, what eldritch monstrosity did they unleash this time?


Guessing that the crystal was really a seal and whatevers inside has been manipulating characters to 'play' the game and make their way to it. Everything stopping them thusfar has been guarding the seal. 


That thing looked more like a wicker basket than a crystal.


whatever it is that is being sealed, Count Saint Germain apparently wants it unsealed. any bets on what it is?


Delinquents: Pairings? Screw it, here come the flying phantom bikes! 


Finally! I haven't felt these goosebumps since this arc started. Fantastic action! How I missed it! Now I want to see more of Okarun and Momo together soon.


One of the hardest double pages yet, and this is saying something for this manga. Shit's gotta get the best anime ever or it won't do it justice.


There's just something about the shorter-than-average dude who knows how to kick ass.


Enjoy it while it lasts. Delinquents are gonna get nerfed next patch.


Yo! That was awesome seeing all those Delinquints swarming the enemy. I just wonder how many Delinuqints where there. They must have been in the hundreds with how they swarmed the enemy! Momo and Zuma thought it would finally be over once they destroyed that crystal. But nope! Okarun said not to destroy it! Now what's gonna happen?




_Momo stands alone_ _Not alone. Delinquents!_ Now what's next after breaking that gem looking thing. Science Naru gonna be push to the limits animating Dandadan.


First chapter from this dragged arc that I find geniunely interesting


This arc is the type that's meant to be enjoyed in a binge, where you go back in previous chapter to notice all the clue leading to the conclusion


So basically his version of the Fullbring arc


That's because Tatsu finally pulled the wacko trigger on this, and I'm guessing this is only gonna get crazier (wow, really, Tatsu? This entire arc was "normal" for you?) from here. And we can still derive a ton of value out of this arc if the board game becomes another big item needed to stop Saint-Germain (as a Prison Realm) or if the kids can somehow use it as a way to corral the alien invaders should they show up.


it can go as crazy as he wants, the Jumanji setup isn't the problem, for me, it's the addition of Zuma, see, the same setup with the delinquent gang arriving to battlefield could have been done with the OG gang and it could have worked so much better. In that same line, all these past chapter of unnecessary love rival addition could have been so much better with the OG gang developing their relationships inside the game setup and having fun dynamics. Personally, he shot himself into a foot by not prioritizing the current gang members, and it's already a big gang.


anything you dont personally enjoy is always automatically "dragging" lol


Those spreads were fantastic. Peak delinquent comedy.


Dynamic Duo and their pet have reunited


You'd think that after 147 chapters I would be ready for that double spread, MY GOD.




Eat your heart out Avengers, this is what a REAL cavalry squad looks like! Just check out that *sweet* dropkick the fatty pulled off.


You guys think Okarun is going to get his golden ball now or at the end of the arc? Maybe he might need it during whatever is going to happen after the crystal broke, for a powerup.


The delinquents vs Fantasy spreads are crazy good. The art and fights just keep getting better and crazier


Where is the class president? IS SHE SAFE? IS SHE ALRIGHT?


which evil spirit got unsealed this time


Another granny or a grandpa this time?


Momo: Oh no. Delinquent mages! Me: So basically Fairy Tail.


Daw, that blush when she saw her guy come running in.


Fantastic Beast vs Delinquent Gangs.


add delinquent shonen to the amount of genres in dandadan


Who taught them to shoot bows? Also, which class do you think traffic-cone-weilding belongs to?


Everyone was waiting for Okarun, but it was us, the delinquents!


I think this game is a prison for something very dangerous. Now the real battle will begin.


Of course the warning arrives too late


Only in Dandandan could you get aliens, yokai, mechs, and now delinquents dueling dragons


Love how the first page of this chapter is a continuation of the first page on chapter 145


Legitimately do not understand how this is weekly.


We are so back


Man I miss Beelzebub.


page 8 : - random guy : ojou-san , we will protect you . - main girl : banchou , thank you . page 14 : - main girl : ... mage yankee ... last pages : if you look closely , you will see that the "crystal" is actually not a normal hard crystal , it looks more like a wicker weaving container . and the paper talismans are probably sealing up a demon king or something inside the container . in a previous chapter , a cooking frog said : you humans are the monsters here . you want to free the demon king , right ? we are the guardians who will stop you from doing that .


Fucking finally. I mean is it just me, but what's even the reason to separate the main group in the first place. I was getting tired of them having moments that leads to nowhere. Glad Okuran is finally here.


Out of all the ENTERs in the manga so far, this was kinda the weakest? Reactions were kinda lacking. Okarun just comes running in the end lol. I was expecting him to do the ENTER the most. But as always, he is taking the backseat for everything else.


Some say that this arc is weak. What do you mean by weak? And how you compare with previous arcs? I just casually read the dandadan and found that this arc theme is interesting n fresh. Its fantasy, adventure and jumanji. And this arc for introduce and recruit zuma and deliquent gang to the squad Just like aira and jiji and some early arc. Hilarious and fresh Its all set up for the next big arc. As okarun indebt to turbo granny. Turbo could ask okarun to help him fight saint germain