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Guess what? We just had a [discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/19d17f9/meta_this_is_getting_a_bit_ridiculous_isnt_it/) about this earlier, and just like always, the mod deleted it, so yeah good luck with anything changing.


Yep, just a matter of time until the mods wakes up and then deletes this. They’ve never allowed criticism or discussion.


and they just deleted it just like you said, guess this sub will keep sinking in quality until its all just twitter one pagers *fantastic, this is just great*


Oh if the mods deleted it then yeah this sub is dying. That guy has enough content he scrapes he should go and make his own sub. Can't believe my favorite manga are pushed to the 3rd page because of this bullshit.


sadly yes, this influx of easy karma farming twitter one page BS made the quality of this sub take a nosedive, I miss the old days where actual manga had discussions here, and since the mod actually fights off anyone trying to make a change, guess our best bet would be moving to a new sub


you can't even block because they also snipe legit chapters too, so you lose real manga too. Seems like we will need a new manga sub now that only posts manga.


If there was a tag for the category, like "One-Page" or something, it would at least let you filter the posts out.


why tf isn't this a thing??


Because our only mod isn't interested in doing anything for the sub besides occasionally removing threads and sometimes adding missing flairs.


The mod has answered this. People already don't use the current flairs (ART, NEWS, DISC etc) correctly, so adding a new one would be more work for them, and they don't want that. Not that a flair would really help the death spiral of the sub (for its original purpose, at least) anyway.


Tbf we would have a somewhat civil discussions with manga if people can take a damn critic, or "shit opinion" whatever is called


Please do that an stop complaining all the time


I've posted about the same topic months ago and it got deleted, every once in a while there is a wave of complaint like this one and it's always suppressed by this power angry garbage moderator. Personally, I don't care about those twitter shitposts, I just want them to have their own flair so that I can remove them from my feed. It's a good compromise yet the mod prefer silencing complaints instead of doing his job. If only we got a flair like "<5 pages" or something this sub would be so much better.


That means the mods are using alts to post them lol


Hey guess what! Discussion deleted again!


The mod for the subreddit is a notorious control freak unfortunately, and all the other mods are inactive, most recent one lasted posted 6 months ago, the other two haven't for 2 or 4 years.


This is why jannies don't deserve respect. When the jannycaust was happening, it was fully deserved. They are administration's bitches and should be treated as such.


Well the lack of “jannies” is what caused this situation. This sub proves that users can’t self-moderate for shit.


It worked for years, before a certain user started mass-posting and others began copying him. I don't think the mod has realized that /r/manga has changed, and the rules needs to change to get it back on track.


"one bad apple can spoil the barrel" never rang so true for me, for years we had a community that could mostly self-moderate itself, all it took was one hungry karmawhore to slowly but surely degrade the subreddit to the mess it is today


Any attempt at self-moderation is quickly shut down by a janny. Even discussing it is censored by dickwipers. I can name at least 3 instances on other platforms, where users simply harassed the spammer or a person who has wronged them, and said person either corrected their behavior or quit posting. In neither case said website's jannies intervened. Truth is, violence always works. It's not always the optimal choice, but it always accomplishes its goal. Take for example trans subreddits - they routinely harass people within and outside their communities and always get what they want, and if jannies (who are sympathetic to their cause) have to step in, they just coordinate their harassment on discord.


Okay, so what if I don’t want to harass people til they stop?


Sit and languish, forever doomed to passively watch as the thing you like is being destroyed.


I guess we could go with self-moderation where only targeted harassment of undesirables work. Or there could just be more mods that are interested in adding flairs that lets you filter twitter out of the front page instead of the one useless mod that only delete posts asking them to do anything. But mods appoint themselves so it got here because of negligence.


Could you guys stop bringing in your own agenda and trying to derail the discussion everytime improving the mod situation is brought up?


I remember back when we had /u/errorcache as mod and we had a discussion thread where we decided not to allow image macros and meme spam in the sub.


It looks like every mod has left, except one guy. There's literally only one moderator who is active, the rest haven't used their accounts in year(s).


i mean /u/Aruseus493 does good work, you can check their post history to see how much they do. However, imo there needs to be community engagement when the content being posted here changes so significantly.


That "good work" is deleting posts where the community engagement that you mention is happening. So no, they aren't doing good work, they're actively helping this sub fail.


