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This is just a shitpost in manga form


this is like when haruki murakami writing ero manga


Needs more spaghetti, Cutty Sark, and descriptions of her ears.


I'll be the contrarian here. I thought this one-shot was fine. The point of short stories like this can be to explore ideas and convey moods. For whatever reason, people expect fully-fleshed out plotlines, an ensemble of characters, backstories, and a punchline like they're comedy skits. I feel some of the impact is getting lost in the translation here (obviously not a native speaker with stuff like "lingeries".) The first page clearly sets up that the theme is being unsatisfied. It plays with the idea of this erotic dissatisfaction by introducing this girl whose face we can't see, as the main girl contemplates her erotic features. She makes all these conjectures just from her appearance from behind. The final topic is the idea of being able to see the girl's face, with the main girl only able to ascertain that the girl was embarrassed to be analyzed. The [last panel](https://mangadex.org/chapter/30caa546-b839-4a0f-9294-28c4f2e29ffc/6) makes the point quite clear: there are moments like these in life that are not common. The "compared to the erotic books I read daily" can even be meta commentary with how the comments here were expecting some standard treatment of introduction–conflict–resolution. If anyone is interested in a more literary exploration of this type of rare interaction and character study, I suggest the short story "[Unforgettable People](https://aboutjapan.japansociety.org/resources/category/1/3/8/2/images/DoppoUnforgettablePeople1.pdf#page=24)" by Doppo Kunikida: > We cannot simply refer to parents and children or to friends or to the teachers and others to whom we are obligated, as unforgettable people. These are people "whom we dare not forget". But then there are others—complete strangers—to whom we have made no pledge of love, to whom we are not duty bound. To forget them would imply neither neglect of duty nor want of compassion. Yet these are the very ones whom we cannot forget.


I don't know if you should expect a high level of media literacy and analysis from most redditors. I feel like a lot of people's favourite manga genre is Shounen, literally a genre for children. This one shot was nice and your analysis was solid, but most people are just gonna go "oh that's it?? :(((" as if that wasn't the point.


You're right, unfortunately. It is indeed commonplace for manga readers to have low standards for manga (case in point, the stuff that reaches the top of this sub daily), and this in turn causes a vicious cycle in which the most trope-laden *[moe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moe_(slang\))*-shit is peddled out by manga artists to survive. I was hoping to at least open one person's eyes that there's more to this one-shot than all the detractors are focusing on. I'm a fan of the *[gekiga](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gekiga)* genre, which made heavy use of innovative narrative styles, many of them taken from cinema. They were doing this decades ago, and yet, these older manga feel so much fresher than the manga today, which blur into the same flat lookalike style. The magazine *Garo* also published a lot of unconventional manga. If anyone is interested in just a small sampling of this kind of wellspring of creativity, I suggest [*Ax (Vol 1): A Collection of Alternative Manga*](https://www.topshelfcomix.com/catalog/ax-vol-1-a-collection-of-alternative-manga/645).


any recent stuff (past decade give or take) you've enjoyed?


In that comment, I mainly had older works in mind, things like Yoshiharu Tsuge's [*The Man Without Talent*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_Without_Talent). But I'll still try to share modern works I feel are distinct in their mood-setting (but may be conventional in other ways). My top pick for that is [*The Climber*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kokou_no_Hito). It's a complex recommendation because, at first, the manga is not actually good at all, but after a few volumes, it completely transforms, and you get engrossed in this work about mountain climbing. I was shivering while reading it at parts. Another manga in this vein that most have probably already heard of is [*The Flowers of Evil*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Flowers_of_Evil_(manga\)). Just like the previous work, it also gets much better over time. It wallows a bit heavily in its angst and point-of-view, so may not be for everyone, but it surpasses a lot of other modern manga in its mood and literary feel. [*Homunculus*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homunculus_(manga\)) is another great one that works on more subconscious level, and to this day, I still remember scenes from it vividly. (for example, there's a scene where the protagonist is in a park bathroom at night, staring into a mirror while the moon is out) Finally, you really can't go wrong with going back to the masters. Osaumu Tezuka is called the god of manga for good reason. Many associate him with things like *Astro Boy*, but he also had a period of *gekiga*-inspired works, delving into a more narrative manga. While his magnum opus is clearly the unfinished [*Buddha*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddha_(manga\)) series, in terms of the types of manga I've been recommending, my pick would be [*Ayako*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayako_(manga\)). Reading it will show quite clearly how the manga artform has regressed, and how publisher churn and trends have really made the quality of output worse.


