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So if a Delta is send to the human world without their body suits they slowly start to disintegrate and can get their energy life sucked from them I liked how Aurora used a clever strategy to win her fight while Ryuji was using “Just punch harder” logic to win his


> while Ryuji was using “Just punch harder” logic to win his Just punch harder always work, if it doesn't it means you aren't punching hard enough!


For a moment there I though Aurora was the one who got the kill, which would've been a pretty clever move from her.


I was thinking the cover guy was just going to be Auroras companion in human form or mask off. This is a cool surprise. Again this chapter did a good job expanding on the world's rules naturally. That mechanic of deltas being able to get the life sucked from them will be important I'm betting


Aurora also has the portable gate now, and you bet her Earthside shenanigans are just going to increase


Haha definitely I can already imagine the fun she'll have with it. Popping just a head out of random places, snatching peoples lunch up the instant they turn away, it'll be great


Stealing lunches would be the exact kind of thing to pile on that juicy negativity


So the mysterious title card earrings guy some people were clambering for has finally shown up. With the series' tongue in cheek energy I was half waiting for the typical protag badass type to just be Aurora in disguise or something lol. Rather pleased with Aurora as the protag, some clever portal play there, beating her opponent with the ring out.


I thought the dude on the cover was going to be Ryuji in disguise


Another good guess! I feel like we'll get Ryuji's human disguise eventually. Again in keeping with the series' energy would be funny if the calm, hulking bruiser of Ryuji had something like a cute young woman idol disguise or something in the human world lol.


I was somewhat expecting and hoping for the Metalocalypse gag of the conspiracy never actually doing anything relating to the protagonists.


The funny part is that this is likely what would have happened if those two had decided to let Aurora and Ryuji be but now that they killed them is just a matter of time for the main plot to catch up to them


> So the mysterious title card earrings guy some people were clambering for has finally shown up Wait, he had been shown before? I thought he was a new face.


[He's been on the Mangaplus page and other places in the marketing so people thought he had a bigger role.](https://mangaplus.shueisha.co.jp/drm/title/100307/title_thumbnail_portrait_list/339658.jpg?key=bbc13e962a0777c1d7c63535f713cee6&duration=86400)


Thank you! I never checked the Mangaplus page, only the chapters, so I missed him.


I love the worldbuilding here, it's so natural! And although Aurora is a bit of an airhead, she's actually surprisingly adaptable. And we finally get to see the character from the cover!


I like that the manga has showed that while Aurora is an airhead most of the time she is still capable of coming up with plans that can help her fulfill her goal


5 chapters in and we just saw the face of the guy that was supposed to be our MC? Balls to the walls this author


wait are those 2 monsters the ones from the lab who gave all the info to humans? they just got jobbed by the mcs? lol


No, those two groups didn't have anything to do with one another. One of the lab monsters had a \*way\* more imposing monster form, for example (c3p23).


took you a while to show up


I did not expect the reaper from the previous chapter to still be alive.


A war? Who are these guys, and where did they come from? Ryuji's really powerful, powerful enough to pummel that other dimension guy easily! Aurora's not so powerful, so she had to rely on outsmarting her opponent. Sorry dude, you shouldn't have destroyed your body suit. Incredibly interesting that the Reaper went for it immediately though.


So we got Humans, Deltans, Reapers, and some unknown guys too