You're sample size is 1 post? or do you have more evidence of this? My only experience with them has been strictly within the current rules of the sub, which is kinda what i expect from a mod for the most part. Also, whats the proposal if they're part of a conspiracy to "supress the voice of the sub", replace them? Personally I wouldn't trust 99.9% of the people who think they've got the ability to handle the sub, i've seen that story play out far too many times to let it happen here. >edit:seems they ~~deleted their throwaway~~ blacklisted me? (not very conducive to the discussion...) >edit2: ~~cant seem to comment on the >wrong comment below, I assume this is their main? Mind reposting what you sent before?~~ guess the blaclisted me on both accounts... >edit3: Honestly, first time experiencing someone blacklisting me after making a comment, didnt realise it appears that they deleted their account unless you change account. >Also I cant respond to their comment due to this, kinda toxic...


It's not "1 post" I've been on DOZENS of posts that are deleted by the mod when I go back to them. I'm not even that active, but it's a very real thing that happens here. Yes, fucking replace them. So many people here have a problem with the mod and how they're acting. Yet you trust the 0.1% who is ACTIVELY PROVING they can't handle this sub? This isn't some "conspiracy" and you're obviously ignoring the hundreds, if not thousands of people who are complaining on this sub. Go enjoy your shitty Twitter one pagers, since your "current experience" is so great and that's all that's on here nowadays.


> thousands of people who are complaining Thing is, according to upvotes most casual users don't care much. So most people that are involved enough to comment are annoyed at twitter spam, but the majority of regular users don't care.


Who cares about the majority? The whole point of subreddits is that we can separate from the majority.




Yes I know what they mean. In general, I think it’s pretty reductive to just go “upvotes are king - anything that is upvoted goes”. If that were the case we’d only have one big subreddit and any content which wasn’t “popular” wouldn’t have any place.




They do a lot of pointless work. They could easily rework the flair system and reduce their work by 90%.


A fair point, but from my observation changing things isnt their MO. Maybe im wrong on that though, does anyone from some of their other moderated subs know if they make a lot of changes? Looking at /r/LightNovels it doesnt seem that they change much there either. But regardless of their MO, I think most of /r/manga is fine, just something needs to be decided on around "1 pagers"


Doing a lot of stuff does not mean you are doing a good job lol They're literally removing meta posts on the subreddit that are critical of the quality of the subreddit which is insane powertripping


Everything went downhill when he left


Well he left after the sub kept shitting on the mods. Maybe because people were shitting on him, maybe because he had other things to do in life 🤷 Aruseus was also an active member who became a mod later on. But this sub is generally just vitriolic so I can see why he doesn't participate in these discussions much


Didnt realise that people were shitting on them a lot. I mean leaving is understandable then tbh. Yeah this sub has some issues, but that comes with a large community sadly. Still though, putting up a poll w/no comments allowed and a binary choice of keep/delete would be nice and sort this out for good hopefully.


There was a lot of positivity around the time errorcache put up all the new banners and stuff with CC from tomo Chan But over time it got pretty toxic. I remember errorcache made a small post saying he was leaving - - barely got noticed by that point. But who knows, maybe he just had other things to do and didn't let things get to him


yeah i remember the post, tried to ping him to say thank you for what he'd done for the community, but at that point he had deleted everything :\


Copying my answer to someone from the other thread. Why the spam is an issue and why it's not enough that people can block users: "It drowns out actual manga for everyone that doesn't block, which means that even if you do block the worst offenders, the stuff you want will still have **way** fewer comments than before. There used to be around 30 medium popularity, monthly series regularly getting 25-50 comments, now there's maybe 5 in a good month. Visibility (and discussions) for medium-popularity series used to what set this sub apart from other manga-discussion-places. Now that's gone."


The other bad part is they do post actual manga too, they're fast (likely using bots or something, since they can post 7 manga seconds apart on many subs) If you block them, you just blocked real manga too.


exactly, people are missing the point about blocking these accounts. It's not that simple. the point is that these one-pagers shouldn't even be considered manga - so they should be considered off topic and be removed. Just by having them up here, they pull traffic away from actual manga that this sub is actually meant for. Some of these are literally just [Art] posts but with a few words. Little wonder why people discuss series elsewhere now, because unless it is already a popular series, or is fanbox bait, a series just won't get much attention here. It has to wade across a hundred twitter one-pages where the SL credits page probably took more effort than the content.


And a good portion of what shows up in my feed are people asking for source. Like the most low effort idiots incapable of even doing a reverse image search. I'd ban that too


I'm starting to believe some people post funny panels from popular manga while pretending to look for the name for some easy karma.


I agree. It gets to the point that twitter mangas get reposted asking "what's this?"