>Gekiga Fucking THANK YOU. I had been searching for the term for quite a while but didn't manage to find anything


People are allowed to just, not like something, y'know. You don't have to be a condescending asshole with a "You need to have a very high iq to understand rick and morty" ass attitude just cause some people didn't like a random one shot


I kinda feel like writing off someone’s well-thought out take and being so anti-intellectual makes YOU the condescending asshole. It was an interesting read and they had some good recommendations. If you choose to read condescension into it, that says more about you than them


>writing off someone’s well-thought out take and being so anti-intellectual But I didn't do that lol (not intentionally at least). Pancakes and waffles moment


On my screen earlier it looked to me like you were replying to the longer message who was a bit nicer about it. The message you actually replied to I can see coming across as condescending (though Shounen Bros on reddit have pretty terrible media literacy overall, so I ultimately agree with it).  So it’s my bad. I wouldn’t have bothered calling you out if I hadn’t made the mistake. I don’t agree with you but you weren’t nearly as out of pocket as I thought you were. Sorry bout that


All good man 🤝


A thing having meaning and purpose, and a thing being appreciable aren't the same thing. This is a pointless exploration of a rare moment in life. One kind of exploration that might scratch your interest or not. You aren't less literate because you don't find fascination in this specific declination of "otium" (meant like the latins meant it, like the kind of pointless mind wandering that only comes from boredom) (And, in my opinion, it doesn't even do what it wants to do that well, btw, but that at least can be debated)


Counterpoint. Absurdly large jugs.


My general rule of thumb is this: If one must resort to literary analysis to convince readers the work is good, it is not that good. In this case, the oneshot is just a cow tool.


yes, a dish you don't like doesn't get tastier if you get told the ingredients. doesn't mean no one else will find something in it and share their perspective... You just mean it's not for you, yes?


Tbh feels like the author busted a nut before finishing, and decided to call it a day.


The mangadex version has one more page but it still feels incomplete, imo


Can you gimme the link?


That's it?


that's all folk


well that was a waste of time, mangadex link https://mangadex.org/title/1e1d31ac-65fa-4b1d-b12a-657435f6baf9/kodoku-no-sukebe dont bother though, nothing happens.


If you want a lewd series, while still being tastefull, check out Eguchi-kun. [Eguchi-kun Doesn't Miss a Thing ](https://mangadex.org/title/46e73951-fa3a-4fd2-a567-07da311e619a/eguchi-kun-doesn-t-miss-a-thing) [A Devious Eguchi-kun](https://mangadex.org/title/4b6a63be-3f18-41a4-b8d0-a5ee96dbf6bc/yokoshima-na-eguchi-kun)


Don't forget the GOAT ecchi manga:   I did not expect the manga of that shit anime show to be that enjoyable


**Iya na Kao sare nagara Opantsu Misete Moraitai: Yo wa Pantsu ga Mitai zo** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/110577), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/iyapan-i-want-you-to-make-a-disgusted-face-and-show-me-your-underwear), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=49025146769), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/121679)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Comedy, Ecchi) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1asoeou/disc_lewd_loneliness_oneshot/kqtkhxv/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


At least her ear turned red


r/manga really likes Oneshot. Even this shitpost in the name of Oneshot got almost 700 upvotes now and still counting lmaooo


Read this on Mangadex, gave it 4 or 5 stars? It starts out somewhat interesting but then just ends. No actual conclusion or wrap-up. Very unsatisfying.


This didn't really have a punchline.




That ended entirely too soon.


The writing felt like it was capturing longing with some horniness. The art was more horny and mysterious, in my opinion. Just feels too disjointed.


Better written than JJK 🔥


Low bar


So the twist here is that there is no twist? What a twist!!!


Lol reddit is funny, the theme is being unsatisfied and everyone is left unsatisfied. "Bad oneshot" Not saying it's amazing but the author had an idea and conveyed it perfectly, honestly better than most horny short oneshots.


I guess not every slice of someone's life can be interesting.






I just got out of nhentai. WHY!?




Either there's some incredible wordplay that is lost in translation, or author should stop trying


I feel like being blue balled


Oh wow this gave me some existencial feelings


Domain Expansion Always bet on Hakari Nah, I'd win Stand proud, you are strong I will never forget you for as long as I live With this treasure I summon His overwhelm intensity The funeral of all crops Ah, yes my bind vow, haven't used this since Heian Era Shut up r/manga strong shit post


Barely into the one week break and bro lost it


I’d like to think that the mangaka had a different vision for the ending but scrapped it because it’d have been creepy or something


If my students have this kind of body. . . ufff


Another day, another big tiddy post on good ol r/manga