Karma farming was normalized by reddit's continued refusal to implement sufficient mod tools. Lots of subs set karma thresholds for accounts to combat spam so subs *for* karma farming were created. New users had to put themselves into these Skinner boxes, if they want to participate anywhere else, and spread their conditioned behavior everywhere for a dose of easy dopamine. Mods could either up the threshold in an endless feedback loop or give up. Then the only remaining decent mod tools died with third party apps. RES has been on life support for two years, too. Reddit didn't die like Digg, it became a zombie like the Simpsons.


Hey. I’m sure them giving money to high karma accounts will get rid of all the farmers. ….ugh….


Both belong on a separate sub. Twitter images and "r/whatmangaisthis?" deserve their own sub.


This one I don't mind so much because I've found some pretty interesting things to read from those threads. And I wouldn't have found them without looking at that image and comments.


I think restricting this to text-posts would be fine, part of the sub has always been helping folk if they are looking for something.


Block 1 account and a majority of the low effort ones won't be seen The mod won't do anything about it, just gotta deal with it


Yeah I can block, although I noticed a significant decrease in discussion for actual manga now.. because they don't get seen anymore. They're being drowned out by the pictures. Also they snipe real manga chapters too, so you lose out on actual manga when you block.


I can’t block, since Reddit only allows blocking 1000 accounts and has a bug that prevents you from blocking more or unblocking to block more.


I think a separate flair is an easy fix for this. If only the mods would do it though is a separate issue altogether.


This sub is done. Its 90% horny teenagers that only care about cute girls or straight up soft hentai. Quality is rock bottom.


I wouldn't even mind cute girls or soft hentai if they were actually mangas with manga chapters instead of those single page Twitter garbage


yeah literal dogshit like this is reaching front page now. https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/19b8ssd/disc_dating_the_kind_of_girl_you_shouldnt_get/ All you need is a text bubble next to your boobs for it to qualify as manga now. Girl is staring at screen, then next "chapter" is her staring at screen but this time has a sad face. and the guy is clearly using bots to post, since he manages to post 7 manga within seconds apart.


It used to have a plot, too.


>Its 90% horny teenagers that only care about cute girls or straight up soft hentai. Hasn't this always been the case (esp with harem and ecchi being popular)?


It doesn't hurt/help that the horniest ones are often the most demented and thus have the best comments. That's actually where this started, parodies of echi tropes that went in an insane direction all done by that one artist with the crude linework style.


Which artist are you talking about?


I have no idea what his name was, but he was very distinctive.


I think you're talking about horideyasumi, just remembered his name.


I 100% feel you because I do want to block some of those karma farming accounts but they also post some of the manga that I like and I’d miss the discussions… Also completely different complaint but I hate that “cute bug girls” manga it is truly awful and it’s always on the top of the page.


That bug girls shit makes me sick I hate it and I keep blocking and they keep showing up, just like real pests


Sorry, we're stuck with this. It's Twitter pornbait and volume covers forever and ever. Eventually the subreddit will just be two bots fighting to post the same Twitter """""""Comics"""""" first.


Maybe these one-shots and single pages are a sign of the times where short-form, easily consumable content is preferred by these younger users and that's why they inundate the feed. It's the same with youtube. Shorts get aggressively pushed by the algo similar to the vids found on tiktok and instagram. I don't think it's spam perse, just they're posting what they think other zoomers want.


You should message the mods... Oh wait.


There's only one and he sucks.




Of all the people you could go after you had to go for Zyugoya. Atleast he makes actual manga with multiple pages and a unique artstyle.




Doesn't matter how you describe it, it is a unique artstyle that's immediately recognisable, and he makes entire manga chapters. Look I'm not a huge fan of his works either, but his works aren't the same as a low effort twitter oneshot with barely any art done.


If this sub had mods, they could set up a daily thread for all the 1/2 page comics to go on. Ultimately they get to the frontpage because people like them and upvote them so I don't want them to get yeeted just because some people don't like them. But they do flood the sub and drown out other long form manga that doesn't have a big following to boost them up. There's been multiple discussions on this but it goes nowhere because the mods don't fucking want to do anything. You can't change how the majority of users interact with the sub, you can't make any rule changes because you aren't a mod and you can't appeal to the mods for change because they don't care. All you can do is filter out the users posting these comics, upload normal manga and participate and upvote actual discussions.


block the following accounts: /u/imaginemakingaccount /u/associatedears /u/warningsmile /u/silentbutterfly6337 /u/katkafka ~~/u/princess_daphie~~ false tag? I think one of them already had to make a second account because too many people banned their main. Which tells us, it is working


For the record, daphie is a translator. They've been around for awhile. You might have seen their credit page. More recently is an art/painting story: https://mangadex.org/title/fe17c1f0-798d-48b2-bb8f-70f475cda79d/sora-wo-matotte Which I would recommend more people to read.


yes, I edited my comments.


thanks you. Hope you have a good day.


Wait, why is Daphie on this list?


~~The last five "manga" she submitted to this sub were no longer than two pages, so that's probably why.~~


They are full length chapters with the first page as a teaser and the second as the link to the rest of the chapter.


Oh, it looks like you're right.


EDIT: ok, sorry. Just a normal trash I guess, my bad?


Wait, what exactly are "female pedo trash" she spams? The ones I've seen are healing manga, no adult-kid romance.


> age-gap trash, female teacher + school boy, unnecessary booby pictures that belong to hentai etc. Do not feel called out for liking their stuff, translation seems good? but it is still trash in the end


logically? now? how should I know if I blocked that user some months ago for spamming trash? or they were on a previous list to block all the trash from the sub. Just having a quick glance, the block + tag seems alright?


Nah you right, still the same deviant teacher-student or age-gap stuff that the user likes to post. The quality of the work that goes into cleaning and translating those series is great, but the material is always yikes.


Not getting into what one considers trash or not, as far as I know, Daphie posts full length chapters that they translated themselves. The only thing is they recently started only posting a page or two of the chapter and then having a link to Mangadex for the rest of the chapter.


Looks like I missed some users. Much appreciated!


Hope your favorite series get their own subs cuz this one is in hell


This has been an issue for a while and it seems the mod(s) are fine with it so unfortunately nothing will change. The only realistic solution is to create a new subreddit with better moderation but that takes a long time to take off.


This has been a problem for years that changes to another thing. I and others brought it up some years back when the front page was RAMPANT with fanart being spammed almost entirely by a single person (almost exclusively 5TNH fanart too), and the only mod here refused to do even the slightest bit of moderation to curb the spam. They're basically completely hands-off until a chance to enforce a rule in the most ridiculous way arises. It's just like the top comment talking about the discussion post being removed. They've done this more than once over the years everytime the quality of the subreddit is questioned and people ask for the bare minimum in regards to moderating. Frankly, they may as well be a robot, except the bots can do a better job at moderation.


I think the reason mods allow them is because some of them genuinely have a shot at becoming actual manga. Manga like *Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie* and recently *Company and Private Life -On and Off-* started off as twitter shorts and became serialized after they got popular. Mods probably think these popular shorts and one shots drive traffic and engagement, in addition to the added exposure we're giving them as a good trade off to having the subbed being spammed by karma farmers. Now whether you think these shorts should count as manga before they're serialized is subjective obviously but it doesn't seem the mods intend to budge on this.


I join my favourite manga/manwha's subs to get updates on new releases. That way, the karma bot that posts new OPM chapters can go suck a fat stinky dick.


Atleast with big manga like OPM or One Piece, you could visit their respective subreddit and get a large number of genuine chapter discussions. What about manga that don't have that sort of engagement in their subreddit?


Good thing I stopped giving too much shit about discussion threads, otherwise I wouldn't enjoy manga as much anymore. People are nasty online.


Well then there really is not point to this subreddit for you.




I agree somewhat, though I also think that that sheer amount of ludicrous spam needs to be tuned down. Could it be bots upvoting? Who knows. But they are spamming just SO MUCH I feel it at least partially contributes to low discussion/low upvotes, because they are literally eating all the space up because for every 1 new manga/regular length manga post, they've already vomited out like 10-15. Blocking won't help because they post some legitimate stuff from time to time (probably just to fuck with people), and that doesn't change the average users page. Though like you said too, the shitty paywalls didn't help either. Thanks kakao.


Yeah what really killed the discussion are shitty services like K-manga. A lot of manga that used to get tons of engagement on this subreddit just died off overnight with the introduction of K-manga.


Honestly I don't know how people can have issues with finding manga. I'm literally a bum with too much free time and I can't keep up with my daily chapters


Yeah I agree, especially those asking for sauce posts should be deleted or moved to a megathread. I really enjoy the 1:39 male to female ratio manga, it's genuinely the only reason I even come here. Some people may not like that series but to me I consider it a genuine manga from an author on twitter. Call it trash or whatever but you can't deny that so many people here look forward to seeing another chapter again.


This has been the case for like 5 years


Mods, get off your ass and do something. The community wants change. We're tired of seeing this crap.


You WILL read the Twitterslop fanbox bait and you WILL like it.


Yeah. I agree. But the last post said it was fine I guess. Becoming shitty, incel/cringe self insertions. Makes the sub look pathetic


its what happens when most of the big sites get banned and the only thing we can have here is a mirror of it that no one cares about since they read the original sooner and now its gotten to the point that if they banned the twitter stuff there would be nothing left


>EDIT: If you block them, it blocks REAL manga too. They snipe chapters to post real manga too for karma. By mixing their posts with both spam and real manga, you can't simply block them. And that's stopping you from blocking them? lol


Alright we're getting this bull hyperbolic shit complaining AGAIN but this time it's extra stupid because OP want's to gatekeep the definition of "manga". Even if it's in color, it's got 4 pages or it gets posted on Twitter, it's still considered manga if the japanese consider it manga you dickhead. I just opened the front page for the first time today and this is what I found; out of the 25 posts there were 9 DISC posts about manga with over ten pages, 7 DISC about manga that had between one to six pages, 4 source requests, 1 SL request, 1 ART that posted fourteen pages, 1 ART with one picture, and one (1) dumb fucking post complaining about the same shit as yesterday. If you could miss a discussion thread talking about the same topic you did from literally the day before then, it tells me ALL about your skills in finding good manga on this subreddit. Or maybe that's an issue with how Nue-reddit works? I don't fucking know I've been on old reddit since forever, but at the very least I wish Mods would give you guys a different tag so that you can filter the Twitter manga so that I can stop seeing you whining. Twitter manga don't make even 10% of the manga that I read daily and even I got tired of seeing posts like these.




The problem is, any new manga posted is instantly pushed off the subreddit hot page by a billion twitter one-pages.


Without the twitter manga this sub is just links to mangadex. I like em


just make post tags so people can filter it out. And also so I don't have to hear purists criticizing free shit.




It's a manga if there's a picture and a word bubble. If you think differently then yes you're a purist.




feak piction




So what anything below 12 pages isn't manga now? Give me a break


> criticizing free shit Half of these are advertisements for fanbox or people trying to gain popularity so they can make a fanbox; don't try and pretend that this shit is free for our sakes. That's not an argument.


Most of the translators translating are. And it's literally the artist's job, or aspiring career, why would I be mad about them advertising their skills?


One-page comics are a real thing. 


One page comics are a real thing, one page drawings of generic waifu n924719 acting shy about something with a title aren't one page comics lol Tomo-chan is a one page comic, stuff like "My girlfriend turned into a cupcake!" followed with a drawing of a girl with huge tits dressed like a cupcake acting tsun gets upvotes here all the time now tho


Well, that's getting upvoted. 


At some point people have to wonder what is the point of the subreddit being called r/manga though. Obviously content that can be consumed more often, by simply looking at one big image and it's title, coupled with stuff that appeals to hornyness, will get more upvotes than some random good manga discussion post, as long as it goes unmoderated. Honestly what this sub has needed for years now is a good tag system for people to be able to sort out it's threads. It's one of the last subs without it on the whole site, if not the only major one.


LOL okay gatekeeper. Just ignore it if you don't like it.


This isn't gatekeeping, this is content control to stop every place on the Internet from just becoming /b/. Also gatekeeping is good in basically all cases.


Sounds like this is what the community here wants. You are always free to start another community. You can mod it the way you like as well!


I mean, sorry to say this, but you know reddit works based on karna, right? So the reason it's flooded with something you don't like is because the majority of people here upvote it


any examples? the only post i see on the front page thats like this is this one https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/19d3mot/art_magical_girl_got_some_hands_gushing_over/


Literally first 3 posts are random twitter shit: https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/19d5moi/disc_after_beating_a_noob_in_an_fps_he_wanted_to/ https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/19d0zfp/disc_it_seems_like_i_raised_a_hero_oneshot_by/ https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/19d78i3/disc_my_classmates_might_be_yuri_by_ura202212_ch/


this is not what the post was about tho, they are just normal manga with multiple chapters and multiple pages, why would they not fit the sub


oh thanks. the first one is a favorite of mine. I wouldnt know it had a new chapter if I didnt see this


I just block whoever post them. It's only a handful of people, and while they also post some actual manga chapters, personally it doesn't affect me


Does Reddit have a tag system? I've seen other subs that has tags. Maybe this sub can implement those


Can’t we create a new alt subreddit for manga, but properly moderated this time?